Stone Romance (Stone Passion #2) (3 page)

BOOK: Stone Romance (Stone Passion #2)
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Jenna’s blush deepened as she lowered her lashes, absurdly pleased by his words, the way he said her name in that whisky and sex voice of his. It didn’t change the fact that she was going to disown her sister when this night was over
. A
s often as Melanie had talked about Rhys, she hadn’t bothered to mention how utterly irresistible he was. He was sex on a stick, oozing sensuality and charm with no effort at all. Rhys was all of the oceans combined and Jenna knew he had the ability to pull her under and make her drown.

Or she would just have to learn how to swim in the deep end; she just wasn’t sure if
she was ready to go that far, i
f that was even where this was heading
. S
he had just met the man and had no need trying to figure out her next move when he hadn’t made a move at all. The only thing she knew was if he was a frat boy she might have to consider going back to college to get a second degree.

Easing her hand from his grip, tearing her gaze away from his full lips, she turned to the golden-haired, golden-eyed Vaughn and smiled
with true affection

“Jenna,” he said, returning her smile. Stepping forward, he enfolded her in a warm embrace, placing an affectionate kiss on her cheek before letting her go. “It’s good to see you again.”

“You, too,” she

stepped back and wrapped his arm around Melanie, pulling her into his hard body in
gesture that was protective and possessive; the two of them were two bodies that shared one soul.

eyes darted to Rhys, who continued chatting with Ferris as if Jenna wasn’t there at all and an odd pang tightened her throat. But then, he looked up and their eyes met and she felt the earth shift beneath her feet.


No, it was okay; it was a simple physical reaction to a gorgeous guy who looked
handsome holding her little girl in his strong arms; of course her heart would melt a little. It was merely lust and it was only because he was the first man she had really seen since making the decision to test the dating waters. And he was the first man to look at her as if she was the richest, most decadent
and he was an avowed
lover of desserts
, ready to devour her. The feeling of being desired as a woman was heady and she just wanted to enjoy it for a little while.

It wasn’t like anything could come of it; obscenely hot men like Rhys preferred equally hot women without the responsibilities of a child
and since she wasn’t disturbingly gorgeous and she did have a child that excluded her
as long as she kept her head clear,
kept it light and impersonal,
she would be able to enjoy flirting with him.

Standing up and leaving Ferris to Lenni and Vaughn, Rhys crossed the very short distance between them and stuffed his hands in his pockets, a boyish grin on his handsome face, “I hope you don’t mind me tagging along.”

fine,” she said inanely, her ability to converse intelligently a hazy memory. Smiling wider to conceal her missing brain, she added, “The more the merrier, right?”

“Ferris has your smile,” Rhys said, reaching out and brushing his thumb over her bottom lip. The touch was light, barely there and just as quickly gone, but she felt it in her toes. She was going to have to revise her initial assessment; the magnetism of this man was dangerous and exhilarating
; it
might even be worth testing the waters. A
if she could find her ability to communicate, it might even be wonderful
; a
little embarrassment at family dinners
would be an acceptable price to pay.

But then his words registered and warmth blossomed deep in her chest and her smiled softened as she glanced at her daughter, conversing so easily and readily with Melanie and Vaughn. Looking back at Rhys, her tongue not quite as thick as it was two seconds before, she told him, “Everyone thinks she looks like Lenni.”

Rhys cocked his head to the side as his gaze moved over her face in a visual caress. His brows drew together as he slowly shook his head, “No, while she has long hair that would throw m
people off, she definitely looks like you. And if she continues to take after her mother,
I am sure she will, she is going to be stunning when she grows up.”

Jenna’s tongue decided to take that moment to tie itself into a
knot, all progress gone in an instant because an attractive man complimented her. She had to hand it to Melanie; her sister knew how to tempt a girl into throwing all caution to the wind.
But how could her resistance melt
in an instant? It wasn’t normal
, no matter how gorgeous and charming Rhys was.

“You are such a charmer, Rhys,” Melanie crooned from where she stood next to Ferris and the doorway. With a meaningful glance at both Jenna and Rhys, she squatted down to Ferris’s level and smiled, “Why don’t you grab your coat so we can get going.”

Ferris quickly did as Melanie asked and the three of them were heading out the door before Jenna realized what their intentions were. They were leaving her alone with a man that had been crafted from her darkest dreams, dreams that she tried to deny even as she longed to dream them.

Snapping out of whatever delirium she had fallen under, Jenna shook her head and laughed at her fanciful thoughts. If she wasn’t careful, she was going to end up like Melanie, with visions of mythical beasts and happy ever after’s filling her head. Grabbing her jacket from the coat hook, she looked at Rhys with a bemused smile. But then, as she was about to slide her arms into her coat sleeves, he took the garment and held it up for her in an old world gesture of chivalry. “Allow me.”

“Thank you,” she murmured, charmed by the gentlemanly act; he seemed too young to have such courtly manners. Turning, she slid her arms into the jacket, feeling the warmth of his body as he stood so close. His breath moved over the skin of her neck as he stepped even closer, drawing his hands down the front of the coat to smooth out the lines and she had to resist the urge to shiver. Breathing deep, his warm, spicy scent filled her lungs and she did shiver.

Turning, around to face him, she offered him a shaky smile, trusting in the old adage to fake it until it was real. If she pretended she had the capability to have a conversation it just might work “And here I was worried that you were still in high school and barely out of puberty. You’re not still in high school, are you?”

