Straight (31 page)

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Authors: Hanne Blank

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Jackson, “Sexuality, Heterosexuality, and Gender Hierarchy.”

It's a sizeable list, and it keeps getting longer. Readers may recall names like Ted Haggard and George Rekers (leading religious authorities in the Christian Right), Mark Foley (Republican congressman from Florida), and Bob Allen (former Florida state representative).

“Answers to Your Questions: For a Better Understanding of Sexual Orientation and Homosexuality,” American Psychological Association website

Cohn maintained to the end that he was not homosexual and claimed that he was dying of liver cancer, not of AIDS-related causes.

Gallup, Inc., and Lydia Saad, “Americans' Acceptance of Gay Relations Crosses 50% Threshold: Increased Acceptance by Men Driving the Change,” press release, May 25, 2010,
(accessed June 4, 2010).

Sexual Fluidity

Marriage, a History,
p. 275.

Pope Paul VI,
Humana Vitae,

Katrin Bennhold, “In Sweden, Men Can Have It All,”
New York Times,
June 9, 2010; it is not, although until fairly recently a legal principle called the “tender years doctrine,” based on an 1830 precedent, held that all other factors being equal, the mother was better suited to raise a child than the father. The “tender years doctrine” is now, according to
West's Encyclopedia of American Law,
generally considered to violate the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution and is thus no longer explicitly invoked.

The Campaign for Our Children's ongoing “Marriage Works” campaign, which also includes statements like “Married people make more money” and “Married people are happier,” has been running since 1987. If it weren't already obvious that this is a political campaign, I note that in my home city of Baltimore, “Marriage Works” advertisements tend to be concentrated in low-income, majority African American neighborhoods.

Biblarz, “How Does the Gender of Parents Matter?” p. 3.

Gartrell, “US National Longitudinal Lesbian Family Study.”

Normally, organisms have a single genetic code or DNA, an identical copy of which appears in every cell in the organism. Chromosomal mosaicism means that an organism with a single set of DNA nevertheless has some cells that contain only certain subsets of the complete code, while other cells contain either a different subset or a complete set. Chromosomal chimerism means that a single organism possesses two (or more) different complete sets of DNA, one complete set of genetic code showing up in some parts of the body and another completely different set of DNA showing up in other parts.

That this was a probate case probably had something to do with the judicial attitude. Letting bygones be bygones is simpler when the troublemaker is dead.


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