Striker: No Prisoners MC Book 1 (29 page)

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Coach Reynolds had jogged over to assist their coach. He walked them through the concussion assessment that Lila had educated all the coaches at CRHS on, and the guidelines for determining whether a student could return to play.

When the opposing coach requested a copy of the printed information, Reynolds had pointed him in Lila’s direction. “I’m meeting with their athletics department next week to start educating them on concussion prevention and management as well as the importance of equipment maintenance and replacement of worn gear.”

Excitement zinged through her blood each time she thought about it. Months of hard work were finally paying off, and it seemed like the program was growing, exactly what she’d hoped for when she created it.

“You staying for the second half of the game?” he asked her.

“I’d love to, Coach, but I have another commitment this evening.”

“Well it was nice to see you. Enjoy your evening, and your weekend.”

“Thank you, Coach Reynolds. Please say hello to your wife for me.”

He smiled at her as he sauntered back toward his team. Two sharp toots on his whistle indicated to the players that halftime was almost over.

Lila glanced down at her watch to see how much time she had. Tonight was the third Friday of the month, which meant she’d be attending the mixed martial arts fights the MC hosted. This would be the second time Lila went, and she had to admit she’d loved the first one. Watching Striker in the ring had been an exhilarating experience. By the time he won his match, she had been embarrassed to confess she was fully turned on.

Striker was the epitome of male animal grace when he fought, completely in command of his powerful body. Lila was aware Striker was in amazing physical shape from the many times she’d seen, touched, and tasted his body, but seeing him pushed to his limits was something else entirely. She couldn’t keep her hands off him after the last match, and was excited for a repeat performance.

One of the No Prisoners owned a gym on the edge of town, and most fighters in the area used his place to train. The club shut the place down on the third Friday of each month for Friday Night Fights, as the event was called. It was a pretty significant production, with fighters convening from all over the state to participate. Afterward, the MC hosted a party in a big vacant lot behind the gym. The men barbequed and drank while women flocked to them.

Lila stood on her tiptoes and stretched her neck in search of Jester. He was supposed to meet her here, and follow her to the gym. When she didn’t see his giant frame towering over the rest of the spectators, she decided to make her way to the parking lot and wait for him.

She’d only taken three steps, when a clammy hand on her arm stopped her progression. “Dr. Emerson, I’m so glad to see you here. I haven’t seen you in weeks. I’m so sorry I couldn’t be at the last committee meeting. Mother’s hands were acting up. You know how her arthritis gets. Would you care to sit with me for the second half of the game?”

Lila rolled her eyes heavenward, and counted to five before she turned around. Earl White was a sweet man, but his clinginess was wearing on her. Each time she saw him, he glued himself to her side, and smothered her with his questions and offers of assistance. She’d politely declined numerous invitations to dinner, and if they persisted, she’d have to use a stronger approach.

“Earl, it’s nice to see you. Thank you for the offer, but I’m actually on my way out. I have another engagement.” She gave him a polite smile that felt forced, and started to turn back around.

His face hardened, and Lila felt a split second of unease. Each time she turned him down in the past, his face had filled with a deep sadness, and she felt guilty for denting his sensitive ego. Tonight there was no hint of melancholy, but his eyes sparked with anger and his mouth pressed into a firm line. “You’re going to see
aren’t you?” He spat the words through clenched teeth.

Lila sighed. She really hated to do this to him, but perhaps it was time. Maybe if she spelled out her relationship with Striker for Earl, he could finally move on. “If you mean Striker, Earl, then yes. You know I’ve been dating him for months now.”

Earl’s expression didn’t soften as he stepped closer to her. “It’s a mistake, Lila. He’s a mistake. You need to stay away from him before something happens to you.”

A small shiver coursed through Lila. His words seemed more threat than concern. “Listen, Earl, I’m flattered that you care for me, but maybe I need to make my position perfectly clear. Striker and I are pretty seriously involved. Last week I officially moved in with him. You may not approve, and I apologize if this is blunt, but it’s really not your concern.”

