Sue-Ellen Welfonder - [MacLean 03] (32 page)

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Authors: Wedding for a Knight

BOOK: Sue-Ellen Welfonder - [MacLean 03]
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“Your legs, lass. Will you keep them wide?”

She inclined her head again. “I told you once there is naught I would not do for you.”

“Good. Then I shall do something special for you,” he promised, tracing just one finger along the very center of her womanhood. “You are soft and warm as heated honey and I think, lass, aye . . . I think I must taste you.”

“Taste me?”

Her heart stopped. She hadn’t expected that.

He nodded. “Och, aye, minx . . . all your sweetness and then some.”

Looking well-pleased, even eager, he dropped to his knees and settled himself between her thighs, just as she’d known he would. He held them apart, looked his fill of her.

“Saints, but you are beautiful.” He leaned close, breathing of her, a visible shudder rippling across his broad shoulders.

“Ne’er have I seen greater loveliness,” he vowed, the slight tremor in his voice assuring her he meant every word, his soft pluckings at her intimate curls unleashing a ferocious need inside her.

“You are glorious beyond my deepest dreams.” He let his gaze sweep her, noted the rise and fall of her every breath, the sweet firelit flush across the top swells of her breasts.

And most delightful of all, the dark thatch of curls at the juncture of her thighs. “You are my heart’s joy,” he vowed, moistening the tip of one finger in the slick wetness of her arousal, then sliding that questing fingertip to the very top of her woman’s cleft. There he gently stroked and circled the sensitive bud he knew would bring her the greatest pleasure.

“Oh, dear saints!”
she cried, her voice breaking, glorious in her passion.

She gripped the table’s edge with white-knuckled hands, her back arching, her body rocking with need. Her breath hitching, she sought his gaze, capturing and holding it, her own filled with a delightful mix of stunned wonder and mounting desperation.

The sweetest kind of desperation a man could give a woman.

And he hadn’t even touched his tongue to her . . . yet.

All the want in him clenching deep, he fought for control, the need to drench his senses on her near unmanning him. But he kept his finger circling the hard little bud.

“Does this please you? Do you like having me touch you this way?”

“I cannot stand it, but, oooh, it will be worse if you stop,” she gasped, her breath now coming in short little bursts, the deep red flush across her breasts shouting her pleasure.

“And when I do this?” He spread his fingers to cup the whole of her, rubbing her heated softness with slow, insistent pressure.

“Oh, aye,” she moaned, her eyes heavy-lidded as she looked down to watch him caress her.

He glanced down as well, caught the drop of glistening moisture pearling at the tip of his hardness. “I cannot wait much longer,” he told her, more than half-certain he’d shame himself any moment. “But I shall lick and kiss you until you, too, can bear no more of it, that I promise you.”

If he didn’t spill before he could finish even the first sweet drag of his tongue through her heat.

Saints, not only was he hard as granite and near to bursting, his fool limbs were trembling!

But ne’er had he been more consumed by the wish to
more pleasure than he took. The fire in his belly seemed wholly inconsequential next to his all-consuming desire to please, to have her writhing and moaning beneath him.

Lost and abandoned to a total knowing with her, this night and every night thereafter.

“You are my bliss,” he murmured, trailing soft, searching kisses along the smooth flesh of her inner thighs, pleased beyond telling by her urgent little cries and the way she arched and stretched her body for him, the whole of her quivering with unashamed desire.

Well aware he’d lost himself, but no longer caring, he reached up to take hold of her nipples, to lightly squeeze and toy with them—the feel, taste, and scent of her stirring a hunger such as he’d never known.

She grasped his shoulders, held fast to him.
“Please . . .”

“Och, lass, and that is my most fervent wish,” he whispered. “I want naught but to pleasure you.”

“And you
” she cried, twining her fingers in his hair. Breathing hotly, she urged his head lower and lifted her hips to his seeking mouth, unashamedly raising her heat toward the bliss she knew he was about to spend her.

“Aye, Magnus MacKinnon, you please me so much I am about to burst on the sheer glory of it.”

“Not yet, my heart.” He searched her loveliness, easing his hands beneath her buttocks to bring her yet closer. “If the gods are kind, we will soon shatter together. . . .”

