Summer Kisses (173 page)

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Authors: Theresa Ragan,Katie Graykowski,Laurie Kellogg,Bev Pettersen,Lindsey Brookes,Diana Layne,Autumn Jordon,Jacie Floyd,Elizabeth Bemis,Lizzie Shane

Tags: #romance

BOOK: Summer Kisses
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Teeth clenched, Cole fought to control the emotions warring away inside of him. Anger. Hurt. Confusion. He tossed the paper onto the oversized table and looked up to find everyone else at the table smiling.


Relief surged through him. They’d set him up. This was another one of their playful firehouse gags. “Real funny, guys. I’ll admit you had me going there for a moment.”

This time they were the ones looking confused.

“What are you talking about?” Joe asked and reached for the paper. After a quick once-over he looked up, meeting Cole’s gaze from across the table. “We didn’t do this.”

The lieutenant snatched the paper away from Joe and read it. Soon the paper had made its way all the way around the breakfast table and questions were being fired at Cole. Questions he had no answers to.

“What all’s in the book?” Stubby asked as he grabbed for the paper. “Are we in it?”

Unable to take any more, Cole pushed away from the table and stood. “I have no idea. I guess you’ll all just have to read the book to find out.” That said he turned and walked out.


Kelsie hung up with a frustrated sigh. She’d been trying to reach Cole at home all morning with no success. Maybe he was avoiding her calls. It wouldn’t surprise her. Her mother would probably say it served her right, running out on a good man the way she had and not returning his calls.

Now that she was finally ready to talk, ready to tell Cole how she really felt about him, she couldn’t reach him. She’d gotten his answering machine both on his cell phone and at home, but she didn’t want to leave a message. What she had to say to him was too important to be done over the phone.

Seeing as how he was avoiding her calls, and probably deservedly so, she decided to drive to his house and force him to hear her out. To apologize. To explain. To tell him that she had fallen in love with him, too.

For as close as Cole lived to her place, it felt like the longest drive she’d ever had to make. Her stomach was all aflutter and her heart was pounding in anticipation.

She tried calling his house once more with no luck. Now she knew how Cole and her mother and Nanci felt when she’d done the same thing to them. Shoving her phone back into her purse, she made the turn down Cole’s street.

The window curtains were all drawn and there was no truck in the driveway when she arrived. She prayed his truck was in the garage and that he was home and just hadn’t taken the time to open the curtains. He had to be there.

Her cell phone ringer went off, making her heart lurch. She grabbed for it, bringing it to her ear. “Cole, I’m so glad─”

“It’s not Cole,” Nanci interjected.

“Oh.” She should have checked the caller I.D. first.

Nanci laughed. “Sorry to disappoint you.”

“What’s up?” Kelsie asked as she sat staring out the window at Cole’s front door.

“I just crawled out of bed and tried to call you. Where are you at so early in—” her friend’s words grew garbled and then the call disconnected.

She waited a minute or two for Nanci to call her back, but she never did. Shoving her phone back into her purse, she got out of her car and walked up to the front door, knocking twice.

No answer.

She knocked again, this time a little louder. “Come on, Cole, please answer.”

Her cell rang again. She hurried to check it. Nanci was finally calling her back.


“Me again, and my battery is almost dead, so I can’t talk long.”

“Where’s your car charger?”

“I forgot it in Joe’s truck the other day when we took a drive up to Alum Creek State Park. You and Cole are going to have to go with us there sometime soon.”

She loved Nanci dearly, but she didn’t have time for girl chatter. “Can I call you later? I’m at Cole’s house right now.”

“You called him? How’d it go? Pretty good I guess if you’re at his house.”


“Oh, shit, I’m interrupting something, aren’t I?”

“No,” she said impatiently. “Because I haven’t spoken to Cole yet.”

“But you’re at his house.”

“He wasn’t answering his phone, so I decided that he was avoiding me like I’d done to him. So I took a drive over here to apologize in person. Unfortunately, he doesn’t appear to be home.”

“Joe’s on duty. You could call the station and ask him if he knows where Cole might be.”

Kelsie groaned. “You mean Joe’s on shift?”

“Yeah, he is. Why?” Nanci asked as the phone reception worsened.

“Because he and Cole always work the same rotation.” The crews worked a twenty-four hour shift and then had the next forty-eight hours off. “How could you not know that?”

“Joe and I don’t exactly spend a lot of time discussing his work shifts if you know what I mean.”

No doubt too busy having uninhibited sex if she knew her best friend. Kelsie groaned. “Damn it. I really don’t want to wait any longer to talk to Cole. Not when I finally gotten the nerve up to do it.”

“Then go to the station.”

“I don’t know,” she said with a frown. “It’s not the most private of places to have the discussion Cole and I need to have.”

“Okay,” Nanci replied. “Go ahead and wait until he’s off duty and give some other woman the chance to come into his life before then...”

Nanci was right. She’d wasted enough precious time trying to get her head on straight. Cole was the kind of man a woman would snap up if given the chance, and she wasn’t prepared to take the risk. “I’m going.”

