Stone Romance (Stone Passion #2) (30 page)

BOOK: Stone Romance (Stone Passion #2)
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“Tell me what you want,” he growled, rubbing his cock against her stomach, rubbing his chest against her lace-covered breasts.
Covering her mouth with his before she could answer.

Tearing her lips from his, she stared up at him in the dim light, seeing the depths of emotion in his brown eyes, the… love. His jaw was firm and his nostrils flared but he didn’t move as he watched her, studied her. Her arms were above her head, she was nearly naked, and they were standing in a closet in a foreign
port; she was insane. Taking a breath, she rasped, “I want you.”

He groaned again as his mouth covered hers and he thrust his tongue into her mouth. With his free hand, he jerked her jeans the rest of the way off her body, having her step out of the material as they pooled on the ground. Wrapping his hand around her thigh, he lifted her leg up and placed it around his hip, opening her to his cock.

He held her arms above her head and as he held her eyes, he slowly pushed his cock into her tight sex, filling her inch by pleasurable inch. Passion swirled in the black pupils and she could see his soul, loving her so intensely she felt foolish
for ever
doubting. As strange as it seemed, as inconceivable, this amazing man –
gargoyle – loved her. Tears welled in her eyes as he continued holding her gaze.

“What did I ever do to deserve you, Jenna?” his voice was rough and so damn sexy it hurt. No; it was his words that hurt, they were so beautiful. Almost as if he couldn’t help himself, he claimed her lips once more, kissing her with savage desperation and joy as he filled her completely.

But she knew he asked the wrong question; she was the one who needed to know what she did to deserve him.



sat across from Jenna at the small outdoor café that catered to the creatures of the night not far from the airport. Since it was
still early there weren’t a lot of other customers in the café, for which Rhys was grateful. Jenna
was still reeling from the earlier events but she was holding up
, he just didn’t want her to have to deal with any more stress for a while
. Of course, he probably shouldn’t have hauled her off to the closet and accosted her like a wild animal but he had to bask in the glory of Jenna’s body as ecstasy
rained down on him, making him very horny

Vaughn would have a gargoyle’s lifetime with Melanie because she had chosen him when he was a stone beast. She had survived the almost always fatal drinking of Medusa’s blood, allowing enough of her human self to die to bring Vaughn back. And, of course, she was recreated into something more than a mere human, though his brother hadn’t been too clear on what had changed, since she remained the same, sweet Melanie he had fallen in love with.
Just… more.
And no longer human.

His brother told him that
Omari complained that she was no longer human but it was all in good nature; it wasn’t as if he ever had the chance of having sex with Melanie anyway, no matter how desperate he was to taste a human. But in the end, their father had come through, providing Melanie with the means to get Vaughn back, even if the risk had been great. Rhys did not want to think about what would have happened had Omari’s tactics not worked, had Melanie perished like most humans who
the blood of Medusa. A shudder worked its way through his body but he ignored it; it worked, that’s all that mattered. It worked and Vaughn was back.

His brother was back; he still couldn’t believe it. Of course, it made him want impossible things; it made him want everything now.

Holding Jenna’s hand, studying the delicate lines of her face, the full kissable lips, the blueness of her eyes, to say nothing of her quick mi
nd and her slightly twisted sense
of humor, he fell in love all over. “You never answered my question, Jenna.”

She stared at him for a moment, her eyes wide in her beautiful face, which was still sun-kissed from time she spent in the sun. “What question was that?”

“Do you want to take some extra time and go island hopping with me?” he asked, loving her expressive face. Every thought that passed through her head, every emotion she felt, was there for him to read; he doubted she could hide anything from him, from her doubts to her love. Every man should be so lucky to love and be loved by such an amazing woman. “There are islands that are virtually untouched; we could explore them and during the day I can be your stone protector, watching over you as you relax on the beach.”


“And I’ll keep you warm.” He waggled his eyebrows at her, knowing it would make her smile. She was so fascinating, caught between two worlds and striving to make them mesh.

“Yes, I know,” she grinned, her eyes still troubled. “But on an enchanted roof there was no chance of being caught by an unsuspecting human; what would happen if the uninhabited island is less uninhabited than assumed?”

His lips curved into a smile, “Perhaps they’ll assume I am simply part of the ambiance of the Greek Isles.”

Her cheeks turned a rosy pink and her eyes darted to his lap, to the unruly beast that leapt at her attention. Leaning closer, she lowered her voice, “But what about your,
, penis? Most statues aren’t so well endowed.”