With a ragged groan, he lowered his head, brushed his cheek against the lush triangle of her raven curls. Inhaling deep, he pulled in great, greedy gulps of her heady female scent . . . intoxicating himself on the musky essence of her womanhood.

“Ooooh . . . I cannot stand it . . . pray have done. . . .”

“Aye, and I shall,” he vowed, and touched his tongue to her very core,

“Ach, dia!” She near shot to her feet, the whole of her body tensing like a taut-strung bow.

“Hold you, sweeting. Do not move,” he breathed, moving his head sideways, letting his lips brush ever so lightly back and forth across her silky-moist heat. “Lie back and let me taste you, give you this pleasure.”

And she complied, falling back against the rumpled plaid, her body limp and trembling. Soft little moans and sighs escaped her parted lips as she dug her fingers into his shoulders, holding him there where she needed him.

“Keep your legs opened wide, lass,” he said, pausing to ease her thighs farther apart when she tried to clench them around him. “Let me kiss you here”—he traced her cleft with the tip of his tongue—“let me lick and savor you, and then we will move to the bed.
you can wrap your legs around me as tight as it pleases you.”

“Ahhhh, but I cannot wait . . .” she cried, writhing beneath him.

“Lie still, Amicia.” He pressed a gentling hand to her stomach, used slight pressure to calm her. “Relax. Open your legs more. . . . yes, that’s it . . . full wide so I have best access to you.”


“Shhhh . . .” He shushed her with another hot glide of his tongue.

He watched her as he licked, holding her gaze with the same concentrated effort he used to slide the tip of his tongue along the sleek folds of her pulsing heat.

“Your womanhood is like a perfect rose, see you,” he said, spacing each word between another probing dip of his tongue into her honeyed moistness. “Sweet, soft petals to beguile and enchant, fragrant and beautiful, but possessed of thorns as well.”

She blinked at that, lifted her head to stare at him, her eyes widening in confusion. “Thorns?”

Damning himself for his clumsy way with words, he reached for her hand and brought it to his shaft, circling her fingers around the hot, rigid length of him. “
is the
I meant, sweetness.” He jerked, near spilling himself when her fingers tightened around him.

“Sweet and soft as you are, delicious as is the urgency building between us, it will hurt when I enter you,” he tried to explain. “That is why”—he swirled his tongue over her again—“I would know you full aroused before—”

“I could ne’er be more desirous,” she countered, shuddering as she circled her fingers tighter around his hard length in a firm, clinging grip that ripped a wordless cry from his own lips.

Then she moved her hand on him, just one innocent upward pull, but torturous enough in its mind-numbing exquisiteness to rip through his last threads of restraint.

Unable to withhold himself another moment, he swept her into his arms and carried her to the bed, flinging aside the elaborate hangings to lower her onto the startling white of the bridal sheet.

Beyond words, he followed her down, stretching himself full-length above her. He reached between them to pry her fingers from his hardness, then used his own hand to rub the tip of his shaft along her slippery wet heat. Sighing her pleasure, she slung her legs around him, lifted her hips to increase the tantalizing friction of each smooth slide of his tarse against her hot, quivering flesh.

“Have done,” she breathed, grinding her hips in urgent circles against him,
him. “Make me yours now—this moment.” She clung to him, her trembling lips begging for kisses.

“I love you,” she whispered, the words a breathless little plea. A wee sound, closer to a whimper than coherent words, and almost overpowered by the lashing rain, the tears glistening in her eyes nigh undoing the last stubborn knot tied so fiercely around his heart. “I have e’er—”

“Do not speak,” Magnus pleaded, the tightness in his chest near stopping his heart, his damnable pride seizing the moment to close fast around his weakness. Black and cloying, it stole his breath and used his need to seal his lips before his heart could answer her.

Hating himself for the fleeting shimmer of disappointment that darkened her eyes, he gave her what he could, and thrust into her body, muffling his groan in the cool silk of her streaming raven tresses, losing himself in the tight, satiny heat of her.

Through the haze of his passion, he felt the tearing barrier of her innocence, heard her sharp cry. Her body’s one protest against this new, demanding intrusion. But then her sharp sob of pain turned to soft whimpers and she clasped her legs tighter about him, digging her fingers into his shoulders as he opened his mouth over hers, taking her cries into his own and letting their hot breaths mingle as he eased himself deeper inside her, filling and claiming her. He made her his in the only way he could, until she arched high against him, the sheer, blinding force of her fast-approaching release sweeping him over the glittering edge of his own.

