Stepbrother Studs: Sean

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By Selena Kitt


High school senior, Moxie, agrees to be moral support for her friend, Patches, who is totally enamored with a college boy, so she says yes to a double date, even though she has to lie to her parents to do it. But Moxie wasn’t counting on lying about her age to get into an x-rated movie, and she definitely wasn’t counting on her date’s Roman hands and Russian fingers, or the fact that the pants she’s borrowed from Patches are several sizes too small. By the end of the night, Moxie finds herself in far more trouble than she bargained for!


Rose never expected to see her Special Forces Army Ranger stepbrother, Sean, again, not after what happened to her mom—and his dad. They’ve experienced too much loss, but when Sean comes to take her on a road trip, she realizes just how much she’s missed him.

Her always-prepared Boy Scout stepbrother has arrived to make sure sweet, innocent Rose is taken care of. Feeling safe and protected, she follows him as they travel together, mapping their way through the ghost towns of the southwestern U.S., camping under the stars.

The more time they spend together, the more Rose realizes what she wants. And when they find themselves, night after night, side by side in their sleeping bags, she begins to believe that Sean might want her just as much as she wants him.

She’s never met a man more courageous than her stepbrother.

But she wonders, are they both brave enough to risk everything for each other?


Stepbrother Studs: Sean

By Selena Kitt


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Stepbrother Studs: Hayden

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Stepbrother First Times: Baby Kisses

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Stepbrother First Times: Baby’s Big Night

Stepbrother First Times: This Time, Baby

Stepbrother First Times: Welcome Home, Baby



I glanced sideways at Sean, smiling to myself. Not only was he the handsomest man on Earth, sometimes I thought he was the only decent guy left. He was selfless, brave, and had saved my butt more times than I could count.

Sighing, I took one last look around. As much as it had been home, I was happy to leave. All the surrounding neighborhoods had gone to hell. Last night, we’d packed everything methodically—freeze dried food, guns, ammo, gas cans, water, the propane gas stove. We were set. Except for gas, we could live off of what was inside our Jeep Cherokee for a few weeks, if we had to.

That’s how Sean rolled. But he always had. It was his Special Forces training. Training that had taught him how to survive off the land, how to shoot, and had built him a bangin’ body along the way, too. The latter was something I couldn’t help admiring. So I was in lust with my brother. Who wasn’t?

“Ready for a road trip, sis?” Sean glanced my way as he pulled onto the highway heading south.

With him by my side, I was ready for anything. I smiled.

“I have the map,” I said, lifting it from my lap. “First stop on our ghost town tour is Oklahoma.” We’d be hitting the outskirts of larger cities as we made our way through Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and Utah, ending up in Las Vegas, Nevada where we hoped to stay a while.

“We’ll have to refuel along the way,” he said, gripping the wheel harder. “Do we need to refresh your firearm training?”

Always prepared. Like a Boy Scout. Only with more muscle mass.

“I’m good.”

He’d made sure of that, just like he made sure of everything. I could still remember the warmth of his arms as he’d reached around me to correct my grip on the pistol. He’d helped me aim at the bottles lined up on our house’s retaining wall for target practice.

I think that’s when I’d begun to feel stirrings of deeper emotions for my stepbrother.

Sure, I’d loved him before, but in a casual, familial way. We hadn’t met until our parents began dating. I’d been in middle school, he in high school, and then he’d joined the Army, and we hadn’t seen each other for years.

Just months ago, he’d returned. I hadn’t expected to see him again, to be honest, not after what happened to my mom—and his dad. He’d driven from Fort Hood, Texas to Colorado Springs to find me living alone in our family home—I’d nearly clobbered him with his own baseball bat when he’d entered, dropping it when he’d called out my name.

From that moment, I was no longer in charge. He’d made that abundantly clear. I was the little sister, I was in need of care and protection, according to Sean. I’d done just fine without him, I liked to shoot back, but the truth was, I was glad he was with me. He always had good ideas. Like this road trip. It never would have occurred to me.

We drove throughout the day, stopping at a fire watch tower late afternoon in a national park we’d found on the map. After clearing the area, we made our way up the stairs and set up camp—sleeping bags laid out side by side.

“I saw plenty of signs of deer and rabbits in the area when I went to take a leak,” he said.

Glancing out at the forest far below us, I was overcome with how beautiful it was, how pristine, seemingly untouched. “I don’t mind staying.”

