Stitched Up Heart (Combat Hearts Book 1) (30 page)

Read Stitched Up Heart (Combat Hearts Book 1) Online

Authors: Tarina Deaton

Tags: #Combat Hearts, #Book One

BOOK: Stitched Up Heart (Combat Hearts Book 1)
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“Why?” A crease appeared between his eyebrows.

She spared a glance for the valet before glaring at Jase.

He slipped his hands in his pockets and rocked back on his heels, a self-satisfied grin spreading across his face. Pure sex appeal. The perfect fit of his suit accentuated the width of his shoulders and trim waist. His pale lavender shirt and dark purple tie had been a surprise; she’d expected something more plain. She squeezed her thighs together as her eyes traveled down his body.

“Why, Bree?” She could hear the amusement in his voice.

He took a step forward. She matched it with a step back.

“You know why, Jase.”

“It’s only fair, you know. My zipper’s probably imprinted on my dick by now.”

The valet made a choking sound and began coughing.

Heat spread across her cheeks. “I can’t believe you said that.”

He wiggled his eyebrows, never losing his grin. His truck pulled up before he could embarrass her further. He tipped the valet and opened her door, then thwarted her attempt to edge around him when he gripped her waist and boosted her into his truck.

“I’m not taking any chances of you accidentally flashing anyone,” he said. He smoothed his hand up the outside of her calf, branding her skin. “Legs in.”

She shifted her legs in front of her and settled in the seat. He closed her door and moved around to the driver’s side.

She stared at the center console separating the passenger and driver’s seat. It wasn’t moveable, and there was no way she could lean over it without her ass sticking up in the air. Guess giving Jase head on the way home was a no-go.

He climbed into the driver’s seat and graced her with a lascivious grin. She glanced at his lap and reconsidered hanging her ass out for the world to see.
Think of something else.

“I forgot to thank you for the flowers,” she said.

His look turned quizzical as the truck turned out of the parking lot. “What flowers?”

“The ones you sent earlier today.”

“I didn’t send you flowers.” He still looked confused.

“Oh.” She blinked a few times. If he didn’t send them, who did?

“Was there a card?” He continued to dart glances at her while watching the road ahead of them.

“Yes, but it was blank.” She shrugged. “I just figured they were from you.”

“Who delivered them?”

“Local florist. I think it’s the one on Main Street in town.”

“Do you think it was Chad?

“Probably not. I haven’t heard from him since you tossed him out.”

He rubbed his bottom lip with two of his fingers. “I’ll give Tim a call. See if he can find out who sent the flowers.”

Her eyebrows lifted and a corner of her mouth curled up. “Why don’t I call the florist first. See if they can tell me who sent them before you assume they’re from some nefarious person? For all I know, Gran sent them and didn’t think to sign the card.”

“I guess that probably makes sense.” His smile was sheepish.

“A tad.”

He reached over and took her hand, kissing her knuckles like he had earlier. “Are you disappointed?”

It was her turn to be confused. “About what?”

“That I didn’t send them.”

“A little bit.”

He held her knuckles against his mouth for a moment before rubbing his lips against the back of her hand and settling their hands on the console. “I’m sorry I didn’t think about it.”

“It’s okay.”

“You were excited when you got them, weren’t you?”

“Yeah. It’s nice to get flowers for no reason.”

He released her hand to downshift as he pulled into her neighborhood. He was silent as he navigated to her house and eased into her drive. Setting the parking brake, he shut off the engine and faced her. His look was serious in the dim light of the cab.

“I’ll find no reason to send you flowers.” His voice was heavy with promise.

She ran her hand along his jaw, his trim beard tickling her palm. Pressing her lips to his, she accepted his promise. “Let’s go inside.”

She waited for him to come around and open her door, happy when he took advantage of “helping” her down by pulling her close and sliding her down his front. He took her hand as they strolled up the walkway.

“What time do you get off tomorrow?” he asked.

“I should be home around five-thirty.”

