Read STEPBROTHER Love 2 Online
Authors: I. Scarlet
Somehow I placed our order with Applebee’s, drove there, and picked it up without once trying to hump the steering-wheel of my Dodge Challenger. I’d named her Candy. A 2009, midnight blue model with twin white racing stripes down the middle of the hood and over the roof, ending at the bumper… and two more, thinner horizontal stripes on the tail end of each rear fender.
Candy was hot. Candy was sweet.
Candy could go 125 miles an hour, and ate turns like they’re fucking cream pie.
I’d never try to hump Candy’s steering-wheel.
Well, there was that time in Daytona, but I was buzzed on one beer and Travis had dared me.
No, I wasn’t buzzed-driving—and now that I know good old Travis wants to suck my dick, it makes a sort of sense.
About a mile from the house my phone started ringing. I thought it would be Cali, and almost answered with a bit of filthy language—just to let her know what I was going to do to her once she ate and slept for a while.
Thank god I looked at the readout first.
It was mom.
I would have died if I’d said, “I’m going to eat that sweet pussy of yours for dessert.”
“Hey, mom,” I said instead. “How’s the beach?”
“Your sister isn’t answering her phone!” Suzy sounded frantic.
I had no idea where Cali’s phone was.
All I knew was that she was probably still in my bed…
Probably still naked…
And probably thinking about how I’d fucked her earlier…
I know that was what my mind was replaying in a fucked-up loop.
“She’s fine.”
“Are you with her?”
With her?
I felt my throat choke off.
Did she know about us?
“Joshua… are you with her?” Suzy sounded on the edge. “I mean, how do you know she’s alright if you’re not with her?”
“Well,” I said, trying to push down the guilty feeling that thinking about Cali was causing me. “I cooked that breakfast casserole, thank you for that, and she ate two pieces.” She creamed me on the court and then we fucked like goddamn animals until she passed out again. “And I’m just coming back with some Applebee’s for dinner.”
Suzy sighed with relief. “I’m so glad you’re there to take care of her. You got her the steak she likes with those loaded mashed potatoes, right?”
Sure… she’d love to know how you’ve been taking care of her little girl
I pulled up in the driveway as Suzy started obsessing again over why Cali wasn’t answering her phone, getting herself wound up.
I grabbed the takeout bags, ran into the house, and started up the stairs.
“I’m sure she’s just fine, mom. She’s probably just asleep.”
“But she passed out at the wedding…” She was starting to sound panicked again.
I slipped into my still open bedroom door and found Cali still in my bed, eyes closed, mouth open slightly, her pouty lips begging to be kissed, her bitching body barely covered by that sheet—one pretty pink nipple peeking out.
She was breathing heavily, and I was pretty sure she was calling out my name in a throaty whisper.
Fuck me, I was goddamn hard again.
“Joshua?” Suzy called from my cell. I’d let it fall down from my ear to my chest. “What’s happening?”
She could probably hear my heart thumping in my chest like a tribal drum.
I brought it up to my ear again and said, “Just a second, mom.” Then I cupped the thing in my hands so mom couldn’t hear.
“Cali,” I said, trying not to yell.
She moaned and her lips quirked into a smile.
“Cali,” I said louder. “Wake up.”
Her eyes slowly opened and looked up at me.
I held the phone out to her and said with urgency, “It’s mom. She was worried about you since you weren’t answering your phone.”
“Mom?” she whispered and hiked the sheets up to her chin, covering up that delicious looking nipple.
I nodded. “I told her I’ve been making sure you ate, and that you stayed in bed today.”
I couldn’t help but smile at that. I sure had kept her in bed today.
Cali took the phone, and pinched my arm viciously.
I stepped back out of her reach and stood by the door.
“Hi mom,” she said, sounding like she was ready to confess to a jury of her peers on
Law and Order.
There was a beat of silence and then, “Nothing’s wrong.”
A bubble of laughter tried to erupt from my mouth, so I covered it with both hands.
