Stranded (14 page)

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Authors: Jaymie Holland

Tags: #threesome, #menage, #erotic romance, #bdsm, #domination, #submission, #bondage, #fetish, #kink, #alpha male

BOOK: Stranded
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Dawson smirked and Holden laughed as he
settled his hands on her hips. “We came here for you.”

Her brow furrowed. “I have a life here. Why
would I go with you?”

Dawson moved behind her and put his hands on
her waist, above Holden’s grasp. Dawson leaned close to her ear,
his breath on her neck causing a shiver to trail her spine. “We’re
going to figure out how to make this work. Together.”

“New York City is eighteen hundred miles from
Colorado Springs.” She denied the possibility even while melting
into Dawson and Holden’s joint embrace. “It’s not happening.”

going to make it happen.”
Holden’s words were firm. “Now that we’ve found you, Erika, we’re
not letting you go. We can’t.”

“We’ll be honest. Holden and I have never
been good at sharing in the past.” Dawson pressed his lips against
her hair. “We each had our own toys when we were kids. We played
together but what was his was his and what was mine was mine.” He
moved his mouth to the curve of her ear. “But you’re special and we
know you mean too much to both of us. We will work this out.”

Erika gave a little shiver and a sigh as he
kissed the back of her neck. Holden brought his lips down on hers
and kissed her again.

She got lost in the feel of their hands
sliding over her body, caressing her gently while making her feel
as if they were claiming her all over again, this time making sure
she knew who she belonged to.

When she caught her breath, she managed one
more protest. “I don’t do long distance relationships.”

“You do now.” Holden’s eyes held a promise
and certainty, telling her that he and Dawson were not going to
take no for an answer.

She felt something deep inside her
blossoming, growing. She didn’t want to say goodbye to either one
of them. Not having them in her life, no matter how difficult it
might be, just wasn’t an option any longer.

“All right.” She smiled at Holden before
turning just enough to look over her shoulder and see Dawson.
“We’ll make it happen.”

Dawson grinned, taking her into his arms and
kissing her with more passion than she’d ever felt from either of

And then Holden had her in his embrace, the
passion in his kiss matching the power of Dawson’s.

The elation in Erika’s heart was unlike
anything she’d ever experienced before. It made her feel as if she
was soaring to new places, new heights, and she’d never come down


Chapter 16

“After last year’s snowstorm, I had my doubts
about Thanksgiving here again.” Erika grinned at Dawson and Holden
as they walked hand-in-hand through the woods covered in white
powder that crunched beneath their boots.

“If it wasn’t for that storm, we might not be
here now.” Dawson tweaked her long braid that had fallen out from
beneath her knit hat.

She smiled at him. “You’re right. Let’s
change that to ‘Thank God for that storm and being stranded with
you two.’”

Holden grinned and Dawson laughed. “That’s

As they talked about the time spent with the
Kennedy family, they came into a clearing where the snow had
started to melt from the sun spilling through gaps in the trees.
When they reached the center of the clearing, Holden took her by
her hands and swung her around to face him.

She laughed, the sound light and airy, like
her heart had been since she’d started seeing the two men on a
regular basis. She tipped her head back, closed her eyes, and felt
soft snowflakes land on her cheeks and eyelids.

When she opened her eyes, Holden had a
serious look in his eyes. She frowned a little. “Is something

He nodded and her heart started racing.
Dawson settled his hands on her shoulders from behind.

“What is it?” Her whole body tensed.

Holden held her gaze. “Dawson and I have had
enough of flying back and forth from Colorado to New York.”

Her heart plummeted. “You want to end things
between us?”

“Hell, no.” Dawson startled her with his
adamant exclamation and then both he and Holden were in front of

Holden shook his head. “We know you have a
career in New York City. We prefer Colorado, but we’re willing to
move to the City if it means we can all be together, not just on
weekends and a few weeks here and there. That’s not going to cut it

“You would do that for me?” The feeling of
astonishment warmed her skin, chasing away the chill of the day.
She could imagine snowflakes melting as they landed on her. “You
would give up all this.” She gestured around her. “For concrete and

“Well, when you put it that way…” Dawson
tapped his chin with his finger then lowered his hand and winked.
“Of course we would. For you.”

