Read Stone Passions Trilogy Online

Authors: A. C. Warneke

Stone Passions Trilogy (6 page)

BOOK: Stone Passions Trilogy
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“Who are you?” A soft voice asked and she jumped, temporarily forgetting she was still standing on the dance floor.

“Pardon me?” she asked, not quite understanding his question. She must have spaced for quite a while; she was still a bit fuzzy. “Did you just ask who I am?”

He nodded, still slightly thunderstruck.

Realizing her error in manners, she stepped back and held out her hand. Automatically he took it but didn’t seem quite sure what to do with it so she pumped it up and down. “I’m Melanie Jacobs, your neighbor.”

God, if words could kill, judging by his stricken expression, she just struck a fatal blow! She stepped back, mortified by whatever social faux pas she just committed, “I’m sorry. Perhaps I’m not what you expected?”

His expression was grim as he muttered, “That would imply I expected you.”

“I’m sorry?” She wasn’t sure why it came out as a question but he just seemed to need an apology. She just wasn’t sure for what she was apologizing.

Quicker than she could possibly imagine, his fingers were wrapped around her upper arm and he was holding her close to his body. His breath was hot against her ear as he hissed, “Leave him be.”

“Why?” she tilted her head back so she could see him as his expression darkened ominously. Despite the inherent threat in his frozen eyes, she was not afraid. Even when he thrust her away and she stumbled a bit before finding her balance. Her head was still a little foggy and she remembered she had drunk an Explosive Orgasm just before dancing with Vaughn. Maybe the alcohol was finally hitting her.

“We’re leaving,” Armand growled. “I’ll deal with you later.”

It took her a moment to shake the rest of the fuzziness away and when she did, Armand had disappeared. She looked over her shoulder and was disappointed to see the two men carting her would-be lover off, obviously against his will. Vaughn’s jaw was tense as he struggled against their combined efforts. It was strangely thrilling to find a man wanting her badly enough to fight not one but two brothers. Unfortunately, it was vastly more annoying that he was being hauled away.

As the trio stepped through the door, his eyes caught hers and he mouthed, “I’ll come for you.”

Or maybe she had just watched too many romantic movies and was projecting her desires. Still, she didn’t think anyone was going to come close to matching this attraction she felt for the golden Vaughn. It was scary how one glance changed everything, that spotting a stranger from across the room and knowing that he was the one for her.

But she knew him. She danced with him once upon a dream….

Oh, wait; that was a cartoon she once saw.

Chapter Three



“Wow,” Frankie beamed after Melanie squeezed her way through the crowd and rejoined her friends at the bar. Several empty shot glasses were strewn in front of the two girls and a group of young, testosterone-laden guys were drooling over Frankie and Vanessa. “Who were the three hotties?”

Melanie smiled a little self-consciously, strangely reluctant to discuss Vaughn just yet. She wanted to keep him to herself for a while. “Apparently the dark-haired one, Armand, is my neighbor and the other two are his brothers, Rhys and Vaughn.”

“Ah!” Frankie grinned, pointing her finger at Melanie and bouncing a little in her seat. “I know that look. You’re smitten!”

“What?” Melanie tried to wipe all expression from her face but the loopy grin seemed to not want to disappear.

“That smile,” Frankie continued, oblivious to all of the men trying to snag her attention and absurdly interested in Melanie’s romantic quests. “You wore it when you fell in love with that actor.”

“It wasn’t the actor,” Melanie corrected, unable to prevent the silly smile from growing. There was such a familiarity with the three men, as if she had known them forever and she felt tremendously comfortable with them. Even when the dark man demonstrated his power over her, she wasn’t at all worried that he would harm her. In fact, she felt safe in their presence. “It was the role he played….”

“Some mythical fairy king or something.” Frankie shook her head and waved her hand through the air, dismissing the obscure movie that few people had ever even heard of before. “You have the same smile. So, which brother is it?”

