Summer Beach Reads 5-Book Bundle: Beachcombers, Heat Wave, Moon Shell Beach, Summer House, Summer Breeze (20 page)

BOOK: Summer Beach Reads 5-Book Bundle: Beachcombers, Heat Wave, Moon Shell Beach, Summer House, Summer Breeze
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She’d been in such a hurry, putting the groceries away, that she’d broken open the bag of pasta and it scattered all over the floor. No one was around to help her, and she’d cried as she’d swept it all up, then cried in the shower because she didn’t have anything new
to wear to the evening’s events. Then she’d realized she’d have puffy eyes if she didn’t stop crying, so she stopped.

Her first event was an opening at a gallery on Main Street. That went pretty well. The artist was local, so Lily knew a lot of the people and snapped a lot of brilliant photos. But the second stop, a cocktail party fund-raiser for a local museum, brought her down. Everyone there was wealthy, and friends with everyone else, and they flicked their eyes at Lily with her camera as dismissively as if she were a homeless kid holding out a tin cup. The men, and many of them were young, in their thirties, looked at Lily without
her. Obviously she was so clearly not part of the group that counted that they didn’t even notice that she was pretty.

She found the bathroom, locked the door, and scribbled down the names to the photos she’d taken. She scrutinized herself in the mirror. She looked good. Not wealthy, but

And she had a date with Jason—she couldn’t forget that! He wasn’t at all the man for her long-range plans, but he was a really good guy, and so sexy. For tonight, he’d be just fine.

She left the party without saying good-bye—no one would notice she was gone—and hurriedly walked along the streets and lanes to the Quaker cemetery on Madaket Road. Jason was waiting for her there, leaning against the fence.

“It’s a perfect night for stargazing,” he told her. “Come on.”

She followed him, slipping between the rails and onto the soft green grass. The cemetery was a large open plot of rolling land without trees or headstones—the Quakers had not believed in grave markers.

“Wait a minute,” she told Jason. “I need to take off my shoes.” She put her hand on his arm to balance herself. It was a natural, easy thing to do. She was surprised at how her senses bloomed when her skin touched his. Jason hadn’t paid any attention to her when they were in high school. He was two years older and always had a girlfriend. Lily couldn’t wait to tell Carrie she’d had a date with Jason.

It was just far enough out of town that the night sky could be viewed without interference from shop- and streetlights. They walked into the middle of the grassy open space. Jason brought a blanket out of his backpack and spread it on the ground, and they lay down, looking up at the sky.

They saw a million stars.

“Wow,” Lily breathed.

“Sort of puts things in perspective, doesn’t it?” Jason said.

“We used to come out here when we were kids,” Lily told him. “I haven’t been here for years.”

“We saw skies like this in Iraq,” Jason told her. “Even more sky, and many more stars.”

Lily asked carefully, “How was Iraq?”

He was quiet for a moment, then answered, “It was okay. I guess you could say I was lucky. But I don’t want to go back.”

you want, Jason?”

“Well, that’s the good thing about having been in Iraq. Over there, I used to dream that being back here would be heaven on earth, and now it kind of seems like it is. My construction business is doing really well even with the slowdown in the economy. I’m piling up some savings, and I’ve got a crew working for me, good guys that I can trust, and now and then I have free time to sail or fish. It’s a pretty good life.”

Lily sighed. “Maybe I need to get sent to Iraq. I just become so resentful in the summer. All the wealthy people who trample all over the island. They make me feel so poor. And it’s as if they’re taking something away from me.”

“I can sympathize. But it’s an unreal world here in the summer, Lily. You know that. It’s not balanced. We’re not seeing the millions of people who are just like us, struggling to get along. That’s how most people are, really. And being normal, well, there are a lot of nice things about that. Plus, being normal on this island can be great.”

“Hey, look. A shooting star.” Lily pointed and they watched as the bright spot of light flared across the sky, down to the horizon, and vanished. The night was warm, the air was fragrant with salt and roses, and Lily’s senses were on fire.

