Summer Down Under (26 page)

Read Summer Down Under Online

Authors: Alison Pensy

Tags: #outback, #australia, #cowgirl, #sheep station, #jillaroo, #jackeroo

BOOK: Summer Down Under
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Daniel ran his fingers through her hair. His
eyes were deep pools of desire now, a deep velvet blue. It was
almost as if they had changed color with his heightened emotion.
Sam was flattered that just taking off his shirt had caused this
reaction in him.

He leaned forwards covering her mouth with
his, passion pouring out of him. Sam moaned, as her body went up in
flames. The water from the shower was doing nothing to extinguish
them. When Daniel pulled back from his passionate embrace, Sam
carried on with the mission in hand and tugged his shirt free,
throwing it to the back of the bathtub where it landed with a

“My turn,” Daniel whispered hoarsely. Leaning
towards Sam, his fingers explored under her shirt until he found
the button on her jeans. She instantly felt uneasy and took a few
deep calming breaths. He looked up into anxious eyes.

“Are you okay?” he asked softly. “Do you want
to go on?”

Sam nodded that she was. His fingers
continued at her waist as he unbuttoned her jeans and slowly pulled
the zipper down.

He moved in closer, never taking his eyes off
hers. Watching for any signs from her to ask him to stop. Not
seeing any, he continued. Daniel slid his hands inside her jeans
and cupped her hips. It was Sam’s turn to suck in a gulp of air as
he moved closer still and worked his hands around until they were
flat against the outside of her thighs.

He pushed his hands downwards, taking her
jeans with them. His hands slid down the length of her legs. Sam’s
heart hammered in her chest, the sound of blood was pounding in her
ears like a big bass drum. His touch was causing little volts of
electricity to run up the inside of her thighs and pool in the very
familiar part of her that had been feeling these sensations ever
since she had been around him. He proceeded downwards until her
jeans were pooled at her ankles.

Daniel kneeled in front of her and picked up
one foot, moving the wet material out of the way before putting it
down again. He repeated the same routine with her other foot;
casting the saturated mass of denim to the pile of clothes now
building at the end of the bathtub. Daniel started his ascent
slowly. This time, running his fingers softly up the sides of her
legs. Sam felt them turn to jelly, the muscles in her legs
contracted at his touch, and it was all she could do to keep her
balance. She placed her hands on his shoulders to steady

When his hands eventually reached the top of
her thighs, he moved them around to her stomach pulling up her
shirt so he could lay feather light kisses around her belly button.
Sam jerked in surprise at her stomach’s reaction to his touch,
feeling her muscles ripple beneath his lips.

Daniel straightened and smiled. “Your turn.”
His whisper was hoarse, and heavy.

“Right, then.” Sam said, interlocking her
fingers, turning her palms outwards and stretching her arms out in
a gesture that suggested she was about to perform a complex

Daniel smiled, recognizing now that Sam was
adding humor to the proceedings, she had obviously relaxed a bit
and was starting to enjoy herself. He was right.

Sam ran her fingers down his midriff again
until they settled on the waistband of his jeans. Again, Daniel
sucked in a gulp of air. Sam couldn’t hide how smug she felt with
the smile that lit up her face at his reaction. She had to admit
she was starting to enjoy the way his body reacted to her touch. It
was the most flattering thing she had experienced, and she found it
strangely erotic.

Sam could see Daniel’s arousal bulging
beneath the zip of his jeans. Her smugness increased. She undid the
top button and slowly pulled down his zipper. She jumped back in
surprise when he sprang out unexpectedly in her hand as soon as she
had pulled his zipper down.

“You’re not wearing any underwear!” Sam

“No.” Daniel squeaked, hardly able get the
hoarse whisper out. “No, I’m not. It just gets twisted when I’m
riding the motorbike, so I don’t bother with any.”

“Oh, um, okay then,” Sam mumbled, not quite
sure what to do with the offending item in question. She decided to
leave it be for now and carried on with her mission.