Before Melanie had a chance to open her mouth, Frankie answered her own question, “I bet it’s the black-haired one, isn’t it? Armand? I swear, I have never seen such a glorious specimen of manhood. I’d consider having an affair with him despite how madly in love I am with Lee. I bet that man knows how to do things….”

“I still think the red head would be the one to fuck,” Vanessa chimed in, turning away from her fawning minions to join the conversation. “Couldn’t you just imagine twisting your hands in all of that hair? Rubbing it all over your body or tying him up with it? Hmmm, it’d be delicious.”

Vanessa closed her eyes and made a hum of arousal, “Did you get his number?”

Melanie laughed at her two friends. While keeping her infatuation on Vaughn close to her heart, she listened to the many and varied ways Vanessa and Frankie would violate Rhys and Armand. Her stomach ached from laughing so hard as the girls went on and on and she almost felt sorry for the men. Almost, but not quite.

At some point another Explosive Orgasm was placed in front of her and the conversation moved on to other topics, with much laughter and groans. She did the shot and then she had a glass of champagne, the bubbly drink tickling her nose and warming her insides as they continued to laugh.

Since it was New Year’s Eve, Melanie took a moment to reflect on her life and the love that she had for her family. Her parents were still happily married, even after nearly thirty years and three kids, and one grandchild. Her older brother Jenson was starting to take over more of the family business and he genuinely loved what he did and her sister Jenna was her best friend, her confidant who was doing an awesome job raising her daughter, Melanie’s niece.

The thought of precocious little Ferris made Melanie smile. They were kindred, sharing a colorful view of the world of the seen and unseen. They often pretended to be dragon slayers on a magic quest to find lost treasure or fairies plotting mischief on the humans around them or mermaids with jeweled tails and seashell tops.

She loved being able to work at the family store, being able to decide what hours she wanted to work and not having to worry about finances. Her family’s business – Frozen Earth Gourmet Chocolates and Candies – was an international presence, and though Melanie knew they were well enough off, she wasn’t too sure what the actual worth of the business was. It didn’t concern her since Jenna was the one who dealt with the numbers. All that mattered was that she was able to afford her adorable, little apartment and a comfortable life style.

And she enjoyed going out with her friends on the occasional Friday night.

Music was blaring and the air was electric with all of the excitement as the three girls made their way to the dance floor to burn off some energy and alcohol. Barely able to hear her own thoughts over the loud music, Melanie abandoned herself to the noise, becoming a part of the seething crowd of humanity writhing on the dance floor.

The time before midnight was dwindling to less than ten minutes, surprising Melanie with how quickly the night was passing and how much fun she was having. The only thing that would have made it better would have been if Jenna had been able to make it. Well, make that two things. Having one more dance with Vaughn, sharing a midnight kiss with him, would have made the night perfect.

More than a little buzzed and needing a few minutes to catch her breath before the final countdown, she grabbed Vanessa’s arm, catching her attention between men and dances, “Ness, I’ve got to find the bathroom.”

With glassy eyes, Vanessa’s smile was a rather tipsy, “Be sure you’re back in time for the countdown! I want someone to kiss.”

Frankie wrapped an arm around Vanessa’s waist and grinned drunkenly, “I’ll kiss ya, sweetheart.”

Melanie chuckled as she pushed her way through the crush, the music and voices all blurring together until nothing was distinguishable. She made her way to the unisex bathroom at the back of the bar and when she faced the mirror over the sink she winced. Her hair had long ago fallen from the elaborate style it was in, her minimal make up was even more minimal, her skin was shiny and flushed, and she looked happy but exhausted. And a little tipsy.

Her hair was going to have to be tied back in a ponytail. She pulled the pins out and ran her fingers through the long locks, trying to get as many of the tangles out as possible.

Turning on the faucet, she splashed some water on her face, figuring she could cool off her over-heated skin and then put on some fresh lip gloss. Looking in the mirror again, she saw that a few strands of her hair were stuck to her face and she looked like she just tumbled out of bed. Shaking her head, she began to dig in her purse to find the pale lip gloss, hoping it would help.

