Stolen Desire (Outlawed Realm) (13 page)

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“But you don’t know how to use it?” She frowned. “Why not?”

“On E2, I planned our cities and roadways,” Zekin said. “Qatar oversaw many of the farms where we grow our food. Bruda taught the major languages from your realm. Although E2’s general populace isn’t aware of it, the ruling class teaches these languages to its children and those of the elite. Languages we’ve learned when the portals have opened. Because of our occupations, we haven’t been trained in how the device works. None of us are quantum physicists like Nikoli Zorr.”

Paige looked at him dumbly. “Who?”

“Do you recall the hologram at the outpost of the pleasure slaves that I said had escaped?”

“Of course.”

“When the guards ran this colony, we heard them speaking of the escaped slaves. The male and female entered a portal just as Vakar and his men were set to capture them on E4. On Vakar’s orders, many of the guards followed them to your realm. Not all of the guards returned. Those who did admitted they’d been unable to find the slaves. Vakar had them tortured, nailed to trees in the jungle, left as food for the predators for failing him. Others began to claim that someone from E2 must have helped the slaves to escape. That’s why no one could find them.”

Zekin paused to catch his breath, to calm down, something he’d never had to do before he’d known Paige. He didn’t want to alarm her more than she already was. “It’s been said that Vakar didn’t believe any of it. He accused the guards of lying to escape punishment and death. The ones here began talking about men like me, Bruda, Qatar, traitors to our realm. They discussed the possibility there was another in E2’s midst, one the rulers hadn’t considered or caught. Nikoli’s name finally came up. Months before, the guards heard the rulers talking about him. How Nikoli had disappeared one day and supposedly died a hero’s death, protecting our realm. ‘What if it’s not true?’ the guards asked each other. ‘What if he’s on the other side?’ They kept their speculation to themselves rather than tell Vakar. None of them wanted to risk torture or death as the others had.”

“First, for supposedly lying,” Bruda said, “then, if Vakar finally believed them, for failing to find Nikoli on E1 and bringing him back.”

“Clearly, the guards won’t be divulging anything anytime soon,” Qatar added. “Not even what they later learned. Of course, it’s all rumor at this point.”

“What is?” Paige asked.

Bruda answered first. “It’s said Nikoli fled to your side because of a woman he saw through the portals. Nikoli was supposed to be monitoring and closing the gateways when they opened spontaneously, which they do from time to time. There’s little worry that anything will cross over into E2 through a spontaneous portal. Our realm’s been protected from intrusion for eons. However, it is possible for one of us to enter your dimension. Which Nikoli may have done, given how much he was supposed to have wanted the woman.”

“Absolutely forbidden,” Qatar said. “Both the desire and the crossing over. An act of treason on our plane.”

“The same as nearly everything else in our perfect world,” Zekin retorted, then spoke to Paige. “It’s also been rumored that Nikoli finally built a device to travel through the portals. First to be with the woman.” He turned to Bruda. “What did they say she’s called?”

The man lifted his shoulders.

“Rekana,” Qatar offered. “No, wait.” He mouthed something over and over, his expression intent as he struggled to refine what he was trying to pronounce. At last, he said, “Reg—EYE—na.”

Paige made a face. “You mean Regina?”

Qatar nodded. “I’m certain that’s what the guards claimed.”

“It’s said that after crossing over to be with her, he then aided the pleasure slaves’ escape with the help of his device.” Zekin lightly tapped the one near him. Its screen glowed a pale green. Symbols scrolled across it. “We believe this came from other quantum physicists on E2 like Nikoli, built on Vakar’s orders for the guards to use. It can bring us to whatever dimension we choose, the destination we desire, if we know how to use it.”

“We don’t,” Qatar said, repeating what Zekin had stated earlier. “That’s why we haven’t tried. We could risk ending up on E2, facing execution.”

“Or something equally bad,” Bruda mumbled.

Qatar nodded. “It might take us deep into the guards’ outpost on this realm where we couldn’t escape, forcing us to battle them.”

