Stray (17 page)

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Authors: Erin Lark

BOOK: Stray
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With that, he increased the length and intensity of his strokes, his every groan teasing me a little more. I swallowed hard. The floor bit into my knees. I didn’t move.

And when Dylan’s breath caught, I almost sobbed. “Suck me.”

The command was quick. Unexpected. I faltered for just a moment before taking all of him into my mouth. He wasn’t overly large by any means, but I still had to adjust my jaw to accommodate him. He gripped my hair, guiding me up and down his length.

“Fuck, baby, just like that,” Dylan groaned as I flicked my tongue over the top of his head. “Just like that.”

He reached one of his hands down into my blouse. Pulled one of my nipples. I moaned against him. He did it again, harder this time. I moaned again. Harder. Louder. Dylan’s hips thrust forward. He held me down. I let him take over, pressing my tongue along the underside of his cock.

His thrusts were short now, more frantic. He thrust forward. I deep-throated him. He did it again. I did the same, moaning when he pulled at my breasts. He gasped and trembled. He was so close. So fucking close!

“You want this, baby?” Dylan growled, placing his hands on my shoulders. “You want this?”

I didn’t reply. I took in as much of him as I could without choking. His fingers dug into my skin. I moaned, the vibrations from my voice seeming to drive him to the edge.
One more thrust.
He pushed against my mouth as far as he could, his grip on me tightening so much my vision turned white.

“Oh, God, baby…” Dylan sucked in a lungful of air. Held it. Let it out. “I’m going to—”

His words were lost behind a roar of passion as he let go, his cum filling my mouth. I swallowed. Sucked even harder until there wasn’t a drop left. He pulled on my hair. Forced me to my feet. Covered my lips with his, tasting them. Tasting himself. He groaned, holding me close to his chest.

“Have I ever told you…?” Dylan began, then took in a fresh breath of air. “Have I ever told you how fucking amazing you are with your mouth?”

I licked my lips, savouring the little bit of him that was there. “No, Master.” At least, not as far as I could remember.

“Fuck, if you said you never wanted to have sex ever again, I’d be more than fine with it. So long as you didn’t stop doing whatever the hell it is you do with your tongue.”

He kissed me again. Deeper. Passionately. And when the kiss finally broke, we were both breathless.

“Let’s go find some drinks,” Dylan said, taking my hand in his. “There’s someone here I know you’re going to love.”

My heart still pounding, I struggled to walk at his side, happy when he wrapped an arm around my waist.

“No more floor time for you. I have something even better planned this evening.”

Chapter Seventeen




The something Dylan had mentioned wasn’t something at all. It was
And just as he’d set up Marnie, I soon found myself in a private room with Dylan and another, nameless, Dom. The room itself was rather bland but had all the necessities. There was a two-seater couch for watching, a series of tables and racks to hold various supplies, a place to hang our clothes along with a table that made me think of a doctor’s office more than anything else.

Dylan circled around me, his eyes on the other Dom. “Rules are as follows. No face slapping, needles, fire or choking of any kind. If you flog her, avoid areas with scars on them. No cat-o’-nine-tails. I don’t want to break her skin.” He stopped in front of me. “Do you want to know his name?”

The mysteriousness of not knowing who this Dom was was thrilling all by itself. Still, being able to put a name to a face meant I’d be able to talk about him with Dylan later on. “Yes, Master.”

“His name is Eric, but you’ll be addressing him as ‘Master’ tonight. Is that understood?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Very good.” Dylan walked out of my line of sight, probably to sit on the couch. He cleared his throat, and Eric moved behind me. “What are your safe words?”

“Red to stop. Yellow if something isn’t right, Master.”

“Good girl. Eric will be playing with you now.”

I struggled for breath, able to imagine Dylan with one leg crossed over the other, a sly grin on his face. I hated him for it, and even though there was another male in the room, the only one I was concerned about was him.

A hand slid across my back. Over my right shoulder. Onto my right breast. Eric stopped in front of me, lifting my chin. Inspecting me. We’d exchanged a few quick glances on our way to the room, but I hadn’t given myself enough time to decide whether I liked him or not.

