Styxx (DH #33) (115 page)

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Authors: Sherrilyn Kenyon

BOOK: Styxx (DH #33)
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Styxx had always wondered why Beth had chosen that fishing spot and why she’d been so loyal to it. Now it made sense. “In Didymos?”

“It wasn’t called Didymos then, but yes. Aricles was born in a small stone cottage almost identical to the one you bought for Bet’anya, and it was where they first met when she went to recruit him for her
peron. Anyway, she set up their headquarters on the matching island where you, as Styxx, were raised. Bathymaas always wanted to stay close to Aricles, and she would often spy on him whenever he had free time. Even though he was the best warrior who ever held a sword in his hand, Aricles remained more farmer than soldier. Anytime he could, he’d seclude himself from his brethren and fish quietly by the same stream where you met her. Because she was a goddess, she’d never seen anyone do that before and was curious about it. As he taught her how to fish and they spent more time together, they fell in love.”

“And that’s why I didn’t throw a fit the day we met.”

Styxx turned toward Set who’d joined them in the room.

“As soon as I laid eyes on you, I knew you were Aricles. That somehow, you’d managed to keep your word and find her again, and I’m pretty sure it’s what drew Apollo to you, too. Why he was so hellbent on making you suffer.”

“No. That was my idiot other brother who pointed Styxx out to him. You give Apollo too much credit. He’s like a spoiled toddler … pretty … shiny … gimme. Kind of like Acheron’s demon.” Artemis met Styxx’s gaze. “Bathymaas was my brother’s first love and her rejection crushed him—at least that’s what he claims. Because of that, my mother cursed the two of you to never be together.”

“Is that why Bethany can’t wake up?”

“In part,” Set said. “But mostly it’s because she only has half her heart. To bring her back and allow her to be sane and not the soul of vengeance she’d became after Aricles died, I had to remove the part of her heart that had you in it and wipe all knowledge of you from her memory.”

Acheron frowned. “That’s biologically impossible.”

“No. Bath wasn’t human in any way, nor was she born of a womb. She was a gift to me to teach me compassion for others. Since the Mavromino had birthed the first Malachai, the Kalosum created her to keep me from turning my back on what I’d been born to do. It’s why she was never supposed to know the love of any man. Her duty was to stay pure and remain the order to my chaos. She was justice. Cold and unyielding, without any personal interests or the ability to play favorites. Aricles changed all of that. When her heart broke in half over his death, her tears are what transformed her into ruthless, uncaring vengeance. She lost all balance and nothing mattered except to make the world pay for the wrong it’d done her and Aricles. Ironically, it was that more than anything that showed me why I needed to keep a handle on my own powers. As bad as she was, I would be much worse should I ever let the Mavromino control me.”

Styxx glanced back to Bethany. “So how do I wake her?”

“You have to return her heart to her.”

“And that is where?”

Set sighed. “Last I heard it was given to Epithymia. The ugly side of desire is covetous jealousy. Epithymia wanted Apollo and thought that if she stole that part of Bet, it would help her seduce him.”

Artemis scoffed. “Didn’t work. She was too big a slut for my brother. He does have

“Then she’s the one we use the necklace on.” After kissing Bethany’s hand, Styxx pulled the covers over her. He brushed the back of his fingers across her soft cheek.
I will not fail you, Beth.

Whatever it took, he would reawaken her. Even if he had to die to do it.

He stepped back and swept them with a determined grimace. “Let’s finish this.”


December 23, 2012

“You know this isn’t going to work, right?” Styxx asked Acheron.

“I’ve had worse odds.”

“So have I, but most didn’t work out well for me.” Dreading the fact he was about to be an ant under a magnifying glass, Styxx allowed Acheron to teleport them to his brother’s bedroom in Katateros.

Before Acheron’s marriage, the room had been sparsely decorated in black and brown. Now it was powder-puff blue with dancing circus animals on the walls and a canopied crib within easy reach of the large bed … a holdover from Acheron’s paranoia and guilt about Apollodorus.

Acheron’s son, Sebastos, was never left to sleep alone. The baby had been almost a year old before Acheron had allowed him to sleep anywhere other than his father’s chest.

But Styxx couldn’t fault him for that. He’d be as bad, if not worse with his own.

