Stranger Than We Can Imagine (41 page)

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The fact that the combined wealth of the eighty richest people is the same as the combined wealth of the poorest 3.5 billion is from Oxfam’s report
Wealth: Having It All and Wanting More
, which can be found online at​/sites/​/files/file_attachments/​ib-wealth-having-all-​wanting-more-190115-en.pdf
. For figures about the size of the derivatives market, see ‘Clear and Present Danger’, the
, 12 April 2012. The quote from Warren Buffett comes from his
Berkshire Hathaway Annual Report
, 2002. For the link between oil prices and GDP, see Rebeca Jiménez-Rodriguez and Marcelo Sánchez,
Oil Price Shocks and Real GDP Growth: Empirical Evidence for Some OECD Countries
, European Central Bank 2004. For more on the ownership of Bolivian water, see Jim Shultz, ‘The Politics of Water in Bolivia’,
The Nation
, 14 February 2005.

For an example of follow-up studies to
Limits to Growth
, see C. Hall and J. Day, ‘Revisiting the Limits to Growth after Peak Oil,’
American Scientist
, 2009 or Graham Turner,
Is Global Collapse Imminent? An Updated Comparison of the Limits to Growth with Historical Data
, University of Melbourne, August 2014. For details of a study that argues inequality makes environmental problems worse, see Nafeez Ahmed’s 14 March 2014 article in the
, ‘NASA-funded study: industrial civilisation headed for “irreversible collapse”?’. Margaret Thatcher’s 1989 address to
the UN General Assembly can be found at​document/107817


Details about the origins of Mario are from David Sheff’s
Game Over: Nintendo’s Battle to Dominate an Industry
. IGN’s Best Game of All Time poll can be found at​2005/001-010.html

New York Times
obituary ‘Jacques Derrida, Obtuse Theorist, Dies at 74’ was written by Jonathan Kandell and published on 10 October 2004. Richard Dawkins’s example of seemingly meaningless postmodern discourse is from ‘Postmodernism Disrobed’,
394, 9 July 1998, where he is quoting the French psychoanalyst Félix Guattari. The quote from Carl Jung comes from a personal letter he wrote to Peter Baynes on 12 August 1940. Neil Spencer’s comments about the lyrics to ‘Aquarius’ are from p. 124 of his book
True as the Stars Above

Richard Dawkins’s quote regarding cultural relativity is from ‘Richard Dawkins’ Christmas Card List’, the
, 28 May 2007. Pope Benedict XVI’s quote is from ‘Address of His Holiness Benedict XVI to the Participants in the Ecclesial Diocesan Convention of Rome’, 6 June 2005. The quote from Martin Luther King Jr is from ‘Rediscovering Lost Values’, a sermon delivered at Detroit’s Second Baptist Church, 28 February 1954. Roger Scruton’s quote is from p. 32 of his book
Modern Philosophy


For a ‘morning after’ account of the non-impact of the Year 2000 Bug, see the BBC News story ‘Y2K Bug Fails to Bite’ (​sci/tech/585013.stm
). The Everyday Sexism Project is at
. For an account of the consequences of putting a cat in a bin, see Patrick Barkham’s 19 October 2010 article ‘Cat Bin Woman Mary Bale Fined £250’, in the

The quotes from Alex Pentland come from his 5 April 2014
New Scientist
article, ‘The death of individuality’. The quote from Bruce Hood comes from his book
The Self Illusion
. For more on the amount of bacteria cells in a human body, see Melinda Wenner, ‘Humans Carry More Bacterial Cells than Human Ones’, in the 30 November 2007 issue of
Scientific American


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