Jason was attracted to her. She knew that. She was attracted to him. But he needed to know who she really was, what she really wanted. “I’ve never wanted to be normal,” Lily confessed.

He reached over and took her hand. “You’ve never had the chance to be. Not with looks like yours.”

She smiled. “Like you ever noticed me in high school.”

“Sure I did.” He turned on his side and rose up on one elbow, facing Lily. “Anyway, I’m noticing you now.”

He leaned down and kissed her. Lily reached up and put her arms around him, loving the width of his shoulders. She pulled him closer. They kissed for a long time, and Jason moved closer, so that he was almost lying on Lily.

Suddenly he groaned and sat up. “We’re in the wrong place right now.”

Lily agreed breathlessly. “You’re right. Where can we go?”

“Your house?”

“My father might be there, or my sisters.”

“I’m living with my parents.” He laughed. “We might as well be teenagers.”

“Where’s your truck?” Lily asked.

“Just over there.” He stood up. “Come on.”

Quickly they grabbed up the blanket. Jason stuffed it into his backpack. He held her hand as they hurried across the cemetery to the side street. When they got to his truck, Jason tossed the backpack into the rear, took Lily by her shoulders, and maneuvered her so she was leaning against the truck and he was leaning against her as he kissed her. She put her hands on his back, pressing him into her.

“Get in the truck,” Jason said, his voice husky.

She climbed in on the driver’s side and sat close to him as he drove away from town, toward the center of the island and the bumpy dirt roads of the moors. No streetlights rose here to disturb the natural darkness. Sometimes island kids had parties out here, but as they spun deep into the wilderness, they saw no other cars. He parked the truck in the shelter of a grove of evergreen trees. She had kept her hand on his thigh as he drove, and now he turned toward her with an intensity that made her heart race.

He kissed her, pulling at her clothing. They managed to continue kissing while she removed her skirt and top. She felt like some kind of goddess or spirit in only her bare skin and multistoned necklace, and as soon as Jason had pulled his trousers down, she lifted herself over him, one knee on each side. Now they could take their time. She put her hands in his hair and kissed him furiously. He ran his hands all over her body, on her breasts, her hips, between her legs. She moaned with desire, and he entered her.

She had never felt less normal in all her life.

It was after midnight when Jason dropped her off at her house. All the lights were out but the doors weren’t locked, they never were. She carried her shoes in one hand as she ascended the stairs. The house was quiet. And that was fine. She didn’t want to tell anyone where she’d been. She was confused; she was wildly euphoric and terrified and angry at herself. What was she doing with Jason? He was a
He’d never make real money. He’d never leave the island. She couldn’t be in love with him! She

But as she fell, fully clothed, onto her bed, it was Jason she thought of, his mouth, his body, his breath, and it was Jason she dreamed of when she fell asleep.

Sunday morning Lily allowed herself to sleep late. The rush of getting her column in to the magazine was over for the week. She’d start again this evening, of course, collecting more photos and stuff, but for this one morning, she could be lazy. Eartha didn’t want her coming in on Sundays, either.

So she lay in bed for a long time, remembering the night before, remembering Jason. She would see him again tonight. And she didn’t have any jobs during the day. Bliss. She would be as lazy as a cat in the sun.

Pulling on her shorts and a tee shirt, she padded downstairs and into the kitchen. Her sisters were sitting there, drinking coffee. They both smiled when they saw her, and they damn well should. She had done her damned duty. The kitchen was completely stocked and they wouldn’t run out of toilet paper for the rest of the summer.

“Where’s Dad?” she asked.

“Fishing,” Emma told her.

Lily poured herself a cup of coffee and sat down at the table. “Sunday morning. Heaven.”

Abbie had a lined yellow tablet and a pen on the table next to her. “I’ve taken seven more phone calls for Nantucket Mermaids.”

Emma said, “Seven! Wow.”

Abbie studied the list. “Mostly they’re people here for a week or so who need a sitter for an evening or two.”

