Street Safe (2 page)

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Authors: W. Lynn Chantale

BOOK: Street Safe
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She lowered her lashes before meeting his gaze. “I know, although I always preferred Rue. Have you been avoiding me?”

Stunned, he stepped back. Yeah, in a way he had. His last few visits he’d requested another massage therapist, one who didn’t arouse him. And she was the only one he allowed to call him by his hated given name. Something about his name rolling off her tongue made him want to hear her say it in a darkened room while she was naked. Damn. All these fantasies and he still couldn’t recall her name. It started with an ‘N’ and it wasn’t common “Really? Well I didn’t think you’d notice. How do you say your name, again?”


“Beautiful name.”

She inclined her head, but not before he’d seen her pretty pout. His smooth recovery wasn’t smooth enough.

“I think a bunch of fruity drinks will suit them just fine. I’ll have a cranberry juice.” She rested her fingertips on the counter, her nails, painted in the same stunning red as her lipstick, were just the perfect length. He could already imagine the way they’d feel scraping along the muscles of his back.

It was his turn to raise an eyebrow. “Nothing stronger?”

“Designated driver. Thanks.” She pushed off the bar and sashayed away.

Damn, baby girl had a body on her.

“A bib would keep your shirt from getting wet,” Auggie said.

Street closed his mouth. “Whatever.”

“The woman’s been stroking your leg for months and you forget her name?” Auggie shook his head. “Real smooth, nephew. Real smooth.”

“Ain’t it time for you to go home to your girlfriend?”

He shrugged. “Ask her. She’s sitting over in the corner with a group of her friends.”

Street swung his gaze to the far corner of the room. Sure enough Na’arah was headed toward them. She stood just in front of younger woman with a sequined gold top.

“I guess I will.”


Na’arah slid into the chair and pushed it as far against the wall as she could. The slightly woodsy scent of Street’s after shave still clung to her hand. How could one man smell so good? And he still didn’t recognize her, not that she expected him to, but a small part of her hoped he would.

She sighed. Why should he? She was only there to help ease his pain, nothing more. Somewhere between smoothing her hands over twisted sinew and coarse skin, she’d developed a crush for the brooding bartender. In all the time she’d known him, not once had she seen him smile, until tonight.

Then he requested someone else for his biweekly sessions with no explanation. When she asked Auggie about it, he shrugged it off. She tried not to let it bother her, but it did. Maybe she could practice a little more confidence and ask Street to the fair. A corn dog and cotton candy would be the perfect opportunity to get him alone. A pang of regret touched her heart. She was grasping at daydreams and shooting star wishes. The man hadn’t even remembered her name.

“Oh. My. God! He is hot!” Her sister, Zemira, or Zee as she preferred to be called, trilled in Na’arah’s ear.

“Is he serving us tonight?” This was from Abby, the blushing bride. “Oh look at those muscles. I bet he oils up real nice too.”

Darla fluffed her boobs and leaned forward. “I’d like to serve him. He’s steamy.” She smacked her lips. “You know a man that fine gots to know how to please a woman.”

“And he’s probably got a long, thick cock too.” Abby cooed.

“Did you see his hands?” This was from Vonda, who was already tipsy. “I could spend hours just with his hands.”

How did her sister talk her into doing this? Na’arah rolled her eyes and tuned out the cackling women. Shoes. Her sister bribed her with shoes. As the chatter turned raunchier, Na’arah found the man they were ogling and fought down a wave of jealousy. Street didn’t even know she existed. Why in the world should she be jealous? He carried a tray laden with drinks and flashed a dimpled smile that elicited a collective sigh from the women around her.

“Evening, ladies.” He grinned. “Let me know if everything is to your liking or not. I aim to please.”

“How about your phone number?” Darla batted her eyes and angled her body in such a way as to give Street a view of her generous breasts.

Street smiled and his dimples deepened. “I’m afraid my girlfriend wouldn’t like that.”

