Read Still Online

Authors: Ann Mayburn

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Long Slow Tease, #Book 1, #Adult

Still (30 page)

BOOK: Still
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The top row of his teeth scraped against her clit and she fell into her orgasm hard and fast, grinding herself against his face, forcing her eyes open to look at him as she tumbled. His gaze met hers and her back bowed with the strength of her contractions. He eased her down with soft licks, spending his time and covering every inch of her sex with his kisses.

He pushed himself up, his erection so full it looked like it might hurt. The golden gleam of his cock ring drew her attention but he moved onto the swing with her before she could touch. Widening her legs to accept him, she groaned in frustration when he returned to her breasts, sucking hard on the tips and reawakening the burn in her belly. He shifted and the tip of his cock brushed her sex, drawing a cry of need from her lips.

Finally he released her now sore nipple and moved so that he was braced above her on his arms, looking down into her face, less than a breath from being inside of her. “For two years I’ve waited for this, Michelle.” He brushed through her folds, settling against her entrance. “I love you.”

He began to push into her and tears burned in her eyes, not of pain but of joy. The broad head of his shaft breached her and he grunted. “Fuck, you’re perfect.”

All she could do was whimper and wrap her legs around his waist, enjoying the pleasure/pain of him filling her, bringing his heat into her, forcing her body to stretch for him. He pushed deeper and her sheath ached from his penetration. She’d used toys over the past few years, but none of them had filled her like Wyatt did.

Inch by inch he sank into her until he was in all the way, his balls resting against her ass, both of them breathing heavily. With a groan he lay on her, still keeping most of his weight off but covering her with his body. For a long, long moment they stayed like that then he turned his head and kissed away her tears with such tenderness that she thought she might lose her mind.

His butt flexed beneath her heels and he started to withdraw, scraping across the sensitive tissues within her, setting off small explosions of pleasure that had her moaning. He sank back in, once again filling her and she tilted her hips, trying to pull him deeper, wincing when she succeeded. His arms shook when he picked up his rhythm, his breath hot in hear ear.

She turned her head and nibbled along the side of his neck, falling into his rhythm and meeting him with a snap of her hips. He pushed himself up on one arm, sliding the other hand beneath her and gripping her ass, pounding into her now with abandon. Sweat slicked their bodies and she writhed beneath him, finally giving herself to him, finally taking everything he had to offer. She buried her fingers in his hair, rocking herself against him, her clit bumping his pelvis.

“Slow down, Michelle.” He said in a strained voice. “I’m not going to last if you keep doing that.”

Wrapping her fingers in his hair, her inherent need to dominate returning to her, she jerked his head down and whispered in his ear, “I’m going to come, Wyatt. Can you feel it? Fuck, Wyatt, move your hips like that…you can come when you want.”

He growled at her. “No, Michelle. Your pleasure always comes first.”

The rough edge to his voice stroked over her soul, just as arousing as his body moving inside of her. She got closer, closer, his steady rhythm becoming harder until he slammed into her with such force that the chains shook and the bed swayed, giving his thrusts even more power. She reached her hand between them and rubbed her clit, knowing just how to touch herself to keep her desire at the edge.

“Be still.”

He froze with a pained groan and looked down into her eyes.

“Do you feel how hot I am for you, how wet?” She squeezed her inner muscles and began to milk him with her pussy.

“Shit,” he hissed out, his hips twitching.

“That’s it, feel me.”

Abandoning the need to speak, she closed her eyes, conscious that he was watching her as she took her pleasure. Moving her hips slightly, she slid up and down his shaft, only an inch or two but more than enough to drive them both crazy. She took her clit between her fingers and rubbed.

“Going to come. Go over with me.”

She opened her eyes and bit her lower lip, undone by the need, the love in his gaze.

“Come for me, Michelle. Give it to me because as soon as you do I’m going to fill you up. You have no idea how fucking close I am, how much I want to fuck you until you scream my name.”