Styxx froze at that thought.

It was the first time in centuries that he’d thought about the prospect of having a child again. That it was suddenly a real possibility …

Yet he refused to be happy. Not until Beth was back in his arms and it was a done deal. Between now and then, anything could happen and he wasn’t about to jinx himself.

Can you hear me?

He frowned as Acheron’s thoughts intruded on his then nodded.

Good. I think it best if we communicate like this for a while.

Styxx nodded again. He went to the door and listened for the others. Seth’s “bird” spirit had shown them that the gods were all gathered in the throne room, where they bragged about what they intended to do once they had Apostolos in their custody.

None of it was pretty and it made him rather glad that Acheron had reconsidered sending him in as his double.

Acheron joined him at the door. “They’ve sensed our powers.” Something they wanted the Atlanteans to do since it would throw them off.

Styxx asked.

Absolutely not.

Styxx rolled his eyes at Acheron’s warped humor.

Locking gazes, Acheron held his hand up in offering to Styxx. Styxx glanced to the crib and felt his stomach lurch. Acheron was as likely to hand him over to his enemies as he was to fight for him. While his brother had stood strong and steadfast for his Dark-Hunter brethren, he’d never hesitated to throw Styxx under a bus.

But this was his only chance to get Bethany back. Like it or not, he had to trust Acheron to fight for and with him.

With a deep breath for strength, he took Acheron’s hand and let his brother teleport them into the throne room.

Styxx let go of Acheron and took his position at his back. He faced Archon, Apollo, and Epithymia while Acheron faced the rest.

Archon rose to his feet. “Well, isn’t this unexpected?” He smirked at Apollo. “We don’t have to play chase for your pet, after all. How kind of them to save us time.” He glared at Styxx. “Which of you is Apostolos?”

“I am,” they said simultaneously.

Archon growled low in his throat.

“Their eyes,” Apollo said quickly. “Styxx’s are blue.”

Acheron turned to stand beside his brother. When they spoke, it was as one. “Not anymore.”

Archon narrowed his gaze on them. “Then we’ll kill you both.”

“No,” Apollo snarled. “That wasn’t the agreement.”

Epithymia made a sound of supreme disgust. “Stand down, both of you. There’s an easy way to get to the truth.”

Styxx didn’t like the sound of that. Where was Urian and their backup?

Epithymia tugged at the black cord around her neck to show them a small crystal vial. She pulled it over her head and placed it on the arm of Archon’s chair then manifested a hammer. “This is the heart of Bathymaas. If the real Styxx doesn’t step forward, I’ll destroy her. Forever.”

Cold panic erupted inside Styxx and when it did, it brought out his battle calm, which belied his volatile state. He knew better than to react.

Never let your enemies see your underbelly.

Styxx wouldn’t even glance at Apollo who must have told them that he was Aricles. How else would they have known that Bathymaas’s heart held any importance to him?

“So you don’t love her?” She hovered the hammer over the vial. “Really?”

Styxx used Apollymi’s powers to mask his voice. “You do that and you lose all leverage over both of us. Her life is the only thing keeping you alive right now.”

A light flashed.

Expecting Urian, Styxx and Acheron had to force themselves not to react to Artemis’s sudden appearance next to her brother.

“Oh my!” she exclaimed as she looked at them. “Am I interrupting?”

Apollo seized her arm. “What are you doing here?”

“I came to see Acheron. This is his house where he lives. I’m allowed to visit.”

Archon bellowed in outrage. “This is not

Acheron and Styxx exchanged a puzzled frown. Neither of them had a clue what Artemis was doing here. She was not part of their plan. At all.

But she’d inadvertently found Archon’s weakness. Don’t refer to his home as Acheron’s. Too bad the ancient god hadn’t been tutored by Galen or he’d know better.

Blinking her eyes, Artemis gave the older Atlantean an innocent look. “No? Then why are you sitting on his throne? That’s not yours, you know. I was with Acheron when he picked it out and brought it here.”

No, she wasn’t.

Styxx bit back a smile at Acheron’s indignant thought. Go, Artemis. She was here to whip their emotions and frazzle them. And judging by the mottled color on Archon’s face, she was doing an excellent job.

“Why is she here, Apollo?” Archon asked through clenched teeth.

“I have no idea.”

