
Read Sugar Online

Authors: Cassie Dee

BOOK: Sugar
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She wiped the sweat from her forehead and cursed the hot, steamy
June day. Meagan just wanted to get home and by the looks of this
traffic jam it didn’t look like it was going to happen anytime
soon. She unbuttoned one more button on her blouse and was surprised
to find that it was the fourth button, for modesty’s sake she
better not unbutton anymore or the old man in the car next to her was
going to start waving around dollar bills for the free peep show.
Meagan sighed deeply then pulled her thick chestnut hair to the top
of her head. Lord, she hated the heat.

A sharp rap on her window caused her to start and she dropped her
hair and spun her head around, her hair fanning out in a wide arch
behind her. A muscular policeman stood next to her car, a very tall,
very blond, very handsome policeman. She looked to his eyes but all
she saw was her reflection peering back at her form his sunglasses.
He motioned for her to roll her window down. She did as she was told
and the man’s deep voice filled her senses.

“Please, step out of the car, ma’am.”

Meagan was a tad confused at why the cop wanted her out of the
car, but she unlocked the door and pushed it open anyway. As soon as
her feet hit the asphalt the officer grabbed her by the upper arms
and hauled her out.

“Excuse me!” she snapped at him, ready to blast the
man. She was hot, sticky, and upset as it was, and this Neanderthal,
gorgeous as
was, was abusing her poor arms! The cop
grunted as he looked down into the deep vee of her blouse, caught by
the cotton candy pink froth of a bra she was wearing. Her milky white
breasts more than filled out the material, and she felt her cheeks
heat in a deep blush.

The cop whirled her around to face the car and gruffly instructed,
“Place your hands on the roof.” She laid her palms flat
on the roof knowing it was hot and she could feel the heat stinging
her hands. Tears welled in her brown eyes as she realized she was
being arrested for some unknown slight. He started a slow frisk at
her wrists. Stroking up her arms, sliding his large hands up the
silkiness of the blouse rubbing it across her heated flesh, Meagan’s
eyes widened at the almost caress of the man’s hands. He
reached her shoulders and followed the smooth line of her spine down
to her waist. Meagan closed her eyes and sighed deeply. She no longer
noticed the heat of the day and focused on the heat slowly building
inside her body. The cop leaned into her and she felt his vivid
arousal press into her backside. She pushed her bottom back into the
thickness of his slacks.

“What are you doing?” her voice trembled as it came
out, slowly the man’s hands met across her stomach. One hand
moved up under her breasts and the other went down, between her
thighs. Meagan knew that the old man was watching what they were
doing and tried to pull away from the officer. He held her tight
around the stomach.

“I’m doing what I want. Not into public displays are
you? Well, that is fine with me. I want you to myself anyway, Candy

“Candy Cane?”


The man reached for her hands again and brought them behind her
back and she felt the smooth glide of metal as he locked the cuffs
around her wrists. “What the hell are you doing?”

“I’m taking you in, Candy Cane.” Meagan wore a
stunned look as the cop half dragged her across the road and pushed
her into the backseat of his patrol car. Her stomach and breasts met
the heated leather of the seat. She started struggling, trying
valiantly to rise to her knees so she could seat herself properly
instead of lying sprawled out on the seat like some sort of hussy.
Well, she had to admit she liked the idea of being a hussy, something
she had never aspired to. With a pat to her butt, he laughed softly
at her wiggling and shut the door. After he got into the driver’s
seat he called in on his radio that he was going to break. Meagan
didn’t know what to do. Here a gorgeous man who was intent on
taking her for his own was holding her prisoner. And the problem was
Meagan didn’t think she could turn him down.

What seemed like hours in Meagan’s mind were just merely
minutes when she struggled up onto her knees and looked around her.
She saw a long dirt road filled with trees and a small building to
the right of the road. Meagan didn’t know what to think. With a
sudden jarring of the patrol car she slipped back down to her stomach
with a large grunt. She tried once more to reason with the officer.
“Sir? Exactly what am I being arrested for?”

The sexy-as-sin officer chuckled at her question. “For being
so damn hot, Candy Cane.” He pulled the car over in front of a
small wooden building she guessed it was a hunting cabin based on the
glimpse she had gotten before she had sprawled back down on her
stomach earlier. The officer got out and pulled open the back door.
Instead of pulling her out he pushed up her peach silk skirt and laid
a small kiss on the back of her thigh. He pushed the skirt up to her
waist and made a tsking sound, “Poor Ms. Candy Cane, can you
not afford underwear?”

She blushed, as she lay exposed to the man’s gaze. Going to
work without underwear had always been a secret turn on for her, a
secret only she knew. So business-like on the outside, but underneath
the charade of businesswoman, she was bare. Naked. She felt the inner
walls of her sheath clench at the thought of what he was seeing. She
felt his hand smooth over the alabaster flesh of her buttocks. Then
the heat of his breath as without warning he pulled her thighs apart
and slowly licked up the crevice of her womanhood. Meagan shrieked in
surprised pleasure then groaned pushing up onto her knees to give the
man better access.

He leaned back; she felt the air stir around her naked bottom. She
felt the wetness between her thighs, felt the coolness of the air and
could do nothing but push her bottom up and spread her thighs hoping
for more. What she got instead was a light slap on her bottom and his
hands pushing her skirt back down. She closed her eyes, partly in
need and partly in embarrassment. How could she be so hot, so wet for
a man she didn’t even know. Or did she?

Meagan’s eyes popped back open and she raised her head
looking at him over her shoulder. Something about his voice….

And he had called her Candy Cane; no one had called her that since
high school.

