Strong (Kindred #1) (4 page)

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Authors: K.A. Hobbs

BOOK: Strong (Kindred #1)
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wo hours.

I’ve been sitting next to him for two hours and for those two hours, I’ve had this butterfly feeling in my stomach, not just one butterfly, but a whole load of butterflies. When Carter leans over to get the bottle of wine he’s been slowly drinking and I reach for the water, our hands touch and another bolt of electricity runs up my arm to the tips of my fingers and my hand shakes.

Visibly shakes.

He’s a complete gentleman and doesn’t comment on it but I know he notices, how could he not? He fills his glass, then fills mine with water, flashing me a smile.

The meal comes to an end, the speeches are over and everyone starts to stand and walk around, needing to stretch their legs after being seated for so long. I take the opportunity to head to the ladies before the evening starts. Tonight I plan to dance and enjoy myself and try and forget what next week might hold, I don’t know what to expect and I’m driving myself mad thinking about it. I owe it to myself to have one night where I can just be
before everything changes. As I walk to the toilets, I feel a hand on my arm and turn around, coming face to face with Carter.

“They’re cutting the cake and the first dance is happening in ten minutes. Don’t be disappearing,” he grins at me. “I’m cashing in one of those dances.”

“You got it, but I need the loo.”

I tell him, slipping out of his grasp and making my way to the ladies. I can feel his eyes on me as I walk away; my heart is racing and the butterflies in my stomach are going crazy. When I get to the safety of the ladies, I close the door and lean back on it.

Carmen Reid, now is not the time to fall for a guy you’ve just met.

I shake my head to clear it then go to the loo. When I step out of the cubicle, Josie is standing there grinning at me.

“Hey Bride.” I grin back, stepping around her to wash my hands.


“Jack’s brother, what about him?” I ask, avoiding her eyes.

“Look at me.”

“Can I wash my hands first?” I laugh, it sounds off even to my ears.

“You don’t need your eyes to wash your hands, what’s going on Carmen?”

“Nothing,” I tell her, meeting her eyes in the mirror. “Nothing is going on. Why?”

“I was watching you over dinner, he didn’t take his eyes off you and you were just as interested. Are you interested?”

“Josie, we were chatting.” I sigh, moving past her.

“You were practically ignoring everyone else on the table, do you like him?”

“What does it matter if I do?”

“It doesn’t,” she smiles. “I’m just interested is all.”

“He’s cute, the Manning’s have really good genes.”

“Yes they do.”

She narrows her eyes at me as I dry my hands.

“You’ll have gorgeous babies.”

“Ha, Carm, we aren’t having babies.”

“Not yet anyway.” I wink as I walk out of the ladies and collide with Jack.

“We’re needed to cut the cake.” he tells Josie who is a few steps behind me.

“Come on then.” she holds out her hand and they head back into the room.

Close call.

For a second, I thought she could see past the mask, see that I may be smiling on the outside but inside I’m scared, inside I’m in turmoil and I don’t know what I’m supposed to do. I take a deep breath and walk back into the packed room where everyone is crowding round Jack and Josie who are standing by a giant
Alice in Wonderland
cake, complete with Mad Hatter and the Cheshire Cat. Perched right on top is a miniature Josie in her wedding dress and Jack in jeans and a Chicago Bears jersey. All along the bottom are little jam tarts with hearts on and cupcakes decorated with pocket watches and made to look like packs of cards with aces and clubs on. There are also some decorated with Chicago Bears helmets which Jack seems particularly pleased with, it’s so perfectly them that I can’t help but smile.


The DJ counts down from three and the happy couple cut their cake, Josie takes it one step further and reaches for one of the Bears cupcakes topped with a obscene amount of buttercream and leans towards her husband as if she is leaning in to kiss him, he falls for it and she brings her hand up, shoving the cake right into his face. Everyone laughs and Jack just smirks at her. I know what’s coming, I’m sure she does too, he pulls her to him and kisses her, covering her in blue icing. The following display is damn right pornographic and it’s not until Harry goes over and pulls them apart that they seem to remember they have guests.

“We just need to go… clean up. We’ll be right back!” Josie cackles, pulling a grinning Jack behind her and in the direction of the toilets.

“How much do you bet, they’re going to consummate their marriage?” Harry asks, coming to stand next to me.

“It really wouldn’t surprise me.”

“I’ll go interrupt them in two minutes if they’re not back.” he grins.

“Where’s Megs?”

“She’s having a sit down, she’s exhausted, but she won’t miss the dancing. So she’s having a rest.”

“She’s amazing, you know that, right?”

“I do.” he nods.

“And she’s lucky to have you, you may act all tough, but I know you look after her.” I tell him.

“She’s my world, of course I look after her, and our little one when they arrive… Which could be any day now.”


“Not in the slightest, I can’t wait to meet them, I feel like I’ve waited longer than nine months to meet them,” he looks over at where Megan is sitting chatting to Doug and scowls. “I’m going to kick that guy in the bollocks, can you see how she smiles at him?”

“He’s gorgeous, every female smiles at him that way.”

“Oh, fucking hell, you’ve joined the club too?” he rolls his eyes. “He isn’t that attractive, or God like. He needs to fuck off.”

“And you need to stop the green eyes, Megan adores you, and rightly so, you’re pretty hot too you know?” I remind him.

“Well thanks, my ego really needed to hear that.” he grins at me.

“You’re welcome.”

The DJ announces that the Bride and Groom are ready for their first dance and tells everyone to grab a confetti canon, some bubbles or a glow stick and gather round. Jack and Josie take to the floor and
The Script
begin. All the women get loved up looks in their eyes, and snuggle into their parters, I look across the circle and meet Carter’s eyes. He isn’t watching his brother at all, he’s watching me. I try to look away but those eyes have me transfixed and I can’t break the connection. His slow, sexy, all American smile spreads across his face and I finally manage to tear my eyes from him. When I look back he’s gone.