His strained words set her off as much as her fingers and she hovered on the precipice. Looking into his eyes she started to fall, a harsh cry ripping from her as she struggled to hold his gaze, to keep this connection between them, this touching of souls. His nostrils flared and he gave her a dozen hard thrusts before collapsing on top of her, his hips jerking as his cock throbbed deep inside of her, a pressure that matched her contractions and made her clench against him. Heat bathed her sheath, a warmth that traveled through her blood and into her heart.

A beautiful, amazing relief filled her and she grabbed his face between her hands, pulling him over so she could look at him. The true words still refused to come out, but she had to tell him, had to let him know. “Me too.”


“What you said. Me too.”

For a moment he look confused, then a smile filled with tenderness and joy lit him from within. He leaned over and pressed his lips to hers. “I know.”

All of her worries, all of her self-doubt faded beneath the strength of her emotions and for a little while she forgot about their upcoming trip to Chicago, Wyatt’s PTSD battle, and her own guilt. At this perfect moment the only thing that mattered was the amazing man in her arms and she thanked God for his miracle, praying that her demons wouldn’t destroy their love.



Continue reading for a sneak peek at
, Long Slow Tease book 2.




Long Slow Tease, Book 2




Chapter 1



Michelle Sapphire reclined back in the sumptuous leather seats of the private jet, watching the sky fly by outside and sipped on a glass of champagne. Across her lap lay a velvety soft cashmere throw the color of honey, and a tray of fresh fruit sat on the table next to her seat. Though she was surrounded by every luxury money could buy, it was the man across from her who was the most valuable thing in her world.

He wasn’t pretty, like many of the men in her family’s social circles. You’d never find him casually getting a manicure, or spending two hours doing his hair. Not that he needed to. She longed to run her fingers through those thick raven strands, brush it back and see the glints of silver around his temples. There was something about him that silently broadcasted he wasn’t a man to be fucked with.

Probably the result of all his years in the military as a Marine…or just Wyatt himself.

He rubbed at her elbow with his sock-clad foot. “Anything I can get you, Domina?”

Yuki answered from the other side of the plane where she and her husband and submissive, James, were lounging. “Actually, yes you can Wyatt.”

Michelle turned to look at her best friend, but the beautiful Japanese woman kept an expressionless face. Wyatt looked to her, then back Yuki. “What is it, Ma’am.”

“I want you to do a little public play with us on the plane.”

Michelle would have laughed at the horrified look on his face if she didn’t know what was ahead of him. Shit, if he couldn't take some public play here, he was going to hate the Velvet Fist, her old stomping grounds and the BDSM club where she’d cut her teeth. They were on their way to Chicago for a friend’s wedding/collaring ceremony and, afterwards, the reception at the Velvet Fist. Wyatt had insisted that he wanted to be available to her to play with, if she so desired, but to be honest, the thought of taking any man to the Velvet Fist with her as her submissive made her nauseous.

Almost five years ago her fiancé, first love, and first submissive, Owen, died in a tragic robbery attempt gone bad. He’d been co-owner of the Velvet Fist and the place was filled with memories for her, bittersweet echoes of a different time in her life when she’d been a young woman in love. Now, she would be there as a woman who was bringing a new submissive into the club her dead fiancé helped build. Yuki said no one was freaking out about it but her, but Michelle still couldn’t let go of the feeling that she was somehow insulting Owen by having Wyatt there.

After all, she’d sworn on Owen’s grave to never love another, and here she was, totally besotted with another man…..a man who deserved better than her. But he was here with her now, so she was going to hold herself together and be strong for him.

Wyatt looked to her, his mouth a thin line. “I don’t share, hard limit.”

She nodded. “I don’t share either.”

He glanced at Yuki. “Sorry, Ma’am, but my Domina said no.”

With a soft laugh James, Yuki’s blond and blue eyed husband, and owner of the jet, leaned forward. “No, we’re not talking about touching each other. My Mistress and your Domina are going to think up some terribly wicked thing for us to do to keep them entertained.”

Flushing, Wyatt ran a hand through his hair, the big muscles of his arms flexing in a distracting manner. “Domina?”

