Strictly Business (13 page)

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Authors: Aubrianna Hunter

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Strictly Business
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Jake looked over at Jess once more and noticed her laughing
and talking with Mike while they danced. All of a sudden, Bethany’s offer
seemed like a good one. “Sure, Beth. Let’s dance.”

Bethany was tall, just over five-eight, and she was in high
heels, making her close to six foot. It made dancing with her easy for him
since he was just over six-four in boots. She was also a beautiful woman. And
she was pressing herself against him, letting him know that she’d be more than
happy to resume their sexual relationship. Jake tried to feel happy about that.
After all, he and Jess didn’t really have a relationship. He wouldn’t even
touch her in front of anyone else, although he had pretty good reasons for
that. The biggest one being he wasn’t too sure of his control. But there were
others as well. And she looked like she was having a good time with her

He felt Bethany wiggle her hips against his in a slow, not
very subtle twist, and the memory of Jess wrapped around his waist, her bare
breasts pressed against him, leaped back into his mind. He felt his shaft
harden and heard Bethany’s soft intake of breath as she pressed against him
again. All of a sudden he pushed her away. This was wrong. This wasn’t who he
wanted to be with. He headed over to the corner where his guys were, stepped up
to the bar to order a beer, grateful for the chance to adjust his pants. He
felt Bethany slide in next to him. Why was she even here? All of a sudden he
realized that, though he hadn’t slept with her, calling her last month had been
a mistake. Clearly she thought there was something more between them.

“What’s the matter, sweetheart? Don’t be embarrassed. It’s
not like I’ve never seen that before. Although, it usually takes more than a
dance.” She smiled at him. “Have you missed me too?”

Jake was trying to think of a polite way to tell her to go
away when he finally got an idea.
Let’s kill two birds with one stone.
“Bethany, sweetheart, there’s someone I’d like you to meet. He’s the
construction foreman on the house and he’s doing a damn fine job out there.”
Jake had been maneuvering over to where Jess and Mike were sitting at the bar,
now that the slow songs were over for a while.

“Mike, I was just telling Bethany here what a great job
you’re doin’, both of you.” He turned his gaze on Jess, but directed his words
to Mike. “I thought maybe you two might want to talk. Bethany’s uncle works on one
of the crews you’re using. He’s a local foreman, you may know him.” He looked
back at Mike. “Sam Jeffries?”

The expression Mike wore clearly stated that he knew what
Jake was up to. Luckily, he was too nice to be rude to a lady, which is
precisely what Jake had been hoping for.

Turning to Bethany, Mike smiled and answered. “Sure… Sam. I
met him a couple weeks ago. He’s a great guy, and his crew is doing a terrific
job. So, you’re Sam’s niece?”

Bethany was obviously furious at being dumped on Mike, but since
he was nice enough to play along, she seemed to make an effort to be civil. She
cast a couple glares at Jake, but smiled politely enough at Mike. They chatted
about her uncle for a few minutes, moving on to life in a small town.

When the next slow song started, Jake didn’t even ask, just
grabbed Jess’s hand and pulled her out onto the floor.

Jake felt her tense against him. Confused about why, he
pulled back just enough to see her face. It was harder to tell what she was
thinking with the contacts in. He’d told her the contacts were easier on him,
but he’d really rather see
eyes. “Can you take out your contacts?”
Anger flashed across her face. He could see enough to read that. “Why are you
angry at me?”

Chapter 17

Jess knew this was a bad idea. There were too many people
and Jake’s date was furious. Not to mention the fact that he
a date.
She couldn’t believe he had flirted with her, kissed her, and then invited that
blonde here tonight. She wasn’t going to say anything. She would just dance and
get off the floor. And hope like hell her body didn’t betray her first.

"Jess, really. Why are you pissed at me now?"

“I’m not angry. But I guarantee you your date is none too
happy you dumped her on Mike to dance with me.”
Damn it
. So much for
keeping her mouth shut. When she looked up, he was smirking at her.

“What’s wrong? Jealous?”

It was all she could do not to stomp down on his toes. “No,
just offended. You kissed me, asked me if I was coming tonight, and then had
her meet you here. That’s a bit sleazy, even for you.”