Another slow song begins and the DJ asks everyone to join the Bride and Groom. I’m ready to go and sit down, I suddenly feel overwhelmed with everything right now and the sight of happy couples dancing together is all too much. Just as I’m about to leave, I feel a warm hand on my waist and I’m pulled back into a warm, delicious smelling body. My body knows who it is before my mind does and when he speaks close to my ear, I shiver and goosebumps cover my entire body.

“I’m claiming my first dance.” Carter whispers to me, twirling me around so I’m facing him.

“It’s gentlemanly to ask you know.” I tell him.

“I already asked, you said yes.”

He moves us into a open space to the left and pulls me tight to his body. All around us, couples are dancing completely unaware of what’s happening right to me right now. Unaware that I’m about to pass out from being so close to Carter, completely unaware that my mind and body are in turmoil; my body wants to be as close as humanly possible to him, but my mind knows it can’t happen.

Not now.

“Relax Carmen, I’m not going to bite.”

“I’m fine.” I tell him.

“You’re tense, are you that uncomfortable around me?” he pulls back and looks at me.

“No, quite the opposite actually.” I whisper, not meeting his eyes.

“It’s just a dance.” he assures me, sliding his hand down the length of my back and letting it come to rest just above my bottom.

“Is it?” I look up at him and regret it.

“You tell me.” he asks, leaning forward.

“It has to be, Carter.” I tell him, turning my head, halting anything else.

The song comes to an end and Sam and the Womp starts up, I look over Carter’s shoulder and see Josie is dancing and grinning like a loony, I kiss Carter on the cheek and make my way over to dance with my friend. I need to put a little distance between us right now, nothing can happen. Not now, so it’s best I make that clear.




I look up and Carter is standing there, looking down at me with his big brown puppy dog eyes.

“To this?”

“Why not?”


I take his hand and laugh as he tugs me onto the dance floor. We join the line and I seamlessly begin to dance. I didn’t really expect this to be the song Carter would want to dance to, but I suppose
The Casper Slide
is as good a song as any, right? I look over at him and can’t help but laugh, dancing clearly doesn’t come naturally to him but he’s making a good effort. I move over so we’re next to each other and lean over to shout in his ear.

“Watch me! It’s really easy!”

I take his hand and move him with me, to the left, to the right listening to the music. When DJ Casper asks everyone to clap I know what’s coming and when he asks
how low can you go?
I go low and then I go a little lower before making my way back up to a standing position, which isn’t really the easiest move to attempt in this dress, but I manage it. Carter isn’t moving when I get back up to my full height and his mouth is hanging open, guess he wasn’t expecting that. When KC and the Sunshine Band begins, his arms are around me and we’re moving together before I even realise we’re doing it.

“You can dance!” I laugh as he twists me out and back to him.

“Of course I can!” he laughs. “I just don’t do that kind of dancing.”

“Jack can dance too, did you two have lessons together?” I tease as we dance.

“No we did not,” he shakes his head. “Mom loves to dance though, when we were growing up, on a Friday and Saturday night, her and Dad would put music on and we’d all dance around together, she would make junk food and it was like some kind of party at the Manning’s.” he smiles and I know he’s remembering something good.

“That sounds like a lot of fun.”

“It was, until Jack and I got to high school and realised most parents didn’t do that kind of stuff.” he laughs.

“It wasn’t cool…. Boys.” I sigh.

“No, it wasn’t. And we got more interested in girls.” he grins at me.

“Of course you did.”

“Don’t frown at me, you might benefit from what I learned one day.”

He spins me out and over to Megs and Josie as
Single Ladies
comes on and we do what girls do and dance the night away, the highlight has to be when Josie takes over the DJ’s job and makes the men dance, it’s something I know I will remember for a long time and it will always make me smile. When Jack and Josie head out onto the dance floor and a slow song comes on, Carter is suddenly by my side.

“Dance with me?” he asks, holding his hand out.

“I do believe you’ve had enough dances already tonight.” I shake my head.

“One more, the party is almost over, we might not have another chance to dance together after tonight.”

“Fine.” I laugh.

“Am I pushing my luck?” he grins at me.

“Yes, but it’s okay, you’re a good dancer.”

“A compliment from a professional dancer? I’m going to tell Jack you said that.” he laughs.

“Brothers always in competition, right?”

“Not all the time, he’s a good brother, the best actually, I just like to wind him up.”

“Okay, ladies and gents, the Bride and Groom are ready to leave. Let’s give them a send off to help them on their way!”
The Divinyls
starts up and I just look at Carter, who promptly bursts out laughing.

“Oh my God.” I laugh.

“He also married the most hilarious girl.” he laughs back as we watch them leave the room. “I guess that’s it?”

“I guess so, unless you’d like to get some fresh air with me?”

“Sure.” he smiles.

When we step outside the cold air hits my skin and I shiver. Carter slips out of his jacket and places it on my shoulders; it’s warm and smells deliciously of him and I take great delight in being surrounded by him. We sit down on the wall and just look out onto the dark beach, it really is a beautiful place for a wedding. I think of Jack and Josie and hope they’ve had the day they dreamed of, they both deserve it.

“Come take a walk with me?” I ask him, not wanting to say goodnight to him just yet.

“I’m not sure walking in those heels is a good idea.” he chuckles.

I hold onto his arm and slip my feet out of my shoes, it’s only then I realise how sore my feet are and the cool concrete feels incredible on my aching feet. He wraps his arm around my shoulders and we walk down the steps and onto the cold sand. We walk in silence for a while, not talking, just listening to the waves breaking on the surface of the water.

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