She followed Daniel’s example of a good way
to extract a human from a pair of wet jeans and moved her hands
around to rest on his hips. She slid them down, moving her head to
one side to avoid being hit in the face. Daniel’s thighs felt like
they had been chiseled out of solid marble. Sam ran her hands down
them, making sure to explore every line of his long lean legs on
her way down, and taking his jeans along for the journey as they

Once they were pooled around his ankles, she
did the same as he, first pulling one foot free and then the other,
tossing the wet garment onto the ever-increasing pile of

“Wow, you’re naked already,” Sam blurted when
she stood up and looked at her handiwork. She stood still for a
moment, admiring the sleek lines of his body. He was a work of art
and, what’s more, he was not embarrassed at all about being naked
in front of her. How she wished she could be that comfortable in
her skin. She puffed out a sigh.

“You will be,” Daniel whispered. “I’ll make
sure of that.”

Sam looked at him, startled. “I just said
that out loud again, didn’t I?” she asked, mortified.

His smile spoke volumes.

“I’m going to have to stop doing that...” Sam
gasped as he undid the buttons on her shirt, revealing the simple
white cotton bra and knickers that lay beneath. She didn’t really
go in for lace and frills, but she could see his look of approval
at the uncomplicated line her underwear created. Her stomach did

Daniel’s fingers worked their way up from her
panty line, tracing intricate circles on her skin as they did. Her
skin alighted. Her muscles danced a merry jig at his touch, never
before having had that much attention paid to them. Sam was in awe
at how her body felt so alive under his fingers.

His hands moved to her collarbone. She could
tell he was deliberately avoiding her breasts, not wanting to
frighten her and spoil this extremely sensual moment. His hands
slid under the wet material of her shirt and moved over her
shoulders taking the garment with them.

Continuing this momentum, Daniel’s face was
directly above Sam’s for a moment. His lips grazed hers for only a
split second, but it was enough to send spirals of desire down her
neck. He continued on down, pulling her shirt until it fell loose
from her arms. He threw it back to join the discarded clothes

On his way back up her torso, his lips
skirted over her pale skin in the most delicious manner. She felt
his hands on her behind as they moved slowly upwards. His fingers
circling more intricate patterns on their journey. They came to a
stop just below her bra strap and rested there for a moment.

“May I?” Daniel asked.

Sam looked into his eyes. They were full of
nothing but kindness and desire. Desire for her. He was asking her
permission to continue. She felt no pressure, none at all. Sam
could stop it right there if she wanted to, and she knew he would
be fine with it.

Sam examined her feelings and was overjoyed
at the lack of fear, which usually resided in the pit of her belly.
What replaced it was just an aching need to be touched by the
incredible man standing before her. Her whole body was screaming at
her to allow him to have his fingers explore her entire being. A
smile crept across her face at the sudden realization that she felt
completely relaxed in Daniel’s hands. She nodded.

His fingers deftly worked the clasp of her
bra. Within seconds, it was loose. He dragged his fingers around
her sides, leaving her skin tingling in their wake. He slid his
hands under the thin cotton that was no longer supporting their
charges. Daniel’s hands cupped her breasts and she arched her back
in response, the sensation prompting a moan of pleasure. His thumbs
brushed over her nipples, and they hardened at his touch.

He moved his hands up and slid them under the
straps, pulling Sam’s bra off in one swift move. He let it fall to
the floor of the tub.

Daniel pulled back slightly, his gaze rested
on her breasts for just a moment, not wanting to risk making her
feel uncomfortable. The look in his eyes was still full of desire
and approval. Maybe Sam wasn’t as repulsive as she had been led to
believe. Relief filled her heart. He moved closer causing Sam’s
breasts to brush against his smooth chest, making them tingle with
joy at just the feel of Daniel’s skin next to hers.

“One more piece to go,” he whispered in her
ear. “May I?”

“Uh-huh,” was all she could manage to squeak
in agreement. The blood from her brain quite obviously servicing
other parts of her body now.

Sam felt his hands slip under the plain white
cotton of her underwear on either side of her hips, and with a
similar movement to how he removed her jeans, he worked his hands
down taking the rest of him with them. He paused as his face
reached her chest taking a nipple into his hot moist mouth, dancing
it around his tongue for a second before releasing it. Sam nearly
fell over, the sensation was so intense. She ran her hands through
his hair and grabbed hold, trying desperately to steady

Not wanting to leave the other one out,
Daniel kissed a trail across to the other side and gave her other
nipple the same attention. She had never before realized that her
breasts had it in them to feel that good, but then they’d never had
that much attention paid to them before now, either.

