Read Strip Tease Online

Authors: Karen Erickson

Tags: #romantic suspense, #contemporary romance, #karen erickson, #sexy romance, #alpha hero, #cop romance

Strip Tease (15 page)

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She wanted to feel them again, trailing all
over her body, pushing inside of her. Tonight.

“Of course. It’s my job.” He flicked his
chin in the direction of her parked car. “Let’s go.”

Janelle turned away with a huff, irritated
he was virtually ignoring her, ignoring the sparks flaring between

A smile teased her lips as she walked toward
her car and she put an extra swing in her hips, hoping like hell he
was watching and sweating over it. An idea bloomed inside her, one
that would likely knock his socks off if he responded the way she

She really, really hoped it worked.

* * * *

Nate lied to Janelle. This was the first
night he’d watched her, though he’d led her to believe he’d been
doing it for a while.

She was right, he’d been busy. He’d worked
his ass off trying to find the elusive Ginger and plotting with
Greg to come up with a way to nail Diaz.

Staying late at the precinct every night,
coming home to collapse in bed and pass out until morning. He was
visited every night by Janelle in his dreams though, the both of
them naked in his bed. Licking and sucking her pretty pink nipples
into his mouth. Stroking her intimately, his fingers deep inside
her, making her cry out with his every touch. Her plump lips
wrapped around his dick, giving him the blow job to end all blow

Like clockwork, he’d wake up with an intense
headache and a raging hard on. No matter how much he jerked off in
the shower, he never felt satisfied.

Seeing her walk out of the building just
after five o’clock had made his hopes rise, amongst other things.
She looked beautiful, wearing a pale green dress that emphasized
her curves, the skirt swirling about her long legs.

Disappointment tampered his hopes when she
went to a restaurant and popular bar with her friend. The two women
sat inside for hours, talking and drinking.

He knew because he’d snuck in to see. Spying
on her made him feel like a complete ass and he slunk out of there
before she caught him.

So he’d sat in the car quietly seething,
jealousy bubbling in his gut. He didn’t like the thought of Janelle
with another man. At all. He wanted to be the man who brought her
pleasure, made her laugh, made her think.

The relief that had filled him at her
admission had been overwhelming. He assumed she and her friend had
gone to the bar to flirt with guys. All Janelle really wanted to do
was hang out.

Now he followed her back to her place. Where
he’d sit in the parking lot and imagine her getting ready for bed.
What was her normal routine? Would she take a shower? What did she
wear? PJs? A nightgown? Perhaps she wore nothing at all...

Sweat popped out on his forehead and he
shook his head. This night was going to be his worst nightmare.
Knowing she was safe in her apartment, sleeping peacefully in a
warm cozy bed.

Would it startle her if he let himself in
and snuck inside? Or would she welcome him with open arms?

She’d be warm and sleepy and soft. He
imagined searching her soft skin with his hands and tongue as she
encouraged him with sweet little sighs and whimpers. Bury his face
between her legs and taste her sweetness, making her gasp, making
her moan. Fill her with his cock until she cried out in ecstasy as
she came. Hold her close as their heartbeats mingled and they
slowly fell asleep.

Shit. He didn’t normally think like this and
it was slowly starting to eat him up inside. He needed to stop.

He couldn’t stop.

Pulling into the last available parking spot
facing her apartment building, Nate killed the engine and sat
frozen in his seat. His cock throbbed inside his jeans and he
cursed under his breath, pissed.

The last thing he needed was to get worked
up over a woman who wasn’t interested. He needed to concentrate.
Sit out the next ten hours until the guy who covered the day shift
showed up and he could get the hell out of there.

It was going to be hellish torture. He
didn’t know if he would be able to stand it.

Janelle walked by his car minutes later,
didn’t bother looking his way. She fairly sauntered, her hips
swinging, the skirt of her dress swishing around her legs. Those
legs had been wrapped around his waist when she’d anchored her lush
body to his. As he’d thrust deep inside her that one magical

Nate closed his eyes, breathing deep,
desperate to gain some sort of control.