“I’d like to take you out again.” He stopped at the bottom of the porch. She stood on the first step, putting them eye-to-eye.


“Wear jeans. Hiking boots, if you have them.” He took advantage of their equal height and pressed his mouth to hers.

His lips were soft. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling herself closer to his hard body. A hint of the wine they’d had with dinner still lingered on his tongue. The sweetness of his taste, combined the scent of the fresh soap on his skin, threatened to overwhelm her senses.

She wanted this man. Wanted to wrap him around her. To feel safe. Cherished. His promise of “no reason” echoed in her mind and her heart ached from the possibilities stretching out before them.

I promise, too.

She led him up the steps, onto the porch. He took her keys from her and unlocked the door. Pushing it open, he waited for her to enter, but didn’t follow.

“You aren’t coming in?”

“No. Not tonight.” He stepped back and put his hands in his pockets.

“What—? I— Why not?”
What the hell?
They’d been having foreplay for the last few hours and he wasn’t coming in?

“Told myself, no matter what, I was going to this right. Romance you. Pick you up and drop you off.” He grinned. “Close your mouth, darlin’, before something flies in it.”

She snapped her mouth shut and glared at him. Bastard didn’t lose his grin.

“I’ll pick you up tomorrow before six.” He turned and jogged down the steps.

She closed the door and tossed her purse on the foyer table. “What the hell just happened?” Polly walked toward her, tail wagging. Bree leaned down and rubbed Polly’s head between her hands. “What guy does that? Does Charlie do that? Of course not, he doesn’t have any balls.”

Knock, knock, knock.

She whirled and snatched open her door. “Oh, thank—”

Jase’s mouth was open and hot. His tongue invaded, possessing her.


She dug her hands into the material of his coat. He thrust a leg between hers and pulled her up his thigh. One hand dove under her skirt, his fingers digging into the fleshy part of her ass; the other spread across her lower back, holding her in place. She wrapped a leg around his hips, seeking closer contact.

. She wanted him naked. Wanted him pounding into her. Wanted—

He pushed her away suddenly and she teetered on her heels. His eyes shone with lust. And determination.

“I needed one more for the road.” He stepped back out the door and pulled it shut, never breaking eye contact until he had to. “Lock your door.” His voice reached her from the other side.

She flipped the deadbolt with a low, frustrated scream. Hands on her hips, she glared at the offending barrier. The sound of his engine pulling out of her drive reached her and she looked at Polly.

“What the fuck? You think if I cut off his balls, he’d still do that?”

Polly’s doggy grin held no answers.

ase’s mood was very different than the previous night. He seemed almost somber. Reserved.

What the hell happened?

Doubt assailed her. Why did he want her to bring Polly and Charlie? Was he having second thoughts about “romancing” her? Was he having second thoughts about
? Did he suggest bringing the dogs because he was worried about her having a breakdown? Would he take her somewhere to break up with her? Her thoughts raced, keeping pace with the scenery flashing by.

She had to get a grip; her emotions were running wild, making her imagine the worst-case scenario. Making her act like some silly school girl.

He pulled her hand out of her lap and kissed her knuckles. It soothed her nerves. Would he always do that when they were in the car?

“You’re quiet,” he said.

quiet. What’s wrong?”

He glanced at her. “I’m second guessing where I’m taking you.”

“Where are you taking me?”

His Adam’s apple bobbed up and down. He released her hand to shift gears. Easing to a stop at an intersection, he fiddled with the gearshift.

“I want to introduce you to Tony.” His voice was low, threaded with hesitation.

Tears welled up in her eyes, spilling down her cheeks.

“Shit, Bree.” He set the brake. Grasping the back of her neck, he leaned over the console and rested his forehead against hers. “We don’t have to go. It was just a thought.”

She shook her head and mirrored his gesture by grabbing the back of his neck. “It’s just stupid girl emotions.” She kissed him, wetting his mouth with her tears. “I’d like you to introduce me to Tony.”

He pulled away and brushed his thumb over her eyebrow. “It doesn’t have to be tonight.”

