Storm Warning (Security Specialists International Book 4) (17 page)

BOOK: Storm Warning (Security Specialists International Book 4)
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“Hey, sugar,” he whispered. “Gonna put a shirt on you.”

Her eyelids drifting shut, she managed to murmur, “Mmmm.”

The sensation of being lifted and something soft and smelling of Ace pulled over her head registered in her foggy brain as floating on clouds. She was lowered to the bed and a light kiss brushed over her lips. She moaned, “Ace…”

“Hush, you’re safe in my bed. I promise.” Ace’s lips nibbled over hers once more. She licked her lips, tasted him, and smiled. “We’ll talk in the morning. Night, Dahlia Jane.”

The world grew even darker behind her eyelids and she slept.

Chapter 13

DJ yawned and stretched as she slowly woke up from one of the best night’s sleep she’d had since, well, since she’d last slept next to Ace.

Must be the sense of safety he provides.

She’d had years and years of sleeping in places that were unsafe or had the potential to be. She could really get used to this new experience.

“Morning, sugar.” Ace pulled her back against his body so that her back met his front. Because he was only four or so inches taller than her, their bodies meshed perfectly. So much so, her back met his lightly furred chest and her butt made contact with his long, hard, and hot cock.

Ahhh, the much-vaunted morning wood.

Having worked alongside men, she couldn’t avoid overhearing about this common biological occurrence. Men seemed to have no shame and liked to talk, and even brag, about their cocks.

Women, or at least the ones she’d met prior to coming to Idaho, didn’t talk about their sexual arousal. Keely and her friends seemed to have no problem, talking about their sex lives and about the possibility of sex—hers with Ace—with nary a blush.

DJ had a long way to go before she could sit over lunch and discuss sexual urges and her newfound desire for Keely’s brother. Hell, she had a hard enough time talking about sex with him—and he’d inspired all those urges.

Sexual intimacy was not for wussies.

So … stop being a wuss.

“Morning.” She buried the side of her face into her pillow and sought for some courage. Finally, she took a deep breath and mumbled, “Um, doesn’t that hurt?” She wiggled her bottom against his erection which reacted by moving and nestling more firmly against the cleft of her butt.

Ace kissed the back of her neck. It was amazing how the mere touch of his lips at the top of her spine awakened the nerve endings at the apex of her thighs. Damn, the man was potent if the mere brush of his mouth could arouse her so quickly.

“If it does, it’s not your problem. But I can truly say it hurts a lot less knowing you went to sleep in my bed and woke up in my arms. So all is good. A nice shower and my hand will take care of the problem.”

She had a clear mental image of him, all long, lean muscles and naked skin glistening with water with his hand on his erection, taking care of the problem.

No, that was wrong. All wrong. If she was to be his, then he had to be hers. And she needed to start being the woman she wanted to be. She had to gut it up and ask for what she wanted.

“Um … can I help with … it? Not the shower, I mean…” She stopped and hid her face in her pillow and mumbled. “…well, you know what I mean.”

Way to woman up and spit it out.

Now, that she’d made the offer, as tongue-tied as it was, what would she do if he accepted? She didn’t have the first effin’ clue about how to help Ace take care of his erection that didn’t involve actual intercourse. Her stress titer told her she wasn’t ready for home base just yet.

Goddamn, Sean for making her a sexual cripple.

Ace rolled her over until they lay face-to-face. Well, his face was against the top of her head since she was too humiliated to look at him.

He refused to let her hide and tipped up her chin. “Don’t be embarrassed. That was the sweetest offer I’ve ever had.” He kissed her heated cheek, then moved his lips over her face until he took her mouth in a deep, tongue-thrusting kiss that soon had her tangling her tongue with his and moaning in the back of her throat.

After a while, Ace groaned and then pulled his mouth from hers. He looked into her eyes and smiled. “That’s better. Now the color in your cheeks is from our kisses—and the deer in the headlights look is gone from your eyes.”

DJ shook her head and snorted. “Deer in the headlights? Hell yeah, I looked scared, because I was … am. I’ve never, ever helped a man with his … you know.”

“I sort of guessed that.” He rubbed his nose alongside hers. “That makes the offer extra-special.”

DJ licked her lips. “I never even thought about offering … until you. Would you teach me … how to help with … it?”

Ace chuckled. “Sugar, it’s called a cock or a dick or a penis—or in this instance, a full-blown erection.”

She nodded. “Okay, can I help you with your full-blown erection?”