Tears pricked the back of her eyes and she
put her hand to her chest, trying not to let any tears fall. “I
don’t know what to say.”

“Are you going to cry?” Dawson looked at
Holden and repeated the question to his cousin, as if worried. “Is
she going to cry?”

A smile quirked the corner of Holden’s lips.
“If so, I hope it’s a happy cry.”

“You two.” She pushed up against both of them
and put one hand on Holden’s hip and one on Dawson’s. She looked
from one man to the other, feeling a surge of love so great that
she didn’t know how she could contain it. “Do you know how much I
love you both?”

“Did she just say the L word?” Dawson raised
his brows as she clamped a hand over her mouth.

Holden caught her by the wrist and pulled her
hand away. “Too late now, sweetheart.”

She raised her chin. “Well, so what if I

They drew her in close. “That’s perfect.”
Holden touched the tip of her nose with his finger. “I love you
just as much.”

“Same goes for me.” Dawson brushed her cheek
with his knuckles. “I can’t imagine life without you.”

“You don’t know how much that means that you
would move to the City just to be with me.” Joy flowed through her
like warm summer rain. “But I can’t let you move to New York and
take you away from the outdoors and all the things you love.”

Before they could respond, she pressed on. “I
can do my job from any location I choose. And I choose Colorado
Springs. When it’s needed, I can fly to the City to meet with

Dawson picked her up and swung her around.
She laughed at the feeling of freedom and love. The moment Dawson
set her on the ground, Holden brought her to him for a hard

“You’re amazing.” Holden took her hands as he
smiled at her.

“And of course you’ll bring Diva.” Dawson put
his arm around her shoulders and squeezed her to him.

“Of course,” she said with a grin. “I
couldn’t leave behind my girl.”

“Let’s get started, sweetheart,” Holden
kissed the top of her head. “Right this very moment. There’s no
time like the present.”

“You’re right.” Her heart was nearly bursting
with joy. “Come on.” She took each man by the hand and squeezed.
“We have a future to build.”

The men grinned and they walked hand-in-hand
through the woods, toward a bright future on the horizon. Their
relationship would hold its own trials like any other relationship,
but at the same time she knew it would be filled with happiness and

As they walked and chatted about the future,
she knew her smile could light up the forest.

She’d finally found a home.



Tattoos and Leather: BRANDED


By Jaymie Holland

When Marco returned with bruschetta, along
with the plate of mozzarella, tomatoes, basil, and balsamic, Dane
slipped his finger beneath the panties, over her shaved mound, and
dipped his finger in her wet heat before stroking her clit.

Drew was taking a drink of her wine at the
same moment and almost spewed it across the tablecloth. She managed
to swallow but coughed.

The waiter gave her a concerned look. “Are
you all right,

She took a drink from her glass of water and
nodded as she set the glass down. “Fine.” The word sounded
strangled as Colton also slipped his finger into her wetness and
drove his index finger into her channel up to his knuckles.

A flood of sensation traveled through her and
zinged her belly as Dane stroked her clit and Colton pumped his
finger in and out. She placed her hands on the tabletop and gripped
them tightly, trying to smile at the waiter at the same time.

Marco asked if she was ready to order dinner.
She didn’t think she could think straight enough to read the menu
and pick something out, so she went with one of the suggestions.
“I’ll—” She swallowed. “I’ll have the tortellini.”

The waiter gave a nod and turned to Colton
who ordered the cannelloni while Dane chose the manicotti.

When Marco left, she tried to regain control
of herself but found it nearly impossible. With his free hand,
Colton used a fork to cut a piece of the fresh mozzarella along
with a piece of ripe tomato. He brought the bite-sized piece to her
lips. She opened her mouth and took the bite, concentrating on
chewing without choking as they continued to stroke her wet

“You look so sexy without a bra.” Dane leaned
close. “I want to suck your hard nipples right here.”