Her gaze was soft. “I don’t have anywhere else to be.”

He released her, then the brake, and eased onto the road. She wiped a hand under her eyes. They rode in silence until he pulled onto a dirt road.

“Where are we?”

“The backside of my property.”

They bumped down the road, the setting sun creating long shadows in the woods on either side of the road. Two deer, startled by the truck, bounded away into the thick underbrush, and Charlie chuffed in the backseat. Jase pulled off into a small clearing and shut off the engine. Orange light glimmered on a body of water a few yards ahead of where they stopped.

She looked around as she got out of the truck and let the dogs out of the back. Birds sang high in the trees. A splash from the water could be heard from where they parked. She wouldn’t have guessed they were only a few miles away from town. Charlie and Polly trotted off, sniffing around their new surroundings.

“It’s beautiful here,” she said. “Is that a lake?”

“A big pond.” He rounded the bed of his truck, carrying a cooler and a blanket. “You can walk around the entire thing in about thirty minutes.” He tilted his head to the dogs. “Will they go far?”

“No, they’ll stay close to me. Let me help.” She took the blanket from him and tucked it under her arm. He took her other hand and led them toward the water.

They skirted the edge of the pond for several minutes, the dogs exploring close by. The sun painted the sky in shades of red and orange, sending silver shafts of light reflecting off the surface of the water. Twigs and leaves crunched under the soles of her hiking boots. Jase drifted away from the water, leading her under the canopy of a large oak tree. Spanish moss hung in layers, fluttering in the slight breeze. He stopped on the far side of the trunk so they faced the breathtaking vista of the pond. She looked up at Jase, then followed his gaze to the base of the tree.

A lone, light-colored headstone sat low to the ground.

“This is Tony. We got permission from the county to bury him here.”

She stepped closer to Jase and they stood in silence for several minutes. She could feel the tension in his body. After their talk the other night, she didn’t think his thoughts were in a good place. Tears stung her eyes and she clenched her teeth in an effort to keep them from falling.

“What’s your favorite memory?”

His body jerked next to her. “What?”

“What’s one of your favorite memories of Tony?”

He stared up into the branches of the tree. His chest heaved and she worried, until a chuckled escaped. He looked at her and a smile played at his mouth.

“We were about eight or nine and we had built this fort with Legos. We decided we needed more guards for our fort because we didn’t have enough G.I. Joes. So we took my sister’s Barbies, cut all their hair off so they had buzz cuts, and camouflaged them with brown and green marker.” His shoulders shook as he laughed.

“Shannon screamed so loud when she found us, my mom said later she thought someone was trying to kidnap her. Tony said it was his idea, even though it was mine. He knew his whoopin’ wouldn’t be anywhere near as bad. My dad still laid into me, but mostly for scaring my mom. We both had to give up our allowance for a month to buy Shannon new Barbies. We got to keep the ones we conscripted.” He flashed a smile. “They ended up being promoted to general.”

He set the cooler down and pulled her into his arms, resting his chin on top of her head. She dropped the blanket on the ground as he continued.

“Another time, our parents went out together and hired a babysitter to watch all of us. Some teenage girl who had her boyfriend come over not too long after our parents left. Tony’s house had an overhang on the back of the house, and you could climb out the window from Tony’s room and walk on it. We were always getting in trouble for doing it. The girl took her boyfriend up into the spare bedroom, which was next to Tony’s.” Jase rubbed his hands up and down Bree’s back and she wrapped her arms tighter around his waist.

“Tony had a strong sense of right and wrong, even then. He didn’t like that our babysitter wasn’t watching us like she was supposed to. He got Ms. Carol’s face lotion and we slathered it on our faces real thick, climbed out his window and walked along the roof to the other bedroom. We stared in the window, thinking they’d see us and think we were ghosts, but they were too busy, if you know what I mean. So we scratched at the glass to get their attention. When she saw us at the window, she shrieked loud enough to give Shannon a run for her money, pushed her boyfriend off her and ran out of the room.” His body started shaking again.

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