“We could even be transported to E3,” Bruda said, his rich complexion draining of color once more.

Paige spoke to Zekin. “You never mentioned E3. What’s there?”

He didn’t want to tell her.

“What?” she insisted.

Caressing her hand, he said, “E3 is the realm of the dead.”

Chapter Nine

It was too fantastic to believe. Yet, Paige was here with them, wasn’t she?

They had the means to take her back to Seattle but didn’t know how to use it without getting her and themselves killed. For the moment, maybe forever, she was trapped here with them. Surrounded by monsters just outside the pods and on the surface, along with the guards who’d already proven just as vicious.

Panic and hysterical laughter churned in her. She settled on a sigh. It took all her strength to pull in more air.

The men exchanged a glance that said they hadn’t a clue what to do about her reaction. While that didn’t appear to bother Qatar and Bruda, Zekin’s face and throat colored with what she guessed was shame. He’d promised to do all he could to bring her back and no doubt feared he’d failed.

As though he’d read her thoughts, he said, “Periodically, new prisoners from E2 arrive with the guards. One of them may have the knowledge to help us.”

He sounded so apologetic, so lost, she murmured, “It’s not your fault.”

His expression said otherwise.

Paige’s throat and chest ached with sorrow, more for him than for her. He was a good man who’d ended up in this godforsaken place because he’d simply wanted to save others and now blamed himself for what had happened to her.

“You should eat,” he said at last, releasing her hand.

She stared at his, overwhelmed by a sudden, irresistible urge to press his knuckles to her cheek, kiss his palm. Do
to make both of them feel better, even if it didn’t last. What good thing could in this place?

Paige had to clear her throat before she could trust herself to speak. “I’m not hungry. I’d like to go back to my room, if that’s all right.” Was someone cleaning it? Did they have the technology here for the room to do that on its own? Paige wanted to laugh at the crazy notion, until she considered it might not be so crazy.

She looked around helplessly at all these strangers, the odd structure. “I can’t recall how to get there. Eeete took me through a lot of halls—I don’t want to disturb her meal,” Paige added hurriedly before Zekin could suggest it. “Will you take me?”

“Of course.”

They left the table. Pleasure slaves stepped to the side, allowing them to pass. Paige didn’t bother giving them a smile, as none of them glanced at her or Zekin. On the way back to her pod, they walked side by side, not looking at each other, not speaking, behaving exactly as the slaves did. However, it was far different.

Paige sensed his tension, no different from hers. She figured he was struggling for something to say. Words that would comfort.

Upon reaching the space, he stepped aside, allowing her to enter first. The moment Paige did, she turned to him, wrapping her arms around his torso, tucking her face in his neck.

Zekin stiffened, though only for a moment, and then he embraced her in return, his body strong, protective, his arms easing her closer.

Grateful tears stung her eyes. “None of this is your fault,” she whispered, speaking as fast as she could, unable to stop. “Please, don’t ever think that. You’re the bravest man I know. You risked your life to save me and so many others. I don’t want you putting yourself in harm’s way for me. Not again. Not ever. If anything happened to you—oh God, I couldn’t live with myself, I’d simply—”

His kiss stopped her from continuing, his tongue parting her lips, filling her mouth. A sound filled with female craving rushed from Paige. She sagged against him, gripping his shirt, angling her head so he could deepen their kiss.

Zekin responded with pure male lust mingled with exquisite tenderness. Gently, he cupped the back of her head, his strength subdued yet still powerful enough to keep Paige from escaping the passion he needed. The same that she required. He growled in what sounded like delight. She made noises that were more feline than human, her body thrumming with desire, pushing her apprehension and despair away. If only for these moments. There was time enough later to face all the crap that would surely come.

Right now, she wanted relief from pain, craving all that was good. Seldom had Paige felt more alive and touched so deeply by a man.