“I just woke up is all…” she recovered, sounding almost normal—almost. “How’s Cancun?”
Cali even smiled as I heard mom start to drone on about something or other.
And then she turned kind of white, like she was going to be sick.
“No, I’ve been feeling fine,” she said. “Joshua has been… he’s been taking good care of me.”
, she sounded like she was on the verge of tears, or spilling her guts about the two of us.
I jumped up and grabbed my phone back out of Cali’s hand. “And I just got us some Applebee’s to eat, so we should get to it before it gets cold.”
Mom asked again if I’d gotten Cali the loaded mashed potatoes. “Yes, I got her loaded mashed potatoes. Do you think I don’t know my own sister?”
“Make sure she eats. And keep an eye on her… she’s worrying me.” Suzy was being a mom.
“I know, I know. Don’t worry.” I looked at Cali and just had to stare. She was so… fucking… hot. “I won’t let her out of my sight.”
I hung up on mom… lost in thoughts of how I was going to
keep my eyes
on her
for the rest of the evening.
I grudgingly pried my eyes from her: she needed to eat and rest up some before we went for round two.
“Time to get our food on.” Visions of a naked Cali bouncing up and down on my prick danced in my head. “I think we’ll need our strength.”
We ate in my room.
Cali looked all kinds of sexy eating with nothing but my bed sheet on.
Oh yeah, I could have watched her like that all day: eating, licking her fingers, trying to keep the sheet up over her tits.
Just beautiful.
I ate my grub without paying any attention to it at all. It could have been a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for all I cared. My cock was hard as a rock, and throbbing in anticipation of another chance to slide up inside her again.
She smiled happily as she wondered out loud how many calories she’d just eaten.
“Don’t worry, I think we’ll burn them all off,” I said, licking my lips, and not because the food was good… which, I’m sure it was.
But I was truly hungry for just one thing: the girl in front of me.
After we ate I tried to get Cali to take a nap.
She insisted she would only do so if I lay down with her.
She even made me take my shirt off.
“Strangely enough, that kind of makes me feel like a sex object.”
Cali made a little laugh sound. “Live it up, bad boy.”
A few moments later I felt all the tension release from Cali’s body.
She was asleep.
I watched her as she snuggled into my bare chest, her face content, her mouth slightly open. Her breath was warm and soft against my skin.
If you would have asked me yesterday if I would be holding a girl while she was sleeping, feeling not just lusty thoughts, but thoughts that were embarrassingly Hallmark… well, I would have laughed you out of the building.
But there I was, in my room, with the most beautiful girl in the world sleeping against me.
But one thing kept nagging at me. Where were we going to go from here?
I sighed with displeasure.
What was I going to do?
My pillow was warm.
The pillow case felt like a mix of silk, velvet, and cashmere.
Oh, and my pillow was breathing.
I opened my eyes and took in the situation.
I was tucked in under my stepbrother’s arm, sleeping against his naked chest… and I was naked against him.
Naked and a little sore… but in a good way. A dull ache that reminded me of what we had done.
It had been…
My heart fluttered in my chest.
It had been amazing.
It was also wrong.
What I’d done with him, what I’d let him do to me… it was so very, very wrong.
So why did I want to do it all over again?
And why did the thought of never getting to do all those things—and all the things we hadn’t done yet—make me want to cry?
Because part of me was already visualizing our future together.
And part of me knew we didn’t have a future together.
I swallowed a feeling of utter doom, squeezing my eyes closed, not letting it have purchase in my mind or my heart.
Joshua stirred and I felt the muscles of his body shift and move beneath me.
I also felt his hard cock rubbing against my hip, held back by the fabric of his jeans.
I let my mind go blank, the troubling thoughts I’d been trying to vanquish sliding away from me, banished by the hot, vibrant wants and needs Joshua’s body was stirring up in me.
Heedlessly, I pulled open the button of his jeans and pulled open the zipper. He wasn’t wearing any underwear— which struck me as funny. I hadn’t even noticed he hadn’t put any on when he was putting his clothes back on.
