Storm on the Horizon (Fated For Love) (20 page)

BOOK: Storm on the Horizon (Fated For Love)
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They raised their glasses in toast and then took a sip. Lord Ellsley grinned
happily, Colton blinked rapidly. The smoky liquid slid down smoothly and lingered on his tongue.

It has an exquisite finish, doesn’t it?”

Colton nodded, still savoring the taste.

“I keep it under lock, so Devon doesn’t drink it all.”

Colton smiled.
“He won’t want to drink anything stiffer than tea for a while, I suspect.”

Good. I hope to see him settle down after all this. Some lessons must be learned the hard way. His life has been very blessed, and I sometimes wonder if that is a curse. You can’t truly appreciate something unless you’ve been forced to live without it.”

Although I agree with that sentiment, I don’t think Devon will ever be the same. Perhaps it’s just the effects of the opium, but he seems different now, rougher.”

Whatever the case may be, I would like to be appraised of his health daily. A simple note will do, and as for the pending nuptials, I will send a messenger to archbishop for a special license. He owes me a favor, so it shouldn’t be any trouble. The women will decipher the details of the ceremony, but we will make it a week from now.

Colton exhaled in relief. He felt a swelling of joy throughout his
chest, fought to keep a stupid grin from his face, and lost.

Lord Ellsley chuckled.
“I can see that pleases you. I’ll send a note to your father; we can have a small family dinner tonight to celebrate your betrothal. We’ve been telling everyone that Olivia has been indisposed with a cold, but given the circumstances now, I think we should let your mother and father know that wasn’t the case. We are family now, there should be no secrets.”

Oh thank you, Papa!” Olivia burst through the door in exuberance.

Lord Ellsley scowled.

Lady Ellsley followed her in and smiled indulgently. “Did you think she would stay away, dear? Honestly now, she has spies everywhere, doing her bidding. You will have your hands full, Captain Colton.”

Colton just smiled and stood. Olivia was like a ray of sunshine. She wore a radiant smile, pale gold day dress that hugged her petite curves, and her raven curls bounced and shined in the morning light. She was dancing and twirling, and he couldn’t keep his eyes off her.

Olivia twirled in front of him and took his hands. They looked at each other, both grinning madly, two fools madly in love.

Ergh-um,” Lord Ellsley cleared his throat. “Olivia, if you’re quite finished dazzling the poor man, I’d like to have my breakfast now. Will you be joining us, Captain?”

I would love to, but I should return to Devon.”

Nonsense, you went all the way to Amsterdam to get him. Have breakfast with us and spend time with me. Devon can molder in misery alone for one morning.”

Olivia,” her mother scolded. “Your brother is recovering from a great ordeal.”

Olivia rolled her eyes.
“He’d be recovering from his honeymoon if he had listened to me.”

Her mother gasped and shook her finger at her.
“I’ll have none of that vulgar tongue, young lady. In a week’s time, you will be the mistress of your own house and may do as you please. Until then, remember your manners.”

Colton had his hand over his mouth to hide his smiled. Lord Ellsley was coughing suspiciously.

“I really should get back. I haven’t checked on him this morning.”

Olivia pouted.
“Fine. I’ll walk you out.” She tugged him towards the door.

Colton quickly made his farewells to Lord and Lady Ellsley before Olivia pulled him from the room.

“That was rather rude,” Colton said in the hall.

Perhaps, but it will be excused given that we are newly betrothed.”

Colton shook his head.
“Do you expect me to be so easily wrapped around your finger, as well?”

Olivia looked back and gave him a sultry smile.
“I expect a little fight from you, and some persuasion from me, but in the end you will succumb to my wishes.”


She giggled and ran away from him.

Like the lovesick fool he was, he gave chase. She was quick on her feet and made it almost to the side door, but only because he let her. He caught her as her hand reached the knob and pinned her against the door.”

She squeaked and laughed against his chest as he held her immobile. When she quieted and looked up
, he stole a quick kiss, and then another, and then another. She clung to him and encouraged more but he knew their privacy would not last. “I should go.”

But I miss you... I want to be alone with you,” she ran her fingers into his hair.

We have to wait, love. We don’t have the freedom we had on my ship. Soon it will be our wedding night.” He smiled. He still couldn’t believe his good fortune. She would be his wife, by his side daily, and in his bed every night.

A week has never felt so long. I will try to come see you today and Devon as well.”

We cannot forget about your brother. He needs our support and care.”

He needs a kick in the rump.”

When he feels better, you can have the first kick.”

They both laughed but then grew quiet
, and Colton couldn’t stop himself from stealing another kiss. It was impossible to resist her, especially when she was pressed against him and all but begging him. He groaned. “I have to go.”

Olivia pulled away and sighed.
“You’re right. I can be patient—it will be difficult, but not impossible. Perhaps I will try to sneak away this afternoon.”

Don’t push your luck. Your parents have been through enough already. Use this time to plan the wedding and spend time with them.”

Olivia smiled warmly at him.
“You’re such a good man.”

I’ll see you at dinner tonight.” He kissed her and left.

Olivia stood at the door until his horse emerged from the stables and he rode away. He carried her heart with him.

