Strike (3 page)

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Authors: Sheryl Zaines

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Strike
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“We should go inside where we can get cozy,” he said.

She levered herself off the door and ducked under his arm. He scrambled to get the door unlocked and both of them inside. As he turned on the light, he was slapped with the memory of his last relationship. They had met at a college party and everything had been fine until he’d started working out. One of the older guys at the bowling alley, who looked as if he were about eleven months pregnant, had commented to Collin that he was starting to fit in with his little fat roll hanging over the top of his jeans. That had been when he’d replaced his recliner with a treadmill. Unfortunately, his girlfriend had assumed it was supposed to be for her, since she had just jumped up a size in jeans. Apparently she hadn’t noticed that the junk food and drinking had put just as much weight on him. She hadn’t liked that he wanted to go out and do things rather than spending his day off sleeping in with a hangover. When she left, he’d given up trying to impress anyone else and traded in all his furniture for workout equipment.

Turning around, he faced the vixen he’d brought home from the bar. His hope for her faded, knowing that she could walk out just like his last girlfriend had. He should not have brought her home, but the thought hadn’t even crossed mind. He had been too caught up in the moment.

He braced for her reaction, but her eyes never left him as she came into the room. All his fears were drowned in the tidal wave of arousal washing over him. She was kissing him with the same force and urgency she had out in the hall. He had her pinned up against him with his arms, while his hands grasped at whatever part of her was within his reach. His hands weren’t the only ones roaming. She was pawing at every inch of him.

The nagging voice in the back of his head told him that they couldn’t stand there making out all night. He knew the voice was right, but it felt too good clutching her in his arms. Rather than force himself away from her, he leaned farther into the kiss, sliding his tongue along the sharp edge of her teeth.

Then he felt her squirming around and knew that something was different. She was no longer pressing against him as hard as she could, but she wasn’t pulling away either. That was when he saw her shoe slide across the floor away from him. She was already undressing. He couldn’t stop the groan that went right into her mouth.

In a flash, he realized it wasn’t just her shoes that were coming off. She was unbuttoning her shirt. He stepped back, drawing in a deep breath. All he could think about was seeing her exposed. Waiting to see her naked was making his erection strain against his zipper.

She was unbuttoning the shirt from the bottom to the top, making it so that he couldn’t get a glimpse of her chest until she was done. When the last button was undone and the material pulled away, it revealed another shirt underneath. Instead of skin and bra, there was another long-sleeved shirt that needed to be taken off. The teasing was too much.

“Do you have any idea what you’re doing to me?” he asked with a groan.

She smiled at him. “Of course I do.”

Then she skimmed her hands over the white shirt. Her fingertips danced over her chest and then lower toward the top of her jeans. Now she had his attention. It was the first time he didn’t know what someone was going to do next, and he liked it.

The jeans were tight over her slender hips, forcing her to shimmy from side to side get the denim down. Watching her hips sway back and forth was like being caught in a hypnotic trance. Then the rocking stopped and the material fell to her feet. She stepped one foot out, then pushed the crumpled jeans away from her with the other.

Her legs were long and skinny. The skin was tan, but not like a fake tan. He wanted to run his hands over them to see if they were as firm and muscular as they appeared. For the moment, though, he was content to let her do the touching. Her hands skimmed over her thighs. When he glanced up, his gaze locked with hers. She was smiling and it was obvious from her expression that she knew how much touching herself teased him.

Her fingertips finally caught the bottom hem of her shirt. Slowly the material rose, revealing just a little more of her body. He could finally see her panties. They were plain white, utilitarian underwear. Not quite granny panties, but not something she would have worn if she’d been planning to take someone home, either. He liked knowing that this wasn’t something she had intended. That she was just as caught up in the moment as he was.

Then her stomach came into view. The skin tone was just as dark as her legs. In fact, he couldn’t see any tan lines. This was getting better and better by the second. The next thing he knew her shirt was over her head and being flung to the side. Her bra matched her underwear—simple and white. Probably something she had worn to work. He wanted to ask if this was her first one-night stand, but was too worried that he would ruin the moment. He would ask her in the morning.

He only had a few seconds to enjoy the sight of her in just her bra and panties before she was back in his arms. She kissed him as if they had been on separate continents, not just a couple of feet away. It made him wonder if stripping for him had heated her up as much as it had him.

“I think…we should go…to the bedroom,” he said between kisses.

Even as he said it, he was already guiding her backward. When he got to the doorway, he fumbled with the light switch. When it was taking too long to get the light on and his hand back on her, he finally looked over at the wall.

The naked bulb drowned them in light. For a second he was tempted to turn it back off. Then he realized that she was not there to critique his home décor. She didn’t even seem to notice. There was no way a woman like her was real. His hands went to her bra. He wasn’t sure if it was going to have clasps or not. From the front it looked like a sports bra. He found clasps.


She had only stopped the kissing for long enough to utter that one syllable, then she was all over him again. He was confused. What could she be saying no to when she was obviously as into it as he was? Then she pulled back from him.

“Close the curtains before you take it off,” she explained.

He scrambled around the bed and fumbled with the string that lowered the blinds. He never had them closed, already feeling cramped in the small apartment. He feared that closing them would make him feel as if he were trapped in a box, but for her he would handle it.

The blinds came down a few inches at a time, fighting him the whole way. One side would lower, then after some struggling with the cord the other side would. Even after the bottom touched the sill, some of the cheap plastic slats refused to separate from the ones above them. He slapped at them, finally getting them all into place.

He turned around to see her standing with her thumbs under her bra straps. His knees went weak and he had to lock them to keep from falling over. He didn’t breathe. He didn’t move. He just stood there waiting for her to slide the garment down.

