Striker: No Prisoners MC Book 1 (9 page)

BOOK: Striker: No Prisoners MC Book 1
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Lila weighed his words carefully. Odds were this man wasn’t going to offer his resources without some kind of a catch. Unsure of how to respond, she remained quiet. He had the floor, and she’d let him have his say before she spoke.

“I’m willing to work with you, Doc. We have enough manpower to keep an eye on you until we sort out this mess. We protect our own. This is nothing new to us.”

She sensed he wasn’t going to play all his cards, and she would have to be the one to concede. “But I’m nothing to you. I assisted you once, and now you’re telling me you’re willing to protect me for an unspecified amount of time, until you clear up your problems with the Grimm Brothers?”

If Shiv was surprised she knew so much, he didn’t let it show, his face remained impassive, and she couldn’t get a read on his thoughts. After a brief pause, he leaned forward in his chair and docked both elbows on the table. He steepled his fingers and rested his chin atop them, studying her carefully before he spoke. “Cutting right to the chase, Doc, huh? You’re right. I’m not offering my services free of charge. What I’d like, is to use your medical expertise when necessary.”

Damn. She had a feeling it would be something like this. “You’ll need to be more specific.”

Shiv rotated his cigar between his thumb and forefinger, his eyes on the dancing smoke that floated from the charred tip. “Shit happens. My guys get injured. This problem with the Grimms may exacerbate that. Often times it’s something we don’t want reported, or even made public. Having a physician we could depend on as needed would be invaluable.”

The weight of the offer sank in. In exchange for protection he wanted her to serve as private physician for the club. It would, without a doubt, involve more incidents like the one on Sunday night. Injuries the club couldn’t risk being reported to the police because an investigation would be harmful to their wellbeing.

Could she do that? Did she really need protection, or was this all an overreaction? Striker seemed to think it was warranted, and surprisingly, she trusted him. He’d been up front with her thus far.

If word were to leak of this deal she’d lose her medical license at the very least, serve jail time at worst. But the club was discrete, they’d die before ratting out
one of their own
, as Shiv called it. And this would make her one of them, but it wasn’t a decision she could make in ten seconds.

“We’re talking about a lot of risk to me, personally and professionally. You can’t expect me to agree to this without some serious thought. I need time.”

“I like you, Doc. You’re a no bullshit kinda broad, and around here that’s pretty rare. Most of the girls that hang with the club are easy on the eyes, and know a hundred ways to get a man off, but brains aren’t their strong suit. You’re quite the combination. Something I see hasn’t gone unnoticed by one of my men in particular.”

She blushed at the reference to the chemistry brewing between her and Striker. “You didn’t answer my question.”

His mouth turned up in a sardonic smile, and she shivered. She walked a fine line; this was not a man she wanted to cross. He’d make a very unwelcome enemy. But, despite his cold look he said, “Ok Doc, let’s try this. Since you helped us out with Kenny, in a gesture of good faith, I’ll give you five days to decide. In those five days I’ll extend you our protection, no strings. You agree to the terms, and it will continue. If not, we part ways and wish each other well. Deal?”

After a moment, she nodded. Five days seemed a reasonable amount of time to give this some serious thought. “Okay, five days.”

Shiv sighed, and scratched his chin. “Okay good, but this has to be a club decision. I’ll call everyone in and we’ll vote on it. Then we’ll decide what needs to be done to keep you safe. Go have a drink at the bar. This shouldn’t take too long.”

Lila placed both hands on the cold steel table and stood. She nodded once at Shiv then turned to exit. The double doors were heavy, and she needed both hands to force them open. Relieved to be in the presence of additional people, she veered toward the bar.

Shiv’s loud voice resounded behind her, and she flinched. “Meeting in two minutes, I have a proposition to vote on.”

One of the prospects ran out in the direction of the garage bays, Lila assumed to let the brothers still working out there know they were needed. Those that were scattered around the clubhouse started to make their way toward the meeting room. Most gave her curious stares as they passed, a few looks were blatantly sexual, and some were just plain scary.