Blue eyes pierced mine, and there was a mess of blond curls on top of his head. His overly tanned skin didn’t complement either of these, making me think of the girls who spent more waking hours in a tanning bed than anywhere else. The only things that really worked in his favour were his clean-shaven face and businesslike suit, which I could only assume was a part of his Dom-like character.

Seemingly pleased with his inspection, he took a few steps back and crossed his arms over his chest. “Unbutton your blouse.”

Eric’s voice was lighter than Dylan’s. Younger. Or perhaps it was the fact that he didn’t smoke. Yeah, that must’ve been it. And even though Dylan was still in the same room, I couldn’t smell cigarettes or alcohol on Eric’s breath at all.

My hands shook as I stood in front of him, which made the simple task of unbuttoning my blouse a lot harder than it should’ve been. I breathed my relief when the first button came undone, followed by the second one. Eric reached out to grab my wrist and held it steady, his eyes feasting on the very little cleavage he was able to see.

When he withdrew his hand, I continued, doing one button at a time. They slipped through my fingers easily enough, their flat surface rough against my fingertips.
Two buttons to go.
Eric made a sound of approval and hooked his thumbs into his pockets.
One more button to go.
I untucked my blouse, finishing off the last button before dropping my hands to my sides.

“A bra that clasps at the front?” Eric gave me an inquisitive look before glancing over my shoulder at Dylan. “You bastard. You know just the way I like them.”

“It’s the small touches that make all the difference. Right?” Dylan’s voice floated over from behind me, but he hadn’t moved.

“Damn straight.” Eric took a step towards me, so close I could almost smell him. “Unhook your bra, but don’t take it off.”

I fiddled with the clasp between my breasts, the red lace falling away from them when I did. My nipples peaked in the cooler air, and I chewed at my bottom lip as Eric brushed a thumb over them. He swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing the slightest bit. His jaw tightened, and I could tell he was having a hard time trying to decide what I should do next.

Taking a step back, he nodded to me. “Let both fall to the floor.”

I shrugged out of my blouse, along with my bra, watching as they glided to the ground near my feet. Eric then worked on the buttons of his shirt, taking one at a time just as I’d done moments earlier. I sucked in a breath. I hadn’t noticed it through his shirt, but every single one of his muscles was accented by the dim light. His abs were well-developed while at the same time not being overdone. Sadly, the same couldn’t be said for his skin. He definitely spent way too much time in a tanning bed.

My gaze traced the trail leading from above his navel to below his waistband. My mouth watered, and I moaned under my breath.
Just a little longer.
Soon those would be off as well.

“You’re staring,” Eric said, his voice sounding calmer than it probably should’ve been.

“Sorry, Master.”

“It’s the tan, isn’t it?”

I looked at him from under my lashes. “Yes, Master.”

He raised his hands to his head, combing his fingers through his hair. “Fucking hell. That bad, huh?”

I nodded, not sure of what else to say.

“Man, I wasn’t going to say anything,” Dylan began, laughter filling his voice. “But that looks pretty bad. What the hell happened to you?”

Eric shrugged. “Gotta look nice for the ladies, you know?” He then glanced at me, the Dom in him still present. “I promise it’s never this bad. We’ll just say it was a malfunction.”

I offered him a smile. Malfunction, indeed. He had a sense of humour. At least the three of us had that much in common.

Eric tossed his shirt to the side, his eyes darkening. “Come here.” I closed the distance between us, able to smell his cologne, spicy like Dylan’s when he decided to wear it. “Unbuckle my belt and remove my pants.”

The shaking in my hands returned as I struggled with the gold buckle, pursing my lips when it finally came undone. I then continued to the button on his pants, which was just as stubborn as the belt that had come before it.
I had never been any good at unbuckling or unbuttoning from this angle.

I rested a finger on his zipper. He was rock hard. My hands moved faster after that. I unzipped the slacks and pulled them down to his ankles. I paused, staring at his shoes.

“What is it?” Eric asked, reaching into his boxers to make his erection a little more comfortable.

“Your shoes, Master. May I remove them?”

He regarded Dylan. “Damn, you weren’t kidding when you said she was a good sub. So much attention to detail.” Then, to me, he whispered, “If that’s the fastest way for you to get my pants off, yes.”