She moved with a seductive grace up the
stairs that led to her door, glancing over her shoulder once, so
quick he barely noticed it. It was dark outside, but there was
enough light to see the hint of a smile curving her luscious lips
before she started to unlock the front door.

The little vixen was doing it on purpose.
Putting on a show and trying to make him miserable.

It worked.

Janelle disappeared inside and he breathed a
sigh of relief. He should’ve never asked for this duty, had known
it was a mistake as soon as he volunteered to cover the spot left
vacant tonight by the patrol officer who had a medical emergency.
He’d done it to be a nice guy, to help cover when his boss was in a

Shit, who was he kidding? He’d jumped at the
chance to be near Janelle again.

A light flickered on and the apartment
blinds were cracked open, allowing him a glimpse inside. Leaning
forward he peered up at the window, watching as she moved about
inside the room. She approached the window, tugging on the string
that zipped the blinds up and his eyes widened.

Janelle stood in the window for a moment,
staring directly at his car and then her hand was at her chest, her
fingers moving over the front of her dress.

Undoing every little button that rested
there, she revealed inches of golden skin with each flick of her
fingers, letting the fabric fall open. She wore a pale colored lace
bra and it cupped her plump breasts invitingly, making his hands
itch to do the same.

She continued to undo each button, shrugging
out of the dress when she undid the last button above her waist,
letting the top of her dress fall off. Her long blonde hair hung
over one shoulder, the ends curling invitingly over her breast and
she raised her arms, smoothing her hair back behind her shoulders
with both hands.

The movement caused her breasts to thrust
forward and she kept her arms up, cocking her head to the side. He
squinted into the darkness, desperately trying to make out the
color of her bra. His hard on strained urgently against his fly and
he shifted, tried to ignore it. Too caught up in the show Janelle
was giving him.

Purple. That was it, but much paler. What
did they call it? Hell, he was a guy. He didn’t know.

It came to him as her fingers went to the
front center of her bra, twisting the clasp that rested there.
Lavender. The palest, thinnest lavender lace barely covered her
breasts and then it was gone, whisked away with a flick of her

Rosy pink nipples beckoned him as they stood
at attention and he licked his lips, practically tasting them on
his tongue. She cupped her breasts, her fingers massaging the
supple skin, drawing slow circles around her nipples with her agile
thumbs. Eyes sliding closed, her head fell back.

His blood heated to boiling as he imagined
his hands cupping her breasts, kneading her baby soft skin. He’d
dip his head, draw a pert nipple into his mouth and suck, make her
cry out. Using his teeth, he’d nibble, hands searching, sliding
down her belly to test the trim nest of dark blonde curls that
covered her mound. She would be wet, soaked for him.

So lost in his thoughts, he almost missed
Janelle sliding her hand down her torso, her head now dipped down
so she could watch herself. Nibbling on that lush lower lip, her
arm moved up and then down, and he didn’t need to see to know what
she was doing.

Touching herself. And thinking of him while
she did so, he knew it.

A cold sweat broke out over his scorching
hot skin and he trembled with need. Just the idea of her rubbing
her clit, plunging her fingers inside herself, had him ready to go
off like a rocket.

Nate couldn’t take it. Hell, what if someone
else was watching? And why would he sit in this stupid car and jack
off when he could be in her apartment sinking into her tight wet
heat in mere minutes?

Exiting the car, he slammed the door and
sprinted up the sidewalk, taking the stairs two at a time. They
rattled noisily, surely letting her know he headed in her direction
and the moment he knocked on the door, she opened it.

Looking like his every fantasy come to life,
greeting him in a pair of lavender lace panties and nothing

“You took longer than I expected.” Her voice
was husky, her brilliant blue eyes glittering with arousal. Her
skin had taken on a rosy flush and her nipples were so hard they
appeared almost painful.

Nate crowded her, slamming the door behind
him with a kick of his foot. Cradling her face between his hands,
he swooped in and kissed her, stealing her breath as well as his

“I think I was in shock,” he murmured
against her lips when he broke the kiss. “I couldn’t believe what
you were doing. Stripping for me, touching yourself. So incredibly
sexy. Are you trying to drive me crazy?”