She pulled at his shirt, needing it off. He did the same with hers, their movements hasty and graceless as they undressed each other. He flung her garment aside and stared. After her bath, Paige hadn’t bothered to put her underwear back on. She was as naked as the majority of the people here.

Zekin’s wolfish smile said he approved. Not only of her nudity but of her, as though she stirred something within him that none of those perfect females had been able to do.

Good boy.

Paige reached for his pants, more than ready to unfasten them. He was quicker, tearing them and his boots off, pitching them away.

She was going to reward him for that big-time.

Zekin seemed to know, his breathing as strained as hers, as if they’d reached the end of a marathon or a long, dry spell when it came to sex.

As far as Paige was concerned, their wait was over. Wrapped in each other’s embrace, their mouths joined once more, they sank to the bed.

Instantly, Zekin proved his superior strength, his intolerable need. With an iron grip, he held Paige’s wrists in one hand, her arms above her head—the same as he had in her earlier fantasy—while his other hand explored the contours of her body. Curves she’d been unhappy with for most of her life. Not now. Not when Zekin seemed to enjoy them so damned much.

His kiss grew gentle and searching, his intent clear as he explored the swell of her breasts, the slight curve of her belly, the damp folds between her legs.

Without restraint or pause, he worked three fingers inside her sheath.

Paige gasped, the sound dulled by his tongue. Her whimpers were louder, unrestrained at the wondrous sensations rolling through her. Carnal need. Savage lust. Devotion too, and a yearning that reached her soul. She responded as she’d never done before. He was a man who deserved a woman’s best.

He was clearly an expert at this. With his thumb, he stroked her clit lazily as though they had all the time in the world. Could be they did, until something new, unimaginable or horrible hap—

No. Stop it.
Paige didn’t want to consider that. Not now. They’d both been through too much stuff—him far more than her—for Paige to dwell on the bad. She was determined to enjoy this slice of heaven.

Warmth snaked through her, deliciously seductive, snarling her thoughts, taking over her body. She lifted her hips, pushing her cunt into his hand, demanding that Zekin increase his pace.

He didn’t, his actions those of a man who ruled, who knew exactly what he was doing and what she required.

Paige’s orgasm built slowly, her muted pants and moans filling the silence. Within minutes, a thin sheen of perspiration coated her body and his. Still, he kept that same measured pace. Paige growled, wanting him to put a move on. He thrust his tongue more deeply into her mouth, insistent on her submission to what he willed.

Helplessly—and then gladly—she gave him what he craved, her body relaxing beneath his.

He worked his fingers within her channel, mimicking what he’d soon be doing with his cock. Pulling them nearly out only to tunnel them back inside, creating friction and pressure that had Paige hungering for more. He gave it as he stroked her clit.

Her nub was so wonderfully sensitive, Paige came without warning, the climax tearing through her.

Zekin didn’t notice or didn’t care. He continued to rub her small kernel of flesh until Paige thought she’d scream from too much pleasure. Tearing her mouth from his, she panted loudly. “Enough. Please. I need to—”

Her entreaty ended in a breathy sigh as Zekin thrust his cock into her cunt, stretching and filling her, burrowing as deep as a man could go.


Her sheath was warmer than he could have imagined, tighter than he’d dared dream, her inner muscles still pulsing slightly from her orgasm. Pleasure he’d given her. Delight she’d welcomed.

Never had Zekin felt as grateful to a female for allowing him to feel like a man. Not the dispassionate creature he’d been trained to be, but one who was imperfect—frozen in fear and indecision at times, hurt more by loneliness than the lash of a whip. He was all that and sensed Paige knew. Yet she still desired and cherished him.

It was in her touch, wanting him closer, and the way she yielded so completely to him.

An insatiable hunger for intimacy, a true coming together of body and spirit, tore through Zekin, emotions denied him all of his life. He ground his hips into hers, frustrated that he couldn’t get closer. If he’d been able to burrow beneath her skin, reaching the intense heat of her heart, he would have. Paige was the home he’d needed for too long, a woman he had no right to want.

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