“What are you going to take off?” she asked in a playful voice.

Without batting an eye, he had his shoes kicked off, his shirt over his head and his pants pushed down to the floor. He had to kick his feet a few times to get free of the material. Then he stood back up in just his underwear and socks.

He watched her as she scanned his entire body. He kept his back straight and his eyes on her face. It was a battle not to let her see the insecurities gnawing at the back of his mind. Fortunately, he didn’t see any signs of disapproval on her face.


Oh, his body was great. Not that it came as a surprise to her. She had seen enough glimpses of him working out to know. He was tall and slim. His muscles were toned to perfection without being overdone. She had been right about how tight his muscles were. They were as nice to touch as they had been to look at.

She lowered the bra straps, bringing the entire contraption down around her waist. He was staring, just as she’d hoped he would. He was looking at her as if he’d been waiting his whole life just to see her and didn’t believe that it was finally happening. She wanted to remember every moment of this, because no one had ever made her feel so beautiful.

She reached around and undid the clasp of the bra. It fell to the floor next to the socks she had wrangled out of while he had been wrestling with the blinds. All that she had left on was her panties, and they were not ones she wanted to be wearing in front of a guy.

She raised an eyebrow and looked down at his underwear. He instantly leaned down, making her think that maybe he could read her thoughts. But instead of taking off his underwear, he took off his socks. If she was going to have to wait for him to read her signals, this was going to take all night. She didn’t think her body would wait that long—it already felt as if it were on fire.

She stalked across the room, grabbed the bottom of his boxers and pulled on them as she sank onto her knees. When his erection sprang free, she had to keep focused on lowering his underwear all the way to the floor and not just staring at his engorged cock. She knelt in front of him, trying not to stare. She had hoped it would have some size to it, but this was beyond what she had imagined.

That isn’t going to fit. Why aren’t you scared?
The problem was, she was too worked up to be thinking straight, instead of being her normal, rational self. She thought she might finally have found someone who could fuck her right.

She wrapped her fingers around the shaft and knew right away that it wasn’t enough. This was going to be a two handed operation. He moaned as she touched him and she tightened her grip. Running her hands up and down his shaft was making her pussy tingle in anticipation. She wanted to jump on him, but changed her mind when she looked up at his face. His eyes were closed and he looked as if he was completely lost in her touch. She couldn’t think of any man who ever had that reaction to her and she wasn’t going to rush past it.

Leaning forward, she ran her tongue over his cock. She felt a shudder go through him and wanted even more of a response. She took him into her mouth, sliding her hands down so she could take as much of it as would fit. It wasn’t even half of him, but he didn’t seem to mind.

She could see the muscles of his thighs clench and felt his hands on her head. His fingers weaved into her hair, massaging her scalp, but not actually guiding her. She took that as a sign that she was doing everything right.

It was obvious that he wasn’t a premature ejaculator. She had stimulated him enough to ensure that. The problem was that she didn’t want things to end with just a blowjob. She had plans for a lot more than that.

She slowly pulled her head back, sucking as he slid out of her mouth. She locked her gaze with his before she used just the tip of her tongue to tickle. His eyes were already gray, but with the stimulation it looked as if they’d turned to smoke. She hoped it was a sign that he was smoldering from the inside out.

Without warning, he grabbed her by the armpits and hauled her up. As soon as she was on her feet, he was walking them toward the bed. From his expression, she guessed that the foreplay was over. She would have argued, but the determined look he gave her made her think that this was going to be an experience she was never going to forget. If he could give her half of what his stare promised, she was in for the best orgasm of her life.

He tossed her onto the bed. Instantly, she was crawling backward to make room for him. He grabbed her ankle and pulled her back to him. His expression changed to one she was pretty sure was a command to stay, then he pulled her panties off.

“No tan lines,” he said.

It wasn’t a question, so she didn’t answer him. From the way he was smiling, she thought he approved. Both his hands went to her right foot. His grasp was firm. There was no way she could confuse the way he was touching her with a caress. Not that it was bad, it was just firm. He massaged as he literally explored every inch of her.

She had to swallow her protest. She didn’t like her body and didn’t want him looking that closely at it. She didn’t have the figure women were supposed to have. Her hips were too narrow, her waist was too short and there was no way she would have an “hour glass” figure no matter how much she tried. All she could do was keep in shape so that she didn’t get fat. Her mother didn’t exercise and looked like an apple with legs. She wasn’t going to let that happen to her, even if it meant spending a large portion of her life in a gym.

The difficulty was that she really didn’t want him to stop what he was doing. He had worked his way up each of her legs and everywhere seemed to be melting under his touch. Each breath got shorter as he worked his way up her thighs. She knew he would be touching her pussy in seconds. The anticipation was driving her crazy, but knowing that he would have his hands on her most sensitive place, which was screaming for attention, was the only thing keeping her quiet.

Then he skipped the erogenous zone between her legs completely and started massaging her hands. She couldn’t stifle the groan of disappointment. That brought his eyes back up to hers and a little smirk to his lips. He knew exactly what he was doing to her, damn him.

By biting her bottom lip, she was able to get through the slow, deep massage up both of her arms. That brought him to her face, even though her nipples were hard and pushing up at him, begging for attention.

His touch changed to soft and sensual. He skimmed his fingertips over her forehead and across her cheeks. His lips came down on hers, but only briefly. Then they were making their way over her chin and down her neck. His fingertips never left her skin, but were no longer tracking each muscle group with firm pressure. Now everything was so light her nerve ending were stretching to be able to feel it. Just when she got used to the featherlight pressure of his finger, his warm tongue danced over her skin. She was squirming underneath him and couldn’t stop herself.

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