She felt eyes on her, and turned toward the bar where she met Striker’s heated gaze. He knocked back the rest of his drink, and slowly walked straight toward her, not breaking eye contact. Lila was mesmerized by the power that radiated from his shifting muscles as he stalked toward her. When he reached her, he raised an eyebrow, and brought his lips to her ear.

“You okay?” He breathed against her skin.

She was powerless to stop the surge of desire his warm breath ignited. “I’m good.” It came out as a whisper.

“I’m looking forward to hearing what you two came up with.”

Lila gave him an uneasy smile. “I think I’m in over my head,” she said in a low voice that betrayed her ambiguity about this entire situation.

“Don’t worry so much, babe.” He took her ear lobe between his teeth and gave a quick tug. When he pulled back, he pressed a quick kiss to her forehead and joined his brothers.

The feel of his teeth nearly brought her to her knees. Jesus, what would happen if he ever got that mouth on more of her body? She wasn’t sure she’d survive it, but it would be worth it to find out.

Could she take Shiv up on his offer of protection for medical care? How would that even work? She’d just received the go ahead to begin the concussion program at the high school, and imagined the school board wouldn’t be thrilled if she had bikers tailing her everywhere she went. She flat out refused to postpone the first committee meeting, which was scheduled for a week from Wednesday.

And how would she pull off the details of working with them? What if they needed her help when she was already at work in the ER? Where would she get the supplies she needed? Countless questions bounced around her head. She had a disturbing vision of herself sitting in a jail cell for stealing medical supplies from the hospital. This could never work.

“I’m gonna need you to make it a double,” she told the prospect, and dropped her head to her hands as she sank onto a barstool.

Chapter Nine

“One last thing before we vote on this,” Shiv said.

Striker raised an eyebrow at him. “And that would be?”

“Between us, keeping Doc Emerson safe, and her keeping us alive and healthy, we’ll be seeing a lot of her around here. This deal makes her family. She ain’t like the rest of the skanks who come around here looking to bag a biker. This is business, plain and simple. You treat her like you’d treat an ol’ lady. If one of you wants to make her your ol’ lady that’s one thing.” Shiv looked directly at Striker with a smirk. “Otherwise it’s hands and dicks off. I don’t want this deal fucked up because one of you couldn’t keep your pecker in your pants.”

The men nodded though someone muttered something about it being a shame to waste a pair of tits. Striker had to grit his teeth not to snap at them for talking about Lila that way. What the hell was wrong with him when it came to her? Any other woman and he’d be joining in the talk.

“I vote yea,” Shiv announced, kicking off the vote.

Striker couldn’t honestly say he was in favor of this deal. Lila was too good for them, and bringing her into the fold would only drag her down. On the flipside, he was the one who set this whole mess in motion when he went to her for help with Kenny. Plus, he wanted to be the one to protect her. Shit. He really had no choice but to vote it in, and deal with the consequences later. One by one they went around the room, each voting yea until it got to Striker who closed out the unanimous vote.

“Okay, that was easy. Now—” Shiv was interrupted when Gumby burst into the room.

Striker hopped up from his chair. “How far did you tail him?”

“Got as far as the town border. I turned back when he drove into Sandy Springs. With my cut on, and no backup, I didn’t want to risk chasing him through Grimm country.” Gumby sat in the empty seat at the table.

“Thanks, Gumby. At least this points in the direction we were thinking. It’s gotta be the Grimms. Fucking Jackal. What the hell is going on in his club?” Striker had hoped this threat to Lila was independent of the Grimm Brothers, even though he’d suspected that’s exactly who it was.

“I don’t know, brother, but we’ll figure it out. What did I miss?” Gumby asked.

Shiv gave him a quick rundown of the vote. “Sorry we didn’t wait for you. You good with this?”

“Of course,” said Gumby, as he nodded. “I think the Doc’s great. I’m all for having her work with us, and for keeping her safe. My vote would have been yea.”

“Good.” Shiv leaned back in his chair. “Now, let’s come up with a plan to keep the Doc alive so she can keep us alive.”

