Submissive Beauty (36 page)

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Authors: Eliza Gayle

Tags: #romance

BOOK: Submissive Beauty
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“By the time, I got home she’d disappeared and had become a part of one of the biggest manhunts this county had seen in a long time. Everyone wanted to know what had happened to her.”

“She just disappeared?”

“Without a trace. And the moment, I set foot off the plane I was hauled into questioning and interrogated for hours. Her parents believed I had kidnapped and brainwashed her, and if it had been possible, I’d have been charged with statutory rape and thrown in a dark cell never to be seen again.”

A soft gasp sounded next to him. “Statutory rape?”

Thomas hung his head, unable to say the words. The nightmares had kept him from sleep for what seemed like years. He’d turned away from the lifestyle, unable to trust his judgment, and he’d let his life crumble around him.

“Oh God, Thomas, I had no idea.”

“Of course, you didn’t. That’s a part of my life I wished I never had to share.”

“But it wasn’t your fault.”

“Wasn’t it? I’d known. On some level, deep down, I’d known she was too young.”

“Was she ever found?”

He shook his head. He doubted they ever would.

“For five years, I searched for her. I existed only for that. For two years after I gave up, I hid in the bottom of a bottle of Jack until Jeff looked me up when he’d passed through town. He dragged my ass here and put me to work. He owned one of the bars uptown back then, and eventually, I worked my way out of my fear and became his manager. When this place came onto the market, I bought it. I had no idea what I wanted to do with it, but it called to me and I came. One thing led to another, and here we are today.”

“I’m sorry, Thomas.”

“I didn’t tell you so you’d feel sorry. You asked and I needed to be honest.”

“Fine. If you want to be honest, then what about Angel? What about me? Were you just going to hand me over to David like you did Angel to Jeff?” Anger sparked from her eyes. He’d definitely lit her fire on that one.

He yanked on her hand and pulled her against him. “Angel knew the deal going in, and Jeff reaffirmed it every step of the way. He has owned her from the beginning. She hid her feelings from us all, not giving any of us a clue of what went on in that head of hers. I cared for her as any friend would, but I never felt love.”

She struggled against him, trying to push him away with her hands on his chest. Thomas tightened his arms around her until she quit struggling. He’d given her what she’d come for, now, he needed something.

“Look at me, Gabrielle.”

Ever so slowly, she tilted up her head.

“I won’t lie. I did weigh my options and considered whether or not you and David would work better without me.”

“Let me go. I don’t want to hear any more.”

“No, that’s just it. I’m
letting you go. I need you more than anything I’ve ever needed in my life. You’re wearing our collar, for cripes sake. If you wanted out, you would have taken it off.”

“Don’t presume to know my thoughts,” she whispered between clenched teeth.

Her anger turned him on. He’d pretty much been hard from the moment he spied her in his doorway, but here, like this, fighting what they both knew to be inevitable made him so hard it hurt. He dipped his head and nipped her lips at the same time he flexed his hips and pressed his dick against her cleft. He’d bet, despite her protests, if he slipped his hand under her skirt, she’d be soaking wet.

“What makes this time different than all the other times you’ve done this? How can I believe you?”

God, what did he have to do to convince her? She looked at him through dark inky lashes, her lips slightly parted and her warm breath blowing little puffs of warm, sweet air across his skin with every pant.

She tried to hide desire, but he wasn’t buying it. His teeth gently grabbed at her bottom lip and suck it into his mouth. When he let it go, he leaned into her, his forehead resting against hers.

“I need you, Gabrielle. Of all the things I’ve tried to teach you these weeks, nothing is more important to me than you knowing how much I need you. You and David together have brought something to my life that I’d forgotten was missing.”

He released her arms and stepped back. He’d said what she needed to know and now it would be up to her.

“I need you, Gabrielle.”

Tears hovered at the edges of her eyes, wetness she valiantly fought back.

“I don’t know, Thomas. I just don’t know.” She backed up a few steps toward the door.

“Quit running away.”

She paused. “I’m not running. I promised Diane I’d help her get ready when she called me this afternoon, and I don’t want to be late. In fact, I don’t suppose you know anything about that phone call do you?”

Yeah, but he sure as hell wasn’t going to admit it out loud. He’d conspired every which way to get her in here tonight, and he wasn’t a damn bit sorry.

“Yeah, that’s what I thought. So, I’m going to help Diane.” She turned and took a few steps before stopping again. “Oh and Thomas, thank you for being honest. I know that wasn’t easy.”

He nodded. What else was there to say? He’d laid it on the line, and now, it would be her decision whether she would stay with them or not. God help them all if she took off her collar and walked away.

He watched her stride through his office and out the door. Letting her go would be the hardest moment of his life. He turned back to the gardens and breathed deep, marveling at the different scents wafting up from the newly redesigned outdoor space. A few couples had wandered outside with one already taking up a scene in one of the more public alcoves. A large breasted, big-hipped woman had been bent over the bench, and her Dom used his crop to mark her ass. The breeze carried sexy screams up to him on the particularly hard strikes.

He smiled. He wanted Gabrielle like that. Open and willing…

“Was that Gabrielle I saw rushing out of here?” David appeared beside him.


“What happened?”

“She walked out obviously.”

“What the hell did you do? I thought you were going to open up, to tell her the truth.”

“I did.”

“What did you say?”

He turned to David. Why he’d never told one of his best friends the truth escaped him now. Shame probably. Jeff had found out on his own, but for David to know, he would have had to confess and he’d never wanted to talk about it. He still didn’t. The look of horror on Gabrielle’s face when he’d explained it all would be something that would likely haunt him for a while.

