Suck It Up and Die (2 page)

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Authors: Brian Meehl

BOOK: Suck It Up and Die
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Leech Treats

Morning grabbed a breath and exhaled. The past couldn’t be undone, but knowing Portia was coming banished his haunting thoughts. In a few minutes, she would appear around the corner like a second sunrise.

He checked out the street scene. People were in the full-tilt hustle of getting to work. Some carried coffees procured from the West Village’s ubiquitous baristas. Others waited in line at the Nosh Cart for their a.m. brew and chew. On the opposite corner was a food cart that wouldn’t have been there a year before. It was called Leech Treats and served leeches engorged on animal blood. While grocery stores now stocked animal and synthetic blood drinks for Leaguer vampires, Leech Treats was one of the trendier ways for a vampire to get his daily dose of red stuff.

Since Leaguer vampires had removed humans from the drink pyramid, the term “bloodsucking fiend” was no longer politically correct, and the past year had seen
an evolution of what to call Leaguers’ dietary habits. “Veinitarian” had had a brief reign but was shot down by vegan vampires, like Morning, who didn’t drink humanely milked animal blood. Other than Blood Lite, vegan vamps quaffed vegetable-protein blends like Gourd Gorge, V-Sate, and Suckilicious. After “veinitarian” didn’t stick, the term that did came from the prefix for blood: “sang.” A “sanguivore” is a creature who survives by consuming only blood.

Whenever Morning observed one of the street carts that catered to sanguivores, he liked to play a guessing game. Was the customer buying a carton of Leech Treats
a Leaguer vampire? Or were they one of the vampire wannabes doing everything in their power to pass as a vamp?

A gothy-looking girl with magenta hair stepped up to the cart. Morning noticed she had already conquered the first error goths make when trying to pass as vampires: they can’t give up their multiple piercings and jewelry array. Anyone who knows vampire basics knows they don’t pierce. What would be the point? The piercing would heal itself in a minute. Even if they made sure the piercing healed
a piece of jewelry, the vampire’s super-concentrated biochemistry would soon dissolve the metallic invader like a nail in acid.

Morning watched the young woman swap some bills for a small carton of Leech Treats. She passed test number two: she didn’t squirm or freak from the hand massage you get from a carton of fat, happy leeches. Her expression remained fixed with the right mix of boredom and gloom, she had learned from watching
The Vampire Diaries
, and by perfecting the look of gaunt vampires obese with melancholy.

As goth girl ambled away Morning concluded she was really a vampire and not a wannabe trying to fool her fellow mortals or hook up with a Leaguer at the leech cart. Then he saw something fall off the front of her leather jacket. Even with his enhanced vision, the thing was too small to identify. He didn’t have to guess. A pigeon flapped over and sucked up what had fallen: a bread crumb. The girl had already had breakfast, a
breakfast; she was a wannabe after all.

Morning didn’t get Lifers like her, or any goth who wanted to sacrifice their mortality to become a vampire. Sure, mortality was life-shortening, but the alternative was being frozen at the same age forever. Besides vampire wannabes, Morning had heard about “wanna-bleeds”: Lifers who hooked up with backsliding Leaguers who popped fangs once in a blue moon and tapped the human keg for a pint. But the Lifers and Leaguers who supposedly practiced this “consensual bloodlust” had to do it in secret because it broke the Leaguers’ second commandment: “You shall not drink anything but properly milked animal blood or artificial blood substitutes.”

Whether the tales of consensual bloodlust were fact or urban legend didn’t matter to some Lifer extremists. They were convinced that Luther Birnam and his Leaguer army were the Trojan horse at America’s gate. They trusted Leaguers like they trusted a pack of rabid coyotes. They claimed it was only a matter of time before Leaguers turned all the wannabes into vampires, spawned legions of bloodsucking fiends, and laid siege to the mortal population until red-blooded Americans had been corralled into feedlots for fattening and bleeding by “the vampire empire.”

It was these anti-vampire extremists who motivated
Morning to wear a baseball cap and sunglasses or fake glasses in public. He didn’t want to be recognized and martyred by some hate-mongering zealot armed with a stake, screaming, “Die, mothersucker!”

Morning took another drink of Blood Lite and glanced up the street. The second sunrise came around the corner.



We greet the first anniversary of American Out Day with great joy. A year ago, on October 4, the world witnessed the first mass outing of vampires. On this historic day, it is only fitting that we recount our triumphs and setbacks in our ongoing march from darkness to the full light of freedom.