Na’arah bit back a moan of disappointment. Figures he’d already be taken. What woman wouldn’t want to bask in this man’s obvious virility? She drifted her gaze over him. The white knit polo he wore stretched across tight, rounded pecs as he placed drinks in front of each woman. His nails were neat and clean as he set a glass of cranberry juice in front of her. She locked gazes with him and for a moment was lost in his light brown depths. Mischief sparkled in his golden eyes and she held her breath as a spark of awareness flared in his irises. Did she dare believe he found her attractive?

He straightened, and held the tray at his side, drawing her attention to his jean clad thighs. “Anything else I can get you ladies right now?”

“You without a shirt,” Vonda said, eyeing him above the rim of her glass.

He laughed, a warm chuckle that rippled through Na’arah, striking a chord which left her longing to hear his laugh again. When he walked away she stared at his denim clad butt and wondered what she had to do to squeeze that firm backside. She watched him as he moved behind the bar again. Just what would she have to do to get him to notice her?

“That guy is checking you out,” Zee shouted in her ear.

Na’arah looked around momentarily confused. “Huh?”

Zee stabbed her swizzle stick in the direction of the bar. “Hot. Guy. Bar. Checking you out.”

She followed the swizzle stick. Sure enough tall, dark and luscious was staring straight at her. A lock of chocolate brown hair fell over his forehead, while his piercing blues sparkled when he smiled.

Na’arah rolled her eyes. “I’d rather dance with a serial killer looking for drunk women.”

“Then you’ll be a welcome diversion. Go dance with him.”

“I’d rather not.” Na’arah returned his smile, but looked away. “I’m here to drive, not flirt with strange men.”

Zee rolled her eyes. “The bartender’s been checkin’ you out too.”

Heat cruised her cheeks. “He barely knows I’m alive.” Na’arah sipped her cranberry juice to end the conversation. The distraction wasn’t necessary. Her sister was already pulling party games from her bag.

Just what she needed. A reason for them to all get thrown out of the bar.

By the time the third round of drinks were served, Na’arah was more than ready to leave. On the pretense of participating in one of the party games—she was supposed to bring back some guy’s number and condoms from the restroom—she sought refuge in the relative quiet of the corridor between the restrooms and the rear exit for the bar.

She leaned against one wall, closed her eyes and heaved a sigh. The air was much cooler back here and she could at least breathe without some raunchy comment being made. And she didn’t think she could listen to one more lewd word about Street from Vonda or Darla. Sweet daisies, those two were already planning a threesome with the unsuspecting bartender. Not that she blamed them, but she didn’t want to hear about it in drunken, uncensored detail.

Next time her sister asked her to hang out with her crazy group of friends, she was saying no. Na’arah blew out a breath. She wasn’t even in the wedding, for cryin’ out loud.

Uneven footsteps scraped across the tiled floor. So much for a moment of solitude. She better duck in the bathroom and grab a condom from the vending machine.



Chapter Two

Street rounded the corner and paused. His heart pounded a little harder and the hard-on he’d sported most of the night came roaring to life. Oh yeah, tonight must be his night if Na’arah was standing next to his office alone.

He limped closer, the sweet, intoxicating scent of her perfume beckoning as easily as her sultry pose.

She probably had no idea of the alluring picture she presented. Eyes closed, full lips parted as if waiting for a lover’s kiss and one shapely leg bent so her heel rested on the wall behind her. That position also allowed the skirt of her dress to rise a little higher on her thighs. Tonight was definitely his night.

He stopped in front of her and still she hadn’t moved. This close, and the heat of her body wrapped around his. Resisting the urge to mold his body into the temptation of her soft front he leaned closer, resting a hand near her head and dragging her scent deep into his lungs.

“Not liking the party?” he murmured.

She snapped open her eyes, a small gasp accompanied the quick rise and fall of her lovely breasts. Her tongue darted out to lick her lips and he stifled a groan. What he wouldn’t give to feel her mouth on his, or anywhere else on his body, for that matter.

