Stories from Islamic History (16 page)

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Authors: Nayab Naseer

Tags: #history, #islam, #islamic history, #baybars

BOOK: Stories from Islamic History
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The imperialists were by now in Morocco and
other parts of Costal Africa and waiting – not just for the
goldfields of the Niger River, but now also for slaves for use in
the Americas. The Portuguese sent African tribes such as the
Ashanti to capture other Africans. These slave-catching tribes
traded their fellow Africans with the Portuguese for pots, pans,
guns, and alcohol.

Hitherto the way of trade in Western Africa
had been julla (merchants) forming partnerships with the local
community. As long as the state was powerful, it would protect both
the merchants and the locals from perfidy. But with the Songhay
state no more, trade and commerce soon came into the hands of the
imperialists. Salt was precious in the region, and the order of
trade was changed so that gold treaded for equal quantities in



Most of the people worked on their small
farms no more than ten acres, and lived clustered in villages. It
was in one such farm and village that El Nigger worked and lived.
One somber night El Nigger completed his t
ahhud and
prepared to sleep, The dense jungles and mountains surrounding the
village gave him the notion all’s well that would end well.

Next morning, barely had El Nigger had opened
his eyes than he found himself dragged out to the field, where most
of the other villagers were also standing, bound in chains and
stark naked. El Nigger soon found himself in the same plight. When
he saw his wife and infant being dragged across, he couldn’t
restrain himself, but the chains were too tight. When he saw his
infant being crushed to death in the rock, he broke into a
delirious rage, but that was all he could do before being bayoneted

What followed was a month long trek along the
jungle path, without food, without rest, having to defecate while
walking. Then suddenly, one day the dense jungle abruptly gave to
the vast sea.

El Nigger had heard people disappearing from
villages, to be taken by giant monsters that came from the sea. His
heart sank at the realization it was now his turn.

El Nigger remembered having spent about ten
weeks in that horrendous boat. For most part he was rowing, and
when momentum slackened, was whipped mercilessly. Nearly half of
those who had accompanied him were dead. Having tasted land once
again, even though it was a strange, strange land, he remembered
’s call and the congregational prayers he used to
partake regularly in his village.

It was the first time in ages the iron
manacles were being removed from him. He didn’t know the direction
to Makkah, but nevertheless raised his hand to say “Allahu Akbar”.
No sooner had he said that he received a violent kick that send him
reeling forward, breaking his two front teeth in the process.

He was dragged all the way to what was
presumably the governor’s shed. “Listen you nigger. From today
onwards you don’t have a past. Your new name is Malcom, and slaves
don’t have a religion.”

A couple of days later, he was put in a cart,
and transported, through a country full of huge mountains, gorges
and lakes, until he reached what was a big vast plan.

Twice more did El Nigger try to offer
prayers, but the treatment was so brutal that he resolved never to
do it again. Speaking Arabic met with similar punishment. Inside
the encampment they taught him a strange new language.

After some days he learned enough to

Gradually El Nigger got accustomed to his
life as a slave, and gradually he got more and more personal space.
After the hard day long toil in the fields he was left alone for
the night. He still longed for his wife, but knew that finding her
was now impossible. There were girls in his encampment, and El
Nigger, following his natural instinct just started sleeping with
the one he liked.

Thus life went on.



The “slave breaking tradition” ended Islam
among the African slaves. The Muslims who had reached America
before the slaves, as traders were not too fortunate either. In 945
AH (1539 CE) Charles V, king of Spain, forbade the Muslims to
migrate to the West Indies, and followed this up with an order to
expel all Muslims from overseas Spanish colonies by 949 AH (1543
CE). Those weak in faith found it expedient to convert. Those with
faith remembered what Allah commanded the children of Israel –
‘since you cannot bear the hardships and tyranny of the
, migrate to Palestine.’ This they applied to their
own lives and proceeded northward to what is now United States of

In the Inyo county of California, there is an
inscription that states "Yasus bin Maria" meaning "Jesus, son of
Mary". This is not a Christian phrase, but a phrase from the

In the Western states of the USA, texts,
diagrams and charts engraved on rocks, used for schooling are still
visible. The schooling was in subjects such as mathematics,
history, geography, astronomy and navigation. What is noteworthy is
that the language is Kufic Arabic.

The Peace and Friendship Treaty signed on the
Delaware River in 1202 AH (1787 CE) bear the signatures of
Abdel-Haq and Mohammed Ibn Abdullah. This treaty details the right
of Muslims to exist as a community in the areas of commerce and
maritime shipping, with the current form of government of that
time, which was in accordance with Islam. The Moors Sundry Act of
South Carolina in 1205 AH (1790 CE) is on similar lines.

The traditional dress code of the Native
American women includes ‘khimar’ or long dresses. For men the
standard fare is turbans and long tops that go down to the knees –
all bearing striking similarities to the African Muslims. The
language of most of the Indian tribes are also influenced by
Arabic, Persian, Hebrew words. Almost all of the tribes’
vocabularies include the word Allah.

Cities across the United States and Canada
bear names of Arabic derivation. Tallahassee means “God will
deliver you sometime in the future.” In North America, there are no
less than five hundred and sixty five names of tribes, villages,
cities, mountains and other lands sites of Islamic or Arabic roots.
These places were originally named by the natives in pre-Columbian
period. Some of these names carry meanings such as: Makkah
(Indiana), Makkah Indian tribe (Washington), Madinah (Idaho),
Madinah (NY), Madinah and Hazen (North Dakota), Madinah (Ohio),
Madinah (Tennessee), Madinah (Texas), Madinah (Ontario), Mahomet
(Illinois), Mona (Utah), Arva (Ontario), and many others.