Slowly, as recognition dawned her eyes widened. Before she could
confront the man standing behind her, he reached down and grabbed her
around the waist hauling her out of the car, then throwing her over
his shoulder fireman fashion.

“Will you put me the hell down?” She yelled at the
back of his thigh. All she got in reply was a slap on her bottom and
a jostle that brought her slamming down on his shoulder causing her
to lose her breath until he had her sitting in the center of a
raggedy bed in the middle of a dingy hunting cabin.

She twisted her hands in an effort to free herself from the cold
metal of the handcuffs.

“It’s useless, Candy. Stop wasting your energy.”
At those words he started stripping his clothes off.

“Stop!” she ordered. All he did was smile smugly and
continue to strip. Meagan swallowed hard at the sight of this man
naked. He was all sinew and muscle. His body moved like a cat as he
stretched this way and that. She felt heat pool between her legs as
he slowly took off his sunglasses and looked deeply into her eyes.
She had already suspected, but looking into his eyes sent shock
straight through her body. She gasped. “I can’t believe
it’s you!”

“Hello, Candy Cane. What? Didn’t expect me to turn up
like this?” Actually, she thought to herself she didn’t
expect him to ever turn up. After that awful night years ago she
figured she had seen the last of him.

It had been innocent enough. He was tutoring her in science and
math, she had been failing miserably. He was the skinniest, geekiest
kid she had ever met. Meagan had been captain of the cheerleading
squad. He, pimply and shy, and she had loved him. She had fallen in
love with all of her seventeen year old heart. And the night they had
made love had been the worst experience of her life. It had been her
eighteenth birthday. She had been so very excited but all had went
terribly awry.

She still couldn’t believe that the gorgeous, muscled man
standing before her was Eugene Simmons. But looking into his icy,
gray eyes she knew beyond a shadow of a doubt who he was. Her stomach
roiled at her nervousness.


“Shut up, Meagan. You said all you needed to say ten years
ago. Now it’s my turn. You said the only way I would ever touch
you again is if I had candy for a dick and a mouth full of sugar.
Heaven knows where you got that from but I am about to show you my
candy.” With that he reached into a drawer beside the bed and
pulled out a large candy cane, the type you get at Christmas, the
ones that last about a month. Her eyes widened, and her body
involuntarily heated up even more at the thought of what he was going
to do with that. She knew it was a way for him to make her feel
ashamed but he also knew that the thought of him…sliding the
candy in and out of her slick channel was more of a turn on than
anything she had ever seen in her life.

Meagan lie there panting, erotic images of the two for them making
love swirling through her head He pulled the wrapper off of the candy
cane and took a big leisurely lick.

It was all Meagan could do not to moan loudly at the sight of his
teasing but she held it back. Meagan clenched her thighs together
trying to alleviate the ache. This gave her little relief to the
burning that had set the heart of her on fire. She twisted her hands
frantically in the cuffs, trying to get out.

Eugene sat down on the bed beside her he smoothed his hand across
her stomach, down her skirt to between her thighs, he cupped her
through her skirt and Meagan almost screamed at the rush of pleasure
this brought. She had never been so turned on in her life. Much less
turned on while being tied down and looking at a man she thought
she’d never see again wield a candy cane larger than any man
she had ever seen. Eugene flipped her over on her back and uncuffed
her left wrist then pulled both of her hands to her front and snapped
them back in place. Meagan had been so stunned by the sudden move;
she hadn’t even had a chance to fight back. Hadn’t even
thought of fighting back.

“Part your legs, Meagan.” Eugene said softly. She
shook her head frantically.

“No, Eugene!” She was not going to let him do this.
Even though she was craving the very thing he persisted in doing.

“Meagan, don’t make me tie your legs down. You know I
will.” His eyes bored into hers, she could see the flames of
lust leaping in his eyes. Slowly, she moved her thighs apart until he
had full access to her center.

He took the large piece of candy and ran it lightly over the lips
of her sex, bringing a cry to her lips, her eyes flared wide as he
teased her secret button with tip of the candy…she could feel
herself become wetter, her loins started burning. She struggled not
to beg him for more but she couldn’t stop the single word,
“More!” from escaping her lips.

He grinned broadly at that and moved the candy cane down to her
opening and slowly pressed in…and in…and in…until
a good eight inches of the candy cane had disappeared inside of her
hungry body. Her hips started to twist and she closed her eyes as he
started slowly stroking it into her, giving her a little more of it
each time. She could feel the candy becoming sticky…she could
smell the sharp scent filling the room. The scent of candy and of
her….her wildness, her muskiness…she craved more but
wasn’t sure what he would do now. Meagan’s sheath gripped
the makeshift dildo and sucked it into her portal.

Suddenly, he withdrew the candy cane and her eyes popped open. She
stared in open mouthed owe as he slide the candy into his mouth and
sucked it clean of her juices. He licked the candy and closed his
eyes. When he was done he pulled the candy from his mouth and looked
her in the eyes. “Good enough to eat, Candy Cane.” He
took the cane and slid it into her mouth. “Suck,” he
demanded. As she did, she could vaguely taste herself on candy, she
looked into his eyes and then gasped when he suddenly picked her
bottom up in both of his large hands and brought her to his mouth.
She cried out and almost dropped the candy.

“Keep sucking, Candy, don’t let this stop you.”
She reluctantly put the candy cane back into her mouth and sucked
hard as he slowly turned her world upside down. His lips tugged at
the mouth of her vagina, his tongue dipped into her wetness and began
to lap at her. She knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that she was
fixing to explode. She tried to bring her hands down to him but
cuffed like they were she could do nothing but grab hold of the old
wooden headboard and hang on. His teeth nipped at the flesh between
her thighs and she felt his head push hard against her as he tongue
furrowed deep inside her.

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