Stronghold (Stronghold 1) (2 page)

BOOK: Stronghold (Stronghold 1)
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Something that neither of them
were going to find at Chained, apparently.

"Well that's
interesting," said Rick, perking up a little.  All of the men turned
to see where he was looking, at the entrance.

A woman had just walked in by
herself.  Soft waves of dark brown hair caressed her shoulders, framing a
roundish face that wasn't quite conventionally beautiful, with almond shaped
eyes that hinted at Asian heritage.  She also had the most incredible lips Adam
had ever seen, small but somehow plumply bow-shaped to the extent that they
almost looked like they’d been created for sex appeal, the way Betty Boop or
Jessica Rabbit’s lips appeared, made for kissing or wrapping around a man's
shaft.  The tiny shorts she was wearing hugged curvy hips that hinted at a
fantastic view from the backside.  The unique top she was wearing
interested him immediately, despite the fact that it covered most of her, but the
curves of her breasts in the top’s opening were full and creamy looking,
pressed upwards into almost a shelf.  She was definitely at least a D cup.
 Maybe more.  The thigh high leather boots with the fuck-me heels were skin
tight on her legs, showing them to be long and lean.

Just looking at her made his dick

"Damn, she's a Domme,"
said Rick, deflating as he took in her attire, the tilt of her chin and the
aggressive way she looked around the room.  Moodily he took a swig of his beer.

"What, you don't want to try
out being a switch?" Andrew asked, nudging his friend in the ribs.  The
other three men laughed as Adam continued to study the woman.  Not once in his
entire life had he ever been attracted to a Domme, no matter how physically
attractive they were, but this woman had his completely attention and his groin
was already stirring just from looking at her.  Why?

He watched her look around,
observed the slight distaste on her face as she took in the decor before she
covered it up.  Something about her was slightly off, although he couldn't
quite figure it out.   When her eyes swept around the room, examining the
people, he was still looking at her.  The minute their eyes met she had
some kind of reaction, but he was too far away to see it clearly.  The nod she
gave him was careful, entirely appropriate, but something about her body
language was off.  As if she was unsure of herself.  A new Domme maybe?  Inexperienced?
 He smiled at her, hoping to set her at ease.  She smiled back when she met his
eyes before looking away again to continue her examination of the room.

"What's up?"  Chris
asked, leaning over to see where Adam was looking.  "Why are you
looking at the Domme?"

"I'm not sure," Adam
confessed, taking a sip of his own beer to cover his frown.  "There's
just something about her..."

"Think she's a switch?"

Hm.  "Maybe.  Maybe just
very new."
Now all of his friends were looking at her again, watching her as she studied
the small room.  Chained wasn't even a third as big as Stronghold, but
then again Stronghold hadn't started out very big either.  It had expanded and
renovated as it became more popular and successful.  The woman that they
were all watching seemed to feel her eyes on them.  Turning her head she stared
right back at them.  Some men might have looked away or pretended they
weren't looking at all.  Not this group.  She looked a little
startled at first and she was the first one to look away. 

"We won," said Chris,

Adam was still watching the
woman, when she looked back there was a small, rueful smile on her pouty lips
and she started walking towards them.  The rolling gait that her high boots required
made her hips move in a way that was both sensuous and graceful.  A lot of
women would have trouble walking in heels that high, he'd seen them on the
sidewalk shuffling along looking like they were walking on stilts.  Despite the
height of her heels, this woman walked with a slight swaying motion that made
his already hardening cock stand straight up.

As soon as they realized she was
heading towards them the men all started watching her again, not just Adam,
appreciating the beauty of her movements.


Angel felt completely out of her
element.  The club itself wasn't as intimidating as she’d expected, but
the four men in front of her were definitely were.  Which, perversely had drawn
her to them, even though she was supposed to be a Domme tonight, not a sub.  Besides,
as a Domme she shouldn't be scared, right?  So when they'd all stared her down,
going for a power play, she'd stared back for as long as she could stand it.  Eventually
she'd had to look away, sure that they could see her heart pounding in her
chest.  When she'd turned back the handsome blonde one was still been
watching her.  She felt drawn to them.  Him.  Initially she'd
wondered why there weren't subs flocking to their table, but after a quick look
around she'd noticed that there didn't seem to be many singles other than the
men at the table.  Most people were there as part of a couple.

She envied those couples.  Especially
the woman tied to the St. Andrew's Cross who was being very lightly flogged,
warming her up for a more strenuous workout.  Her Dom was completely
focused on her, murmuring encouragement as he turned her skin a light pink.  It
made all of Angel's girly bits throb to watch them.  The rise and fall of the
flogger had her fantasizing about being in the sub’s place – at least until she
realized that there were a couple of other people watching her watch the scene
and she started to worry that they might realize she was more interested in
being the one receiving the whipping than in being the one wielding the
flogger.  So she decided to approach the men instead, justifying it to herself
by hoping that they could give her some information about the club and BDSM in

Their collective appreciative
gaze as she walked towards them made her quiver inside a little, but she knew
that nothing showed on the exterior as she smiled warmly.

"It’s not nice to stare,"
she said mock-sternly, as soon as she got within hearing, wanting to see their
reactions.  The blonde one with facial hair that kept watching her smiled
appreciatively at her scolding, the look of approval in his eyes made her want
to melt right down into her boots.  Up this close she could get a hint of his
well-defined muscles under the crisp white button down shirt he was wearing. 
Strange to see a Viking in what she considered a dress shirt.  Strange to see a
Dom at a BDSM club in one too, now that she thought of it.

