Stiletto Secrets (17 page)

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Authors: Bella J.

BOOK: Stiletto Secrets
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Nicholas wanted to ask her what the hell she thought she was doing, but then remembered all the eyes that were now upon them.

“Emma, can I speak to you for a moment?” He tried to act all business like…in sweatpants and a shirt…with disheveled hair.

He didn’t wait for her to respond. He just turned around and stomped out of the kitchen.

The minute she came walking out, he grabbed her wrist and dragged her down the hall to the first room he could find, which happened to be the bathroom he had nursed her wound the first day he met her.

He slammed the door shut and pushed her back against it.


But he smothered her words with his mouth, kissing her hard. She opened for him without him even beckoning her to and he liked it, a lot. Deep, hard and greedy, that’s how he kissed her, that’s how his tongue swept through to every corner of her mouth. Wet, hot, rich kisses of desire.

Emma responded by moaning into his mouth, and he pressed himself harder against her. He needed her sweet taste to fill his mouth and to fuel the raging desire that stormed through him like a fucking hurricane.

Tearing his lips away from hers, he glided his tongue along her jaw. “Don’t ever leave without saying goodbye again.”

He didn’t give her a chance to respond as he claimed her mouth. She laced her fingers through his hair as she matched his every kiss with the same amount of heat and desire. Fuck, this woman and her touch owned him in every goddamn way.

He reached down and jerked her leg up, letting her wrap it around him. He needed to feel her, press against her,
with her. Dear God, after just one night with her he felt like he would never get enough.

Again he let his lips move down her neck as she leaned her head back giving him more access while her labored breathing filled the silence around them.

“You drive me crazy, woman,” he whispered against her skin, savoring her taste, her smell. He could have sworn he felt her shiver and the thought of her being turned on and ready for him to take her almost sent him into a wild frenzy of lust and desire. If he thought he was close to losing control last night, he was so fucking wrong.

Now, here, after experiencing that sense of panic when he woke up and she was gone,
he was about to lose control.

“Nicholas, we shouldn’t. Someone might walk in.”

He continued to kiss up and down her neck, her shoulder. “We totally should…and I really don’t care.”

Nicholas shifted and cupped both her breasts in the palms of his hands, kneading, teasing, touching, wanting everything. Emma whimpered, and the sound shot straight down his spine to his throbbing groin causing him to ache with the need to feel her around him.

The fabric of her uniform suddenly had him really agitated.

He pulled his lips away from hers and stared at the uniform, reaching everywhere, somewhere, wanting it gone.

“Off,” he barked, his control slipping more and more. “Take it off.”


“I swear to God, Emma, I’ll tear it off.” Nicholas reached for her breasts again, unable to stop touching her, and crashed his lips against hers.

The raging animal inside of him had now taken the reins leaving him with not even a shred of self-control. All Nicholas cared about was taking her, moving inside of her and proving to her once again that she now belonged to him and no one else.

Emma gripped his shoulders tighter. “The zipper is on the back.”

Without a moment’s hesitation Nicholas grabbed her waist and spun her around. He pulled the zipper down with so much force, he thought he might have torn right through it.

As he slipped his hands over her shoulders, he glided the uniform off, watching as it pooled around her feet.

Dear Lord, she wasn’t wearing any panties.



Nicholas brought his fist to his mouth and bit down hard trying to refrain from losing it and screwing her hard like the animal inside of him begged him to do.

“You’re not wearing underwear.”

“Yeah. A certain someone tore my panties to shreds last night, so I couldn’t risk having more of my underwear destroyed should the need…

There was a hint of amusement in her voice, but Nicholas was feeling far from amused.

He rolled his hips, pushing hard against her naked ass. “Now how the hell am I supposed to think about anything other than what you’re wearing, or what you’re not wearing under that uniform whenever we pass each other in these halls?”

“Maybe that’s all I want you to think about.”

