Sugar Daddy (13 page)

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Authors: Nicole Andrews Moore

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Fiction

BOOK: Sugar Daddy
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She flushed as she realized this was the man who had drafted their unconventional contract. “You did a fine job on that contract,” she said warmly. “I doubt my friend, Amy, could have found a flaw in it.”

“Amy?” He asked as his eyebrows knit together.

“Yeah, she’s a divorce lawyer,” she said.

“Oh,” he said, clearly racking his brain for knowledge of a lawyer with that first name before backing out of the office. He froze for a moment then rushed from the room.

Several other male executives popped by to drop off files and introduce themselves. Each time she paused to be polite, not wanting to appear standoffish. And each time, she was glad to be finally left alone again to complete the task at hand. She was determined to have finished by lunch. And really, she only had the furniture left to take care of. By the time she was done, Gavin would be impressed with her abilities, astonished at her accomplishments, and certain he had made the correct choice in employing her.

The file cabinets moved easily enough. And the ugly brass floor lamp required no effort at all. She merely angled his desk to take advantage of the lighting. It was that tall wooden cabinet that was giving her the most trouble. In addition to being ridiculously large, it was also in the wrong corner of the room. If she could only move it to the other corner, the layout would be perfect, the flow, the aesthetics, everything. She glanced around, but for the first time all day, not a man was in sight. Hannah knew she should just wait for Gavin, but it would really ruin the surprise and make her look helpless. Shrugging, she turned her attention back to the cabinet.


It was only eleven thirty by his watch, and the conference room clock, and the laptop. He sighed. He wondered what she was doing. Slowly, he walked over to the corner of the conference room that would allow him a view of his office. Hannah had moved the furniture about the room and was currently studying that monstrosity of a cabinet shoved in the corner of the space. She wouldn’t. Gavin thought about all he knew of her thus far. Growling he launched himself back to his office. Of course she would. That woman was going to be the death of him.


Removing the last of the items from the cabinet, Hannah closed the doors and gave a tentative shove. It barely budged. She threw all of her weight into it, all one hundred thirty pounds of it. The cabinet gradually inched along. Pleased with her progress, she failed to notice the hitch in the carpet that the edge of the cabinet was about to get snagged on. Her steady progress halted. She shoved harder and the cabinet, unable to go over the obstruction, began to topple to the side. Gasping, Hannah rushed to the side to prevent it from falling over completely. She managed to catch it, but at what price? Her back screamed. Worse, she wasn’t sure how much longer she could hold it. She bit her lip. Well
, this was some pickle she had gotten herself into.

“I’ve got it,” he said quietly as he rushed to her side to lift the heavy wooden object. He righted it once more before turning to look at her. She was exasperating. What if she had been hurt? He turned ready to demand why she expected she could move what took two big burly movers to relocate originally when he saw the look on her face.

Huge tears had welled in Hannah’s eyes, threatening to spill over, and her hands were on her back. She was biting back the pain as best she could. “Thank you,” she murmured. “I didn’t mean to cause so much trouble.”

At the sight of her, and completely without thinking, he rushed to enfold her in his arms. “Oh, God, Hannah,” he mumbled into her hair. “What were you thinking?”

“I wanted to surprise you,” she answered weakly.

“Well done,” he said wryly, “I’m shocked.” Suddenly, he was aware of dozens of eyes on them and scowled. He released her long enough to shut the blinds and the door. Thoughts flooded his head. He had just ruined it. She couldn’t work in the office any more. Everyone would think there was something going on between them. They might even find out they were living together. He sighed.

“I’m sorry.”

She sounded so sad it nearly broke his heart. “Don’t be.” He said more gruffly than he intended.

“I really am self-sufficient,” she insisted. “I don’t want you thinking I’m helpless.”

“I don’t,” he responded before arching his brow wickedly, “although I am questioning the wisdom of many of your decisions.”

A smile softened her face. She chuckled for a moment, but had to stop due to the sharp shooting pains. Gingerly she eased herself into the hardest chair in the room.

Gavin rubbed his hands together. If he didn’t, he would be over there, rubbing on her. He knew precisely the pressure he needed to apply, the way to manipulate the muscle to ease the tension and soreness of her back. Once again, despite his plan to bring her pain, he was more focused on removing it. “We need to get you to the doctor,” he said.

Her chin jutted out proudly. “I can do it.”

“Yeah, darling, I’d love to see you try.” He leaned toward her from behind his desk.

She blushed, knowing he was right. “Fine,” she acquiesced. “When?”

Studying the clock, he admitted, “We’ll wait until the office clears for lunch. Can you last another half an hour?”

“Certainly,” she said proudly, although deep down, she wasn’t so sure.

“Good,” he said calmly. He glanced at a pile of papers he didn’t recognize on his desk. “What are these?”

“Some people dropped them off after you left,” she said, shrugging involuntarily and bringing on a fresh wave of pain.

Gavin smirked. He knew what he would find. As he opened file after file, he was met with pages and pages of blank white paper. He should fire the whole lot of office supply wasting gossips. And those were just the men. A frown affixed itself to his face. He held his head in his hands and tried to figure out what to do.

At last he spoke. “This was a mistake,” he said simply. Then he remained silent until he felt the office was quiet enough for him to take her to the doctor.

And in that time of silence, Hannah brooded. He had called this a mistake. She could only assume he meant the part about hiring her, moving her into his home, and bringing her to the office. Clearly she wasn’t fit for public consumption. Well, he had to give her thirty days notice. Until she had that, she would sit and wait and contemplate her next move. At least it was a pleasant alternative to the physical pain. Hannah was a planner.