His gaze went to the sleeping bags, and then shot back at me. “I’m going out for a while. Might come back with a rabbit for the cook stove. Something fresh instead of freeze-dried to eat.”

“Want me to come?”

“You keep safe.” He shook his head. “Don’t turn on the light until I return. No need alerting anyone who might be near.”

I nodded and drew a deep breath. I hated when he left me alone, because then all my fears crowded in. But I didn’t want to add to his burden by expressing them. “I won’t budge. I promise.”

He left through the trap door in the floor.

While he was gone, I laid out the things I thought would round out a nice meal—dried carrots and onions. I pulled an old flat-topped desk to the center of the room, placed a gas lamp in the center of it, and set the table.

But as darkness fell, I lay on my sleeping bag, trying not to think the worst. Sean wasn’t afraid of the dark. A bear or a cougar didn’t stand a chance against him. He was my Superman—invincible.

Eventually, I fell asleep.

Sometime during the night, I awoke to scraping beneath me—footsteps on the wooden stairs. Moonlight filtered through the open windows. Sean wasn’t beside me. My heart began to thud inside my chest.

Please be Sean. Please be Sean.

I eased up, careful to distribute my weight so the floorboards didn’t creak. I pulled my pistol from under my sleeping bag and set my back against a wall, aiming for the dark figure rising through the trap door.

“Rose?” came a whisper in the darkness.

I set down the pistol and sobbed, rising and launching myself against his chest. I pounded him with my fists. “Where were you? Why were you gone so long? I was scared!”

“Shhh. Shhh.” He crooned, holding me tightly against him. “I’m sorry I was late, but I have rabbits. I was never far. I wouldn’t leave you, Rose. You’re safe, you’re safe, I promise. You’ll be safe as long as I’m alive.”

But I wanted more than to feel safe. I wanted his love. I rested against his chest for a few moments longer, breathing in his fresh pine scent, and then pushed back. I’d broken my own rule and let him see how much I depended on him.

“Those rabbits won’t cook themselves,” I muttered.

His soft chuckle lightened my spirit as I puttered around the small wooden cubicle and imagined a different future for us.

* * * *

We found our first ghost town in Oklahoma, at a place called Crow’s Crossing. We searched the streets of the quaint old town, looking for any signs of life but there was no one. Just a few hungry dogs roaming the streets and houses with windows broken, and front doors left wide open to the elements. Trash drifted across the road.

“I know this place,” Sean said, giving me a smile. He made a turn onto Main Street and drove past empty shops before halting in front of a saloon. “Come on, let’s check it out.”

On the sidewalk, he caught my hand and dragged me, laughing, inside. The interior of the bar was mostly untouched. The tables, the chairs, stood waiting for someone to take a seat. The bar, however, had been ransacked for the most part. Glasses and empty bottles littered the counter.

“Wait here.” Sean pursed his lips. “I’m going to check the back.”

I stood, looking out a broken window at the gathering dusk, glad my pistol was securely in its holster and strapped to my upper thigh. A foot step scratched and I whirled, but it was only Sean, raising a half-empty bottle of bourbon.

“Found it in the manager’s office.” He set it on the counter then searched for clean glasses. When he’d cleared a spot on the bar, he glanced around again. “It’s not a honky-tonk without music.”

Again, he disappeared, this time returning with our small, portable generator. He pulled the cord and the generator rumbled into life. Then he ran an extension cord to the jukebox. In minutes, the strains of an old George Strait song filled the room, echoing against the lonely walls.

“May I have this dance?” Sean strode toward me and held out his hand.

So proper. So polite. It made me want to tear up.

I gave him my hand, and then let him pull me against his body. We swayed together, awkwardly at first, until he pulled me in again and wrapped his arms around me.

I relaxed then. Safe inside his arms. Aware of his scent, of the warmth emanating from his strong, muscled frame. The tips of my breasts tingled and my breath shortened, and I allowed myself to nuzzle his shoulder, pretending he wanted more from me than to be his little sister and road companion.

When the song ended, Sean stepped back and cleared his throat. “If you’ll set a table, I’ll take care of dinner.” And then he turned on his heel and hurried from the saloon.

Had he been aware of my arousal? Was he uncomfortable because of it? I drew a deep breath and promised myself, and him, silently, that I’d rein in my desire. My problem shouldn’t be his. He had enough on his mind.

I dragged tables to the side and set the cleanest with a candle and cutlery from a drawer behind the bar. Then I, too, went searching in the back and found a dusty bottle of wine in the store room.