He leaned forward. He wasn’t tall for a man, but at such a close proximity, Lila had to tilt her head back to view his face. “Striker is a criminal, Lila. A lowlife, dirt bag criminal, just like that group of bikers he leads. They are nothing but a bunch of losers who belong in jail, and—”

“Earl! That’s enough.” Lila put sufficient snap in her voice to stop his rambling. The last thing she wanted was to cause a scene in public, but she wouldn’t abide by him speaking to her in such a manner. “You know nothing of our relationship, and I’d appreciate it if you kept your opinions to yourself in the future. All you know about the MC is hearsay and rumors. They have become family to me, so please do not speak ill of them in my presence. I won’t tolerate it.”

Earl had lost a fair amount of weight, and his skin reflected a grayish pallor that she’d not noticed before. It had only been two weeks since she’d seen him at a committee meeting, but since his campaign to get her to go out with him had ramped up, she tried to avoid him, and hadn’t taken a close look at him. He had a sickly appearance. Anemia maybe. Possibly a cardiac issue.

“This is the last time I’ll warn you, Lila,” Earl ground out.

Where had this outraged man materialized from? Earl was always so meek and nervous, but today he seemed angry beyond reason.

“Is there a problem, Stitch?” The loud voice rumbled from above her head and just behind her. Lila turned and craned her neck farther, to peer up at Jester. He stood directly behind her, hands on his hips and a scowl on his mouth. Lila again had to resist the urge to roll her eyes, this time because she knew Jester was trying to intimidate poor Earl.

She shook her head and narrowed her eyes at Jester. “No, no problem. I was just coming to look for you.” She turned back to Earl who stared down at his worn sneakers. He once again had the look of a man beaten down by life. “Enjoy the rest of the game, Mr. White. Please think about what I said.”

Without waiting for a response, Lila spun on her heel and looped her arm through Jester’s, giving a firm tug toward the parking lot. He didn’t budge. When she shifted her gaze back to his face she noticed he still frowned down at Earl. The man may have been a nuisance, but few deserved to be on the receiving end of Jester’s ferocious glower. Lila pulled a bit harder this time. “Come on, Jester. I don’t want to be late.”

The only reason she was able to move his oversized body was because he allowed it. He turned and walked to the parking lot with her, a beefy arm thrown across her shoulders.

“You know, Jester, it’s been over two months since the incident with Snake, and he’s kept to his part of the deal. Don’t you think you guys can lay off the hovering a bit? I can’t go anywhere without one of you tailing me. It’s cramping my style.”

He laughed at her and gave her shoulders a squeeze. “Cramping your style, huh? Hon, you might as well get used to it. I don’t think Striker is ever going to forget what happened. You just may have a tail for the rest of your life.”

“Lovely.” She grumbled. It got old, always having someone follow her around, but she knew Striker had been frantic with worry when Snake took her. If this gave him peace of mind about her safety and security, she’d tolerate it.

“The Grimms aren’t our only enemies, Stitch,” Jester reminded her.

When they reached her car, she noticed Jester had parked his bike behind her, boxing her in.

“I’ll move out of your way then follow you to the gym.”

“Okay, just give me a few seconds.” Lila took a quick peek around, and, not seeing anyone, she started to shimmy her stretchy maxi skirt down her legs.

Jester’s jaw dropped in shock, and he threw an arm up across his eyes. “Jesus, Doc! What the hell are you doing? You can’t take your clothes off in front of me. Striker will remove the eyeballs from my head, slowly, with a rusty knife. I thought we were friends!”

Lila cracked up as she drew the Falcon’s Football T-shirt over her head, and tossed it in her back seat. “Jester, relax. I have other clothes on underneath. I wasn’t going to wear a high school football shirt to the fights. You can open your eyes. I promise I’m not naked.”

Jester spread his fingers and peeked through the opening between his pointer and middle finger with one eye. Then he dropped his hands altogether and reached into her car. “Oh, hell no!” he spat out as he stuffed the T-shirt and skirt back in her arms. “Put this back on. You cannot go like that. Your ass is practically showing in that skirt thing, and your boobs are definitely showing.”