“Well, I think it’s safe to say mission accomplished, Miss Tremaine.”

Nicholas glanced down at her body and bit his lip as he admired the view. God, she was perfect. Her skin, the beautifully defined curve of her back and that sweet, sweet ass of hers. Yup, his control just got shot to shit.

“Emma,” he whispered as he pressed his chest against her back, pinning her against the door. “I want you.”

He moved, flexed against her behind, letting her feel exactly what was in store for her within the next few minutes.

He glided his tongue along the back of her neck, and then whispered, “I think I might just want you every fucking day for a very,
long time.” And that was the truth since he couldn’t even think about never being with her again without feeling like he would lose his mind.

“I want you too, Nicholas,” she said and she bucked, pressing her ass harder against him. He groaned against her neck, nipping her skin as the agony of not being inside her spread painfully down his spine straight to his dick.

Nicholas pulled down his pants and Emma whimpered when she heard him tear open the wrapper.

“You remember last night when you said you wanted me out of control?”

She nodded, and Nicholas reached down between them.

“Well you’re about to get what you want, princess. Me, out of fucking control.”

A deep, intense moan rolled over her lips as Nicholas reached for her hips, positioning her just right.

“Are you ready, Emma?”

She took a breath. “Yes.”

And then he lost it, all his control as he entered her, hard. He poured his soul and his most carnal desire into every move as he pushed forward. Her moans became louder, more labored matching his every thrust.

Nicholas reached up, moving his hand around her neck and he gripped her tight below her chin, pushing her head back against his shoulder. With a slow, greedy stroke he slid his tongue all the way up her neck, her cheek, wanting to taste her, wanting everything she had to offer. God knows, she was taking everything from him; it seemed only fair for him to take all of her as well.

“You feel that, princess?” He gave a hard thrust, and she cried out. “That’s me fucking owning you right now.”

He reached down with his other hand touching her between her legs, giving her the aching pressure he knew she needed while he continued to move with powerful thrusts, pushing deep inside her.


Fuck, his name sounded like a goddamn prayer on her lips right now.

Last night he made love to her, wanting to savor every touch every feeling and to let her experience all the pleasures he had to offer. But now, right here, in this way it suddenly became a race toward finding their pleasure together.

This time he didn’t want to take it slow, he didn’t want to be gentle. He needed her like this, raw and hard. He needed to prove to himself that she was real, that what they shared the night before was real and not just a one night fucking session like with all the other women before her.

Nicholas needed to make sure that he had her…that he had all of her.

More and more he kept on giving it to her, and she took it all. His hand tightened around her chin as he felt his release getting closer. By the way her cries of pleasure filled the open space around them, he knew she was close too.

He continued to touch her while he moved inside her. And then like a fucking lightning storm both of them became undone, ripped open at the seams as they found that ultimate pleasure they had hungered for.

With strong, hard, deep thrusts he lost everything he had, giving it all to her—

Within seconds her moans subsided, both of their bodies trembling with the lingering remnants of their release. He stilled and tried to catch his breath, while he listened to her ragged breathing.

He loved the sound.

He leaned his head against her back. “Are you okay?” His legs felt unsteady, his spine still tingling from his release.

“Oh, I’m better than okay.” Her voice was nothing but a whisper.

With his fingers still clutching her chin, he turned her face to the side so that he could place a kiss on her cheek.

“Good morning, princess.”

She chuckled. “Good morning, Mr. Blake.”

Nicholas stiffened.

The way she said Mr. Blake right at that moment sounded exactly like
. The pulsing atmosphere around them, her voice, her breathing, it all jerked his mind back to that damn woman in the stiletto heels.

Placing soft, loving kisses all along her back, he struggled to keep his mind focused on them, on now. Why the fuck did everything suddenly trigger thoughts of Cinderella? He was falling for Emma, hard, he knew that. He could feel it in every bone of his body. It just didn’t make sense that he was still stuck on whatever the fuck it was with that woman in heels.