The whole length of him shuddering with mindless need, he cried her name and shattered on the unstoppable tide of a white-hot conflagration so laming in its intensity he doubted he’d e’er have the strength to climb up out of its wild, whirling depths.

And somewhere in the sweet madness of it, Colin Grant’s recently spoken words rose from the spinning, tantalizing brilliance to taunt him.

Only his friend had erred.

It wasn’t his ability to pleasure a woman that he’d rediscovered in his lady’s arms.

Och, nay, the sweetness—the joy of her—gave him something far more substantial and lasting than mere physical bliss.

’Twas the rediscovery of his soul.

Amicia woke to the furious splatter of rain, a cold, empty bed, and a dull, aching discomfort in the private place deep between her thighs. Thunder echoed and re-echoed somewhere in the distance, each deep rumble heralding the begin of another chill day of mist and rain.

But already a warm fire of freshly-stoked peat lit the room and a round wooden tub of steaming, herb-scented water welcomed her to morning.

As did the anxious-peering faces of a full score of kitchen and laundry maids.

Amicia blinked, their curious glances and craning necks dashing the last vestiges of slumber from her as soundly as if they’d thrown back the bed coverings and roughly nudged her awake.

Together with Dagda and Janet, they bustled about, tidying the chamber and throwing open the window shutters to let in the gusty, rain-damp wind.

An urgent necessity as her first deep breath of the day proved—for the smoky-close air in the bedchamber was still heavily scented with the night’s activities, the pungent smell of musk and sexual arousal firing her cheeks and filling her with keen embarrassment.

“A good morrow to you, milady,” Dagda crooned, her expression knowing, and pleased.

Coming closer, she whipped back the half-opened bed curtains and the coverlet, which Amicia hadn’t thought to hold tight about her nakedness.

“I see you had a fine night,” the seneschal declared, her unerring gaze zeroing in on the reddish-brown smudges staining Amicia’s inner thighs, the larger smears and streaks on the soiled bridal sheet.

“H-how late is it? How long have I slept?” Amicia snatched a largish pillow from behind her, pulling it round to use as a shield. “Where is my husband?”

“Ach, ’tis not long past the hour of prime,” Dagda informed her, gesturing to one of the laundry maids who stepped forward to offer Amicia a small wooden cup of steaming herbal tisane.

“It will ease your . . . soreness, milady,” the lass said, her cheeks flaming nigh as bright a red as her hair.

“T-thank you.” Amicia tilted the cup to her lips, let the soothing brew trickle down her parched throat.

The girl nodded and stepped back from the bed, but not quick enough to evade Dagda’s firm grip to her elbow.

With a jerk of her head, the old woman indicated the pile of folded linens stacked on the table. “Place the drying sheets to warm on the chair before the brazier, then help your lady to bathe,” she ordered. “The sooner she’s freshened herself, the sooner she can greet her lord husband in the great hall.”

A sharp glance and a brisk nod at the other lasses had them scurrying forward to strip the bed, the bloodied bridal sheet the clear objective of their task.

Amicia glanced at Janet. “Magnus is belowstairs?”

Janet nodded, but didn’t quite meet Amicia’s gaze. “He was called below over an hour ago,” she said, offering Amicia a bed robe. “One of the lookouts thought he spotted an approaching galley, but the day is yet too dark to tell for sure.”

“Hech! Like as not an ale-headed loon as crazed as the old laird,” Dagda snapped, aiming a censorious look at Janet. “Now,
that one
is full of himself this morn . . . strutting about the hall a-raving about ghost ships and claiming we should have heeded his warnings.”

Ignoring her, Janet turned aside, as if distracted, and took an iron poker to jab at the red-glowing peats on the hearthstone.

Amicia watched her, an odd foreboding tugging her brows together as she scrambled off the bed’s high mattress and slipped into the bed robe.

Of all the women crowding the room, Janet alone didn’t seem plagued by blushes or the urge to aim not-too-discreet stares at the various telltale remnants of the night’s

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