Tall, dark and handsome, and
wearing a black shirt and jeans threw back his head and laughed.  The other
blonde, who had no facial hair, grinned and shook his head almost
apologetically.  Since he was on the other side of the table all she could see
of his outfit was the black leather vest he was wearing, but she assumed that
he had the leather pants to match.  The last one had naturally tanned skin
and was wearing nothing but leather pants to show off his admittedly
spectacular upper body, just arched his eyebrow at her.  The four of them
together looked like a bondage ad for Studs'R'Us.  Eye candy at its finest.

"May I get you something to
drink, Mistress?"  Now that she'd approached a table, a scantily dressed
young man popped up at her elbow, looking up at her worshipfully. 
Wow.  He was cute, only two inches shorter than her in her boots which
meant that he'd be taller than her if she had been wearing any other shoes. 
Too bad she wasn't actually looking for a sub or she'd try to pick him up.

"No thank you," she
said.  It didn't seem polite to assume that she could join their table.
Looking disappointed he walked away.

"No thank you?" asked
the gorgeous blonde pirate-y man.  He was studying her like she was some
kind of insect pinned to a board.  The scrutiny made her uncomfortable,
especially because those bright blue eyes looked like they could see deep
inside of her, sorting through her secrets.  Approaching these men had
definitely been a mistake, but she’d been drawn like a moth to the flame.  Even
though tall, dark and handsome was her usual type she found herself feeling
more interested in the blonde.  Maybe it was just the way he seemed interested
in her.  Not in a sexual way, just curious, as if she’d done something wrong or

"Didn't your mother teach
you manners?" she asked back dryly.  Oops.  Apparently Dommes
don't say thank you?  

"Must have had a strict
mother," observed the tall dark and handsome one.

"I take after her,"
quipped Angel with a wink, making them laugh.  Okay, time for introductions.  They
weren't taking the lead so she would.  That's what a Domme would do, right?  "I'm
Angela."  She left off the 'Mistress.'  None of these men would ever
use the honorific for her, just as she wouldn’t use any for them.

"Chris," said tall,
dark and handsome.  "Nice to meet you."  He winked at her. 
There was nothing seriously flirtatious in his face, he was just naturally
overly friendly.

"Andrew," said the
darker skinned one, reaching out to shake her hand.  Angel smiled and
responded with her most professional handshake.  The one that she used whenever
she was making a sales pitch or dealing with any men.  Firm, confident, poised.

"Rick," said the blonde
without facial hair.  He shook her hand too.

"Well now I feel left
out," complained Chris, and he claimed her hand as Angel laughed. 
Chris was fun.

Turning to the gorgeous blonde
with the well-trimmed mustache and goatee, Angel held out her hand, arching her
eyebrow.  He took it slowly, deliberately, almost as if he was testing
her.  The easy confidence of his movements took her breath away, and the
warmth of his hand wrapped around hers was almost enough to make her knees
buckle.  All of them were deliciously authoritative, but unlike the other men
there was something about the way he was looking at her, touching her, that
wasn't quite flirtatious but was definitely sexual.  Covering her
immediate response, which was arousal, Angel raised her eyebrows at him and
pulled her hand away.

"Adam," he said, after
she'd removed her hand from his.  He rubbed at the sides of his mustache with
his thumb and forefinger, observing her so intently that for a moment she
worried that he knew she was wet, just from his handshake.  Geezus he was
extremely alpha and she was a little shaken by how much he affected her.
  It would probably blow her cover to drop to
her knees and beg him to teach her everything he knew, right?

"Ignore him," Chris
said, fortunately taking her attention before she did something stupid like
confess she was actually a submissive.  "He's been in a bad mood all

Adam glared at him.  "Would
you like to join us?" he asked, as if trying to prove his friend wrong.

"Um."  She glanced
around.  Yeah at first she had come over because she was hoping to ask them
questions but now that she’d met them she was starting to feel a little
unnerved.  Especially by Mr. Grouchy whose intense blue eyes seemed to search
her own, as if he could see into her head.  Which, considering the situation,
was more than a little unnerving.  "This is my first time at a club, I was
thinking about taking a look around."

They all nodded understandingly.  "Feel
free to come find us later," said Chris.  "And ask any questions
that you want.  None of us are new to public scening."

Angel smiled and thanked them,
since that had been her excuse for approaching them in the first place, before
heading off to see what else the club had to offer.  Too bad she hadn't come in
as a sub, she was actually feeling like she would have been able to trust one
of them pretty quickly.  Especially Mr. Grouchy – there had definitely been a
spark of attraction there.  

But they seemed to have bought
that she was a Domme and they all seemed experience even though none of them
had subs with them, so hopefully she could get some good information off of
them after she’d had a look around.


Watching Angela walk off through
the club, Adam couldn't help but notice what a fantastic ass she had.  Not just
curvy, but the kind of J-lo bubble butt that a man wanted to cup with his hands. 
The kind of cheeks that would give a man a solid grip as he pounded into her.

Shifting a bit uncomfortably in
his seat he turned his attention back to his friends to find that they were all
staring at him.


"What was with the power
play man?" Rick asked, looking at Adam a little askance.  "You don't
usually pull tricks like that.  I would have expected that from Chris but not
from you."

"Hey," said Chris.  "I
was perfectly polite to the lady."

Rick rolled his eyes.  "Mostly."

All three of them looked at Adam,
even Andrew who normally didn't get involved in the interrogate-your-friends
sessions.  Since he didn’t like to talk about his own issues, he rarely got
involved in trying to talk about others unless they indicated that they wanted
to.  The fact that Adam's actions had aroused even Andrew's curiosity meant
that he'd been less subtle than he thought. 

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