Lila choked back a laugh as she looked down at her outfit. Sure her black leather skirt would need a map to find her knees, and her red halter showed some cleavage and molded to her body like a second skin. But as far as MC parties went, her outfit was tame. “Jester, you’re exaggerating. Besides, every woman I see you with is pretty much wearing little more than underwear. Why are you acting all papa bear?”

“I have a lot of money riding on Striker’s match tonight. Once he sees you in that, he won’t be able to concentrate for shit. The only thing he’ll care about is knocking the teeth out of the men who are staring at you. And, doll? That will be all of them.”

“Then I guess you better make sure Striker sees his opponent take a good look at me.” Inside, she was almost giddy. This outfit had been chosen with the express purpose of driving Striker crazy. Good to know it would have the desired effect.

Jester opened his mouth to speak, then closed it again. “Hmm, that may not be a bad idea, Stitch.”

Lila couldn’t help it, she doubled over laughing at the serious look on Jester’s face. He just rolled his eyes at her. “Get in the car, wench. You’re the one who didn’t want to be late.”

“Okay, okay. I’m going.” Lila held her hands up in surrender after she swiped at the tears brought on by her laughter.

“Know this though, babe. I lose money tonight because of you, there’s gonna be hell to pay.”

Chapter Thirty-Three

Jester entered the gym with a cardboard box perched on his shoulder. Striker assumed Lila was behind him, but couldn’t see her small frame around Jester’s massive one. With two fingers in his mouth, Striker blew out a shrill whistle, and raised a hand to wave Jester over.

“You want this on the table, Stitch?” Jester called over his shoulder as they navigated their way around the octagonal ring in the center of the room. Last month, she’d worked with the injured fighters, serving as a medic of sorts. She patched up their bloodied noses and split lips, and determined if anyone required more intensive medical care or a trip to the ER. Lila enjoyed it, so the owner of the gym agreed to make it a regular thing. The box Jester carried was full of bandages, gauze, and whatever additional supplies Lila needed to keep them from falling to pieces.

He spotted Lila before she noticed him, and, holy shit, his woman looked hot. A black leather mini skirt stretched across a firm ass that just begged to be squeezed. On top, a red shirt that might as well have been painted on cupped her breasts, and showed off just a hint of cleavage, enough to remind him what awaited his attention under the fabric, but not enough to be indecent. On her legs were sheer black stockings.

While she was still unaware of his presence, Striker crept over, and pressed her against the nearest padded wall. She let out a startled yelp then smiled when she realized who had her pinned.

“Hey, baby,” Striker said as his mouth descended on hers in a searing kiss usually reserved for times when they could get naked as fast as possible.

Lila melted against him, and his brain tuned out everything but the feel of her tongue stroking in his mouth, the way her breasts pressed against his hard chest, and her hands as they glided up his back. He kissed her deeply, and groaned when she tilted her pelvis against him as though seeking to be connected. Another few seconds, and he’d forget they were in public, and rip her clothes off.

“Thank you,” Striker whispered against her lips when he ended the kiss.

Her eyes were clouded with desire. “What for?”

Striker nipped at a spot on her neck, right below her ear then smiled against her skin when she shivered in response. She was always so responsive to him.

“Jester called me while he was waiting for you to pull out of the parking lot at the school. He told me what you said to your not so secret admirer. How we were your family, and you wouldn’t tolerate him speaking poorly of us.”

Red bloomed across her cheeks, and she fisted the soft material at the front of his T-shirt in her small hands. “I wasn’t aware he overheard me.”

“I know, baby.” He continued to whisper words that were only for her ears. Friday night fights were something he loved, but tonight he wished he could be alone with Lila instead. “What you said? I’m not sure how to tell you what it means to know you feel that way.”

Cheeks still pink, she smiled at him, and pressed a soft hand over his lips, stilling his words. “I meant it. And I love you. Kiss me again,” she whispered before she pulled her hand back.

“Love you too, babe.” He leaned in, and recaptured her mouth in a kiss rife with emotion and passion. This woman had come to mean everything to him, and he wasn’t always the best at expressing it with words, but he could show her in a thousand ways.

Striker couldn’t stop himself from inching his hands up the silken length of her thighs, until they were under her short skirt. When his hands encountered the edge of stockings, what little blood that remained circulating his body shot to his groin.

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