Storm on the Horizon (Fated For Love) (9 page)

BOOK: Storm on the Horizon (Fated For Love)
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The day wore on and with
it, the sea became rougher, the sky darkened as it was consumed by the black clouds, and the sounds of the ship were drowned out by the crash of waves against the hull and the roaring wind. Olivia was reading by the light of an oil lamp when the patter of rain on the windows startled her. The ship rose and fell in varying degrees, and every so often, she had to train her eyes on the horizon to maintain her equilibrium, but the longer it continued the harder it became. Her stomach began to rise and drop with the ship until Olivia gave up on reading and stared solemnly out the window.

She gave up staring out the window when she could no longer see the horizon. Praying sleep would come, she climbed into Colton
’s bed shortly after Willy took her dinner tray, and let the rain lull her. The rocking of the ship had eased somewhat and was actually quite soothing as she lay there and tried not to think of Colton. Instead, she thought of Devon and of what she would say to him when she saw him. She hoped she would find him well, so that she could blister his ears all the way back home.

When morning
dawned, the sun hid behind a thick blanket of soggy grey clouds. Olivia woke to the sounds of ship life beginning and the merry tune of male voices joined in song. She couldn't make out the words but it was enjoyable nonetheless. Willy was humming when he brought her breakfast, and his hair sparkled with the morning mist.

Everyone seems to be in a cheerful mood,” Olivia remarked.

Aye, my lady, it's a mite chilly on deck and it be slick, but everyone has a skip in their step this morn.”

What were the men singing just now?”

Willy blushed
. “Oh... that, well...”

Olivia raised a brow.
“I'm guessing it's something rather colorful for a ladies hearing?”

That is a fine way to put it.”

Olivia decided not to press him.
“The weather seems to have improved, don't you think?”

Cap’n say's we’ve sailed around most of it, but by tonight we will have to go through it.”

How does he know that?”

Willy shrugged.
“He just does, I suppose.”

Olivia shrugged.
“Well, I certainly hope he is wrong. Last evening was rather uncomfortable for this landlubber. I hope tonight will not be as bad.”

Willy nodded sympathetically.
“Sully can make ye some ginger tea to help. Would ye like that?”

Olivia smiled.
“You are so thoughtful, Willy. I would love some ginger tea.”


The ginger tea had helped, but by evening, the seas, and Olivia's stomach seemed to mirror each other, or so it felt. Willy brought her a super try and she looked at it mutinously. The boy watched her with a worried frown before removing it and leaving the cabin. He retuned shortly much to Olivia's surprise.

It might help, Lady Olivia, if ye come below deck. Ye see, the rocking isn't as bad the closer to the center of the ship ye are. I asked the crew, and they were all right about it. It’s a little dark, and the animals don't smell as nice as here but it might help. Calvin is telling his stories again. I promise you, he tells the best stories. They give ye chills, they do.”

, Olivia knew Colton would not approve of her going below deck, least of all sitting with the other crewmembers. He had made that quite clear. But she was miserable here in the cabin and would do anything to calm her stomach.

If you think it will help, I would be glad to come and listen to Calvin’s stories for a bit.”

Willy nodded.
“Do ye have something warm to put on?”

I usually wear Captain Colton’s cloak.”

Willy went to Colton’s closet and opened the doors. He pulled out the cloak and held it for Olivia to step into. Pulling the hood up, he led her out of the cabin and through the short hall to the main deck. He opened the door and a blast of cold air struck Olivia in the face. She looked around quickly as they came out
, and was taken aback by the drastic difference of the ship from night and day. Relentless drizzle fell from a sky so black it looked like it appeared from nothing. Lanterns lit the deck dimly and swayed with each roll of the ship. The deck looked and felt slick under her felt as Willy tugged her to the hatch, and they hurried down the stairs. Reaching the bottom, Olivia hesitated as she was enveloped in the heavier, warmer air coming from the Galley.

They went down another stairway deeper into the ship where it was even warmer
, and the soft sounds of chickens could be heard. A hush fell over the group of men huddled around a lantern in front of what looked like a group of stalls for the animals. The men sat on stools and benches, some holding chickens, and one a goat. Willy pulled her forward, and a divide opened for her as Willy led her to an open stool.

This is the crew of My Darling Emerald, Lady Olivia.” Willy gestured to all the men surrounding them and then rattled off each of their names.

Olivia was too bewildered to remember any of them. She watched them with wide eyes
, and they watched her, until finally one man cleared his throat and handed her a chicken.

Oh.” Olivia took the chicken. She had never held a chicken before. “Thank you?”

She will keep ye warm.” The man nodded and smiled.

Olivia smiled in return and relaxed just a little. The man was missing two of his front teeth and looked old enough to be her grandfather. She slowly sat on the stool and hugged the chicken to her chest. Around her, the other men sat
, and a great big red haired man cleared his throat.

Did I ever tell ye lads of the Banshee of Rhone Isle?”

They all nodded, already
hushed, and in awe of whatever this man might say. Olivia deduced that this must be Calvin and that he must be a great storyteller indeed, to so easily entrance them. His voice was low and gruff with a thick Irish accent.

They say she searches for the man who broke her heart, a married man who plied her with lies and promises. But when she heard tell about ‘is wife, she took her own life. She jumped into the Keegan River crying his name, wailing for the pain of her broken heart until the waters swept her away, never to be seen again. But every night when there’s a full moon and the fog is thicker than cotton, her wail carries over the island like an evil wind. She searches for a man, any young man, to lure to the river’s edge. Many men have been lost to her, always deep in their cups and lured by her sad aching voice, nary one of them will be seen again.”

