Stop the Coming Civil War: My Savage Truth (11 page)

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Authors: Michael Savage

Tags: #Political Science / Political Ideologies / Conservatism & Liberalism, #Political Science / Commentary & Opinion

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Even though he couldn’t push through legislation to increase the minimum wage, the president had a solution. In his weekly radio address, he said too many Americans haven’t seen increases in their wages, while the wealthy “are doing better than ever.”
Because of that, he decided to issue an executive order raising the minimum wage of federal employees to $10.10 an hour.

Raising the minimum wage will do absolutely nothing to help the tens of millions of people trapped in poverty by the policies of an administration that actually encourages them to become dependent on the government as they give up their jobs and career aspirations.

Let me ask you, what would you do if you were a young black man trapped in poverty with no hope of ever escaping your chains? Would you take a job for $10.10 an hour? At thirty hours a week, the workweek this administration now deems as full-time, you’re making $300, taking home say $250, $240. Or you can make that much on unemployment, get $75 a week in food stamps, and free health insurance for doing nothing. What would you do?

Those now trapped in poverty are being discouraged from even looking for jobs by federal policy. If they do find a job, they’ll lose government benefits that pay much more than they could earn in the increasingly poor job market.

The dramatic rise in federal benefit payments, including welfare, unemployment benefits, food stamps, and other federal government subsidies, is killing our economic freedom.

The food stamp program is the federal government’s way of instituting food rationing in the United States, something every centralized government in history has done as their economies collapsed.

Nearly 50 million Americans—almost a sixth of our population—are receiving food stamps. For months, the administration flooded the radio market with advertisements in order to attract more and more people to sign up for what are now known as SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) benefits. That number is up by more than 20 million people since 2009.
Many of those now getting food stamps are illegal aliens.

But do you know who makes the real money that this administration steals from taxpayers to fund food stamps for illegal aliens?

JPMorgan Chase.

Yes, I mean the same JPMorgan Chase bank that has been running up huge hidden balance-sheet deficits through keeping worthless securities off its books, short sales of precious metals, and trading worthless securities.

Chase processes Electronic Benefits Transfer cards. In fact, the bank has made more than $560 million processing food stamp cards, charging the U.S. government between thirty-one cents and $2.30 for every person on food stamps, whether they’re here legally or not.

As the federal government executes its takeover of the medical industry in the United States—the same thing it did to the trillion-dollar-a-year college loan business—new regulations
regarding what it means to be employed full-time have driven down Americans’ hopes for securing employment even further.

Every person and family who drops through Obama’s trapdoor into poverty enters a life of hell on government subsidies. The same goes for those businesses that board their windows and lay off their employees as they’re forced to fold.

Is it possible that with every life and business destroyed, this administration takes one step closer to its ultimate goal: a post-civil-war socialist society that is at the command of a global über elite?

More Economic Similarities to the American Civil War

I’ve explained to you that I believe the American Civil War was not primarily about freeing the slaves. It was about dislodging wealthy Southern farmers from their position of economic power. That power was based on their plantation economy, and that economy would have been impossible to create without slavery.

The elimination of slavery became the battle cry of the Northern elites who wanted a larger piece of the economic pie.

Their reasoning?

If slavery was abolished, the Southern economy would implode, and Northerners would assume economic control in the power vacuum that followed.

Here’s some background.

Prior to the Civil War, wealthy Southerners dominated the U.S. government. But with the great majority of new factories being built in the North and employing 90 percent of
the country’s skilled industrial workers, much of the country’s wealth had moved to the northeast.

In the middle of the nineteenth century, you were wealthy if you had a net worth of more than $100,000, the equivalent of several million dollars today. Thanks to the industrial revolution, by 1860 there were more than five times as many wealthy men in the North as there had been only thirty years earlier.

At the same time, the presidency, the Senate, and the Supreme Court continued to be dominated by Southerners. There was no room in Washington for the North’s nouveau riche.

Slavery may have been a rallying cry—and the abolition of slavery was the paramount achievement of the conflict—but economics and political power were at the heart of the Civil War.

Today something similar is happening.

In 2009, there were fewer than one thousand billionaires in the world. Since then, the number has increased more than 60 percent, to over two thousand. The net worth of this group has more than doubled, from $3.1 trillion to $6.5 trillion, in that time.

There’s a critical difference between the wealth that was created in the years leading up to the American Civil War and the wealth that has been created in the lead-up to the coming twenty-first-century civil war. The nineteenth-century wealth was built on a real-world foundation of manufacturing and trade. Today’s über-wealthy exist overwhelmingly because of the creation of money that amounts to nothing more than global theater.

The increase in the number of today’s billionaires is, as I’ve explained, the result of the rise of an economic oligarchy that
creates debt by printing money in order to give that money to banks so the banks can buy bonds that the government prints.

The whole reason for this corrupt process is to enable the government to keep interest rates near zero, therefore depriving Americans from receiving a return on their savings and making sure that small businesses can’t get loans that would enable them to expand.

While the president complains that the 1 percent control too much of the wealth of this nation, his policies and those of the Fed are enabling the 1 percent to radically increase their wealth. They’re doing this at the expense of the middle class.

Do you know what this administration’s policies are doing to the middle class?

They’re driving the businesses that depend on middle-class customers for their revenues out of business. In every area of the country, restaurants like Red Lobster and Olive Garden—which cater to the middle class—are having financial difficulties. At the same time, you can’t get a table at upscale restaurants like The Capital Grille and the haunts of the Wall Street fat cats.