~ ~ ~ ~

Thirty minutes after the meeting began, Lila glanced at the clock on the wall for what felt like the millionth time. Was it usual for a vote to take this long? She cut herself off at two drinks, figuring the last thing she needed was to be plastered in this place in the middle of the day. Just when she felt the fingers of panic reaching for her, the doors to the meeting room burst open, and the men spilled out.

Lila didn’t know what was expected of her so she stayed put on her stool and waited for some direction. Shiv and Striker were the last to exit. They came through the doors together, making a formidable pair. It would not be wise to get on their bad side.

They hugged in that manly fashion, slapping each other’s backs before they separated. Shiv nodded in her direction and started up the stairs while Striker aimed straight for her. His face was a blank mask and gave nothing away. Did they agree to what Shiv proposed? Would they respect the five-day grace period he consented to? Lila rubbed her clammy palms on her thighs and waited.

“Vote passed. You’ve got five days to make a decision,” Striker said as he reached her. “That was not what I was expecting.”

The breath she’d been holding whooshed out, and Lila sagged in relief. “What were you expecting?”

Striker shrugged and ran a hand through his hair, mussing it. “I expected you to throw some money at the problem.”

“Throw some money at the problem?” Lila frowned. “I feel like I should be offended by that.”

“None intended. I thought Shiv would offer you protection for some cash. Come on, you’re on my bike.” He took her hand and tugged her off the barstool.

“Are you taking me home?”

“I’m taking you to your house to get your things.” He towed her along toward the parking lot, and she followed dutifully.

“My things? Come on Striker, this is like talking to a wall. More details needed.”

He smirked at her over his shoulder. “Well, babe, we’re going to my house. You’re going to be staying with me until we figure this mess out.”

Holy shit! That was not what she had agreed to. Nor was it a smart idea. She could not take time out of her life to play house with Striker. She had a hectic work schedule that was about to get busier with her new initiative for the high school.

Not to mention she wasn’t sure she could keep her hands off him if they were sleeping under the same roof, if he was only a door or two away. Did he have a girlfriend? She didn’t think so based on the way he kissed her the other night, but that didn’t necessarily prove anything.

When she didn’t reply Striker halted, and faced her, a grin on his face. “That okay by you, darlin?”

She should not get a warm rush every time he used an endearment, but she couldn’t help it. That did not mean she should be staying at the man’s house, with him. Lila stopped walking. “I’m not sure this is a good idea. It’s probably overkill anyway. You don’t think they’d come to my house, do you?”

The amused expression fell from Striker’s handsome face. “Lila, they already came by your house, twice. Someone saw you leave with me and the car was there this morning. This is some nasty shit, and I don’t think it’s worth taking chances. I truly think you’ll be safer at my house.”

Lila gave him a small nod. “You’re right. Sorry, I’m just freaking out about how this will mess up my life.”

“You on board?” He watched her while he waited for her answer.

Closing her eyes, she swallowed and jumped off the ledge. “Yes.”

“Then let’s roll, babe.”

Lila hurried to follow him outside. It appeared the discussion was over.

It came as no surprise to Lila that the day had grown blisteringly hot. The desert sun scorched the ground and caused her eyes to narrow in protest. Lila’s brain swirled with the events of the past few hours. At some point all of it would sink in. There was a good chance she’d lament these hasty decisions at that time, but for now she decided to just go with it. Seeing how they took the threat against her seriously made her even more certain she needed assistance.

When she reached the bike, she grabbed for the helmet Striker offered her, but he held it captive.

“I’m sorry you got caught up in this shit, Lila. I’m going to be straight with you, I’m not sure this deal is entirely in your best interest, but my hands are tied. If you decide to go through with this I will do everything I can to protect you, from the Grimms, and from whatever else may crop up in the future. You do realize this will tie you to the club for the long term. It’s not something you can decide to do today and change your mind a month from now. You’ll know too much. Shiv won’t let that happen.”

He said Shiv wouldn’t let it happen, as though Striker himself would be willing to let her walk in the future. The look on his face was more concern than warning.

Lila nodded, moved by the possibility that he may care for her, at least a little bit. There was an intense chemistry between them and she wondered how long it could be ignored. Probably not too long if they were going to be sharing a roof. “Thank you, Striker, you’re a good man.”

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