Submission Revealed (5 page)

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Authors: Diana Hunter

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #Romance

BOOK: Submission Revealed
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Smiling, Sarah gathered her hair and moved it out of the way so he could fasten the leather collar around her neck. The familiar snick of the closing lock flooded her pussy as it always did. She blushed.

Hooking a finger through the ring on the front of the collar, Phillip didn’t say another word, only gently pulled her toward the dungeon room. Her heart pounding, Sarah followed eagerly, anxious yet excited at the same time. How would he use her tonight?

He motioned for her to stay in the doorway while he went in and arranged some items. She loved the way all the big pieces were covered in blue velvet, hiding their nefarious purposes, much as she hid her true nature under the everyday clothes she wore. Smiling, she realized she was very much like this room…rather plain-looking on the outside, yet such delightful secrets hidden inside. Just like her. What secrets would Phillip uncover tonight?

The autumn twilight faded quickly, filling the room with long shadows. The room’s only window faced east and Sarah knew how cheerful it looked in the mornings. Now, however, as Phillip lit a small candelabrum filled with little white candles, cheerful was not an adjective she’d use. Romantic worked. So did erotic and sexy.

Jarred candles were placed around the room and Phillip lit each of those in turn as well. Only when the place was ablaze with light did he put down the lighter and turn toward where she still stood in the doorway. He held out his hand in a gesture that could not be denied.

Sarah stepped forward, trying not to look too eager, and placed her hand in his. He led her to the center of the room, then stepped back to examine her. Sarah saw hunger in his eyes, mixed with something else too. Something calculating. He definitely had a something up his sleeve tonight. The thought gave her a splendid chill.

“You need something to keep you warm, slave.”

Sarah nodded, her hands at her side, loving how his voice deepened as he, too, settled into his role. Would he warm her skin with the deerskin flogger tonight? Or maybe the paddle? She glanced over at the table against the far wall but the blue covering prevented her from seeing the wonderful implements she knew he kept there.

“First, however, you need binding.”

He turned back a corner of the blue velvet and picked up a small coil of white cotton clothesline. “Keep your hands at your sides, my slave.”

Sarah did as she was told as Phillip threaded the rope through the rings of her wrist cuffs and pulled her arms close to her body. Winding the rope tightly around her belly, he tied it off in the back. “Wiggle,” he commanded her.

Obediently, she tried to pull her hands out of the ropes. She could bend over and thence bend her arms but she could not get them free. After a few minutes, she straightened and stilled, her shoulder-length hair falling into her face.

“Hmm…we’ll have to do something about that.”

Phillip left Sarah standing in the middle of the room and she remembered the first time he’d left her alone while bound. Then she’d been locked in a cage and her thoughts had gotten the better of her. Tonight, however, she could hear him rummaging around for something in the bedroom. He was back in a matter of minutes with an elastic hair band.

“I want your hair out of the way tonight. Kneel.”

With her hands bound to her sides, her kneeling wasn’t nearly as graceful as she’d practiced. Phillip’s hand steadied her and when she was down, he gathered her hair and pulled it into a ponytail near the top of her head. Once it was up, he pulled on the tail a few times, turning her head this way and that.

“I like this, slave.” She could hear the grin in his voice, even though his hand on her hair prevented her from looking up at him. “You have lost control even of your head.”

Her lips parted as he pulled her hair backward, forcing her to look up at him and she knew her pussy dampened.

“Completely at my mercy.” He came around to the front of her, bending and steadying her as he pulled her to her feet. Once she was standing, his hand went again to her ponytail, taking control of her head. Using his other hand, he caressed the length of her exposed neck, putting his fingers around her throat and gently squeezing. Sarah swallowed hard against the sudden pressure. Her pussy flooded as she realized Phillip completely controlled her in everything—even her ability to draw a breath.

She felt his breath on the side of her neck, his tongue caressing the lobe of her ear. Of their own volition, her arms tried to circle him but the ropes prevented them. She couldn’t get away and she couldn’t actively participate. A low moan escaped from her stretched neck.

Phillip let her ponytail slide from his fingers and Sarah lowered her head, her lips searching, kissing his neck, his chin, finding his lips and opening to him, giving herself into his hands. His tongue, first softly exploring, turned to ravishment as the heat between them ignited, sending Sarah’s mind reeling. And when he pulled away, she was grateful that his hands steadied her, knowing she would have fallen if he hadn’t held her while the room came back into focus.

“You will be even more at my mercy very soon, my slave.”

He was playing mind games with her, she knew that. It didn’t matter. Her pussy gushed, filling the air with her musky scent.

Phillip turned away from her now, reaching under the cloth for something different. Not until he pulled a short length from the round tube did she realize it was ordinary cling wrap.

He placed it over her breasts, pressing them flat. “This will bind you tighter than any cords.” He pulled it up and she watched her skin rise with it, only to fall back quickly into place. Phillip put it over her face, covering her nose and mouth and Sarah’s heart jumped in panic. Without thinking, she opened her lips in order to gulp in air and instead got a mouthful of plastic wrap. Phillip quickly pulled it away but no remorse shone in his eyes. He liked what he was doing to her!

Sarah swallowed hard. This was much more extreme than anything he had done to her before. She watched as he picked up the small butterfly from the tabletop, not knowing whether to groan or cheer. He could keep her on the edge with this little toy for as long as he wanted. The torment, sweet and agonizing, often led to the most incredible orgasms she ever had.

“Spread your legs.”

Oh, that command! Even as she shifted her weight and parted her legs for him, those words made her feel like such a slut. And the fact that she would open for him without hesitation showed just how far she’d come in the past few months. Still, her cheeks colored when his fingers slid along her slit and came away soaked with her juices.