His hard cock sprung free of its denim confines, and I just stared at it for a few beats.
I gently took hold of it with my fingers. It seemed so… big wasn’t good enough a word… neither was huge.
Joshua’s cock was enormous.
Well, maybe not gargantuan. Somewhere between enormous and gargantuan.
My mouth was watering just looking at it.
I leaned in and kissed it. Then I licked it. It pulsed in my grasp, against my tongue.
I licked it again long and slow, like an ice cream cone.
Joshua tasted so damn good.
I opened my lips and tried to take the tapered head of it into my mouth. I made it about halfway when I started to gag.
I pulled back, my eyes blurry with tears.
I was such a lightweight.
I leaned back in and tried taking it into my mouth again, this time with slightly better results. I got most of the head in my mouth, and was sucking on it.
I suddenly wondered if I was supposed to blow.
It was called a blowjob.
Joshua took in a long, slow breath, and then chuckled as his hands cupped my face and pulled me from sucking his cock up to kissing his lips.
Kissing him was divine… but I was still hungry for that hard tube of flesh between his legs.
Seeming to sense what I wanted, Joshua reached over to the bedside table and took another foil packet out of the box of condoms. He smiled knowingly as he put it in my hand.
“Go for it, princess.”
I suddenly felt really, really shy.
“If you want to ride my cock again, then tear that bad boy open, roll it down my shaft, and hop on.”
I looked up into his eyes, those beautiful, faded green eyes, and realized that once again he knew exactly what I wanted.
And he wanted to give it to me.
My fingers fumbled with the foil pack. It had looked so easy when he’d done it earlier. He’d…
I took the packet in my teeth and then pulled. It opened like magic, and I was rewarded with the sight of the condom—this one a pale yellow… kind of like the color of my bridesmaid dress. I pulled the latex sheath out with my fingertips, and then looked at Joshua’s enormous tumescence.
Yes, I may not have much of a dirty vocabulary, but I know more than a couple words for swollen.
I tried placing it on top of his cock’s head… like a little, really silly looking hat. But every time I tried my hand would move one way, and his cock would jerk the other.
Joshua reached down and took hold of his cock with both hands.
“I’ll hold it still for you. Now roll it on down my cock, as far as it will roll.”
I did as he told me, our hands sliding against each other, a moan of pleasure escaping Joshua’s lips as I used my hands to roll the condom down his prick.
I was surprised that there was so much condom still unrolled left at the bottom.
How big did penises get?
If Joshua was just enormous, I don’t think I’ll ever want to see gargantuan.
I leaned back a little and surveyed my work.
It looked right.
Actually, with the yellow condom, it looked like a giant, king sized banana.
I grinned and was on the verge of laughing… but I remember Joshua bending me over his knee and smacking my butt.
He’d smacked my but hard.
Part of me wanted him to do that again.
But the other part of me, the biggest part, wanted to crawl up onto his lap and sit down on that enormous banana.
So that’s exactly what I did.
I crawled up on my hands and knees, until my legs were straddling his hips. Then I steadied myself by holding onto his broad, ever so muscular shoulders. I let go with one hand and slid it down between my legs, briefly feeling the wetness of my pussy, letting my finger slip into and open my labia.
From there I reached further down and found Joshua’s hard, condom clad penis and lowered myself onto it.
Oh, god…
It didn’t hurt near as much as the first time… but it still had a pain… an ache.
Or maybe I was just still sore from last time.
Whatever it was, it was over in a few beats, and what remained was a yearning to be filled, to be stretched to the brink.
Which, as he slid further up into me, his cock pulsing and hardening, I felt my inner walls strain to accommodate him.
I moaned… hell, it was probably a groan of pain, not very sexy.
But Joshua must have liked it, since he got even harder right after I did it.
I placed my free hand back on Joshua’s shoulder, and instinctively started to pull myself up his shaft, and then slowly lowered myself down. Each time I seemed to go down a little bit further, taking more and more of him inside me.
