Stone Guardian (13 page)

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Authors: Danielle Monsch

Tags: #Entwined Realms Book I

BOOK: Stone Guardian
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She shut the door with a quiet click. Michael wasn’t yelling – not yet, at least – and it would be best to do everything possible to keep things quiet and prevent Terak from waking up during their little family chat.

Overprotective gargoyle versus overprotective big brother. That was a match-up she had no interest in seeing anytime soon.

Michael’s eyes wandered her apartment, not in casual interest but in a hard sweep, searching out any hidden secret or concealed clue.

He was looking at her place with cop’s eyes, and there went any hope that this was a friendly visit.

He’d never used the sweep on her before. He once joked this was the only place he could relax and not be a cop. Something had sent him here.

So what did he know, and how did he know it? If he knew she was at the park, where were the drawn weapons, and where were the other brothers and dad? And why wasn’t he asking about the gargoyle sighted in the park? And if he was here only because there was an orc attack in the city, why wasn’t he ushering her out of the apartment and straight to dad’s?

Nothing was adding up. This needed to be played casual, at least until she had a better idea of what her brother knew. “Michael, what are you doing here?”

“You went to the park today?” It was question and statement mixed together, a tactic used by cops where they are asking you a question, but in the words it’s implied they already know what’s going on, so you better not lie.

Keep up the confusion act. “Actually I did. I went running this morning.”

His voice was curt, not letting her sentence die before he asked the next question. “Did you see anything while there?”

“Yeah, lots of trees and two men ogling this one woman who was wearing red running lingerie.”

“Anything else?”

In their usual conversations, now would be the time she would get annoyed with her big brother and start acting huffy. Crossing her arms and cocking her hip to one side, she added a touch of annoyance into her tone. “What’s this about?”

Michael’s eyes were cold and calculating. In that gaze, he was weighing whatever he knew in his head against what he had seen from her today.

Her brother was deciding if he could trust her. He was deciding if she was his baby sister, or if she was responsible for a wrong he needed to set right.

Damn, this hurt. And the worst of it was, he was right. He was right to question her and act like she was some bum he grabbed from the street, because right now, right this minute, for the first time in her life, she was lying to him. Not a fib, not a stall for more time, but a lie.

A big lie. A lie over something that mattered.

End this now.

Maybe that would be best. This situation was spiraling out of control. If today proved anything, it proved the zombie incident was not a mistake. Something was hunting her for whatever reason. What were the choices? Have a gargoyle sleeping under her bed all her life?

End this now. Confess everything and throw herself on Dad’s mercy, then come up with a plan on where to go from here. He’d be mad as hell, no doubt about it, but that didn’t change the fact they would do anything to protect her.

And Terak?

What would they do to Terak?

What would they do to the gargoyle who had been protecting her all this time, the being she had begun to call her friend? He fought and bled for her. He laughed with her. He snarked at her.

He called her brave and she knew, to the center of her soul she knew, he meant it.

Even if they didn’t do anything to him, coming clean to Michael would mean the end of her relationship with Terak.

They would force her to let him go.

Michael’s eyes were still indecisive.

Larissa raised her eyebrows at him. “Well Michael, I’m waiting. What has you coming over here in such a snit? Couldn’t you at least call me first and warn me you have attitude to spare?

Michael relaxed, the signal that he had put his suspicions aside. He put his hand out to her, something between his fingers that he was giving her. It was her driver’s license. “Did I leave this at Dad’s?”

“It was found today at the park. There was an incident and I happened to notice it near the scene.”

So that’s what had started this. “What happened at the park?”
No, I’m not going to move back and live with dad. No, I don’t care if there was an orc attack

He shook his head. “Sorry, I can’t give any details of an ongoing inves… Ris, you alright?”

It was a good thing she tripped and fell to the floor, otherwise Michael couldn’t have missed the shock that had streaked through her body and had to be evident on her face, and he would have known she’d been lying earlier.

The zombies had disintegrated – at least, that’s what she assumed was the reason the earlier attack was undetected. But the orcs? That was destruction on a large scale, and their bodies didn’t disintegrate. They were in large heaps, blood and broken bodies littering a little used section of a public park. That couldn’t be hidden.

Could it?

And if someone did have the ability to hide it? Who? And why would they?

What the hell was Michael part of?

She needed answers, but right now Michael needed to leave. There was still a large male she had to take care of. She picked herself off the floor and used her palms to dust off her legs. “One of these days I’ll become graceful, you’ll see,” she said, picking the threads of a long running family joke.

Michael fell into the rhythm. “The day that happens is the day I’ll trust you with my computer.”

“You’d be lucky if I somehow broke that thing. There’s old technology, and then there is technology that has seniors laughing at you for owning it.” She walked into the kitchen and picked up her sandwich. “Well it was nice seeing you, and thanks for my ID back. If that’s all, I’m kind of busy. I’ll see you this weekend.”

He didn’t take the hint, which was the usual for Michael. While he was no longer in full cop-mode, speculation was still clear on his face. “What are you busy with?”

Why couldn’t her family be the type that avoided each other except for the holidays? “Michael, quit treating me like a kid. I’m allowed to have a life and I don’t have to run every decision by you.”

“Who gave you that wrong information?” His eyes narrowed. “What are you hiding from me?”

A noise brought both of their gazes to the door of her bedroom.

Terak appeared in the doorway, the towel around his waist the only covering over his naked body.




Chapter Thirteen



Warm honeysuckle drifted around him, tease and temptation. Just like her, sweet and comforting and sensual, she was able to ease his tension with a touch of her hand or have him hard and wanting with a glance of those eyes.

She had been delectable, her long legs bare and the sunlight exposing the multiple hues of blond in her hair.

