Strangclyf Secret (17 page)

Read Strangclyf Secret Online

Authors: Mary McCall

Tags: #love, #knight, #medieval, #castle, #trust, #medieval historial romance

BOOK: Strangclyf Secret
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Hadwyn let me live only
because I fooled him into believing I knew the secret. He kept me
alive, trying to beat it out of me. I was hoping to stay alive so I
could protect your lady, but I failed.” Gremian remained on his
knees with his head bowed.

Geno snorted again, Hugo
grunted and rolled his eyes, and Padarn glared fierce enough to
bore a hole in Gremian’s head. Bernon agreed with their obvious
assessment. The recreant was lying, which meant he was some type of
spy. Any warrior who would admit to such a terrible failure
deserved naught but death. But the rat might lead him to others and
he wanted the rebels contained sooner rather than later.

I will concede the
possibility that you speak the truth and accept your pledge,”
Bernon said. “Go have someone tend your wounds then crop your hair
and shave. You may rest for the remainder of the day and tonight.
Your duties will be assigned in the morning.”

Aye, milord.” Gremian rose
and held out his wrists toward Hugo, who glowered at Bernon then
cut the man’s bindings.

Padarn waited until
Gremian left through the front door then turned his keen gaze upon
Bernon. “Dead rats tend to draw vultures, Lord

Bernon sighed and crossed
his arms in front of his chest. “Would you care to explain

The wiry man eyed the
dagger at Bernon’s waist and tugged on his beard. “’Tis a fine
weapon you carry, milord. I remember it well. Your lady used to
call the bear on the hilt her protector.” He raised his shrewd eyes
back to Bernon’s face. “Told me she thought you were taking over
the job.”

Do you always hedge and
speak in riddles, Padarn?” Bernon asked, wiping an exasperated hand
over his face.

Aye, ‘tis a mighty fine
dagger.” Padarn’s expression hardened. “I’m sure Gremian remembers
it too...seeing how that bear once bit him.”

Bernon growled.

Padarn squinted up at
Bernon and nodded. “Only one thing worse than a vulture,

Bernon decided to remain
patient. Padarn was one of those men who talked around a subject
until he was satisfied he had led a man where he wanted him.
Someone like Padarn couldn’t be rushed, and he obviously knew
something. “What would that be?”

A conniving snake.” Padarn
nodded to himself. “Aye, just when you think the viper is dead and
you go and get your shovel so you can bury him, you come back and
he has done slithered away.”

Bernon rolled his eyes.
God’s teeth, the man was provoking. “I am afraid you have stumped
me, Padarn.”

Your predecessor, milord,
now he was a snake.”

Bernon’s brows snapped
together. “Are you sure?”

I can only tell you what I
know. While picking up the carcasses littering this hall and the
grounds, couldn’t find his slimy hide anywhere. I double-checked
‘em all, and that’s a fact. Wanted to know where his grave was, so
I could come back and dance on it later.”

Does anyone else know
this?” Bernon gritted out.

Not from me. Thought ‘twas
something my new lord should know first.”

Tell no one—especially my
lady. I do not want her worrying while we figure out what the snake
is up to.”

Padarn nodded. “’Tis glad
I am to see you thinking of my lady’s tender feelings. If you do
not mind, I would like to get home and check on my Lori. She
doesn’t care for vultures or snakes. You can always send for me if
you need me.”

Bernon nodded a dismissal
and Padarn turned to the disgruntled soldier beside him. “Hugo, I
will be expecting you early in the morning like we said, so you can
help me out with that other matter.”

Aye, I will be there,”
Hugo agreed.

Padarn strolled towards
the door and Bernon waited. He knew the man wasn’t finished talking
so was not surprised when Padarn called over his shoulder, “Celeste
is a good name, milord. Makes me think of heaven and that always
makes me think of angels.”

Bernon rolled his eyes at
the parting comment and turned to find two glowers fixed on him.
“What is wrong, Geno?”

The little wolf had to
defend herself from that Gremian. Are you not concerned for her
safety?” Geno asked in a censorious tone.

Bernon placed his fists on
his hips and scowled. “Medwyn follows her now and Gremian would not
be fool enough to try anything with me here.”

I still do not trust him,”
Hugo grumbled.

The cell where we found
him was empty when we passed it this morn,” Geno said. “I think I
will set a couple of men to following him.”

Even though Geno tried to
goad him with the insult, Bernon agreed with the need for caution.
“Just do not alert Gremian. He may be able to lead us to my
predecessor or Orlege and the other resisters. I want him to feel
safe, so he will drop his guard and become careless.”

Excuse me, milord,” Ardith
said from behind him.

Bernon turned and saw the
housekeeper holding a folded black cloth in her arms with a young
lad of about ten summers at her side. “I am glad you are here,
Ardith. I would like you to see to moving my lady’s belongings into
the lord’s chamber.”

Twill be seen to,
milord,” she replied with an approving smile.

What did you wish to

This is Egan, the stable
master’s middle son.” She drew the boy forward. “He would like the
honor of accompanying you to hang your colors at the entrance to
the gorge.”

I have not—”

Strangclyf made these over the winter months. ‘Twas one of her many
projects.” Ardith held the folded cloths toward him and he accepted
the offering. “One flies over the keep seaside and the other over
the barbican at the entrance to the gorge. And seeing how you are
taking suggestions, milord, I have always thought Eloina would be a
good name for her. ‘Tis Latin and means

Ardith left Bernon holding
his colors and headed toward the common tower. Bernon tried to hide
his surprise, but, God’s bones, since meeting his bride, his
control at concealing his emotions seemed to have fled.

Geno chuckled. “I did not
know you were taking suggestions, my friend.”

