Read Sucker Punched Online

Authors: Martin,Kelley R.

Tags: #contemporary romance, #new release, #Romantic Comedy, #tattoo romance, #New Adult & College, #steamy romance, #alpha male romance, #angsty romance, #New Adult

Sucker Punched (26 page)

BOOK: Sucker Punched
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I try to ignore where Blake’s eyes are staring, but it’s almost impossible when I can practically
his gaze on my nipples. “Your turn.” I nod to his boxers.

Blake hitches his thumbs under his waistband and pushes the fabric down. I don’t want to be caught ogling him, but at the same time I can’t
look. So I steal a glance at his chiseled abs and then follow the arrow of his hips down south, to his semi-hard cock, which is growing harder right before my eyes.

I look away, willing myself not to acknowledge the elephant in the room by blushing profusely, and kick my flats off. The sooner we’re in the bathtub, the less awkward things will be. At least that’s what I keep telling myself as I shimmy out of my leggings and panties, ignoring the way his eyes follow me as I step in the tub and sit down. 

I bunch my knees to my chest, trying to provide some semblance of coverage. Blake climbs in behind me, rocking the water into a big wave and sending me into a panic.

“What are you doing?” I ask as his legs straddle me. “Why aren’t you sitting on the other side?”

“I can’t touch you from over there.” His hands settle on my shoulders and start massaging.

I moan, relaxing under his hands. It’s hard to care what he’s doing when it feels this good. His fingers melt away all my tension and ease all my worries. Pretty soon being naked in a tub with Blake feels like the most natural thing in the world. 

His arms wrap around my stomach, pulling me flush against his chest as he rests his chin on my shoulder. His cock twitches as soon as it hits my lower back, and I smirk.

“Is that a banana in your pocket, or are you happy to see me?”

He laughs next to my ear, the low rumble making me shiver in the hot water. “I’m always happy to see you, Duchess.” His lips press a slow kiss to my shoulder and it makes my toes curl.

Huh. Who knew the shoulder was such an erogenous zone?

Blake kisses his way across my shoulder, my eyes sliding closed at the feel of his soft lips. My legs fall open, my back pressing into him for more—more kisses, more touching, more

I feel like a plant in the darkness, bending sideways to reach the sunlight.

His fingers stroke my inner thigh, moving lower and lower until he’s perilously close to the spot that aches for his touch. I hold my breath, waiting to see what he does because I’m not sure what I want. 

I know what my body wants, but my mind? Well it doesn’t seem to be working right now.

His nose brushes the shell of my ear, making my heart pound. “You could fuck a hundred guys and I’d still sell my soul for the chance to be a hundred and one. How fucked up is it that I’m willing to take whatever scraps you throw my way? I’m like a dog, begging for food.” He chuckles humorlessly, and it breaks my heart.

“Blake. . .” His name leaves me on a pained sigh. What are we doing? Why are we torturing ourselves like this?

He kisses the spot just under my ear that makes me melt, and then backs off, wrapping his arms around my middle again. He rests his face against my back, groaning. “I need to come.”

Yeah, you and me both.

“Do you want to watch?”

I turn to look at him. Is he serious?

The smirk on his face assures me that he is. “What? If I don’t do it here, I’m just gonna go to my room and do it. Either way, it’s happening.” He climbs out of the tub and grabs a towel from the rack, wrapping it around his waist. “Might as well catch the live show and give your iPad a break.” Blake winks at me before heading into my room, and I stare after him, dumbfounded.

How does he know about my iPad?

I scramble after him, nearly slipping on the tile as I snatch a towel and cover myself. “How do you know about that?” I demand, charging into my room.

Blake shrugs. “You left it out.”

“No, I didn’t.”

He grins. “No, you didn’t. You should really put a password on that thing.”

That motherfucker. 

He laughs as I lunge for him, but I forgot that he’s got the strength of three of me. He easily catches me and tosses me onto the bed, my back still bouncing on the mattress as he climbs on top of me. 