“No.” She shook her head. “Someone might be

Colton picked up a piece of bruschetta and
brought it to her lips. “This is a private corner, the light is
dim, and we can see if anyone is coming.”

“It’s not a good idea,” she said just before
Dane reached up and rubbed his thumb over her nipple through the
soft fabric of her dress.

“Oh, my God.” She let out an involuntary
moan. “I can’t take much more of this.”

“Don’t climax yet.” Colton’s voice was firm.
“We’ll tell you when you’re allowed to come.”

“When I’m allowed?” She looked at him, brows

“Not before.” He set down the fork, reached
for her nipple, and pinched it
. “Understand?”

Dane pinched her other nipple and she gasped
from the dual dose of pain. “Yes. Got it.”

“Good.” They relaxed their grips on her
nipples as Colton gave her a sensual smile. “Follow the rules. Or

She raised her chin. “Or else what?”

Both men pinched her nipples again and she
fought to hold back a cry.

The corners of Dane’s mouth tipped up. “We’ll
come up with a suitable punishment.”

She decided not to argue
because she wanted them to release her nipples. Surprisingly,
though, the pain was easing into a kind of pleasure that was
turning her on even more.

The men released her nipples and she looked
up to see Marco heading toward their corner. The waiter asked how
they were doing and if they were enjoying the appetizer. Drew
managed a smile the best she could along with a “yes.”

As soon as Marco had retreated, Colton
pinched her nipple again. “Take off your panties.”

Her eyes widened. “Here? Now?”

“Yes.” Dane had leaned close and his breath
feathered her ear causing delightful shivers to course through her
body. “Now.”

She hesitated and gave a loud gasp as Dane
pinched her clit. She raised her hips just enough for the men to
help slide her panties down. They dropped to her ankles and she had
to reach to grab them. Both men continued stroking her pussy

When she had the panties in her lap, Dane
held out his hand. “Give them to me.”

She handed the pair to him and he brought
them to his nose and inhaled. “You smell wonderful.” He tucked the
black panties into the front pocket of his jeans.

Dane and Colton took turns feeding her the
appetizers and kissing her in between bites. The two men ate
healthy portions while they continued their sensual assault on her
body. They had her dress all the way up to her waist, her bottom
half naked. They slipped their fingers beneath the dress’s
spaghetti straps and played with her bare nipples. She imagined
their mouths on her breasts, which only made it harder not to

When dinner arrived, Drew was so close to
coming that she was nearly cross-eyed from the effort of holding
back her orgasm. Colton and Dane continued to feed her, slipping
bites of tortellini, manicotti, and cannelloni into her mouth,
alternating with each eating a good portion from their own

She chewed each bite slowly, half afraid
she’d choke, and half because the homemade pasta was incredibly

“I’m going to come.” The words sounded husky
as she put her palms over their busy hands that were stroking her
pussy. “I don’t think I can hold back any longer.”

“Oh, yes you will.” Colton ran his finger
over her swollen clit again. “Or you’re in for one hell of a

Her hips bucked from his touch and the
sensitivity of her clit. She clenched her fists in her lap. They
were so dominant that she should have been infuriated, but she
loved it. Even their threats of a punishment turned her on. Yes,
they were Doms through and through, and she didn’t mind being
submissive to them at all, which did surprise her. She’d never
thought of herself as someone who liked to be manhandled, much less
by two men.

Yes, she wanted to find out exactly what they
would do if she came without their permission. Bring on the

She was on the verge of coming when the
busboy stopped by to clear away the dishes. His appearance had her
biting her cheek to rein in what she knew was going to be one of
the most powerful climaxes of her life.

The busboy left and she was close to climax
once again, but Tony stopped by with dessert on the house, a
homemade tiramisu. Her eyes were almost crossed from the extreme
effort to maintain the control she was so close to losing.

Colton fed her one bite of the tiramisu and
she lost it.

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