Ace touched his forehead to hers and breathed slowly for several seconds. He was going to refuse. For some reason, she felt bereft as if she’d failed as a woman. She was such a loser.

He raised his head and looked her straight in the eyes. “We’ll start with you using your hands. That sound okay?”

Relief swept through her like wildfire. He hadn’t rejected her, was willing to proceed at her pace and work with her fears and lack of experience. “Yes.”

“Good.” Ace sat up and pulled her with him. He propped pillows behind their backs to protect them from the cold metal headboard. “Now, sit close to me.” She wiggled over until her left side hugged his. “I’m going to pull my cock out, then I’ll show you what makes me feel good, okay?”

DJ nodded. Her gaze was glued to his boxers and the prominent bulge lying beneath the plaid flannel fabric. When he shoved his boxers down to his thighs, she took a deep breath and steeled herself against potential flashbacks.

When the past didn’t swamp her with frightening memories, she was shocked—and relieved.

“You all right?” Ace cupped her face and angled her head until his fiercely protective gaze captured hers. “Breathe, sugar.”

She blew out the breath she’d held and then took another. Covering his hand with hers, she patted it. “I’m fine. I haven’t seen all that many cocks up close and personal.” She examined Ace’s erect penis. The head was somewhere between a red and a purple in color, very much like the plum it resembled. The veins on his shaft were prominent as they pumped blood to his erection. His shaft was thick and seemed really long … she reached with her right hand to test the size, then stopped.

“DJ, if this is bringing back bad memories…”

Leaning into him, she kissed his chin. “Surprisingly, it’s not. I’m feeling almost as breathless and excited as the first time I took up a Black Hawk. May I touch it?”

“Sugar, this only works if you touch it.” He took her cold hand in his oh-so-warm one and placed it on his cock. His penis jerked within her light grasp. “Go ahead, squeeze it. If I weren’t already this erect, you’d start out lighter—but at this point, a firm grip is good.”

She gripped it just as she would the Black Hawk’s cyclic stick—hard enough to control, light enough to sense and adjust to changes in conditions. Her fingers barely enclosed his breadth. She gave the shaft a small squeeze. The shaft was firm, but responsive. The skin was like hot silk over steel.

“Harder.” He placed his hand over hers and forced her fingers tighter around his penis. “There, that’s good. I was half-aroused all night with your sweet scent surrounding me. Ready to come ever since your delectable ass snuggled into my cock. Your hand feels so good. But … we need to take this lesson slowly, or it’ll be all over before we’ve even begun.”

Her confidence swelled. She’d taken him to the verge of losing his vaunted control by just being close to him. One thing she’d learned over the last weeks was Ace had an iron will. The fact she could pierce it gave her equal power in the relationship. It was only fair. He sure as hell had cut through all her defenses.

“Okay.” She leaned forward and kissed his nipple. His full body shudder delighted her. Good to know his nipples were as sensitive as hers. “What next?”

“Now, you stroke my cock.” He guided her hand up and down the seven or so inches—more on the “or so” side—in a slow, steady rhythm. After a couple of minutes of the tip-to-root and back motion, he urged their hands into a slightly faster, jerkier speed.

After a few minutes of the rougher handling, he stilled their hands and then guided hers to her mouth. “Put your thumb in your mouth and get it really wet.” His voice was husky and somewhat breathless. Sweat glistened on his skin, clung to the golden-brown hair on his chest. He looked as if he had a fever. “Thumb, Dahlia Jane. Now.”

Staring into his eyes, DJ sucked her thumb, tasting the salty muskiness of Ace’s penis, and pulled it out. “What—”

“Wetter. My cock head skin is more sensitive than my shaft.” He sucked her thumb into his mouth and made it even wetter. Then he took their joined hands back to his erection. “Use your thumb and sweep it over the top of my cock to spread the precum around.”

Her thumb back under her control, she massaged the pearly white droplets over the dark purple head.

“Yeah, that’s good.” His voice was rough. “Now, stroke me again and add a swipe over the top of my cock with your thumb.” He showed her what he wanted for two or three repetitions and then let her control the pace.

His breathing had grown harsher. He groaned each time she swirled her thumb over the top of his penis. The tenseness of his body spoke to the strain as he held back his need to take control from her and find completion.

From beneath narrowed lids, his wolfish gaze followed her hand on his erection. The blue of his eyes was no longer ice blue, but was the color of the hottest part of a gas flame.