Phillip held his fingers before her lips and Sarah didn’t need any instruction. He wanted them cleaned. She opened her mouth and leaned forward, eagerly licking her own wetness from his dripping fingers. Once she had the last bit, he took the rubber butterfly and centered it between her lower lips. One end of the toy had a little nub that teased her pussy, the other end would torment her clit. Quickly strapping it in place, he picked up the cling wrap again.


Again she shifted, bringing her feet together. The toy between her legs did not yet hum, although she knew from experience he had a wireless remote hidden somewhere that he would use to great effect later. Phillip now knelt on one knee and began wrapping the clear film around her ankles.

Each pass of the tube around her body bound her tighter and tighter. He rose as the wrap reached her knees, then her thighs. Once she tried to look down and watch but that made her overbalance. Phillip caught her but she learned not to do it again.

The plastic film now covered her entire body from the waist down. Her hands, already trapped by the rope, were further trapped by the plastic. She tried wiggling her fingers and found even that movement was difficult. And still Phillip kept wrapping.

He had reached her breasts, except instead of squeezing them flat, he pulled the wrap over and under them around her chest, pushing them together somewhat, while leaving them open for further play. Her shoulders now disappeared under layers of film before he ran out. He tossed the empty cardboard tube onto the blue velvet and turned back to her.

“Up on the table with you now.”

For a moment, Sarah thought he meant he wanted her to hop over to the table, bound as she was. She looked at him like he was nuts to expect her to do that. But she should have known better. Phillip scooped her up and Sarah was surprised to discover she could actually bend in all that cling wrap. Not well but she could bend.

This table differed from the one with all the toys hidden on it. This one was closer in height and width to a massage table but with more padding and with eyebolts screwed into the sides that he could use to fasten parts of her body in various wonderful positions. Phillip now used these eyebolts to bind her to the table with a thick white rope crisscrossing her cling-wrapped body like a spider’s web. When he was done, he stood back to survey his handiwork.

“Yes, my dearest. You are caught fast and going nowhere.” He leaned in, his mouth only inches from her ear. “And in a perfect position for me to play with you all night long and hear all the sounds you make.”

She heard him move away but he was back again in seconds, another tube of cling wrap in his hands. “You didn’t think we were done, did you?” He grinned and waved the tube where she could see it. Her heart fluttered. Would he really wrap her face?

It seemed he would. The first few passes went around her shoulders again, sticking to the film already in place. She couldn’t hold her head up very high and she had to strain her muscles to hold it up while he wrapped the film around and over her neck and mouth. She swallowed hard when Phillip put a gauze pad over each eye and continued wrapping up and over, around and around, taking sight away from her. She could feel him vary the pattern, coming down under her chin and continuing to wrap until her entire head was encased in the cling film. All that remained open was her nose.

A total mummy. Sarah tried to move just to see what movement was left her. Between the cling wrap and the ropes, precious little. If she tried, she could pick her head up but then the wrap around her neck cut deep and threatened to strangle her. Leaving her head to rest on the tabletop definitely was a better option. A strap or rope tightened across her forehead and Sarah sighed inwardly, accepting that even that decision had now been taken away.

The few senses Sarah had left became more acute. She tried to listen for any noise he might make but the wrap over her ears muffled all sounds. The perfumed scents of the candles filled her nose. Alone in her cocoon, she could discern little. Instead, she concentrated on breathing and on remaining calm.

If she could have, she would have smiled. Actually, she was in no danger of panicking. Phillip had left her a way to breathe and she trusted him implicitly. A warm, gentle breeze blew over her exposed breasts and her nipples rose in response. Where did it come from? It puzzled her only a moment before she decided she didn’t care. Her body became nothing but sensation as she lay bound and expectant.

For what seemed like several long minutes, nothing happened. In her dark world, her mind eased as she slid into a state where she was comfortable with her bindings. Cocooned, she felt hugged by the plastic wrap, safe and secure from the world outside.

A sharp stab on her breast jolted her from her complacency. A second, then a third little prick made her wiggle. To no avail, however. Between the wrap and the ropes holding her down, she could not escape the torrent of hot stabbings that now tore across the top of her right breast.

A pause in the assault. Sarah breathed heavily through her nose, unable to ask Phillip what he was doing. She could only experience. Now that the small stings had stopped, she realized they didn’t really hurt. The tiny pinpricks had stung for a second, then vanished as if they hadn’t ever been there. She inhaled deeply as she settled herself and realized something pulled at the skin on her breast.

Before she could puzzle it out, another assault began, this time centered on her left breast. As before, tiny pricks that stung jumped all over her exposed skin. She tensed up as the stings circled the areola, thankful they did not approach any closer to her nipple.

Another pause. Phillip’s voice beside her ear, sounding far away through the wrap. “Hot wax, my dear. The sting barely felt. I will cover your breasts in wax and listen to the moans that come from deep within your need.”

Sarah’s pussy clenched, a small spasm making her skin tingle. Damn, if she couldn’t come from just this, he controlled her so well. But he hadn’t given her permission and, wrapped as she was, she couldn’t ask for it. One of the moans he wanted to hear escaped the confines of the wrap.

Drops of wax hit her skin. Knowing what it was didn’t help. She wanted more even as she wanted them to stop. Each drop moved closer and closer to her nipple only to circle around and drip between her breasts or to make a lazy figure eight around the twin mounds.


And then one drop of wax directly on her nipple. Even with her bindings, the sudden tensing of her body was evident. Phillip waited a moment, then dropped another drip from directly above her other nipple.

The moans that came from behind the plastic wrap over her mouth didn’t increase in volume but her need still came through loud and clear. Not letting up, he dribbled wax in a continuous flow from the candle, encasing her entire nipple in a sheath of white. He didn’t stop until every inch of her areola was covered and then he paused only long enough to move from one breast to the other.

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