The descendants of these Muslims are members
of the present day Iroquois, Algonquin, Anasazi, Hohokam and Olmec
tribes. The last Cherokee chief who had a Muslim name was Ramadhan
Ibn Wati. He died in 1283 AH (1866.)

The extermination of the so called “Red
Indians” from the United States of America is well documented in
history. What is ignored is that this extermination was nothing but
a culmination of the Spanish inquisition launched in the 8th
century (14th century CE) that resulted in the
extermination of Islam not only from Spain, but from the Americas
as well!


And it is He (Allah) who has
made you generations coming after generations, replacing each other
on the earth. And he has raised you in ranks, some above others
that he may try you in which He has bestowed on you. Surely your
Lord is Swift in retribution, and certainly He is Oft-Forgiving,
Most Merciful.”
(Al Anam 165)


Allah has made mankind generations coming
after generations, replacing each other on the earth, century after
century and offspring after forefathers. He has made them different
from each other with regards to provision, conduct, qualities,
evilness, shapes, color of skin, and so forth, and He has the
perfect wisdom in all this.

The purpose behind such difference is to
tests with what Allah has granted one. Allah tries the rich
concerning his wealth and will ask him about how he appreciated it.
He tries the poor concerning his poverty and will ask him about his
patience with it. He also tries those in power and authority and
will ask them what they did with their power and authority.

When the children of Israel complied to Musa,
peace be upon him about the tyranny of the Pharaoh, Musa, peace be
upon him said “Seek help in Allah and be patient. Verily, the earth
is Allah’s. He gives it as a heritage to whom He wills of his
servants; and the (blessed) end is for their pious and righteous
persons.” (Al Araf 128)

and his people inflicted
humiliation and disgrace upon the Children of Israel. They made
them live a life of captivity and bondage, forcing them to do the
hard menial work, and slaughtered their new born sons and let the
females live. Musa encouraged them to remain patient and trust
their Lord, reminding them that with every affliction comes ease,
and to appreciate Allah for His favours when the afflictions are
removed and replaced by a bounty. And verily, Allah drowned the
and his ilk in the Red Sea and made Musa and his
people inheritors of his kingdom.

“To Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens
and the earth and all that is therein, and he is able to do all
things.” (al Araf 120)

The story of Prophet Mohammed, may Allah
bless him and grant him peace, and his companions run on similar
lines. The Quresh ridiculed, jeered, taunted, chided and tortured
them. But they remained steadfast in the way of “La illalah
Illalah” and within a matter of a few years, Allah made them
inheritors of the two mighty empires of the age – Persia and Rome;
and made people in all parts of the world praise them. The sahabis
who were deprived of food, water and clothes, dragged across the
harsh deserts, and heaped abuses and stones became governors,
judges and rulers of the land.

Such is the outcome if one puts his trust in
Allah alone.


We ask Allah that He makes us among those who
obey what He has commanded, avoid what He has prohibited, and
believe in Him as He has informed. Certainly, He is Near, He hears
and He answers the supplication, and He is the Most Kind, Generous
and Bestowing.


Now Everlasting glory and praise be unto Him
who Rests intangible amidst eternity; Who, changing all things yet
Himself changes not; Who is the Master of the Seen and of the
Unseen; Lord of All that Exists. Who alone lives! And prayer and
peace with benediction be upon His Chosen – Mohammed, Prince of
Messengers, Jewel of the World, our Hope for an auspicious

E N D !




Difference between Prophet (nabi) and Messenger

Messengers are sent with some changes in the previous
law. Prophet Ibrahim, peace be upon him) did not bring a law but
did receive a book and thus is referred to as only a Prophet. Jesus
and Mohammed, may Allah bless them and grant them peace changed the
prevalent laws of the Torah and Injil respectively. Hence it is
evident that all Messengers are Prophets but all Prophets are not


Ahl al Bayt
: The Prophet’s Household. The
Shiites call themselves such, terming themselves as the party of
the Prophet’s family.

: a learned man (of religion)

Allahu Akbar
:God is great

: Pious people of the past

: Leader, king

: Quranic (or divine) verses

Bail ul maal
: public treasury

: oath of allegiance given to a

: Abode of Islam, the Islamic

: propagation or call (to Islam)

: a form of prayer

supplication, or asking for help (from

: a staple food in Sudan

: opinion of a scholar on some specific
issue. Ordinary Muslims rely on such
’s on matters
which are not clear in the Quran.

: islamic legislations or religious

:evil, temptations that lead to evil

: sayings attributed to Prophet
Mohammed, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Hadeeths can be
Sahi (authenticated), deaf (weak) or fabricated. There are other
classifications as well.

: pilgrimage to Makkah, obligatory for
every able Muslim once in a lifetime

: migration from place of disbelief or
corruption to a place of belief or lesser corruption.

Hijri calendar
: the
based on the moon was instituted by kailfah Umar, may Allah be
pleased with him, marking the date Prophet Mohammed, may Allah
bless him and grant him peace undertook
from Makkah to
Madinah. The
years are denoted AH, whereas the
Gregorian calendar is denoted by CE (Common Era). The twelve months
of the
calendar are: Muharram, Safar, Rabi al Awal,
Rabi al Akhir, Jumadhal Awal, Jumadhul Akhir,
b, Shaban,
Ramadan, Shawwal, Dhul Qadh, Dhul

: mentioned in the Quran as an object in
Hell to punish evildoers (who hoard their wealth)

: the two-piece white garment which
symbolically consecrate the pilgrims’ entry into the holy City of

: when there is some doubt regarding
the religious acceptability of some matter, people of knowledge
delve into the Quran,
and other sources and issue
their opinion (usually in form of a
). Such a process
is known as

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