“Not particularly, but they’re not my friends,” she answered. She straightened, her breasts brushing his chest, but he didn’t move.

She merely arched a brow and he smiled. So she didn’t seem to mind that he was invading her space. How far could he test her limits?

“So why are you the designated driver?” He leaned closer... His thighs brushed hers and sent a jolt of longing through his system.

“My sister.” Na’arah lifted an arm and rested her hand on his chest. “I owed her a favor.”

He savored the warmth of her palm. He could imagine the way her hands would feel sliding over his skin, trailing down his stomach and closing around his erection. “I’m glad you did.” He swept a lock of her hair from her shoulder, pleased at the silkiness of the strands.

Desire flared in her irises. Maybe she wasn’t as unaffected as he thought.

“So what would your girlfriend say if she saw us right now?

“Nothing. I don’t have one.”

Her shoulders sagged.

So she’d been worried about his relationship status. Interesting. “Should I be worried about some pesky boyfriend?”

She shook her head and looked away.

He tucked a curl behind her ear, before trailing a finger along her jaw until it rested beneath her chin. Slowly, he tilted her head until she once more met his gaze.

“You still have the most amazing eyes. I always remembered that about you.”

“I can’t believe you noticed my eyes.”

“That’s not the only thing I noticed.” He shifted until his knee slid between her thighs. He longed to explore her heat. Closer still and he had her effectively trapped between his body and the wall.

Not a bad place to be at the moment, but he could think of one better.

“And you forgot my name.”

Chagrin coursed through him.

“Why did you stop coming?” A hint of hurt clung to her voice. “Did I do something you didn’t like?

Damn, she didn’t waste words and strangely, he found her candor arousing. He could do no else than be truthful. “Because I’m attracted to you.”

Her gaze flew to his then dropped away. A smirk twitched the corners of his mouth. He’d surprised her with his admission.

“Nothing to say?”

“Prove it.”

He dropped his gaze to her mouth. She had the sexiest lips he’d seen in a long time. This close to her, he had to know how she tasted. He traced the outline of her lips and gasped in pleasure when she flicked her tongue over the tip of his finger.

His cock twitched in jealousy.

Street followed the neckline of her dress with a careful finger. Her skin was satiny smooth and he could spend all night exploring her softness. He lowered his head. She parted her lips in a silent invitation. He wanted to keep the kiss soft, a simple seduction of teasing caresses, but the first spicy taste of her touched off a need he simply couldn’t ignore.

Her lips, warm and pliant, were like an exotic treat. He feasted on her mouth, nibbling from corner to corner, sweeping his tongue along the fullness of her lower lip, before gently biting the plump offering. She moaned and he deepened the kiss, luxuriating in the soft texture of her mouth. She tasted of tart cranberry and a sweetness all her own.

Street gathered her close while she clutched his shirt in her hands. This wasn’t some fumbling first time kiss, this held all the confidence of man very much in want of a woman.

When Na’arah leaned forward, he pressed her back to the wall. His hands and mouth took what they wanted. Never in his life had he experienced such wild abandon. Every cell in his body pulsed and yearned for more. He needed to overwhelm his senses with her. He freed one smooth globe from her dress, and she moaned as he palmed the gentle weight in his hand.

Perfect. She fit absolutely perfect in his hand. He circled the puckered peak with his thumb, enjoying her stuttered breath against his cheek.

A sharp bark of laughter sliced through his lust fogged mind. She flattened her palms against his chest and made a feeble attempt to push him away. “Wait. We...” She bit back a sigh when he sucked her nipple into his mouth.

He nudged her legs apart and stood between them.

“Someone could see.”

He lifted his head just enough to peer into her face, and flashed a wicked grin. “Yeah.” What he wanted to do would be better done in private. He fumbled with the door to her left. “You’re right.” He claimed her mouth again and maneuvered her into the darkened office.

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