Has she ever been seen?” Willy asked in terrified awe.

Aye,” Calvin nodded. “I’ve seen her. When I was a lad of two and twenty, I was walking home from the pub. Good ol’ Molly McCreedy had the best—” His eyes darted to Olivia. “Uh, pies in town, and I had me a slice after finishing a few pints.”

Olivia looked around in confusion as the men around her snickered.

“I was mindin’ me own business and whistling a merry tune when I heard it.”

Every one leaned in, including Olivia. The chicken she held was quiet and nestled tightly against
her, which was somehow soothing. It was oddly cozy here in the underbelly of the ship. The air was warm and musky, the walls and roof above her creaked and moaned with the rocking of the ship like her father when he tried to get up from the overly plush settee in the west parlor. The animals answered in a low chorus of mews and coo’s from time to time to express their displeasure.

A sultry moaning cry came from the wood. I thought to me self, someone else was having pie too, but then I heard it. A woman’s soft voice cried ‘help me’. So I turned off from the path and entered the wood, and called out to her. At first, I heard nothing and could see nothing. The fog was growing thick, like a river of white overflowing its banks and creeping through the wood. I called out again, ready to turn tail for home but then I saw her. A shadow in the fog was moving towards me, a soft voice singing... ‘Come to me in the full moon light, follow my voice, twill lead to delight. I’ve waited for you, my sailor bold. Give me your heart and I will give you my own.’” Calvin sang in his deep raspy voice.

I knew there were no bonnie lass to be found in such wicked woods, but I waited. The shadow moved closer and became a woman. Her hair whipped in the wind, her eyes glowed red with the wrath of a scorned woman. I turned to flee, and as I did, she lashed out at me with fingernails like claws and scratched me down me back. She screamed a wicked scream so loud it made me ears ring and bleed. I ran as fast I could, I ran until I had no breath in me lungs and me legs felt like mud. You can call me a coward, but I’ll never walk paths again, and you better believe that when the full moon sits high and the fog grows thick, you’ll see nary a soul by the Keegan River.”

Olivia shivered. She had never seen nor heard of Rhone Isle or
Keegan River, but she would never go there now, or any river on a foggy night during the full moon, for that matter. “What song is that?”

Full Moon Light,” a voice said from the back of the group.

Olivia ducked her head down
, and Willy actually squeaked in alarm. All the other crewmembers were silent as Colton stepped forward and made his way to Olivia’s side. She didn’t look up, only wrapped the cloak more tightly about herself, and stood. He moved to grab her elbow but she pulled away from him and turned to face Calvin.

Thank you for the entrancing story. I’m very glad you got away. You are a gifted story teller.”

Calvin nodded.
“Thank you, m’lady.

Olivia turned and made her way to the stairs. She could feel Colton’s presence following her
, but he said nothing. Once up the stairs and away from the ears of the crew she spoke but did not look at him. “I don’t want Willy punished for helping me. I won’t stand for it.”

He said nothing but continued to plod behind her as she climbed the stairs the main deck. He moved to lift the hatch, closed against the growing storm
, but suddenly he reached past her and held it open for her. She kept her eyes on the steps, but she could feel his eyes on her face.


The crew was silent until the captain and his charge reached the deck above.

You’re in for it now, Willy.” Bastion poked him in the back with a thick finger. “A pretty face has led many men to ruin.”

What about me hen?” Wilton asked. “I gave her me prettiest, fluffiest hen to hold.”

She’s still got it,” Willy spoke up and smiled a little. “I think it made her feel better. That’s all that matters to me.”

Let her have it. She won’t do anything to it. Women like to hold things and cuddle things. Cap’n won’t be happy in the morning when he finds chicken shit all over his cabin. It will be on you, Willy.” Calvin squeezed the boy’s shoulder fondly.

I don’t care. She was feeling sick, and we all made her feel better for a little bit.” Willy lifted his chin proudly.

You’re a good lad, Willy. But remember this proud feeling when the cap’n returns to strip your hide.”

Willy paled.

“With words, lad, with words. You know the cap’n would never lay a finger on ye.”

apter 8

Olivia bowed her head against the cold mist and wind.
She stepped out onto the wet deck and took three steps before her feet slipped out in front of her and she began to fall back. Colton caught her under her arms and setting her up right again, he kept one tightly around her shoulders until the entered her cabin. At that time, Olivia stepped away and walked towards the table, and kept her back to him.

Olivia...” he began.

There is nothing more to say, Colton.”

Something needs to be said.”

I don’t want to hear it,” she said in alarm. Already she could feel her throat choking up and the tears pooling in her eyes. She wrapped her arms more tightly around herself and prayed he would leave without another word.

Colton watched
her with agony in his eyes. “I’m sorry, Livie. I never wanted to hurt you. Everything I have done has been to protect you.”

I’m not yours to protect, Colton. I have a father and a brother who are charged with that duty, and when necessary, I can protect myself. You have made your feelings quite clear in regards to how you feel about me, so if you would please—” She swallowed against the urge to sob. “—just leave me alone now. You wanted distance, now I’m giving it to you.”

Colton couldn’t stand it. He could hear the pain in her voice, feel the depth of her sadness like the way a fire emits heat. He was sorry—so sorry for causing her pain
, and he wanted nothing but to make it better. But, he didn’t know how to do that. All the reason he couldn’t give her what they both wanted remained, but he must do something, he simply must. He stepped forward hesitantly until he stood right behind her. She was motionless, a tense bundle of cloak damp from the short trek through the mist.

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