Sticks and Stones (12 page)

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Authors: Kerrie Dubrock

BOOK: Sticks and Stones
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smiled. “They must be very proud of you, with everything you’ve accomplished.”

I think so. Anyway, once I got drafted by the Rangers and earned a decent
salary, I offered to buy them a house anywhere in the country. I didn’t want my
dad to farm anymore. It’s not an easy job for a young man and my dad wasn’t
getting any younger, ya know?”

Grace prompted. “I’m guessing they put up a struggle.”

snorted, “Like you wouldn’t believe! Long story short, they sold the farm, I
bought them a house and they live in a subdivision now. And I have peace of
mind knowing they’re comfortable financially.” After several moments of silence
Rick laughed, “Didja fall asleep, gel?”

no’ asleep, ya gobshite,” she giggled. “Just in complete awe. What you did for
your parents was…well, tremendous!”

he laughed. “Nah, I just did what was right. Enough about me. What about your
mom and dad?”

dad was a doctor, a General Practitioner. Now he’s retired and they travel,
.” She frowned. “I miss seeing them, but I have Aunt Tilda to spend my
time with.”

your parents are Wiccan, too?”

My grandparents were and raised my mom and Aunt Tilda that way too. When I was
a kid I really loved when my mom and aunt got together and did their witchy
things so of course, I wanted to do them too. The rest is history.”

subject, unless you have to go.”

really liked talking with him and didn’t want it to end. “Nah, I’m good. I
mean, I need a shower, but it can wait. What’s the next subject?”

dimples popped out. She still wanted to talk! He contained his glee and
murmured, “First love?”

subject,” Grace groaned.

The suit?”

she muttered, picking a piece of cat hair off her dress. “I met Ben in the
grocery store on a Saturday night. It’s the only time I could do my shopping.
Anyway, he began showing up at the store every Saturday night and just
‘happened’ to bump into me. We finally exchanged phone numbers. We moved in
together after a year of dating. I met Janice shortly afterwards and we became
fast friends, although we were years apart.” Grace sighed heavily.

sorry Grace. That must’ve been awful for you to be betrayed by the two people
closest to you.”

lifted her shoulders. “Yeah. Enough of me. Who was your first love?”

name was Taylor. We were together for a year and I broke it off.” He sighed
briefly. He explained to her the reason why and ended it by saying, “I still
feel like a shithead.”

frowned, “Because you still love her?”

Just the way I ended things. It was selfish of me.”

don’t see it that way. In fact, it was very mature, Rick. Imagine if you stayed
with her and cheated. That’d been worse.”

brightened at her words. “I never thought of it that way. Thanks. I feel less
like a shithead now.”

you heard from her?”

shook his head. “Nah, but I’ve heard she’s a semi-famous photographer and
living a good life.” He moved the phone to his other ear. “I don’t mean to keep
bringing him up, but…”

rolled her eyes. “I knew we weren’t right for each other, but refused to
believe it, I guess. That’s not to say that it didn’t hurt when I found out he
was getting married. After seeing him today, it just solidified my feelings for


asked him if he was attracted to Janice before I found him in bed with her. He
said that she worshipped him, was attractive and younger.”

Rick groaned. “What a dick.”

shrugged. “Not really. I appreciated his honesty even if I didn’t like it. Next
subject. How did you get into Fitzgerald?”

easy! My mom’s a huge fan and has all of his books. When I was a teenager, as
geeky as it sounds, I’d borrow her books and read them. I guess it was my way
of bonding with her. To this day we throw his quotes at each other.” He
pondered his words then added, “I guess that’s why I quote him often. It
reminds me of her.”

Why does he have to be so friggin’ charming? Why can’t he be a jerk?
sighed heavily.

with me?” he quipped.

at all. I think…,”

I’m a nerd?” he laughed.

pulled the phone away from her mouth and muttered low so he couldn’t hear.
“That I’m in trouble.”


*          *          *


hours later, Grace yawned. “Okay, now I know you’re bored,” Rick teased,
glancing at the clock above the fireplace. “Holy shit! It’s after two in the

blinked her eyes. “Two? No way!”

Well, we’ve covered music, religion, family, politics…”

not forget favorite food, books and movies,” Grace interjected.

he agreed. “I’d say that means we’ve been friends for damn near five years now.
I think I’d better let you go to bed.”

pouted. “Yeah, I suppose so.” Then her spirits lifted. “So, later then? I’ll
put a spell on you?”

already have,” Rick said, with his mouth away from the phone so she couldn’t
hear. “I’m looking forward to it. Goodnight Gracie,” he chuckled, imitating
George Allen.

George,” she crooned.

hung up the phone and eyed Chewy. “I’m playing with fire, here, aren’t I?”


*          *          *


tossed the phone onto the bed and headed to the shower. He ran their
conversation over in his mind. He recited a line from
Tender Is the Night.

I’m not much like myself any-more.” He grinned and continued to lather up. “And
I like it.”

he continued to ponder their conversation, his eyes lit up. “I’m Irish and can
speak with a brogue! Well, not a very good one, but still…”


*          *          *


next day Rick woke to his phone ringing. With his eyes closed, his hand
searched the bedding for the phone. “Hello?” he asked groggily.