He threw his head back and laughed, the sound rich and sensuous and completely wonderful and she knew right then and there that she was in trouble. “Oh, sweetheart, you have no idea.”

“Melanie did say you were Vaughn’s younger brother,” she said with a slight shrug of her shoulders and a teasing smile as she
began to remember
how to flirt. It was a little rusty but at least she was no longer a burbling mess. “I’m glad I was mistaken. I think I would have had to disavow all knowledge of my sister had you turned out to be some sixteen year old child and that would have sucked because I adore Lenni, even if she’s a bit insane.”

“Ah, but she fits in so well in this madhouse,” he grinned as they slowly walked out the door of Melanie’s teeny apartment into the atrium of the men’s home. Grabbing a leather trench coat and putting it on as they made their way to the elevator, he continued, “She bribes me with the most amazing chocolates and for that alone I will forgive her just about anything.”

“Lenni and her chocolates,” Jenna sighed, her eyes sparkling with laughter. “She has gotten us out of more unfortunate situations because of her way with chocolate. I swear it’s a gift, one that I sadly do not share.”

“Then where do your talents lay?” he asked, pressing the call button for the elevator. It was going to be a few minutes because Ferris, Melanie and Vaughn had taken it down just moments before.

Her eyes sparkled mischievously, “My talent was in letting Lenni believe I was able to talk my way out of whatever trouble we got into instead of letting her know the truth.”

“That you used her chocolates?” he grinned in approval. Crossing his arms over his chest, he leaned against the wall and let his gaze move over her face, the appreciation apparent in his expression. “Beauty and brains; you must have to fight off unwanted suitors with a stick.”

Her smile broadened at his statement; she was also charmed by his somewhat archaic words. “What suitors? Most guys tend to run the other way when I tell them I have a daughter.”

“Then they’re idiots,” he said definitively. “Ferris is adorable; she can talk a stone statue’s ear off.”

Jenna inwardly cringed at the familiar refrain
; while she usually enjoyed listening to Ferris talk incessantly, she knew that not everyone felt the same. Why i
bother her that he would
remark upon it she had no idea
. Holding a smile, she managed to laugh, “She
chatty. Her
teacher is
always sending home notes letting me know that she tells the most outlandish stories and that she needs to learn to be
keep her tales to herself

“Never,” Rhys murmured vehemently, his nostrils flaring at the thought of anyone muzzling the little girl. “It would be like clipping a fairy’s wings.”

Jenna stared at him with a measure of awe; he felt the same way she did when it came to Ferris and her tales. Her
stupid heart did another little lurch in her chest and she knew that it was starting to thaw from its icy prison of
seven years. But why did it have to be with Vaughn’s brother? A man who looked like sex on two legs and probably had a harem of willing women? His defense of Ferris
tipped the scales and made her eager
to flirt with him
. He was gorgeous and kind; why wouldn’t she flirt?

And for a moment
the years melted away and she was her old self once again

With a relieved laugh, she shrugged her shoulders, “Ferris is simply too smart for her own good and far too imaginative. She and Lenni spend hours together pretending that they live in an enchanted forest with fairies and dragons and her latest obsession, gargoyles.”

Rhys made a strangled, choking sound and she narrowed her eyes as she teasingly glared at him. “I blame you, of course.”

the picture of innocence
as he held his arms out to the side to show her that he had nothing to hide
. “Why?”

“Well, not just you but your brothers, too,” she waved her hand through the air to encompass the lavish hall way.

Because you live
in this magnificent building
that represents everything enchanted and wonderful.
Ferris fell in love with the three gargoyles that sit on the roof and she has been asking for her very own gargoyle ever since she came for a visit.”

Rhys chuckled as the elevator arrived. When the doors
open, he held out his arm to allow her to precede him into the elevator. “And what did you think about the gargoyles when Lenni brought you up onto the roof?”

“How did you know about that?”
Oddly wary, she eyed him
as the doors closed and they headed to the ground floor, where the rest of their party was hopefully waiting for them.

He arched an eyebrow and she
simply knew. With a wry chuckle, she rolled her eyes and sighed
, “Lenni told you. I swear she talks just as much as Ferris; it’s no wonder where my daughter gets it from. You would think that they would be constantly battling for attention but when they get together they build upon each other’s imagination. It’s really quite spectacular.”

“Quite,” he agreed without any hint of mockery and with a slight smile. “
Ferris is
very lucky to have you for a mother.”

“Thank you,” she said, slightly uncomfortable with his praise. Suddenly finding the floor extremely fascinating, she stared at her feet as she murmured, “She’s the light of my life.”

When he remained silent, she chanced a glance at him and caught him staring at the region of her chest, as if he could see what was beneath the thick layers of her coat. Taking a breath, feeling the
of the old Jenna stirring to life from its long slumber, wanting to remember what it was like to take a leap without looking,
cleared her throat
. H
e looked up and smiled without embarrassment
, his smile far too charming.
Crossing her arms over her breasts, she arched an eyebrow, “Do you like what you see?”

“Very much; in fact, I think I would like to see more.” His voice was warm and seductive as he freely admitted to checking her out.
Intrigued in spite of herself, her eyes dipped to the front of his jeans, where his substantial erection was displayed in a loving manner. The denim material clung to the thick length, emphasizing his grand size and the fact that he had nothing to be ashamed of.

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