By that point, it didn’t really matter. It was almost midnight and there was no one worth kissing.

“Damn,” she mumbled, as the lip gloss slipped out of her hand when she pulled it from her purse. Bending down, she curled her fingers around the small tube, rolling her eyes at her clumsiness. If she could blame it on the alcohol she would have but she wasn’t that drunk, just pleasantly buzzed.

As she stood, she came to the not uncomfortable realization that she was no longer alone, that somehow somebody entered without her even knowing it. Slowly, she rose to her feet, her heart racing in her chest and her body starting to hum. Without seeing, she knew it was him. Vaughn came back for her.

The air in the room sizzled, alive with energy, making the hair on her arms stand on end, making her thighs shake and moisture gather between them. Standing upright, she met his eyes in the mirror and discovered he was even more devastating one on one than in a crowded room. Her body began to tremble, but not out of fear. She knew that she should be afraid, after all, he was a stranger and he was staring at her with such ravenous desire. But she wasn’t scared. She was drunk with rapture that he was there.

“Do you feel it?” he asked, his voice even more heady and luxurious than she remembered; the richest, darkest chocolate. His golden gaze continued to hold hers as he moved closer, until the heat from his chest caressed the length of her back. “The compelling, intoxicating allure between us, do you feel it?”

She tried to swallow but her mouth was obscenely dry so she mutely nodded. Her skin was tingling with the allure and her breasts were already swelling, her nipples tightening from it. She couldn’t look away from him.

His gaze became introspective, almost contemplative as a look of wonder passed over his handsome features. She was drowning in a sea of gold as his gaze roamed over her face, touching each area in a visual caress, lingering on her mouth. “I’ve never felt anything like it before. Even though I know that it’s wrong, that it’s impossible, I am drawn to you and I don’t care about the consequences. I had to see you, I had to have you.”

“I feel the same way,” she said, her words barely audible over the pounding of her heart, the sound of her breath. He stepped even closer, until his chest was pressed to her body and she could feel every ridge of his stone stomach against her back, the thick evidence of his erection against her lower spine.

How could she desire a stranger so much? It didn’t seem possible, yet here she was in this place with this man and she knew that she wasn’t going to leave until he fucked her. He inhaled sharply, sliding his hand around her waist, splaying his fingers over her abdomen and pulling her into his body. Holding her gaze in the mirror, his voice low and seductive, he bent his head and whispered in her ear, “Do you want this?”

Running her tongue over her lower lip, she managed to nod again. His eyes darkened almost to the color of his hair, the black pupils swallowing most of the gold. His nostrils flared as he took a breath, “You smell like sin and salvation.”

She smiled slightly at that even as her belly vibrated and the folds of her sex swelled, as moisture soaked her panties and the smell of her feminine scent merged with the darker tones of his musk. Her lips parted and she was already breathing heavily, unable to get enough oxygen as all of her blood rushed to her breasts, her sex.

Slowly, torturing her with his unhurried pace, he slid each of her blouse buttons free from its respective hole. As her shirt fell open, he gently pulled it from her arms until she stood before him in her pale pink demi-bra. Her nipples hardened even more and she caught her lip, wondering what he thought of her full breasts.

“Beautiful,” he crooned. Dragging his fingers lightly up her spine he unhooked the clasp of her bra, letting the lacy material fall forward. Instinctively, she crossed her arms over her chest to prevent it from falling, to prevent him from seeing her naked torso.

Tenderly, he grabbed her wrists and untangled her arms, letting them dangle uselessly at her sides. Her chest rose and fell with each breath she took but she allowed him to slide the bra the rest of the way off her body. His eyes devoured the image of her naked flesh and she felt… desirable. Desired. Softly, reverently, he repeated, “Beautiful.”

BOOK: Stone Passions Trilogy
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