Ricochet! Me and a few of the guys are going to Murphy’s tonight and want you
to join us,” Dmitri Vanek asked.

huh? What time?” Rick asked, rubbing his eyes.


I may bring a friend with.”

more the merrier!” Dmitri chirped.


*          *          *


noticed that Ratman seldom appeared during the afternoon hours. She used this
time to study her grimoire and to check her internet searches. She couldn’t
remember asking specifically for a spirits help.

dug deeper into the internet history tab. Then she found the page.

on the back of her neck prickled. She sat back in the black leather desk chair
and contemplated the consequences. After years of jealousy, she only wanted
retribution. And didn’t give a fuck that she summoned a demon to assist her.


*          *          *


light strokes teased Grace’s chin. Sleepily she brought her hand to her face
and rubbed absently. She began to snore softly when a loud, piercing mewl
awakened her.

C’mon Chewy!” she moaned.

mewled in response, this time pawing Grace’s chin.

I’m up!” Grace hissed, pushing the covers away. “Ya know, some restaurants use
nice little kitties like you in their meals!”

shot Grace an indignant glance and followed her into the washroom.

hour later Grace was in a better mood, after downing three cups of coffee.
Chewy had been pleasantly sated with kibble and water and toddled off to parts
unknown for a nap.

glanced at the phone on her kitchen wall and took a look at her cell phone.
“Ugh! I feel like I’m waiting for him to call!”

ran up the stairs and dressed in her gardening attire; faded denim shorts and a
tank top. As she was putting her hair in a ponytail the doorbell rang.


*          *          *


eyes nearly popped from his head when Grace opened the door. Then he grinned.
It was very obvious she wasn’t wearing a bra beneath her purple tank top.

blushed under his heated gaze, then self-consciously crossed her arms over her
chest. “Hi. I didn’t realize you were coming over,” she said softly.
cow! His hair is pulled into a ponytail! Why do I find that so damn hot?

smiled faded.
Stupid of me to think she went bra-less for me!
“I, um,
didn’t call because I thought we kinda had a date.”

mean the whole ghost spell thingy, right?”

brushed his bangs from his eyes and frowned. “You don’t sound very enthused.”
He turned away. “Sorry, I should’ve called first.”

reached for his arm. “After last nights marathon conversation you’re going to
sulkily walk away? Are ya kiddin’ me? C’mon, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

ran from places unknown and pawed at Rick’s leg. “Hey girl!” he crooned,
picking her up. “Didja miss me?”

shook her head at the two of them. “C’mon, follow me.”

led him to her office and quickly cast a circle of protection using the athame.
As she paged through her Book of Shadows she felt him behind her.

warm breath fanned the back of her neck. “Should I light candles or incense?”

is good,” she stammered.

yourself, Ryan! Recite the spell and send him on his merry freakin’ way!

found the spell and held the heavy volume between two hands. “Ya ready?”

nodded solemnly. “You betcha.”

nodded and began. “He seeks to see souls who are invisible to thee. Hear his
plea. A wish to converse with those who’ve left the universe. Twill be a
blessing, not a curse. So mote it be!”

eyes met Rick’s. He blinked twice and shrugged. “I don’t feel any different.”

smiled and grabbed his hand. “C’mon!”


*          *          *


popped her head inside of Tilda’s back door. “Aunt Tilda?”


Rick’s hand, she stepped into the kitchen. “Don’t say anything to her about the
spell, okay?” she whispered.

How lovely to see you again, Rick!” Tilda crooned. “Come in, come in!”

wanted to check on you, see if you’re behaving yourself,” Grace chided her

lifted her eyes and smoothed her graying hair from her face. “I have homemade
lemonade, would you like some?”

Grace and Rick accepted a glass and followed her into the living room.

couldn’t contain her grin. “You two seem cozy.”

blushed and rolled her eyes. “Aunt Tilda…”

grinned and brought the glass to his lips, but stopped suddenly and yelped.

stood behind Tilda who was seated on a purple high back armchair. He eyed Rick
curiously, and then when he realized Rick could see him, he released a short
scream, causing Rick to jump from the couch. “He can see me!” Reginald

paled. “Holy shit!”

shit, indeed!” agreed Reginald.


*          *          *


are you angry?” Rick asked, glancing at Grace in the passenger seat.

low growl escaped from her lips. “Because we’re going to the Storm’s home and
I’m not wearing a bra! It would’ve taken me a few minutes to throw one on!”

be there five minutes…tops. Promise.” He gripped her hand. “Besides, I didn’t
even notice,” he smoothly lied.

looked down at her bosom and frowned.
He didn’t notice?

minutes later Rick pulled his Mustang behind Chase’s red Porsche that he was

took ear buds from his ears and threw a sponge into a bucket near the car when
he saw them pull up. “Well, fancy seeing the two of you,” he grinned.

removed his wallet from his pocket and flung a five dollar bill at Chase. “Make
sure you clean the interior, too,” he teased. “Is Emily around?”

ignored Rick. “Hello Grace, are you slumming it today, hanging out with this

giggled and shrugged. “It’s my day to do charity work.”

flashed her a smile and wiped his damp hands onto his khaki cargo shorts. “I
really like you,” he crooned, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

jaws clenched when Chase walked with Grace into the house. He took the front
steps two at a time and pulled the screen door open. Chase and Grace were in an
animated conversation about the curved staircase that leads upstairs.

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