A coppery tang worked its way past the honeysuckle. No, this should never touch her. It was his duty to protect her from necromancers, and from orcs…

Late afternoon sunlight filtered through his eyelids as he cracked them. Slow and steady, he forced his eyes open.

He was on a bed. Blue walls surrounded him, and on top of the furniture were feminine bottles and potions.

Larissa’s bedroom.

Images were creeping back, the fuzziness of sleep giving way to the clarity of memory. Orcs were often allies of the necromancers but they were not slaves. If they were there on behalf of the same masters as the zombies, the necromancers must have agreed to a very high price.

Also, they were able to pass the wards, a situation that was very different from the zombies getting into the city. Zombies were once human. It would take powerful magic to confuse the wards enough to let the zombies through, but it was not outside the abilities of a Master Necromancer.

Orcs, though, orcs should have been impossible.

If the wards were completely useless, Larissa was in greater danger than ever, and a new plan for her protection needed to be drawn up.

But what? She would not agree to stay at the keep until the danger had passed. Indeed, he used that very suggestion to sway her away from the Guild.

And that was if she was still willing to let him guard her, now that she knew…

She knew!

He jerked from the bed, his half-healed injuries tearing anew at the sudden movement.

She knew. No.


Had any of his Clan appeared? No, no one was to be here until the middle of the night. None would have come and seen him… human.

On unsteady legs he went to the bathroom. In the mirror was undeniable evidence, the face that of a human male. Larissa knew that he could shift into a human form.

From their earliest history, there was only one absolute rule held by his race - if any outsider discovered that gargoyles could shift, the outsider was to be executed at once.

His clawless hands fisted against the white tile of the sink. He would be dead if she had not entered the battle. Instead of running for safety she had appeared to aid him in battle, as fierce as any goddess of war. She had taken him home, cared for him, nursed him. And he was to repay that with death?

No, no harm would ever come to his little human. She would never be hurt, even if he had to battle his own Clan for her life.

But the Clan’s secrets must be protected. How could he ensure that?

Rubbing his hand over his face, he pushed back from the mirror.

There was nothing to be done now. It was time for more practical considerations, and later, he would reflect more upon how to contain the situation.

He took off the bandages and stepped into the shower, the hot water getting the last of the blood from this day’s battle. There was very little that had been missed. Larissa had done well bathing him and tending to his wounds.

His hand stilled in washing his hair. He had been naked in that bed.

Larissa had stripped away his clothes. She had caressed his body with those soft little hands.

Did she like what she saw? What she

His cock hardened, becoming as heavy and as stiff as the stone statues his kind resembled.

She would have been above him, leaning over him to tend to his wounds. She would have nibbled on her lower lip, as she often did when she concentrated, leaving it pink and swollen and glistening.

He palmed his cock, rubbing it with slow movements. Her little tongue would have come out to swipe over her lower lip after she had finished nibbling it, the way he wanted it to swipe over his body. He wanted her to peel the clothing from his body not because of injuries, but because she needed to know the taste and feel of him. She would get on her knees in front of him-


His hand stopped. He tilted his head for clearer sound.

Larissa, and one other.


The growl echoed through the shower stall. He grabbed a towel to cover his body and exited the room.

If the man threatened her, he was dead.

If the man was a rival for her, he would wish he was never born.

As he entered her living room, the two humans sensed his presence. Larissa’s eyes widened while the male’s narrowed, and the grinding of the man’s teeth was sharp in Terak’s ears.

The male was her brother, the only dark haired one amongst the boys. She was not dealing with a male who desired her.

Larissa’s mouth parted in surprise. Her hair was damp from a recent shower, and she wore a shirt which hung off her shoulder, as if she had risen from the soft bed he had awoken in.

Her eyes locked with his, wide and blue and bright. The slope of her shoulder enticed him, invited him to nuzzle her, follow the curve of her skin wherever it led him.

She swallowed hard, her hand coming up to cover her bare shoulder, her thumb brushing the skin of her neck as he wanted to do.

The energy from her brother grew so dark Terak turned his gaze to the human male. He was murderous, his body tensed in preparation for a fight.

Larissa seemed to sense her brother’s mood, for she broke from his gaze to turn to her brother. For a few long moments debate was clear on her features, a questioning on what to do next.

Then her chin came up, that little signal of defiance that often wrung a groan of frustration from him even as every cell filled with pride at the sight.

She walked over to stand in front of him. Sliding her hands up his chest, she stood on her toes to brush a kiss over his mouth, the pink lips softer than anything he had ever experienced before. “Baby, this is my brother, and we’re having a sibling discussion. Why don’t you wait in the other room and we’ll be done in a moment.”



Thank goodness Terak had done as she requested.

Of course, she still had a pissed older brother to deal with.

“Ris, who was that?”

Her hands went to her hips, an instinctive reaction when her brother used that tone on her. “You don’t get to lecture me, Michael.”

He stomped over to her, his eyes ablaze. “
don’t get to say anything when my baby sister is obviously sleeping with some guy she never even introduced to the family?”

She poked him in the chest to get him to back up. “
baby sister is twenty-six years old and lives on her own! Do I stomp over to your house to see what kind of hussy you are shacking up with?”

“We aren’t talking about me!”

“Well, we aren’t talking about me, either! My sex life is none of your concern.”

He groaned, putting his hands up over her ears like he could block the words. “I don’t want to hear my little sister use that word again.”

“Grow up. You’re the one trying to insinuate yourself into my life. Don’t then act like you can’t handle it.”

They eyed each other from opposite corners, both refusing to back down. Hands on hips, he said, “This isn’t right.”

Realization struck Larissa and she looked down to see her stance mirroring her brother’s. They really were a lot alike.

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