It was, and so I did, untying the laces and removing his shoes before working on his pants.

“Socks as well.”

I winced at the thought of taking my socks off and standing barefoot on the cold floor.
That’s probably next.
After taking off his socks, I stood back up, awaiting my next order. It never came. Instead, Eric leaned over, fishing through one of the pockets of his discarded pants before pulling a set of nipple clamps from their depths.

He held them up so Dylan and I could see. Then, after what I assumed was a nod of permission from Dylan, he stepped towards me.

“Have you ever used these before?” Eric asked, arcing a thumb over one of my nipples until it was hard.

“No, Master.”

“Hold out your finger.”

I did as he’d asked. He placed one of the clamps on my finger, which to me didn’t feel like much at all.

“Not too bad, right?”

“No, Master.”
But a finger isn’t the same thing as a breast.
I looked back on my night with Marnie and remembered how the clamps alone had sent her into subspace.

“Stand still.” Eric pinched one of my nipples. Pulled it. Released it. Once he was satisfied with that breast, he closed the clamp around the nipple. “Doing okay?”

“Yes, Master.” I breathed through the stinging pain. It wasn’t just the pressure of the clamp. It was stronger than if Eric had used his fingertips to pinch the skin. Constant.

As if he could read my mind, Eric said, “We won’t have them on too long. Think you can handle it?” He tugged at my other breast, applying the other clamp as soon as my nipple was hard.

“Yes, Master.” If Marnie was able to take the pain, so was I.

Eric tugged on the chain between the clamps, which caused it to bite into both nipples at once. I yelped, instinctively squirming away from the chain. It only made matters worse.

“I won’t pull on the chain unless you misbehave. Understood?”

“Y-yes…” I stood perfectly still when he released the chain. “Yes, Master.”

“Good.” Eric paused, holding his hand behind my neck, then guided me over to face one of the walls. “Now, be a good little sub and put your hands on the wall. You will not move them again unless I tell you to.”

I raised my arms over my head, pressing my hands palms-down on the cool wall. Eric stepped behind me. Something rustled. His boxers landed on the table to our left. He touched his body to mine, his hard-on resting against the small of my back. By now, he’d probably seen my scars, but either because of a discussion he’d had earlier with Dylan or because he’d excused them as the result of a little roughhousing, he’d said nothing.

His hands slipped around my sides to the button on my skirt. He undid that, as well as the zipper, a lot faster than I could’ve done myself, and let the black fabric fall around my ankles. He slid one of his fingers under my panties to touch my pussy lips. Eric moaned, withdrawing his hand before quickly pushing my underwear down to join my skirt.

“Lift your foot,” Eric ordered.

I wasn’t sure which one he wanted, so I started with my right one first. He slowly removed my underwear before coming back up behind me.

“Keep your shoes on,” he growled against the back of my neck. “Stay there.”

He stepped away. I didn’t move, listening to him as he opened a drawer. Shut it. He came back behind me. Foil tore. Eric exhaled, moaning when he put the condom on.

He leaned in to whisper in my ear. “You will not move. You won’t thrust against me. You won’t speak.” He pressed his hand against the back of my neck, and I turned my head, able to see Dylan sitting off to our right. “If you do, I’ll pull the chain. Understood?”

I silently pleaded with Dylan, knowing that keeping quiet meant the lack of a safe word. He stood from his chair and came over to join me.

Stroking my hair, he asked, “What’s wrong?”

“No…no talking.” I averted my eyes.

“Safe words are allowed,” Dylan assured me. Then, looking at Eric, he added, “Right?”

“Of course,” came Eric’s voice, softer than before. He craned his neck and looked right at me, brushing a tear from the corner of my eye. “Sorry, little one. I didn’t know.”

“It…” I wet my lips. “It’s okay, Master.”

As though he knew I was in good hands, Dylan returned to his chair, crossing one leg over the other. I closed my eyes, remembering Eric’s orders.

And again, he held me in place, this time wrapping one of his hands around my wrists. He touched my clit with a finger, moaning when I squirmed. The nipple clamps bit at my skin, and I held back a cry of surprise.

“What did I say?” Eric growled.

“N-no moving, Master.”

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