I didn’t either.” Bernon
looked down at the boy shifting from foot to foot in front of him.
“Do you have a suggestion for me as well, Egan?”

The boy nodded and
scratched his nose. “I think you should name her Special, ‘cause of
she is.”

Bernon smiled and placed a
hand on Egan’s shoulder. “Come, let us go hang my colors. Do you
ride with us, Geno?”

Not until I put a guard on
Gremian,” Geno answered in a militant tone.

You go on with Bernon,
Geno. I will get Rodor and Tyrel to keep an eye on him,” Hugo said
as the harsh features of his face sharpened. “The snake will not
harm our little lady.”

Bernon led the way to the
stables. He did not know how she had done it, but Barwolf had
managed to win over the meanest of his men if she had Hugo on her
side. She was well on her way to winning him too.

~ * ~

After exiting the keep,
Barwolf broke into a run. She waved and smiled to her people and
the Norman warriors going about their business, but she slowed for
no one. Rounding the keep, she went through a hedgerow into a
recessed area between the great chamber and the lord’s tower where
she had planted a small flower garden. She needed a few moments of
peace in her tranquil hideaway to ponder her situation. Walking
around the small pebbled path, she inhaled the heady sweet
fragrances and felt her tension ease a bit.

How could she ever prove
herself worthy of Bernon? He must not have any confidence in her,
for he was taking away all her duties and embarrassing her in front
of the servants. ‘Twould be different if he liked her, but she had
blundered everything from the moment she first cut her hair. She
threaded her fingers through her short locks and released a heavy
sigh. He hadn’t even cared enough for her gift to keep

And he must think her weak
to insist she needed rest at such an early hour. He probably
thought her useless too. How could she get him to let her help
Ardith with the chores? ‘Twas too much work for one person and she
loved Ardith too much to have her so burdened. Barwolf snorted.
Ardith had not helped much by gloating over Bernon’s decision. She
acted as if she had put him up to the ridiculous order.

Barwolf sighed. At least
she didn’t have to feel afraid of him anymore. She wanted to spend
some time with him too...alone. His strength seemed more a comfort
than a worry now she knew he meant to protect her and would not
hurt her. She wanted him to hold her and comfort her, so she would
not feel so anxious about the changes in her life. Which surely did
not make any sense because he was her biggest change.

She paused by a rose bush
emitting a delectable aroma and sighed. She wanted Bernon to love
her, and she wanted to love him back, sharing their lives rather
than just being intimate strangers. And babies—she wanted him to
give her lots of babies, so she could love them and spoil them, and
they could love her back despite her flaws. They might even want
her heart like her other children.

Thinking of her most
special project, she smiled and nudged a large rock with her toe.
She had five precious children whom nobody else wanted, and they
brought so much joy to her life. She never felt inferior around
them, because their love was unconditional, and they knew she felt
the same way.

She had planned to hide
them until she knew how Bernon felt about children, but maybe they
would give Bernon pleasure too. He seemed somehow alone, even when
he was with his friends—as if the defenses of battle never left him
and he never found peace. He needed them as much as she did, and
maybe they needed each other.

What if he did not like
children? She would have to stand up to him, that’s what. He did
listen to her and she couldn’t picture him throwing them out like
her father would have done if he had known about them. She rubbed
her left ear and sighed. ‘Twas time the children had a better home,
was it not?

Why was she loafing? The
children were probably frantic with worry after her absence. She
had best go to them now.

She turned around and saw
Medwyn standing at the edge of the garden leaning against the keep.
“Hello, Medwyn. Were you needing me?”

Nay, milady, you are
needing me.” He smiled at her. “Bernon asked me to keep an eye on
you and make sure you do not work.”

He set a guard on me?” she
whispered in a hurt voice.

I am not an ogre even if I
am a Norman.” Medwyn grinned, entreating her to share his jest.
“There is no need to cry.”

You think not?” She
sniffed and wiped at her cheek where one traitorous tear rolled
downward. “My husband trusts me so little that he has assigned me a
keeper. For me, that is enough reason to cry.”

Bernon just does not want
you to overdo,” he said. “Why are you so upset? Do you not realize
Bernon will guard you until he feels sure of the reigning

She clenched her jaw,
narrowed her eyes, and balled her fists. She couldn’t let this
insult stand. She would show her husband what tough stock she was
made from. “I will return to the keep and rest then.”

Without another glance at
Medwyn, she hurried back to the hall. Ardith intercepted her near
the common tower. “Jerold is resting, milady. Betia is diligent and
does not require relief yet.”

Barwolf glanced over her
shoulder at the warrior trailing her then looked back at Ardith and
lowered her voice. “Thank you, Ardith. I had forgotten Jerold was
in my chamber.”

Lord Strangclyf bade me
remove your things to the lord’s chamber with his,” Ardith
whispered back. “He doesn’t know your things are where I cannot get
to them. Will you be needing help with anything?”

Nay. I have not much to
move. Do you know...?” Barwolf blushed and glanced away. “Is my
husband in his chamber?”

Ardith smiled. “He has
gone with Geno and Egan to hang his colors over the

Thank you, Ardith.”
Barwolf turned toward the lord’s tower and noticed Medwyn move to
follow her. She sent a small apology to heaven for the lie she was
about to tell. “I will be resting in the lord’s chamber for the
remainder of the afternoon. If I decide to leave, I will send for

Medwyn hesitated and
stared at her as if he was trying to sort something out in his

Did you wish to say
something, Medwyn?”

Aye, milady. I do not
think Bernon set me to following you because he does not trust you.
I think he did it because he cares and would see you

I am certain you are
wrong, but I thank you for trying to spare my feelings.” She gave
him a bitter smile and entered the lord’s tower.

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