“You heard the doctor,” Gavin growled as they pulled into the driveway with the girls a few hours later.

“I will take care of myself later,” she argued in a low voice. I have too much to do…” The girls needed a meal, then baths and books before bed. There would be clean up after dinner as well. Maybe around eight she could relax. A wistful look fell over her face as she thought about enjoying a few minutes that evening in the hot tub.

“You will take care of yourself
” he commanded, interrupting her reverie. He parked the car in the circular drive so that her door opened to the sidewalk then threw an arm in front of her as she prepared to climb out of the vehicle. “What did I tell you?” He asked exasperated.

“I forgot,” she complained. She eyed the pill bottle clutched in her hand. “So how long will it take for them to kick in?” She asked.

“Well, you would have to actually take one first,” he reminded angrily. Turning to face the girls in the back seat he said, “Why don’t you head upstairs to your mom’s room and find her bathrobe and bathing suit.” He turned to Hannah. “Where are they?”

She crossed her arms over her chest stubbornly refusing to help out. “I have to make dinner,” she argued.

“I’ll have something delivered,” he countered, preparing for her next argument.

“The girls need baths after dinner.” She stared at him evenly.

“Tonight they can shower without your assistance.” She opened her mouth to protest, but he stopped her before a single sound could be uttered. “I’ll check to make sure they get all the soap out of their hair.”

Her eyes narrowed. “And I have to read to them before bed.”

He sighed. This is where it would get difficult. “I’ll carry you upstairs.” He closed his eyes, hoping he could somehow avoid going into that room.

“All the way to my bed?” She asked with a doubting eyebrow raised.

He swallowed hard. “All the way to the hall outside your bedroom.” He knew she felt she was winning, so he reminded her of her proclamation. “I thought you were self-sufficient,” he challenged.

Her eyes narrowed once more. “You are an evil, evil man.” Her shoulders drooped in defeat.

“Now tell the girls where to find your suit and bathrobe,” he urged.

Sighing, she gave the girls the information and sent them on their way. Moments later, Gavin was at her car door, not merely opening the door for her, but gently pulling her forward until he was able to lift her and haul her into his arms. She gasped in surprise. He was treating her as though she were precious, fragile, and important to him. Her eyes began to fill with unspent tears, so she turned her head towards his chest so he couldn’t see.

Pausing just inside the door, Gavin asked sadly, “Am I hurting you?”

Cautiously she shook her head. How would she ever be able to explain all the new feelings that kept assaulting her, ever since she had been in his employ?

Once they reached the study, he set her down in one of the leather chairs before the sofa. “The girls should be here any moment with your robe and suit,” he said quietly. “I trust you can change without assistance.”

She very nearly laughed. “Don’t worry. You will not have to attend to my every need. And you most certainly will not have to see me naked.”

Why was that not a comfort to Gavin? He wouldn’t mind taking care of her. Maybe it was because she worked so hard to be independent that it seemed like such a triumph if he could do something for her, something that she couldn’t do herself. “I’ll be just outside the door; when you are decent call for me.” Turning on his heels, he wandered out to the foyer and leaned against the wall.

Seconds later, the girls came struggling down the stairs with the bathrobe. “I wanna give her the robe,” one of them said.

“I got it off the hook. I should get to give it to her.”

“I dragged it down the stairs.”

Gavin almost laughed. “Well, I bought it,” he chimed in. “I guess I should give it to her.” He reached for the robe. The girls’ faces drooped. It was not the reaction he had imagined. Dropping to his knees, he said, “What if we go in and give her everything together?”

The girls beamed shyly at his suggestion, glanced at each other, finally nodding their approval. With one girl in each hand, they entered the study together, each one feeling triumphant.


It took longer than she expected to get changed as gingerly as she was moving. While she worked, she concentrated on other things to alleviate the pain. Currently, she was comparing Brett and Gavin. Gavin had surprised her. He was gentle and affectionate, far from the cold-hearted businessman she imagined she was hiring on with. He seemed determined to take care of her, which was a new and unusual experience. He even seemed to be bonding with the girls. In the last few days he had spent as much time with her children as their own father had over the last month. She sighed. And she didn’t even have to wonder how Brett would have responded to her injury. After he was done berating her for hurting herself, he would have moaned about having to chip in and help more. Apparently she was better off as Gavin’s employee than she ever had been as Brett’s wife.

Convinced that all her parts were covered, she called half-heartedly for Gavin. As quickly as he entered the room, she was convinced that he had been hovering just outside the door. “I’ve been giving this some thought,” he said. “I think you should be in the hot tub every day while we try to get those strained muscles to heal. You need to take it easy or you’ll wind up bedridden.” His face turned a shade of pink. Why just last night in what little sleep he had managed, he had dreamed just that: Hannah in bed, riding him. He changed the subject. “If you don’t take care of yourself, I’ll be forced to hire help for the help,” he joked. “And we should probably have you massaged every weekend to be safe.” Then without another word, he swung her into his arms and carried her to the patio, depositing her on the side of the hot tub while he assisted in the robe removal.

He meant to take an almost nurse-like approach. Moving slowly, he held her wrist as he tugged the robe over her shoulder. There was a momentary hitch as he untangled it from her bikini top. Heart pounding, brow furrowed, he ran his hand tenderly around her back to feel for the hang up. Goosebumps formed all over him as he grazed her soft, warm skin. At last, success, and her robe was removed.

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