I liked the thought of having Joshua inside me. I wanted him inside me.
Jeez… I was such a girl…
I stopped my up and down motion and thought about what I’d just thought.
It sounded like something Joshua would have said.
He was rubbing off on me.
I felt his hands slide down over my hips. He pushed his hips up, skewering me on his cock as he held me down on it.
I groaned in earnest this time.
“Sorry, princess. Wouldn’t want to bore you while I’m fucking you.”
I bit my lip and shook my head at him. He had the worst potty mouth.
His hips pulled back down and then jutted up into me again.
I threw my head back at the sensation, the way his pounding up into me made me feel.
My hips started to rock back and forth, and soon Joshua stopped pushing up into me, letting me fuck myself on his prick at my own pace.
He reached up and played with my breasts, squeezing, caressing my flesh, pinching my nipples. Leaning up he took a nipple into his mouth.
Oh my god…
His mouth was so hot and wet and… his tongue just swirled and swirled around my areola.
I combed my fingers through his hair, those thick, black waves of hair.
His arms drew around me, holding me to him as he suckled at my breasts, licking, biting.
His handsome face sported a light dusting of black stubble, and the roughness of it against the flesh of my breasts caused sensitive shivers to erupt throughout my body.
Joshua took a deep, sharp breath, and then growled.
“Didn’t know a cunt could go nuts like that.”
“Did you just call me the C word?”
He laughed as he dug his face into my cleavage, causing even more shivers and tingles to flow from my breasts to the rest of my body.
Oh god, my vagina kept gripping and grasping at his prick.
He pushed up into me harder.
“I was talking about your pussy.” His arms wrapped around me, holding me where he wanted me as he pounded up into me. “That sweet little hole I’ve been fucking. That’s also known as a cunt… and yours goes fucking nuts every time I do this.” He brushed his stubble covered chin against my left breast, torturing the nipple and then taking it into his mouth to suck and bite.
I felt my pussy contract over and over with every flick of his tongue, or graze of his facial stubble.
This time there was no wave waiting to drown me. My climax welled up from inside me, and just poured out of me in muffled cries, and breathy gasps.
And over and over again I chanted Joshua’s name, until that was the only word my mind could think of.
He crushed me to his chest as he stabbed blindly up into me, saying, “Fuck… Cali… fuck, fuck,
I looked down at him as he pounded up into me, each thrust more desperate than the last.
And that look when he came. His beautiful face went from distended with effort to absolute bliss in nothing flat. He called out in satisfied grunts and moans, and I felt his cock pulse and twitch inside me as he filled the condom with his seed.
His face fell into my chest, the scrape of his stubble sending my body over the edge. My orgasm blasted up through me, starting down where my body was conjoined with his, shooting like white hot light through my body.
I screamed, leaning back as he hammered up into me, making me bounce up and down on him even more.
I fell forward into him, my arms wrapping around his neck, my hands running down his back, my nails biting into his soft, thick flesh, scoring it.
Joshua fell back into the bed, and I tumbled over after him somehow becoming even more impaled on his cock than before.
There just seemed always to be more of Joshua’s cock.
Maybe he had a magic penis.
I smiled as my body melted against his, and he let me lie atop him, relaxing against his body. But still skewered on his fleshy pole.
Suddenly my mind kicked in and my body tightened.
“Was that good?”
Joshua laughed, “What do you think?”
“I loved it.” I love you. “I just wanted to know if I could do anything different… better…”
Joshua leaned up and took my face in his hands. “Sex with you is amazing.” He kissed me, taking my breath away with how fiercely he was kissing me. “You can do anything you want,” he said after he kissed me a while longer, “and we’ll try all kinds of shit, but it’s
that makes it so great. Not what you do… just you.”
I felt a weight leave my shoulders… but no sooner did it leave than my mind started to wonder what else I could do better.
Sucking his cock…
That I’d done a lousy job on.
I’d have to work on that.