“Even for me? After you’ve danced with every guy in the room
and plastered yourself down the front of your ‘friend’. Who, by the way, is the
one that invited you here, and you agreed, even after you kissed me.”

He wasn't raising his voice exactly, just somehow yelling in
a whisper. Luckily it was very crowded and noisy tonight.

“Should I be offended too?” Jake asked.

“What? Of course not! Mike is a friend, just a friend.
Didn’t we have this conversation a couple weeks ago? Nothing has changed since
then. I can honestly say I’ve never had sex with Mike.” She’d never had sex
with anyone. “Can you say the same about her?”

That stopped Jake in his tracks. “No, I can’t say that. But
I can tell you that I haven’t slept with her in a year, maybe longer. And, I
didn’t invite her. She was just here tonight. She came with some girlfriends,
over there.” He pointed to a group of women, most of whom were glaring at Jess.

“Oh, you didn’t invite her?”

Jake shook his head.

“And it’s been a year?”

This time he nodded.

So, he hadn’t slept with her the first night they were here.
“So, why was she plastered all over you?”

“She wants to, uh, renew the relationship. I don’t.”

“You don’t?” She looked up into his eyes. When his hands
tightened around her, pulling her closer, she melted.

* * * * *

“No.” He pressed her against him. With her smaller frame, he
had to bend over her more, but it felt so right. “No, Jess. I don’t want her. I
want you.” With that, he pulled her head against his chest, where she nuzzled
in for the rest of the song.

When the band followed it with another ballad, he thanked
his lucky stars he didn’t have to let go of her yet. He could feel his erection
pressing against his jeans and was glad he’d been able to adjust, to pull his
shirt out instead of leaving it tucked. As he moved Jess around the floor, he
steered her to the back corner where it was darker and farther from the people
they knew. As soon as he had a chance, he slipped his hand up her back under
that silky bit of fabric she called a shirt. He felt her nipples harden, the
little peaks pushing against his chest. “Ahhh, Jess.” He bent and whispered in
her ear, nibbling a bit while he was there. “You’re making me crazy. I ache to
be inside you.” He pressed her hips against his, while he softly thrust against
her. At her little whimper he groaned against her hair.

“This is why I danced with everyone but you.” She rubbed her
breasts across his chest again and he barely contained the groan.

“What? Why?”

“Because no one else makes me feel this way. I can’t…I can’t
even think when you hold me.”

“Don’t think. Feel.” He knew the song was about over. He
slipped one hand up her side, sliding the thumb around to graze her nipple. He
felt her shiver as she bit her lip to keep from crying out.
Okay, too much
He was about to strip her in public, in a bar, in front of everyone he knew. He
slowly stepped back, hating to let her go but needing to put some space between
them. “Okay, I see what you mean. Maybe we shouldn’t dance anymore.” He put his
hand under her chin and tilted her face up to look into his eyes. “Not until I
make love to you.” He quickly ran his hands through her hair. Then he grabbed
her hand and headed back to their friends.

* * * * *

When they got home, all arriving pretty much the same way
they left, Ben and George excused themselves and headed to the bunkhouse right
away. While Jake came around to open the door for Jess, Mike hopped out. As
soon as Jess stepped away from the door, he leaned over and kissed the top of
her head and said, “I’m going in. I’ll see you tomorrow. Let’s start around
nine, huh? Not so early.” As he backed up, Jess caught some look being passed
between Mike and Jake. She didn't understand it, but Jake must have because he
nodded. Mike turned and went in the house.

Jess knew that everyone had deliberately left the two of
them alone and she wasn’t sure how she felt about that. Apparently, she hadn't
been as discreet as she'd thought. Okay, so it was obvious they were hot for
each other, but did they all assume she was going to sleep with him tonight?
Because that wasn’t the case. She needed to tell him, but there was really no
easy way. As they finally reached the porch, she fought the urge to blurt out
“Good night” and run away.

He took her hand and led her inside. Up the stairs and down
the hall to the bathroom. He bent down, whispered in her ear, “Take out the
contacts. Please? I want to see your eyes.” She turned and looked up into his,
a dark blue, like midnight blue velvet. She would hate to see him cover those up.
She nodded and stepped to the sink.