Her words filled him with laughter until the sound burst out. “Sweetheart, I can alter my appearance for an extended period of time, if need be. It’s what Armand and I had to do when your daughter came for a visit.”

Impossibly, her cheeks grew redder, “I hadn’t even thought about that.”

“Part of being a Guardian is protecting little eyes from things they shouldn’t see until they are much, much older,” he grinned. “So? Yes to island hopping?”

“I should say no,” she said and he knew she was going to agree. Catching her lower lip between her teeth, she simply stared at him for a few moments before she added, “I was going to offer to go home and let you continue on without me….”

“No,” he ground out before she could even finish the sentence. Reaching out, he took her hand in his, “I’m not letting you go so you can just forget the crazy notion of you leaving me. However, if you feel the need to return home sooner than later that can be arranged – but after you meet Mother.”

She smiled at him as he stood up and held out his hand to her, “Now, let’s get to the villa where my brothers await us
; they’re going to love you

“Are you sure they won’t treat me like I’m the carrier of the plague?” she asked softly, her blue eyes wary.

His brain froze for a moment, trying to figure out why she would ask such a question. He had to admit that his London brothers were distant but they had their reasons; it didn’t mean they didn’t adore her. They just kept their emotions close to their chests. Enfolding her into his arms, he kissed the top of her head, “Don’t worry, Jenna; my brothers in Greece are unlike anybody you’ve ever met.”

Chapter 14


The car drove along twisting and winding roads until Jenna thought she was going to be sick
. She
could handle roller coasters and falling from the sky at a million miles an hour but she couldn’t handle the drive as it meandered up and down hills, no matter how luxurious the car. With her head in Rhys’s lap, she felt silly.

“My poor sweetheart,” Rhys crooned, massaging her temples as she concentrated on breathing. It had been a problem ever since she was a child, though she hadn’t had to test her endurance very often since she generally stayed on major roads and rarely took the scenic routes.

Though resting her head on Rhys’s laps made it significantly more bearable.

fter an eternity of praying the ride would end, the car
drove through a high gate and down a long drive. The main building was large and rambling with several smaller building
dotted throughout
the extensive grounds
. Rhys pointed out the window, “Here the various beings live in their own homes within the boundaries of the property. This sanctuary is ancient and has been built upon many times. Because the land is so ancient it is steeped in magic; you will see many things that you have only read about.

“This is the
of myth, dating back to before history was recorded,” he continued. “Several gargoyle pods make this their home, though the
travel extensively, the oldest ones moving between the worlds with ease. Unfortunately, only one pod is here presently but you’ll love them.

“There is also an olive grove where a flock of dryads like to play.”

As they got out of the car, three sublimely gorgeous, dark-haired men came rushing out of the white-walled villa, their arms outstretched and their faces alit with brilliant smiles. “Rousseau!! Welcome, brother! And who is this enchanting creature?”

Without waiting for an answer, the three men embraced her, accepting her into their world with wide grins and raucous laughter. They were as boisterous and loud as the London brothers were brooding and distant. The tallest came over and draped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her away from the pack and towards the villa. “Hello, my delectable girl; I am Leander and these are Orion and
, our brothers. Welcome to our home. Tomorrow you may explore the grounds but tonight we celebrate.”

Jenna glanced over her shoulder at Rhys who was
on either side by the other two, though Jenna wasn’t sure which one was Orion and which was
. Of all of the brothers she had met
it was
the Greek set
looked the most alike, with their curly black
silky hair and their nearly black eyes. They were flawless in their beauty, as was Armand and the three London brothers, and with their unashamed joy of life, they were… breath taking.

And boy did they celebrate, breaking out the ouzo and wine and breads and cheese and olives…. Before she knew it, she was singing songs she did not know the words to and dancing with four gorgeous gargoyles and a host of other mythological creatures, from nymphs and satyrs to lesser demons and even a few
dryads and goblins
. She had never felt younger or
more free
and it was exhilarating

After changing into
a spaghetti-strap dress in red,
leaving off her bra and panties, she fully
the wild woman within.
ll of her worries were forgotten as Rhys enfolded her in his arms and s
wayed to some slow tempo music.
For long moments Jenna lost herself in Rhys’s kisses, the music twining its way through her body, loosening her inhibitions until she was straining to get closer to Rhys’s hard body.

The night was indolent with the scent of spice and musk; sex was in the air and it was pervading
body. Torches spread throughout the gardens provided a warm light and whether provided by the gargoyles or by some other magical element, the evening was warm and sweltering. The music provided a sensual beat that pervaded the bones, giving the party an earthy, dream-like quality. It was a night for sex.

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