TRIUMPH #1: The first outing of a Leaguer vampire, Morning McCobb, led to the announcement of Worldwide Out Day.

SETBACK #1: As we know, this announcement triggered some international riots, mostly in countries possessing dark and long histories with vampires. The riots in Transylvania were the worst. Fortunately, the finer points of vampire slaying have fallen through the cracks of human history, and those who went on staking rampages gave up after their targets kept bouncing back to life. In the aftermath of these riots, I went to the UN and negotiated an interim step: American Out Day. Given America’s tradition of welcoming all races, creeds, and colors, it followed that the United States should be the first to embrace a people of different mortality and dietary habits. If vampires can make it here, we can make it anywhere.

SETBACK #2: As much as America is “the land of the free,” there are forces that consider some citizens less free than others. These forces went to the U.S. Congress and established the Bureau of Vampire Affairs (BVA). Despite having enjoyed the full rights of citizenship before we outed ourselves, on American Out Day laws were passed limiting our rights as citizens.

    • We had to register with the BVA so our identity and whereabouts would be known.

    • Our right to vote was suspended. Some fear we will steal drivers licenses, shape-shift into whoever’s picture is on the license, and vote multiple times.

    • We are forbidden to own businesses. Some believe we will use our shape-shifting skills to gain an unfair advantage over our mortal competitors.

    • We are forbidden to join sports teams, break world records, or take part in any competitive gaming in which our hyperacute senses might create an uneven playing field.

Our full freedom has been put on hold until, as the BVA decreed, “Leaguer vampires prove they will not abuse their inalienable rights by doing unholy things.” However, even though the door to the American dream has been partially closed to us, Leaguers have much to celebrate!

TRIUMPH #2: For 365 days and nights we have lived openly and peacefully among our mortal brothers and sisters, whom we call Lifers. We have rubbed shoulders without popping fangs. We have vanquished the barbarism of bloodlust!

For this victory, we look forward to our reward. Next week, Congress will vote on the Vampire Rights Act, the passage of which will give us the ultimate prize of freedom and equality.

So, to celebrate this day and our freedom on the horizon, I ask all Leaguer vampires and their Lifer brothers and sisters joining Vampire Pride parades across the country to walk in peace, in pride, and in the hope that we all march toward the ultimate goal: Worldwide Out Day.

Luther Birnam
President of the International Vampire League


Taking in Portia as she came down the sidewalk, Morning pulled off his sunglasses so as not to miss a detail. The long ringlets of her dark hair bounced and glistened in the sunlight. In the past year she had lost most of her gangly-ostrich look. When Morning first met her, he fell in love with the way her long limbs jounced in different directions. But the filling out she had done since then had gathered her limbs, trimmed her flapping sails. Her arms and legs moved in sync now, obeying a torso that was captain of her ship. Morning had no complaints. What she had lost in jouncitude she had gained in curvatude. He only wished he could say something similar about himself, that what he had lost in stickitude he had gained in hunkatude. No such luck. He still looked like Gumby’s long-lost twin.

Portia strode into the shade of the awning, dropped her backpack, and swept into the chair opposite him. “Hey.”

“Hey,” Morning echoed with a grin.

She rubbed her hands over the napkin-covered croissant. “Gee, is it something yummy like a piggy-cheese croissant or a dead rat?” She whipped off the napkin and groaned. “Oh man, a piggy-cheese croissant again?”

“That’s your favorite,” he protested.

She leaned forward with a crazed look. “Never underestimate a girl’s right to change her mind. But, no matter”—she plucked his sunglasses off the table, slipped them on, and lifted the croissant—“I’ll just pretend it’s dead rat.” She chomped off a corner. “Hmm, nice rodent.”

Morning shook his head with a chuckle.

“Seriously, Morn,” she said, not sounding the least bit serious, “would you still like me if I was a ratavore, or would you dump me?”

Even knowing she was kidding, the word jolted him, especially since she had just mentioned a girl’s right to change her mind. “I would never do that. I could never du-du—” His tongue tangled on the word.

She waved the tattered croissant. “Right, forget the d-word. It’s a horrible thought.” She took a swig of latte. “Notice I didn’t say it was ‘a dreadful thought.’ ”

“Yeah, thanks.” Morning pulled a pair of fake eyeglasses from his pocket and put them on.

Portia chuffed a laugh. “Thank goodness you’re all incognito now. I can get my good-luck rub.” She pulled off his cap and rubbed his shaved head.

He submitted with an eye roll. “Feel better?”

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