He had eventually come to realize that while he’d fallen for the inappropriate girl, her disappearance and revelation of age was not his fault. He’d done what he could to ascertain the truth from her, and she’d managed to fool him. And now Angel. Thomas sighed. Was he doomed to keep repeating the mistakes of his past no matter how hard he fought against them?

Now, he’d have to tell the story to David and take the risk that he might not understand. Might not be willing to forgive.

“Take a seat. I have a story to tell you.”





Chapter Twenty-Five



“It’s a special day at Sanctuary, and I’m glad to see so many of you have joined Rick and Diane to celebrate this momentous occasion.”

Gabby watched Thomas up on the stage welcoming everyone to the ceremony. She’d not realized he would officiate, but somehow, she should have known. He was dressed in head to toe black, from the silk shirt to the form hugging slacks that showed off a physique she adored.

Listening to his voice now reminded her of the first night she’d met him. Was she even sitting in the exact seat she had then? The dark room had been decorated with hundreds and hundreds of candles that gave off plenty of light with a romantic glow. She closed her eyes and allowed the deep, silky voice to roll over her. He’d drawn her in that first night, just like this. Had it only been weeks since then? So much had changed. She’d changed. Yet simply sitting and soaking in his voice still had the same effect on her. Her sex dampened in anticipation, and her clit throbbed in tune with the strong timbre of his voice.

She’d managed to hide her feelings from him, but his story had broken her heart. So many mistakes from multiple sources had culminated in a broken man. He’d used that painful life lesson to not only overcome the tragedy but to help people avoid the same mistakes as well.

She wasn’t stupid. She’d read online stories from submissives about their horrid missteps before either giving up and suffering on their own with their needs unmet or worse getting hurt both physically and mentally. The fact that she’d had Angel and Jeff to watch out for her as she’d explored meant a great deal to her, giving her a safety buffer that eased her transition into the lifestyle. And thanks to them, she’d met Thomas. Despite Angel’s deception, Gabby still felt grateful for the time she’d gotten to spend with Thomas and David. Even if it didn’t end well…

“We’ve come together to witness these two people making a commitment to each other. One they know they must make.”

That sentence resonated within her. When she’d left her husband, it had been because she had a journey she knew she had to take. It had eaten her alive from the inside out until she’d been unable to hide it another minute. Automatically, her hand rose to touch her collar she’d been unable to remove. To rub the leather in remembrance. That voracious need to never hide who she was again was what had her wearing it no matter where she went. If anyone had a clue as to the real meaning then so be it. She was proud to be owned, to belong, not matter how temporary it would be.


Distaste for the word roiled through her.

“This commitment is without end. It is immeasurable, cannot be seen, touched nor felt by anyone but the two of them. It is a locking of heart, mind and body that strengthens them into one.”

Thomas nodded at Rick and left at the rear of the stage. Rick looked great in dark pants and red shirt. He had that serious look on his face she’d come to know as his trademark, but his eyes looked different, lighter, excited.

In his hands, he held a simple black leather crop. She hadn’t had a chance to ask anyone what the ceremony would involve so she didn’t know what would happen once they got started. The chairs were separated into two sections with an aisle down the middle much like one would expect at a wedding.

Rick faced the crowd and lifted his hand, and the crowd around Gabby surged to their feet. Going with the flow she stood and turned in the direction behind her to see Diane, blindfolded and breathtaking being led into the room by two collared subs. The sheer black robe she wore hid nothing from the crowd, and her excitement was evident with the hard tips of her nipples pressing against the see-through fabric.

Gabby had helped Diane with her up do and the simple band she wore to keep it up with only a few strategically placed curls hanging free. Ebony elbow-length gloves shone in the candlelight, lending an elegance to an outfit that was little more than lingerie.

The cleansing ritual before the ceremony had been an exciting turn of events she’d not expected. It had surprised her to find her panties damp as she’d watched Diane’s body cleansed and shaven by the submissives chosen for the momentous occasion. After the bath, her legs had been spread and her entire body oiled with a sweetly fragranced oil that Gabby figured had to have some sort of aphrodisiac in it. Diane had writhed and moaned as the women pulled at her nipples and fingered her cunt. When she’d begun to beg for permission to come, they’d stopped their ministrations. It was then one of the older women had produced a large, black latex butt plug. Gabby’s gasp had drawn their attention, and they’d smiled at her before the plug was slowly inserted into Diane’s anus. She’d moaned long and loud until the toy was fully seated.

When Diane had been helped to a standing position, Gabby had been excused and told the ceremony would begin momentarily. Now, she couldn’t hold her curiosity and wondered if the toy had remained in place for the ceremony. There were no tell tale signs in the way she walked, even with the spike heeled boots that laced to just below the knee.

The women led her onto the stage and formally offered her to Rick. He nodded to the women, and they peeled the sheer robe from her shoulders and left her nude except for the boots and gloves.

“Present yourself, “ he commanded.

Diane leaned slightly forward and, with her gloved hands, reached behind her and pulled the cheeks of her ass apart, revealing to the assembled crowd the wide black base of the butt plug vivid against the cream of her pale skin. The guests clapped their approval, and the knot in Gabby’s belly loosened a fraction.

Moments later, Diane released the flesh, and the women helped her kneel on the fur rug at Rick’s feet. The women moved off stage and took their seats in the front row with their respective Doms.

“Do you come to me of your own free will?”

“Yes, Sir, I do.”

Rick reached for the blindfold covering her eyes and pulled the scrap of black fabric from her face.

He then pulled out a leather collar and held it above her head for all to see. It was a simple black and silver link braid with a small O ring in the front. He withdrew a tiny silver padlock from his pocket and threaded it through the link at one end of the collar.

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