Stick Shift (10 page)

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Authors: Lissa Matthews

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Stick Shift
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She gripped the waist of his jeans and held on tight. He wanted them off. He wanted to be naked. He wanted her naked. But he wasn't about to change a thing, not when his balls were hot and aching to empty into her.

He lifted a hand to the back of her head, slid his fingers through her hair, made a fist, and shoved deep. Again, he did it. She met his thrusts, didn't fight it, took everything he gave. He got aggressive, couldn't help it. She drove him mad with lust, with need, with a desire he'd never felt.

Before he could warn her with words or even a grunt, he came. She swallowed against the sensitive head and he knew she could feel the pulsing of his cock against her tongue. When the last bit had left him, he did grunt. Grunted, moaned, groaned.

She'd drained him, was still swallowing against him, still licking at him, and he almost stopped her until he realized she was softly, gently cleaning his cock. No woman had ever done that for him.

She lifted her head and kissed his cockhead before sitting back on her heels.

She didn't say anything for a few minutes, and then she whispered playfully, “What about now? Was that better?”

The damn woman was still thinking about those cookies when all he could think about was stripping her and eating her pussy until she screamed loud enough the neighbors were going to wonder what the hell was going on inside the house.

She was going to pay for that.

* * *

She was naked. Outside under the stars with Cam Carter between her legs.

Were it not for the makeshift gag of her panties he'd stuffed inside her mouth to keep her from screaming, she'd be doing just that—screaming at the top of her lungs. The fact that her panties were wadded up and stuffed between her lips was naughty enough, something she'd never thought to find erotic, but damn, it was.



Her young lover was introducing her to all sorts of things she had only dared to imagine or fantasize about in the deep, dark recesses of her mind, where she didn't even have to acknowledge them if she really didn't want to. Now she wanted to acknowledge, explore, and experience.

With him.

Cam's tongue licked her from stem to stern and back again before stopping at her clit to tease it with the tip. Each time, just when she got close to the edge, he'd back off and start licking soft and slow. She was going crazy. She wanted him to keep flicking her clit until she came, until she flew apart there on the lounge on the back deck of Candi's house.

He made a few more passes with his tongue, then lifted his head and kissed her inner thigh. “You ready to come, baby?”

Lily couldn't do anything other than whimper her need.

“You sure?” He nuzzled his face in her belly and dragged his mouth down to her sex, sucking on the wet, swollen lips. She thought she was going to come apart right then. He was wicked. She wasn't sure she'd ever get enough of it, fairly certain she wouldn't, and quite certain she didn't want to.

She whimpered her assent louder and lifted her hand to discard the panties.

He grabbed her wrists in his long fingers and held them down against the arms of the lounge chair.

“I told you not to move your hands, not to remove the gag, or I'd stop.”

And he had told her that. She didn't want him to stop; she wanted him to make her come, to make her shatter and see stars that were brighter than the ones in the sky. She gripped the metal tightly and settled down as best she could.

“Good girl. Now don't move your hands. I can see that next time I'll have to tie you down.”

Lily shuddered at the image that flooded her mind at the suggestion of being bound, and promised herself she wouldn't move a muscle in her arms. She wanted 7
that feeling of helplessness, of being under his complete sexual control, of having all responsibility stripped from her so that all she had to do was bask in the pleasure.

The thought aroused her more, and she didn't know how that was possible.

He wrapped his lips around her clit and just held on to it. Restlessness made her move her hips against him, but he still didn't budge. What the fuck was he doing? Why wasn't he making her come?

One finger teased her folds before slipping inside her, joined shortly by another. In and out, slow, then fast, then slow again, until she started meeting his thrusts. When he stopped, she whined her protest behind her gag and gripped the lounge tighter. He was driving her nuts. He withdrew his fingers and slipped them back in again, alongside two from his other hand.

It was then that she began to understand.

The first two fingers probed at her ass, and he lifted his mouth. His breath whispered against the heat between her legs when he spoke. “Press against my fingers but stay as relaxed as possible. Remember to breathe. Take them inside your ass, baby.”

She did as he said, bearing down as he pushed against the tight hole. She tensed at the first pinch of discomfort. He licked her clit and pushed again until the digits started to slide inside. “Breathe, Lily.”

She did, deeply. Her ass adjusted to the invasion slowly but surely, and then she just melted. Having two sets of fingers filling her was incredible.

“That's it. Yeah, Lily. That's it right there.”

He moved his hands until just the tips of his fingers were inside, then slid forward. Out again, then back in, repetitive motions, slow and steady. He was finger fucking her in a way that only she had ever done to herself and had never told anyone about. She liked ass play, even if she was the only one doing it, and when he'd mentioned taking her ass the other night, she'd come harder just at the idea.

“Okay, let's add one more element to this and see if we can't make you fly apart.”



He placed his mouth at her clit and sucked it again between his lips, this time worrying it against the edges of his teeth. He kept up the fucking of her holes while he played with her hot little button. She writhed and thrust with her hips. The combined sensation of being filled and having her clit played with at the same time was more than she could stand.

He hummed against her, flicking her with his tongue. He kept adding sensation after sensation, driving her higher. He wanted her to fly apart in his hands, in his mouth, and he was going to get just that.

Lily lifted her hips and pressed against his mouth. She held the position, her belly muscles tight and trembling. She wanted the orgasm that was just out of reach.

He scissored his fingers wide, stretching both her holes, and pulled on her clit with his teeth. She fell back onto the chair, her breathing labored and heavy, her body still undulating, still seeking everything he was willing to give her.