His increased arousal fed the banked fire in her belly, which had begun to kindle after their first kiss of the morning.

“So fucking good,” he growled. “Kiss me. Give me that hot, sweet tongue of yours.”

DJ met Ace’s mouth halfway. As they kissed, he covered her hand on his penis and urged her to increase the pace. Matching the rhythm of their joined hands, he thrust his tongue into her mouth like an invading army of one. There wasn’t a single millimeter he didn’t taste … didn’t claim.

With a growing confidence, DJ battled back, using her tongue to conquer his mouth, mark it as her own. He groaned and then inhaled, taking her breath into him, squeezing her hand more tightly around his erection.

Faster and faster their joined hands moved. DJ leaned into his body as if she were a magnet and he was her true north. As long as she had him in her life, she’d never be lost.

Suddenly, Ace stiffened and grunted, a long, low, nearly painful sound. For a split-second, their bodies—nothing in the universe—moved. Then he roared his climax into her mouth. He pressed their joined hands even harder around his cock, moving them faster and more roughly on his jerking penis.

Warm, silky fluid flowed over their fingers as his body spasmed and shook. And all the while, he kissed her as if she were the only thing holding him to earth.

If DJ could’ve bottled the feeling of joy she felt at that moment, she would have.

When he stopped coming, he broke off the kiss and gasped out, “God … that was so fucking good.” He hugged her to him and placed a sweet, almost innocent kiss on her swollen mouth. “The only thing better … would be coming deep inside you.”

His tender actions, his earthy words caused her body to throb, to clench, seeking something she wasn’t sure her mind could handle yet.

Ace cradled her hand and gently rubbed the backs of her fingers with his thumb. “Was I too rough? Did I bruise your hand? Your fingers cramping?”

She pulled her hand from his and wiped it on the sheet, then wriggled her fingers. “My hand is fine … the sensation feels as if I’d gripped my Hawk’s cyclic stick in rough weather. Although your penis is much more responsive.”

Ace chuckled. “Good to know.”

She reached for the back of his head and ruffled her fingers through his hair. He sighed and leaned into her touch like a cat being petted. “Didn’t that hurt? I mean, we were sort of rough there at the end.”

“It was perfect,” Ace said. “I haven’t come so hard from a hand job in … well, never.”

She leaned against his arm. “So, I really did okay?” Yeah, she was feeling a tad bit insecure and somewhat adrift.

Ace hugged her. “If it had been any better, I’d have expired on the spot—but I’d have died a happy man. How did touching me, watching me come, make you feel? Anything scare you or—”

“No, nothing was scary once we got started. I liked making you feel good. It made me feel womanly and—” She hid her face against his neck and inhaled his deliciously sexy scent as she tried to explain the feelings that sizzled through her body, making her skin sensitive and her pussy ache.

“And what?” Ace murmured against her hair.

She looked up and found in his patient, loving gaze the strength to voice her needs. “I think watching you come made me horny.”

Ace’s eyes, mouth, his whole face smiled at her words. “That’s a good thing, sugar. Now, what can I do to help

She raised her mouth to his and whispered against his lips, “Do you have a suggestion?—Because I’ve never really had these exact sensations before.”

“Never? Not even with your own fingers or a toy?” Ace asked.

She examined his face and was relieved to see no judgment, just curiosity. He always listened to every word she uttered with an intensity that was flattering. He’d demonstrated in actions and words again and again that he wanted to
her. Sometimes his regard was slightly scary, as if he knew even more about her than she did.

“I tried once with my fingers.” She wrinkled her nose in disgust. “I wanted to see what all the hoopla was about, but got nowhere. In fact, it hurt.”

“You were probably too tense. Too dry.” Ace petted her back and cuddled her even closer.

She melted under his tender touch. He always made her feel better about herself, whether it was treating her as an equal during training or now as he took such care easing her into intimacy.

“How do you feel now? Is talking about finding your own pleasure making you tense? Erasing the feelings of arousal?”

DJ took a moment to assess her body … her feelings. “I feel as if I’m missing something. It’s as if I need to release pressure, but don’t know where the release valve is.”

He kissed her nose. “I think I can help find that release valve. Trust me?”

“Yes.” She twined her arms around his neck. “You’ve never let me down yet.”

“And I’ll try never to disappoint you.” His expression was solemn as he made what sounded like a vow. “So … why don’t I start with some heavy petting to help you gain your release? We can do it in the shower where your skin will get all sorts of other stimulation.” He winked, then let her go and got out of bed.

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