When the table was ready, I went for my pack and did what I could with my appearance. I washed my face and body, combed my hair and twisted it high in a messy bun. I changed my shirt from a grimy tee to a pretty sleeveless cotton blouse in summery blue.

At last, he reappeared bearing two plates. The aroma wafted—some kind of savory meat with vegetables. I raised my eyebrows.

“It’s dried bison.” He wrinkled his nose. “Hope it’s not too chewy.”

I laughed and poured the wine, and then settled back, one ear tuned to the darkened street outside while I shared a candlelit dinner with the one man I wanted in the whole world. While we ate, we talked about the past—about the day our parents introduced us.

“I was such a brat,” I said, chuckling. “I took one look at you in your black leather jacket and stuck my nose in the air.”

“You were pretty—and prissy. I felt like I had two left feet, and the more you glared, the more determined I was to make you feel every bit as uncomfortable.”

And he had made good on that promise, stripping behind a partially closed door when I’d been heading to my room, giving me an eyeful of his youthful, but muscular body. My cheeks burned at the memory.

“Guess I was surprised when you wrote me,” he said, taking his last bite of steak. “When I went into the Army, I mean. I thought you’d be happy to forget about me.”

I shrugged. “When you were gone, the house went quiet.”

“Those letters helped me stay sane, Rose—when Mom and Dad… when things…” He sighed. “I never thanked you.”

“You didn’t have to. They meant a lot to me, too.” I wrinkled my nose. “Although I feel sorry for you now having to read my endless complaints about the mean girls at school.”

Our smiles were kind of sad. Our eyes misty. We stayed silent for a long moment, and then he asked, “Dance with me again?”

I should have said no. Why torture myself? And if he hadn’t already guessed how much I wanted him, I wasn’t sure I could continue to hide the fact, especially with our chests mashed together. But I drank the last of the wine in my glass and nodded.

I blamed the liquor for the heat in my cheeks and the sway of my hips as I stood and strode toward him.

He punched the buttons on the jukebox, and Patsy Cline’s pure, lonesome vocals filled the room. Without the awkward adjustments this time, our bodies blended together. I slowly let go of his shoulders and wrapped my arms around his middle. His thigh slipped between both of mine. With my heart pounding in my ears, I sighed and rubbed my cheek against his chest.

“I found us a place to stay tonight,” he whispered against my hair.

“You were awfully busy.”

“I said I knew this place. There’s a deserted bed and breakfast down the road. There’s a nice four-poster with clean sheets. A basin filled with fresh water.”

I lifted my head and met his gaze. Lord, was that heat in his eyes?

Sean cupped the side of my cheek and gave me a steady, solemn look. “We’ve been dancing around this thing for a long while, Rose.”

I took a chance that he was talking about the same thing that had been driving me crazy for so long. “I want you, Sean.”

His eyes closed for a second, but then he gave me a bear hug, lifting me off my feet. “Thank God!”

I laughed at his exuberance, and held out my arms like I was flying as he spun with me in his arms.

* * * *

He lit the candles and I stood admiring the pretty room he’d prepared for us. The cherry wood four-poster was elegant, it’s posts slender spirals. The bedding was a pristine white with a light blue coverlet, and he’d turned down one corner to let me see the rose petals he’d managed to scrounge from the leggy bushes in the yard outside.

I turned to him. “You did this for me?”

“It’s your first time, isn’t it?”

I drew a short, sharp breath, ready to deny it because I felt foolish. Here I was—twenty-three and still a virgin. But I nodded as my eyes filled.

He came to me, tucking a finger under my chin to raise my face. “I needed to know so I could make this special, Rose.”

“I’m with you—it already is.”

He cleared his throat. “You can relax. I’ll keep you safe.”

We smiled and then he began pulling at my clothing. I let him strip me, then stood, a blush heating my chest and cheeks as he stared.

He lifted one of my breasts and stroked the tip with his thumb. “You’re beautiful. You know that, right?”

“I am if you say so,” I whispered, pleased he thought so.

He swallowed hard, then moved away, quickly shedding his own clothes. When he straightened, I got my first view of his body in all its naked glory. My breath left in a slow exhale.

His chest was broad, the muscles of his abdomen well-defined. I skipped the part of him that made me tremble and noted his thickly muscled thighs. Then I couldn’t help returning to his cock. It was large and jutting from his groin from a nest of wiry, dark hair. The shaft was thick and veined, and it bobbed slightly, as though to the rhythm of his heartbeats.

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