I struggle to push him off. “You’re such an asshole.”

Blake grabs my wrists, pinning them above my head. He’s still laughing, the fucker. “Why are you so mad? It’s not like I haven’t seen everything on that video. Hell, I directed most of it.”

My jaw clenches as I glare at him. “How many times did you watch it?”

“A lot,” he says unapologetically. 

“How much is a lot?”

“Several times a week.”

My eyes widen and he laughs again, which makes me thrash harder. “You
watch it?” You bet your ass I’m putting a password on it now.

“Of course.” He might as well have said
. “It’s the only porn I watch now.”

I quit struggling, because it’s only making my towel come undone. “What’d you do, make yourself a copy?”

His smile fades. “No. If you want me to have a copy, I’ll gladly take it, but I’m not going to steal it.”

“Watching it without my permission
stealing it.”

“I don’t need the video in front of me to watch it, Duchess. I have that shit burned into my memory. I can picture my cock sinking into your pussy any time I want.” 

Fuck, that shouldn’t turn me on as much as it does.

He knees my legs apart and settles between my thighs. His towel is the only thing stopping us from having an encore as he bends down, his lips inches from mine. “I still need to come. Do you want to watch me jack off or not?”

I close my eyes, wishing I had the self-control to say no, but I don’t. I’m such a slut for this man it’d be kind of scary if it wasn’t so hot. I clench my jaw, nodding once, and the resulting smirk Blake gives me sends the butterflies aflutter. 

Fucking traitorous bitches. 

He releases my wrists and kneels before me, taking off his towel and dropping it next to us. My eyes go straight to his cock, my breath hitching as he takes it in his hand and starts stroking. He moves slowly, from base to tip and then back again. My pussy clenches as my eyes roam up his abs and chest, watching his muscles flex with every jerking motion.

I bite my lip, wishing I could touch him, but I can’t. It won’t end there. 

Feeling bold, I glance up at his face, but I’m not prepared for the level of concentrated lust staring down at me. One thing our sex tape didn’t have was Blake’s face as he fucked me. Now that I have an idea of what it looked like—and how
incredibly fucking hot it is
—I’m severely disappointed.

Blake’s hand begins to move faster. “Move the towel, Duchess.” He nods down at me. “I need to see that pussy.”

I bite my lip, hesitating with my hand on the white terrycloth. “If I take this off, you can look, but you can’t touch.”

“Fine,” he huffs in exasperation. “I won’t touch any of your fun parts.” He reaches down and shoves the towel aside before I can move it myself.

The corners of my lips curl in a little smile. Blake’s impatient when he’s horny.

He curses as soon as I’m exposed, his eyes feasting on my spread pussy. His free hand runs up my leg, gripping my thigh, as he strokes himself toward release.

The fact that he’s getting off on this, on
, is such a huge turn on. I guess he was right. I am a little exhibitionist, because I’m drenched. I feel it dripping out of me, and my breathing is so erratic I’m practically panting. It takes every ounce of willpower in me not to reach down and start touching myself.

I ball my hands into fists, trying to keep from doing exactly that. “You’re touching me,” I say, trying to distract myself.

“I said I wouldn’t touch your fun parts. Your leg’s not very fun.” His fingers move up my leg, until he’s grazing the crease where my thigh meets the place that’s decidedly more “fun.”

Holy shit
, that feels good. “Blake. . .” I’m not sure if it’s a warning, or an urge to keep going.

“Goddamn it, Duchess, you’re fucking soaked. Does this turn you on? Hmm? Watching me stroke my cock?”

I close my eyes, feeling myself clench under his gaze, and just nod. I don’t think I can form coherent words right now. 

“Then touch yourself. Come with me.”

I bite my lip, shaking my head. “I don’t trust—”

“Would you relax?” he growls. “I told you I’m not going to fuck you, and as much as I want to, I know you’d end up hating me for it tomorrow.” His hand moves up, gripping my hip. He stares down at me with such fierce longing as he touches himself. I both love him and hate him for it, because I’m afraid no one else will ever look at me the same way, like they’ll die if they don’t have me. “Right now, this is enough.”