“I’ll take as many as I can get,” Emma told her. “I need the money and my evenings certainly are empty.”

“I might be able to do an afternoon,” Lily offered tentatively. She really didn’t want another job, but she loved being part of the company.

“No afternoons so far,” Abbie said, consulting the list. She laughed. “Did I tell you about the family I babysat for Thursday night? The mother was freaked out because there was some sand on the bathroom floor and the cleaning ladies weren’t scheduled until the next morning. While I was in the kitchen, helping her children finish their dinners, she was
on and on about the sand, she couldn’t stand it in the house, she’d stepped out of the shower and her bare foot had touched
the sand
! And her husband came in and told me he’d pay me
dollars extra if I could sweep it up and be sure the bathroom floor was clean.”

Emma snickered. “I had a woman last week who told me that after the kids were asleep, I had to arrange the items in the refrigerator in neat rows. She couldn’t abide a messy house, she said.”

As her sisters laughed, Lily searched her memories for something to share. With a shriek of joy, she remembered. “Oh! I was at a cocktail party benefit at the Lemerceirs last week, and Donna Sefton, she was catering, told me to sneak in and check out the master bathroom and I did. There was a refrigerator in the bathroom! A little one, hidden behind a cupboard door. It was full of champagne and gallons of milk. Mrs. Lemerceir takes a bath every night in milk, says it’s good for her skin, and while she’s bathing, she drinks champagne.”

“What does her skin look like?” Abbie asked.

Lily thought about it. “Actually, she’s got good skin. Very pale, though.” Her sisters yelped with laughter—she hadn’t meant to be funny, only factual. Lily glowed and giggled, pleased with herself.

“No one gets brown anymore,” Emma said. “Everyone’s too worried about skin cancer.”

“Some people do,” Lily argued. “Sailors. Tennis fiends. A nice bit of tan gives your skin a good glow.”

Emma looked at Lily. “You got in pretty late last night, didn’t you?”

Lily smiled. “Yep.”

“Well, come on!” Abbie urged. “What happened? Did you meet another star?”

Lily laughed. “I saw a falling star. At the Quaker graveyard. With Jason.”

Emma sat up straight. “Get out! You were with Jason?”

Lily shifted nervously. “I hope you don’t care, Abbie.”

Abbie shrugged. “Why would I care?”

“Because he brought you home from the airport. I thought maybe—”

“Honey,” Abbie said, “Jason is way too young for me. I like older men.”

“Oh, really?” Emma turned her attention toward her older sister. “Since when?”

Abbie blushed and fiddled with her cup. “Oh, it’s nothing. It’s stupid. I just—it’s not even worth talking about.”

“It absolutely is worth talking about. Look at you! You’re as red as a tomato!”

Why did they always do this, Lily thought. Why did her two sisters always find each other so interesting that Lily could be having sex with Brad Pitt on the kitchen table and they wouldn’t even notice?

“It’s just—this Howell Parker? Whose son I’m taking care of in the afternoons? He’s—he’s just amazing, really. So fascinating, and nice, and so loving with his little boy.”

“I can’t even believe what I’m hearing,” Emma said. “Abbie, you have more sense than to get mixed up with a married man!”

“I know, Emma. But his wife is a bitch—”

“His wife.
His wife

“And she’s never there, she’s always in New York working, and he’s hurt his ankle.”

“Are you kidding me?” Emma crossed her arms over her chest, leaned back in her chair, and glared at Abbie. “Abbie, don’t do this. He is married. He is off-limits. He loves another woman. He loves the mother of that cute little boy. What are you even thinking?”

Abbie frowned and sighed. “I know. You’re right.”

“Is he trying to get you into bed?” Emma demanded.

“Oh, no, nothing like that. He’s very proper. But Emma, there’s this connection
us …”

Lily heard footsteps coming up the back porch, and then someone knocked on the door.

“Come in,” she called. Would it be Jason? Who else could it be on a Sunday morning?

Marina Warren opened the door and stepped into the kitchen. “Good morning. How nice to see all you girls together!”

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