“I was trying to drop you a not-so-subtle
hint.” She nibbled on his lower lip, tugging on it with her teeth
and he groaned.

“Let me taste.” He grabbed her hand,
bringing it to his mouth and the fragrant scent of her arousal
filled his nostrils. Slipping her fingers inside his mouth, he
sucked, tasting her, lapping at her cream.

Salty sweet and musky, his mouth watered. So
eager for the chance to dive between her thighs and really taste.
Savor and enjoy.

“See what you make me do?” She watched him
licking her fingers, her hand shaking, her eyes zeroed in on his

“Every night I dream about you,” he said
without thinking.

Blinking hard, she smiled at his

A confession he couldn’t believe he

“I dream about you too,” Janelle admitted,
her fingers curling to touch his lips, trace them. “You’re all I
think about.”

Nate’s hand moved back to her waist and he
crushed her to him, their mouths meeting in a carnal kiss. Their
tongues tangled, lips sucking, teeth nibbling as if they couldn’t
get enough of each other.

And they couldn’t.

Chapter Eight

Janelle’s hands went to Nate’s fly without
hesitation, fumbling with the snap and undoing it, then going for
the zipper. It slid down with ease. His hands fell away when her
head dipped, her fingers slipping inside his jeans to clasp his
cock, teasing him through the cotton of his underwear.

“You’re huge.” She sounded full of wonder
and his ego puffed up another notch. He couldn’t deny he liked the
way this woman made him feel.

As if he were on top of the world, like he
could do no wrong.

“I’ve been hard since we left the
restaurant,” he admitted.

She gazed up at him, her mouth dropping
open. “Really?”

With a nod, he cupped her cheeks again,
stroking her soft skin with his thumbs, making her sigh. “I get
hard every time I’m near you.”

Her eyes widened and he smoothed a thumb
across her damp lips. She drew him inside her mouth, sucking him,
swirling her tongue around his thumb with slow, seductive
movements. He stared in fascination at those glistening pink lips
wrapped so tightly around him, imagining her sucking his cock,
remembering when she’d done it before.

“You taste so good,” she whispered after
releasing his thumb from her mouth with a soft pop. “Kiss me,

He crushed his mouth to hers, their tongues
meeting, dancing wildly. He slipped his hands into her hair,
sifting through the silky soft strands and she moaned into his

The little sounds she made in the back of
her throat made his cock grow harder and she smoothed her hand over
him once more, before moving to the waistband of his jeans. She
pushed at them, trying to yank them down with one hand and he
released his hold on her, more than willing to help.

She watched with hungry eyes as he tore off
his shirt, shucked his jeans and then his underwear, leaving him
standing stark naked before her.

“Wow,” Janelle whispered, reaching out to
trail her fingers along his abdomen. His stomach rippled with her
touch, muscles clenching and tingling. “I don’t think I got a good
enough look at you that night, since we spent most of it in bed, in
the dark.”

“How about we relive that night? Right now?”
God, if she turned him away he didn’t know what he would do, he
wanted her so bad.

“Yes,” she breathed, pressing herself to
him. She wound her arms around his neck, sunk her hands into his
hair and guided his mouth to hers in a soul stirring kiss.

He smoothed his hands down to her waist,
over her hips, cupping her lace-covered ass. She ground against him
and he slipped his hands beneath the lace to knead warm, smooth

He couldn’t get enough of her curves, her
lush, smooth body. Her breasts pressed against his naked chest,
nipples tangling in his chest hair and she rubbed back and forth,
causing a spark of friction to rise between them.

“I want you,” she whispered against his
mouth. “Here. Right now.”

“I want you too.” He thrust against her,
squeezing her ass. “Do you have a condom?”

A sigh escaped her and her eyes flew open,
staring blindly into his. “Don’t you have one in your wallet? I
can’t wait, Nate. I need you now.”

He liked how anxious she was, how much she
wanted him and didn’t have a problem showing it. He wanted her too.
But enough to throw caution to the wind and have sex without a

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