Epithymia went rigid. “Something’s not right.…”

“That’s because she’s not my daughter.”

Styxx and Acheron turned to see Leto, the mother of Apollo and Artemis, entering from a side door. Dread cut through Styxx. If that wasn’t Artemis …

It had to be Katra.


“Mom,” Apollo said irritably. “What are you doing?”

Ignoring Apollo’s question, Leto smirked as she approached them. “Really, Katra? I’m so disappointed in you. But that’s all right.” She looked at Archon. “We don’t need the twins now. Katra is the daughter of Artemis and Acheron. She has the Destroyer’s bloodline and is actually stronger than her parents.” She grabbed Kat and held a dagger to her throat. “So, Acheron, who do we kill? You or your daughter?”

Before they could blink, a sonic blast went through the room. One so fierce, it knocked everyone off their feet and slammed Leto against the wall.

Artemis appeared instantly and pulled Kat to safety. “How dare you,” she enunciated each word slowly as she faced her mother. “No one threatens my baby ever! You cow!” She attacked her mother so ferociously, Kat had to pull Artemis away to keep her from killing Leto.

Acheron took advantage of the distraction to use his powers to jerk the vial from Epithymia’s hand. He sent it to Styxx.

With a mutual nod, they attacked the Atlanteans closest to them. And Acheron quickly learned why pantheons didn’t like to war within themselves. Since all of them pulled their powers from a mutual source, they were fighting in a weakened position and their powers weren’t working properly. It was why gods who belonged to more than one pantheon were stronger. They could call on these additional powers and not be weakened.

Worse, it was playing havoc with his eyesight and his eyes kept tearing up.

“Katra!” Styxx called as he saw Epithymia going for her back.

She turned the instant Epithymia went to touch her. Instead of retreating, Kat pulled her close and sucked her powers out of her. “You won’t be needing those, bitch.”

And as she pulled Epithymia’s powers, her teeth elongated and her eyes turned demonic red. Her skin began to swirl like Acheron’s.

“Acheron!” Artemis screamed. “The demon’s taking over Katra. Help!”

His face turning white, Acheron met Styxx’s gaze.

“She’s more important than I am. Get her out of here.” Covertly, he handed Acheron the vial with Bethany’s heart.
Free Beth even if I don’t make it back.

For the first time in his extremely long life, he saw the hesitation in Acheron’s eyes as his brother debated on whether or not to leave him to fight without Acheron’s help. That alone meant everything to Styxx.

But in the end, Acheron made the right decision.

He ran to his daughter to get her to safety.

Styxx manifested his hoplon and used it to deflect their god-bolts as he covered Acheron’s and Katra’s retreat.

They teleported out with Artemis, leaving him alone to face the others.

A slow, lecherous smile curled Archon’s lips. “It’s like old times, isn’t it, prince? And I have to say you’re looking mighty tasty.”

“What are you planning to do?” Apollo growled.

An evil smiled curled Archon’s lips. “Tonight, we are going to have our fun of him again.”

Refusing to react to those words, Styxx manifested his armor and sword. He would use Apollymi’s powers as long as he had them, but at the end of the day, this was how he knew best to fight. Not as a god, but as a man. He narrowed his eyes on them, assessing each one’s abilities … and weaknesses, which were too few to really matter.

Yeah, this was going to leave a mark.

And be bloodier than any battle he’d ever known.

So be it. Pain he was used to. And he wasn’t going down without a vicious fight. Tonight he was taking his life back and agony to anyone who tried to stop him.

Lowering his chin, he smiled at them. “Come get some, bitches.”

*   *   *

cheron handed his
unconscious daughter off to Sin. “Something from the old demon bite interacted with Epithymia’s powers,” he explained. “I drained her, but she needs to feed.”

Sin nodded grimly as he took her and vanished.

Acheron was aghast at the others in the room, who were supposed to have been there to help them fight. “What happened?”

Set growled. “We’re locked out. If you’re not Greek or Atlantean, forget it. Only Katra had the ability to get to you. And even then it wasn’t easy for her to teleport in.”

Urian nodded. “I couldn’t get in either. You’re all he’s got, boss.”

“Simi, return to me.”

She immediately laid herself over Acheron’s heart as a dragon-shaped tattoo.

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