You fly coach today, and they stuff you in your seat with a shoehorn. You pay extra for your bags, a can of Coke, and even a skimpy pillow. Yet there are more private jets flying today than ever before.

General Electric reports that demand for high-end appliances dwarfs the sales of the appliance models middle-class customers choose. The fact is that businesses that appeal to middle-class customers are having an increasingly difficult time surviving as the Obama economy destroys the middle class, while businesses that cater to the upper class are thriving.

The administration insists it’s in favor of eliminating the
differences between the haves and the have-nots, but every one of its policies has exactly the opposite effect. They create outrage among the have-nots against the haves. The have-nots see real estate prices in many cities rising to the point where only the wealthy can afford them. While the president talks in platitudes about how much he supports the poor, at the same time he consorts with the Hollywood power brokers and financial behemoths who fund his campaign and to whom he sends billions in taxpayer money for projects that result in bankruptcies from which they walk away richer and unscathed. There are no more telling examples than in the fraudulent green energy companies like Solyndra, whose principals reaped millions through their failure.

It’s a certain way to ensure the collapse the U.S. economy.

China has been the world’s largest buyer of U.S. Treasury bonds and holder of U.S. dollar reserves. I’ve explained that China and several other nations are beginning to settle their foreign oil purchases in their own currencies, a trend which threatens the position of the U.S. dollar as both the world reserve currency and the petrodollar, the standard currency in which oil sales are settled.

Vladimir Putin is using the decline of the U.S. dollar as the currency used to settle oil sales as a weapon in his confrontation with Barack Obama over Ukraine. After his annexation of Crimea, he explained that Russia would move to settle oil deals in rubles and not in U.S. dollars in order to protect its interests. The decline in the value and power of the dollar that the Fed’s QE has created is limiting and weakening our bargaining power in international relations.

China has for a long time tried to hold down the value of its currency, the yuan (also known as the renminbi), against
other world currencies. If the value of the yuan remains low relative to the U.S. dollar and other world currencies, foreign exports from China remain less expensive and more attractive to nations, such as the U.S., that are importing them.

In order to do keep the value of its currency low, China has amassed some $3.5 trillion worth of other nations’ currencies. Rather than let those currency reserves remain idle, it has used them to purchase foreign debt, including U.S. Treasury bonds and other securities. In doing this, China has amassed holdings of more than $1.3 trillion in U.S. Treasuries. China is the largest holder of our federal debt, with Japan close behind at nearly $1.2 trillion.

The Fed’s policy of quantitative easing devalues the U.S. dollar and upsets the favorable trade balance that China is bent on maintaining. In response, and because China sees itself as a challenger to the United States for world economic and military domination, China has said that it is “no longer in China’s favor to accumulate foreign-exchange reserves.”

Which may also mean that China will look to decrease its purchases of U.S. Treasury bonds as the value of the yuan increases relative to the dollar. This may signal that China is in fact moving to enable the yuan to replace the dollar as the world reserve currency.

Both of those moves could result in the United States’ moving further into recession and increasingly losing economic power and influence in the world.

That’s not the only bad news on the horizon.

The decline of our economic status in the world is mirrored by our loss of economic freedom here at home. One of the most disturbing pieces of news is that, according to the 2014 Index of Economic Freedom, the United States has, for
the first time, dropped out of the top ten in the list of the most economically free societies in the world. We’re now only the twelfth-freest economy of all the countries in the world, behind Mauritius and Estonia, among others.

The increase in regulations—more than thirteen thousand in Obama’s first term
—and taxes on everything from energy production to tanning salons to medical devices has discouraged our citizens from starting new businesses.

The Affordable Care Act’s reduction of the full-time workweek to thirty hours has caused a devastating loss of true full-time jobs in this country. Add to that the fact that the United States, at 40 percent, has the highest corporate tax rate in the world, and it begins to become clear what this administration’s economic policies are really aimed at accomplishing: diminishing the power of capitalism as economic activity is increasingly taken over by an overreaching central government.

The president’s economic philosophy—to the extent he has one at all—has always been characterized by the blind insistence that the only way to create economic “fairness” is to redistribute a static amount of money.

As economist Lawrence Kudlow puts it, “Obama comes from a long line of liberals whose guiding star is the equality of result, i.e., income leveling, rather than the equality of opportunity, which is the heart of free-market capitalism.”

I’ve told my radio audiences about the influences on our president’s economic philosophy. He listened approvingly while Reverend Jeremiah Wright preached the tenets of liberation theology in his Chicago church.

And now even the Catholic Church is reinforcing that philosophy.

Recently, Pope Francis came out basically calling for income
redistribution. He ripped trickle-down economics and an unfettered free market. The Pope said he was sympathetic to the tenets of liberation theology, which combines the teachings of Jesus Christ with those of Karl Marx.

I want to go into some detail here to show you what the implications of the Pope’s politics are.

The association of the Catholic Church with socialism began and flourished in Latin America in the middle of the last century. Not coincidentally, Pope Francis is the first Pope from that region. The new Pope is spouting the Catholic Church’s version of liberation theology, the same thing Reverend Wright preached to the president for twenty years.

Pope Francis has signaled several times that he is a believer in liberation theology. He has strongly indicated that he would like the Church to act as a spearhead for economic change in the world.

People who think like the Pope believe that unfettered global capitalism is unjust and leads to social, political, and economic oppression of the poor. And they want to punish the successful, which, by their logic, will create equal opportunity for those less fortunate. It amounts to nothing less than Christianized Marxism.

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