The whimper that escaped her throat sounded like a wordless plea. She swallowed the saliva that had collected inside her mouth behind the panties, and the taste of her own juices flowed down her throat. It was sexy to her—the taste of herself. She'd always loved it, loved to lick it from her own fingers, but to taste it this way was beyond anything she'd ever imagined.

More wetness gathered in her pussy, and the sound of his fingers moving in and out of her was loud in the still, quiet night. She should have felt scandalized at what they were doing outdoors, but she didn't. She didn't care. She only wanted more of it, more of Cam.

He bit down on her clit and pulled, then shoved his fingers in to the hilt. She came, screaming into the balled-up cotton inside her mouth. She felt the cream from her sex slide around his fingers and down toward her ass and his fingers there.

When he let go of her sore and throbbing button, he used the flat of his tongue to soothe her, slowly extracting his fingers from her cunt and ass at the same time, leaving her with contradictory sensations of being empty and full.

Cam lifted his head for the last time, then straddled her body on the lounge, and leaned down until his face was in front of hers. She smelled herself on his breath, and she wanted to kiss him. He pulled the panties from her mouth, tossed them somewhere over his shoulder, planted his lips against hers, and slid his tongue between them. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and kissed him back for all she was worth.

She was going to need a vacation from her vacation by the time the month was up.


Chapter Eight

“Is she here yet?”

“You asked me that not five minutes ago, Cam. The answer is still the same.

No, she's not here yet.”

Cam heard the impatience in his crew chief's voice and could see in his mind that Ronnie was likely rolling his eyes as well. Shit. Where was she? Was security giving her a hard time at the tunnel? They shouldn't. He'd crossed every T and dotted every I that morning before and after the driver meeting to make sure she wouldn't have any problems getting in.

“I'm sorry, man. I'm just…anxious.”

“Look, she said she'd be here, and she will be. You've got other things I need you to concentrate on.”

“I know.” And he did. They were on a hot streak and about to hit a long stretch in the racing season where there wouldn't be any weekends off. He couldn't afford to be distracted. The team, his car owners, and his sponsors depended on him to be focused, to be in front when the checkered flag dropped. Sometimes he was and sometimes he wasn't, but they all expected him to do his best. Having his attention elsewhere was bad, not only for all of them, but for the other drivers on the track.

Lily though, she wasn't a distraction. He liked being around her, was calm around her, solid and centered. All week at the shop he'd been more alert, in tune, in touch with everything that was going on. He was smiling more, he was joking more, he was communicating more, talking, sharing his thoughts on things that were going on beyond the track, which oddly enough was making communicating about the car easier, more fluid. Since meeting Lily, he had felt more a part of the 7
team, more comfortable in his own skin than he could remember being in a long time.

He wanted her around, was coming to need her around, and that she wasn't there sitting with Ronnie made him…tense.

“You about ready, Cam?”

“Yeah. I'm on my way now.”

“Good. Introductions are in five. I'll meet you in the infield with the rest of the crew.”

Cam pocketed his cell and continued making his way to the mobile stage for driver introductions. The extra bounce in his step that had been present all week wasn't there, and he couldn't help looking around the pit area as he passed through the opening in the wall that separated the pits from the garages, searching for her.

She said she'd be there, and he knew she would. If nothing else and for no other reason, she loved racing.

He had to mentally kick himself for that thought. She would be there for him too. He knew that as sure as he knew his own name.

They were growing closer as the days went by and he'd felt her absence keenly last night when he'd stayed at the shop with the crew. It was something they had taken to doing for these two weeks of races. The first time had been a couple of years ago. It hadn't been planned; they'd just ended up working all night on the car because there'd been so much wrong with it before they took it to the track before qualifying. Now they just stayed there out of a… Hell, he didn't know why other than everyone seemed to get a kick out of it, sleeping on the floor, talking, drinking beer, ordering pizza. It was a strange bonding ritual they had, and as far as he knew, they were the only crew that did it. One of the guys had even brought his game system this time, and most everyone had stayed up into the wee hours of the night playing racing games.

“Any word?” Ronnie asked as Cam walked up to him.

“No. Nothing yet. She must have gotten held up in traffic or something.”



“Probably. Even with a bad economy, there seems to be a pretty decent crowd on hand. Nervous?”

“Not really. What do you think for tonight? Start out getting to the front or hang back? Last year hanging back didn't help us any, and being out front the year before didn't work for us either.”

“Let's make sure you're comfortable in the car, then we'll pull out the playbook.”

“Got it. You'll let me know when she gets to the pit box?” Ronnie nodded, and Cam wished he could call the question back. He knew Ronnie would let him know the second he spotted her.

“You've got it bad for this woman.”

“I do. She's the one, Ronnie.”

The announcer started introducing drivers and crews. Assembled fans either cheered or booed. He was always booed. It didn't bother him. At first he'd been afraid of how his crew would take it, but it didn't seem to bother them either. They took it in stride and week after week put him in the best cars and let their talent, their teamwork, and their driver speak for them. He was the luckiest bastard in the sport. Only a few others had the same kind of camaraderie with their crews that he did.

“The one? As in…? Cam, you're only twenty-five.”


“So? We can't talk about this right now.”

They were getting closer to being introduced, and the rest of his pit crew joined him and Ronnie. Lily had fit in perfectly a few nights ago at the bar. She talked to them all like she'd known them as long as he had. She had even beat a few of them at pool, which was odd considering she had said she'd never played before. He'd even asked about it and still couldn't get the truth out of her. She didn't drink beer with them; instead she drank rum and Coke, and he remembered watching her 7
laugh and smile and joke with everyone, realizing that any other woman he'd dated since becoming a driver in the big leagues had never cared to hang out with his crew, always preferring to be alone with him.

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