When the contacts were out, she looked back up at him and
heard him groan just before his lips met hers. She was lost, sinking into the
pleasure that was his mouth. When he pulled away, she whimpered, making fists
in his shirt.

He laughed quietly. “Don’t worry darlin’, I’m not done
kissin’ you. I just don’t want to do it in the hall this time.” As he spoke, he
walked backward down the hall to his bedroom.

When he pushed open the door, pulling her in with him, Jess
came to her senses. As he closed the door, she cried out in a panicked voice,
“I’m a virgin!”

Jake’s hand stopped in mid-air. “Wait, what?”

This time Jess was calmer when she answered, “I’m a virgin.
I’ve never had sex before.” She carefully watched his face, trying to figure
out what he thought about that revelation.

“You’re really a virgin?” She nodded.

Jake didn't move. He stood almost frozen in the middle of
the room. She thought maybe he was just waiting to see if she wanted to
continue. She slowly walked to him, running her hands across his chest. He took
a deep breath and stepped away.

“Oh, I see.” Apparently that little tidbit had been the
oddity that tipped the scales. She hadn’t been trying to stop him, just warn
him. She reached past him, trying to grab the door knob, when he grabbed her
hand and pulled her back.

“No, you don’t see. I’m not rejecting you. My God, who’s
done this to you? Made you doubt so much? I am tryin’, desperately tryin’, to
gain some control here, and maybe a little perspective.” He pulled her back to
his chest. “I told you earlier, you make me crazy, and I don’t want to hurt

He was leaning against his bed now, kind of propped against
the side of the mattress, which brought him down to her eye level. She waited,
still unsure of whether she should stay or go. He decided for her when he
pulled her between his legs. “So, how about this… I am not going to make love
to you tonight. We’ll just take that off the table. That way you can quit
worryin’ about it, okay?”

She didn’t want it off the table. She wanted him to ease
this ache. She wanted to feel an orgasm. She wanted to know that she wasn’t

She scowled down at him, raising one eyebrow in answer. He
smiled, though she didn't really see the humor in this.

“I said I wouldn’t make love to you, I meant no intercourse.
Instead, we’ll learn each other, enjoy each other. I very much intend to give
you pleasure tonight. Is that okay with you?”

In answer, Jess reached down and pulled his shirt up over
his head. “In that case, it would ‘pleasure me’ to see your body again.” She
ran her fingers across his chest, tweaking his nipples like he had tweaked
hers, leaning in to lick his neck, his collar bone, and nip at his ear. She
could taste his soap, a light sweat and man. Finally he groaned, pulling her to
him to kiss her deeply.

His mouth pressed against hers, nipping and sucking her
bottom lip. Already her body seemed to have a mind of its own. She twisted her
hips, trying to get closer to him. He lifted her shirt, pulling it up over her
head and throwing it across the room.

“That shirt was drivin’ me insane. The material’s so thin I
could feel your breasts against me when we danced.” He rubbed his thumb across
her nipple's peak, the lace of the bra adding a bit of friction to the sensation.

Finally he leaned in and placed his mouth on her nipple
suckling through her bra. The feeling was delicious. She threw her head back,
arching into his mouth.

His pulled his lips off hers, his hands clenching, digging
into her waist. Not enough to hurt, just enough to make her feel truly desired.

“You have no idea how much I want you. It was all I could do
to push you away earlier. I wanted to take you right there in the corner of the

He looked up into her eyes. “Does that shock you?”

She nodded.

“Would it shock you to know that I’m talkin’ right now so I
don’t strip your jeans off and settle you across my lap?”

She felt her eyes get wider still as she nodded once more.
She wasn't sure she could actually speak right now.

“I’m havin’ a hard time with control right now, so just bear
with me, okay?”

She didn’t want him to have control. She didn’t have any. It
seemed only fair that he should want her as much as she wanted him. She reached
behind her back and unhooked her bra. While she was messing with that, she
kicked off her sandals. He remained motionless, watching until she reached down
and unsnapped his jeans. He grabbed her wrist. “No, I promised, not tonight.
That’s going to be hard enough with my pants on. Don’t take ’em off.” He did at
least kick off his boots.

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