She smiled at him, her heart lightening as her mind lifted to a slightly higher level. Not the point where she flew in her Top space, but to a more aware state. A more aroused state. Uncrossing her legs, glad she’d worn a loose skirt, she toed off one of her shoes and placed her bare foot in his lap. Even though in her heart she was afraid of Wyatt hating public play, maybe hating her for even considering it, she pushed aside her doubt and gave Wyatt what he deserved.

A very focused, unmerciful, bad ass bitch of a Dominatrix…with a dash of sugar to go with the spice.

“You know I told you I wanted to show you off, Wyatt, and I mean it. Yuki will see you and she will appreciate the beauty of your form, the gift of your submission. And it will make her hot, make her want to fuck James hard and fast.”

Wyatt cleared his throat and kept his eyes firmly on the window. “James, you okay with this?”

The other man laughed. “Absolutely. Look at it this way. We both get to appreciate two naked, aroused, fucking sexy as hell woman while remaining true to our Mistresses. Not only that, but serving my wife in public turns me on. I know other men want to be where I am, to have such an amazing woman own them.” His voice turned soft, reverent and Michelle watched him stroke Yuki’s face with a look of such love that her heart sang for them. It reminded Michelle of how Wyatt looked at her. “I will do whatever she needs to make her happy. She knows that and I know that the same is true for her.”

Abruptly Wyatt moved her foot out of his lap. “You’re right.”

He stood and stripped off his shirt before bending over and pulling off his socks. She had a wonderful view of his back muscles flexing, the complex tattoos moving across his skin.

James picked up the phone on the wall next to his seat. “I don’t want to be disturbed. Even if the plane is going down in flames, leave me alone.”

“Yes, Sir, Mr. Henrick.”

Once free of his socks, Wyatt took the tray of fruit and moved it to a table further down the sumptuous plane. When he returned he folded down the seats so that a bed formed. Finally, he turned and knelt before her. “How may I please you, Domina?”

His gaze flickered over to where Yuki and James sat and watched, but she snapped her fingers. “I’m over here, Wyatt. For someone who swears to serve me you seem far more concerned about others is in the cabin.”

His shoulders tensed and he looked down, but not before she saw the flash of defiance in his gaze. “My apologies, Domina.”

“Yuki, do you have a blindfold?”

“Of course.” She stood and went over to her carry-on, digging through it. “Blind fold, lube, cuffs, small flogger, and a variety of vibrators.”

“I just need the blindfold. Wyatt, go get my carry-on and then take the blindfold from Yuki.”

He stood, the evidence of his arousal straining against his pants. She hoped she wasn’t pushing him to far too quick, but she had to make him ready. The Velvet Fist was no joke and she had her own small matter of pride to attend to. The part of her that wasn’t wallowing in the guilt of taking on a new submissive, a new man to love, wanted to show Petrov, the owner of the club and a good personal friend, that she’d paid attention during her training and had used the skills he gave her to make a delicious Alpha male into a submissive most Tops would die to have.

And she wanted Wyatt to be proud of her, to know that his Mistress had a good standing in a community he never knew existed, that he’d chosen to serve a woman worthy of his devotion.

Unfortunately, Michelle really didn’t know if Wyatt would ever be comfortable doing a scene in public, let alone enjoying it. And if he wasn’t enjoying, couldn’t enjoy it, there would be utterly no point in forcing him.

Hopefully having Yuki and James witness such an intimate moment between them would help desensitize Wyatt. She certainly knew she’d use every weapon in her considerable erotic arsenal to make sure it was an experience he would never forget. After all, he’d made every moment of her life unforgettable since the moment she first saw him at the base canteen when they were serving together in Afghanistan. Of course they’d been unable to act on their feelings then, she was his superior officer and any hint of impropriety would have gotten them both a dishonorable discharge.

But they weren't in the military anymore and she planned on enjoying the fuck out of Wyatt every chance she could get.

She studied his face, loving the faint lines that experience had given him, the way his gaze softened whenever he looked at her. Wyatt Callahan loved her with every ounce of his considerable heart and she would cherish that gift. If he could just trust her enough to let her take complete control, she could bring him pleasure like no other. As silly as it sounded, having sex in public was an incredibly intimate affair, one filled with emotions and passion. Something she greatly missed and wanted Wyatt to enjoy.

BOOK: Still
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