Before Sam knew it, her underwear was pooled
at her feet. She stepped out of them kicking them away. Daniel
moved up her body savoring every curve, of which there were plenty.
At that moment, realization hit her that she was, in fact, standing
stark naked. The familiar uneasy feeling started coursing through
her veins.

“Oh, God,” she whispered under her breath and
took a step back, wrapping one arm over her chest and the other
hand over her dark curls, in a futile attempt to cover herself up.
Daniel noticed the look of anxiety spreading across Sam’s face.
Instead of looking worried, like he used to when she was
frightened, his expression became even softer, if that were

This time, he knew why she was so scared. He
knew what kind of demon was lurking inside that pretty head of hers
and had a very good strategy to deal with it, as she was about to
find out.

Daniel stepped closer to her, cupping her
face again. He looked her straight in the eyes and let her see all
the love that was pooling in his. He could see the shine of tears
prick behind her eyes and force their way forward.

“Oh, no, you don’t,” he said softly to her
eyes, leaning down and kissing each one in turn. Forbidding the
tears to proceed any further.

“Sam, it’s alright, sweetheart,” he
whispered. “Don’t panic, you’re quite safe with me.” To reassure
her, he covered her face with tender kisses.

“You, you don’t think I’m fat?” Sam asked,
terrified of what his response may be.

Daniel’s brow furrowed at her question. “No,
of course not,” he said. “You have curves, Sam. You’re a woman;
you’re supposed to have curves.”

“Really?” Sam said, tentatively.

“Really. Anyway, I prefer rounded edges and
soft curves,” Daniel murmured, skimming her body with satisfied
eyes before pulling her into a tender embrace. “And your curves fit
me perfectly, see,” he purred.

Sam closed her eyes. She was officially in
heaven, she had never been held so tenderly before. Daniel was
right, she did fit him perfectly. Her soft curves molding against
his hard plains as if they had always belonged there.

They stood in the shower for the longest
time. The warm water cascading over their bodies like a waterfall
over smooth boulders. Sam suddenly had the urge to wash him. The
notion came out of nowhere and took her quite by surprise.

“Can I wash you?” Sam asked, expecting him to
say no.

“Will you let me wash you back?” Daniel
answered her question with one of his own.

Ooh, she hadn’t expected that reply. “Um, I
guess,” she replied.

“Then, be my guest,” he said a hint of
triumph in his voice. “I’m all yours.”

Sam leaned over and grabbed the washcloth and
soap. After getting a good lather going, she gestured for him to
turn around.

“I want to start on your back first,” she

He smiled, gave her a nod of approval and
obligingly turned to face in the opposite direction. Sam enjoyed
herself washing every inch of his body. Parts of it still reacting
to her touch even though she was doing something quite perfunctory.
When she had finished, it amazed her that he was still so aroused.
She gave it a little pat, now that it was all clean. Daniel jumped
at her touch, garnering him a chuckle.

“Your turn,” he said with a mischievous glint
in his eye. He grabbed the washcloth from her and picked up the
soap. He languished her with soapy circles all over, not leaving an
inch uncovered. Sam pondered that it felt odd that such a routine
task would feel so intimate when performed by someone other than

“All clean,” Daniel announced when he had
finished rinsing off every last soap sud from her skin.

“Thank you,” Sam whispered. “And not a moment
too soon, the water is starting to go cold.”

The old taps squeaked in protest as Daniel
turned them off. He turned back to Sam. For a moment, they stood
looking at each other with unspoken longing. Sam was unsure of what
to do next, but didn’t need to think any further on the subject
when Daniel’s mouth swooped down and possessed hers. The tender
kisses from before were replaced by raw hot passion. Sam wrapped
her arms around his neck and leaned into him, opening herself up to
him, enjoying the desire rising within her. Daniel’s hands roamed
all over her body, searching, exploring. She dug her fingers in his
hair, the passion igniting fires all over her bare skin.

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