What happens when it’s not?

I push the thought from my head, because I’m not ready to think about that. “It’s not you I don’t trust, it’s me. It’s taking everything in me not to beg you to fuck me right now.” I bite my lip and instinctively reach out to touch his abs, feeling them clench under my fingers.

Blake groans right before thick, white ropes erupt from his cock, landing across my stomach and breasts in warm, wet spurts. He slows his strokes, looking down at his masterpiece painted on me, and a lazy, sleepy smile curls his lips. “That’s a beautiful fuckin’ sight right there.” He leans down and kisses my cheek. “Thank you, Duchess.”

He climbs off the bed and grabs his clothes from the bathroom, then heads for my bedroom door.

Confused, I prop myself up on my elbows. “Where are you going?”

He pauses in my doorway, naked as a jaybird. “To bed.”

“Okay, well. . . You’re welcome, I guess.” I wasn’t expecting him to cuddle me to sleep, but. . . Actually, no. That’s
what I was expecting, which is horrifying. I shouldn’t be this used to having him in my bed at night.

Blake smiles. “I don’t want to push my luck and if I stay in that bed, I’ll push it right inside you. So goodnight.”

He closes the door behind him, and once I’m alone, my pussy throbs. Like the bitch is reminding me that she didn’t come.

I crawl toward the nightstand and open the drawer, grabbing my new vibrator. Lying back, I turn it on low and bring it between my legs.

“I heard that,” he says from outside my door.

Moaning, I imagine him still in here, watching me as I run the tip through my folds to get it nice and wet before settling on my clit. The vibrations roll through me, making my legs twitch as my breath catches.

“Tell me I can come back in,” Blake pleads. 

Instead of answering him, I dip the pink shaft inside me, imagining it’s his cock stretching my pussy wide. My free hand moves down to rub my clit, and pretty soon I’m teetering on the edge of bliss.

“Duchess.” His voice is nothing more than a harsh rasp.

It sets me off, my pussy clamping down on my vibrator as pleasure spasms through me. It feels like bombs being detonated and I moan, unable to contain myself.

,” he hisses in the hallway.

My clit’s throbbing so hard you could take my pulse with it as I gingerly slide the vibrator out and turn it off.

“I’m hard again, thanks a lot.”

I smile at Blake’s sarcastic comment and the slight whine in his voice. A couple seconds later I hear his door close down the hall. His leftovers are starting to dry on my skin, feeling tight and sticky. I get up, about to head to the bathroom to clean off, when I spot my purse on the bed and an idea occurs to me.

I pull my phone out and lie back on the bed, spreading my legs like earlier. Turning it on, I access the camera and hold it above me as far as I can, making sure not to get my face in the shot. Pressing the little camera icon, I snap a picture, the flash making the milky white patches glisten.

Bringing the phone back, I check the screen.


I pull up my texts with Blake and send him the naked selfie, along with the words 
Merry Christmas
, since we’re technically two hours and thirty-seven minutes into December 25

I might not be comfortable giving him a copy of the tape, but he can have this little trophy of tonight. He deserves it after listening to me masturbate on the other side of an unlocked door, for fuck’s sake.

The little “delivered” icon pops up under my text, and a moment later, I
I can hear his groan all the way in here.

I wake up when a hand slips under my shirt and settles on my hip. I have no idea what time it is, but based on the angle of sunlight streaming through my window, I’m going to take a wild guess that it’s way too fucking early for Blake to be waking me up right now.

Especially since I didn’t go to bed until almost three in the morning.

I groan when Blake’s morning wood prods me in the ass. “Stick your yuletide log somewhere else. I’m sleeping.”

Kissing my shoulder, he grinds his erection against me. “Should I stick it in your chimney?”

“That depends. Is the chimney my ass?”

“Only if you want it to be.”

BOOK: Sucker Punched
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