Chapter 17

Colton arrived in his family’s carriage. It was a boisterous journey, his two sisters giggling and squabbling all the way
, but he enjoyed it nonetheless. His mother was still brimming with happiness at the news of his impending marriage.

Such a joyous occasion.” She smiled at him again. “I never knew you favored her.”

I kept it hidden for quite some time. I honestly didn’t think her father would favor my courtship.”

Of course he would! We may not be nobility, but we are a wealthy respectable family. Why, it makes perfect sense.”

His father was over the moon with joy
, as well. It seemed everyone was supremely happy with a union between him and Olivia. He sighed in relief. HE didn’t understand why he thought it would be so difficult. In retrospect, it seems foolish now.

Will we be in the wedding?”

No, dears, it will be an intimate affair, I’m sure, and you are much too young to be bridesmaids, and too old for flower girls.”

Oh,” the girls said in unison.

Hazel and An
nabel Darling were perfect replicas of each other and often spoke as one. They favored their mother’s blonde hair and hazel eyes to perfection, and often wore matching dresses as well. Growing up, they were like two perfect dolls, hair curled perfectly, eyes wide and sparkling, and twin dimples in their cheeks. They were the darling Darlings in town and the apple of his father’s eyes. They would be exceptionally lovely when they came of age, and Colton dreaded every year that brought them closer to that milestone. He did not envy his father in that regard. Finding husbands would be easy for him, it was finding
husbands that would be difficult.

As Colton watched them fondly, he could see that for all their similarities they were very different. Annabelle was vibrant and bubbly, doing most of the talking, and avidly enjoying herself. Hazel remained mostly quiet, stared out the window, and Colton could see a book tucked in her hand. She was always the more intellectual of the two, always asking questions and hungry for answers. He wondered how she would fare when it was time for her to play the debutante and woo the masses of polite society. He made a mental note to ask Olivia for help. Olivia would help her find her footing when the time came.

They pulled up before the Brennton family home and debarked. Filing into the drawing room, Olivia hugged both girls and remarked on how lovely they were becoming. Then she turned to him and gave him a sly smile.

What is that about?” he whispered so no one else could hear.

Nothing,” she said innocently

He narrowed his eyes at her.
“Normally, it’s the gentleman who has trouble behaving oneself leading up to the nuptials, but you’re making me worry.”

Worry not, dear fiancé. I am only happy to see you. I’m consoling myself with fond memories.”

Colton coughed and looked away. He would not make it through the evening if he
were thinking about Olivia thinking about them. He decided no response was best and escorted her to the sofa.

Their mothers were busy discussing wedding plans
, and his sisters were listening intently, or so it seemed. Hazel had a look that said her mind was other places.

Colton leaned close to Olivia.
“Look at Hazel. What do you see?”

A girl that wishes she were any place but here.” Olivia shrugged. “My guess is she has a book on her person.”

Colton snorted.
“You would be right. I’m worried about her. In a few years she will be thrust onto the
and not know how to acclimate. She could be labeled a blue stocking.”

You say that like it’s a bad thing. We need more intelligent women in this world. She will be infinitely more comfortable if she is allowed to be who she is. Confidence is key when dealing with polite society. I can sponsor her debut, and I will be sure she will land gracefully on her feet.”

Thank you,” he said emphatically.

The intimate group conversed until they were summoned to dinner. Colton allowed himself to relax as their two families joined effortlessly, like to halves making a whole. Six courses later of delicious
food and the ladies removed themselves to the drawing room, leaving the three men to enjoy their port and cigars. It was almost perfect, except for the one chair that remained empty for Devon. Lord Ellsley wasted no time after the ladies had gone informing Colton’s father of all that had happened. Mr. Darling took it in stride, his eyes snapping to his son’s when he was told how Olivia had been on his ship the entire time and not home with a cold.

Well, that certainly puts a new perspective on things,” he stated.

But it doesn’t change how I’ve always felt. It was just the catalyst that made things impossible to ignore. I can’t say I regret it now, but there has certainly been a lot of time wasted.”

You could have saved me a fortune in evening dresses, boy.” Lord Ellsley laughed.

Send me the bill,” Colton joined in.

Let us not waste any more and return to our ladies, shall we?” Mr. Darling suggested.

Capital idea.” Lord Ellsley rose.

They returned to the ladies, who were sitting around Olivia and holding up swatches of fabric to her face. They turned in surprise as the men entered and quickly hid the fabric from sight.

“What’s going on?” Lord Ellsley asked jovially.

You’re back so soon? We were comparing swatches against Olivia’s skin for her dress. Colton cannot see.”

I didn’t see a thing,” he assured them.

Nonetheless, we don’t want to ruin the surprise,” Lady Ellsley tucked the swatches into a satchel and tucked it behind the sofa.

Colton joined Olivia on the sofa and the fathers took the wing chairs by the
fireplace. The mothers sat together on the other sofa, and Colton’s sisters found the chess board in the corner to occupy them.

Should we play cards?” Olivia offered. If she could not be alone with Colton, she didn’t see the point in not doing something that engaged all of them.

What would you like to play?” Colton asked.

I don’t know, something we can all play together.”

Let’s dance!” Annabelle said excitedly. “Hazel and I will play the pianoforte while you dance. It will be oh so romantic since we are celebrating your betrothal, Jeffrey.”

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