Sure he had been yearning for that woman ever since that first night at Twisted Fable, but why did it all feel intensified now that he had been with Emma?


“Emma?” He stepped back, crouched down and pulled her uniform back up slowly, zipping it closed.

She turned to face him, her cheeks flushed with exertion.

He placed his thumb on her lower lip. “I need to tell you something.”

“Okay.” She was nervous, he could see it in her eyes.

What was he going to do?

Emma deserved a man whose focus was solely on her, and no one else. How was he going to deal with the fact that his mind was still preoccupied by a goddamn stripper?

Soft, blue-green eyes stared back at him and he knew he could look into those eyes for the rest of his life.

Taking her cheeks in his hands, he leaned closer to her. “Promise you won’t ever leave me again without saying goodbye. I hated how it felt waking up and you weren’t there.”

She visibly relaxed, and then smiled. “I think I can manage that.”

“Good.” He kissed her firmly on the lips, before reaching for the door. “Oh, and one more thing. I don’t like you wearing that uniform or working in my goddamn kitchen. So that is something we’re going to have to discuss at some point.”

He had a feeling she would object to what he just said so he quickly hurried out of the bathroom without giving her a chance to say anything.

As he walked down the hall to his room, he mentally slapped himself over and over and over again.

He was being the ultimate bastard, the greatest dick on the planet. But he knew that there was only one way for him to deal with all this shit with Cinderella. There was only one way to figure it all out.

He needed to go back.

Chapter 11

night when Emma entered her apartment, she felt exhausted, physically and mentally. Physically since she didn’t get much sleep because of a certain man who lit her insides on fire, mentally because she didn’t know what the hell she was going to do now. When she woke up that morning next to Nicholas in his bed, her body and muscles aching from all the things Nicholas had done to her the night before, she took a few seconds to stare at him.

She never thought that a man like Nicholas Blake would desire a woman like her. Sure she knew that he wanted Cinderella, but only because he didn’t know that it was her. Cinderella was erotic, enticing, alluring and she just oozed fiery, hot sex, whereas Emma was just, well, Emma. What would Nicholas think if he had to find out that Emma was Cinderella, and Cinderella was Emma?

She placed her palm on her forehead, feeling a migraine developing.

Emma hadn’t heard from Nicholas again after that morning. Just thinking about what they did in the bathroom made Emma feel all hot and bothered. It was completely different from what they had done the night before, but equally as passionate. She loved that she could make him lose control. The way he touched her, moved inside her, she could almost feel the fire burning in his veins—fire burning for her.

But what did he mean with that they had to talk about him not wanting her to work in his kitchen? What was that?

Oh man, her head was spinning. Too many questions, too many uncertainties, and too many damn hormones causing her to not think straight.

Emma fell down on the couch and exhaled. Even though she was exhausted, she knew she wouldn’t be able to sleep at all, not with thoughts of Nicholas running around in her head.

Her tummy growled, and she realized that she hadn’t even had time to eat during the day. She was too busy cleaning after the big dinner of the night before.

Just as she walked into the kitchen, she heard her cellphone ring. When she pulled it out of her purse, she saw the unfamiliar number.


“So imagine how big an asshole I felt when I realized that I didn’t even have your number?”

Emma smiled when she heard Nicholas’ voice.

“Well I don’t know, are you even capable of feeling like an asshole?”

“Ouch. You aimed for the heart with that one, didn’t you?”

Emma walked over to the fridge while clutching the phone to her ear. “I go straight for the kill, Mr. Blake.”

“Yeah, I noticed that last night.” She could hear the flirt in his voice, the little smug grin she had come to adore so much. “What are you doing?”

“Right now I am staring into my fridge trying to figure out what leftovers seem more appetizing.”

“What I meant to ask was, are you naked?”

Emma closed the fridge, and felt her face turn the slightest shade of pink. “Nicholas Blake, you are such a guy.”

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