“Good. Now about the write up...” Nanci said but once again the phone went dead.

Write up?
Kelsie shrugged and shoved her cell back into her purse as she walked back to her car. She was going to set things right with Cole, even if it meant doing so in a less than private setting like the station.


Kelsie parked in the back parking lot of the fire station and sat there for several minutes, gathering up her nerve. Then, heart pounding in anticipation of seeing Cole again, she got out, locking her purse in the car. Shoving her keys into the back pocket of her jeans, she headed for the entrance.

Stubby greeted her when she stepped into the firehouse. “Can I help you?”

It wasn’t anywhere close to the warm reception she had received at the firehouse picnic. They must have heard what she’d done to their friend.

“Is Cole around?” she asked with a lot less confidence than she’d felt driving over there.

He hesitated, glancing toward the stairs.

“Please, Stubby,” she begged, something she was not beyond doing at that point. “It’s really important that I talk to him.”

She was well aware that the crew was like a second family for these firefighters. In having hurt Cole, she had hurt a part of their family. She was the bad guy in their eyes, or in her case woman, and for good reason. But she hoped to fix that as soon as she worked things out with Cole.

“Just don’t play anymore games with him,” he warned with a frown. “He’s been hurt enough as it is already.”

Hearing that tore her apart. “I’m not here to hurt him. I promise.”

“Fine. Wait here while I go page him.”

“Thank you.” She motioned toward the door she’d just come through. “I’ll wait for him outside if that’s all right.”

He nodded. “Sure. I’ll let Cole know where you’ll be.”

She watched him walk away, disappearing into the office. Did they all hate her? Even worse, did Cole? Tears stung her eyes as she turned and headed back outside to wait. At least, out there they’d have a bit more privacy to discuss their relationship. One she hoped still existed, even if that hope only now seemed to be a tiny flicker.

She waited for him, her palms growing damper with each passing minute. What if Cole didn’t come out? What if he sent someone else down in his place to send her away? If he refused to come out, she would go right back into the station and find him. She would make him understand that things had changed.

But she didn’t have to go in after him. The firehouse door swung open and Cole stepped outside.

The pounding in her heart intensified. She mouthed his name, but nothing came out as she stood staring at him.

He moved toward her with a dark scowl, no warm smile to greet her this time. As much as it pained her to see him looking at her that way, she had every intention of erasing that frown with a heartfelt apology and her admission of love.

“Hey,” she finally managed to say, her voice quivering.

“What are you doing here?”

And she thought Stubby’s welcome had been a cold one.

She bit anxiously at her bottom lip. She’d never seen this side of Cole. Not that she hadn’t expected him to be upset with her for what she’d done, but this was beyond that.

“I...” She sighed. “Can we talk?”


“I know you’re angry with me.”

He chuckled. “Angry doesn’t even begin to cover the way I feel.”

“Please, Cole, if you’ll just let me explain why─”

“It’s too late,” he said, cutting her off.

No! It couldn’t be too late.

“Cole, I really am sorry.”

His scowl deepened. “Yes, you are.”

Her heart pinched painfully at those hurtful words. “Please try and understand that everything was happening so fast between us. I needed some time away to think.”

“Think about what?” he asked mockingly. “Your next chapter?”

She froze as his words struck her. “What?”

“Isn’t that what you and I were all about, Kelsie? Another chapter for your damned book.”

Her mouth fell open. How had he found out about her book?

“What? No comment, Cupcake?” he taunted angrily. “I thought writers were supposed to be good with words.”

She looked up at him, ignoring the prickling sensation of unshed tears at the backs of her eyes. “How did you find out about it?”

“About ‘
’? Are you referring to your big secret? Operation: Date Dumper.”

“Operation: Date Escape,” she corrected as tears filled her eyes. “How?”

“Hell, Kelsie, the whole town knows about your ‘bad date’ survival book. It made the front page.”

She gasped. “That’s impossible. I just found out about the book offer yesterday morning when I got home.”

“Hang on,” he said and then disappeared back into the station.

She wanted to race after him, fearing he wouldn’t come back out. Who was this man? The Cole she’d fallen in love with had never acted this way. He’d always been patient and understanding with her. And she’d always been open with him about her faults and he’d accepted them. At least, she thought he had.

After several long, agonizing minutes, he returned carrying a newspaper. “Take a look for yourself,” he said, thrusting it her way.

She took it from him and scanned the front page, coming to a stop at the heading over a two column article where her name jumped out at her from amongst the printed words. “I don’t understand.”

“Keep reading,” he said gruffly.

She did with a gasp of horror.

“Sound familiar?”

She bit at her bottom lip as she read, her heart sinking. News of her book offer was right there in black and white for all of Worthington to see, Cole included. There before she’d had a chance to explain.

“How did the paper get this information?” Not that it mattered at that point. Making things right with Cole was more important.

“Are you saying it’s not true?” he asked with a hint of hope in his voice. “That you didn’t write a date escape book?”

“I did,” she admitted. What else could she say?

He muttered a curse.

“You weren’t supposed to find out like this,” she said on a choked sob. “I don’t know how the paper found out. No one knew except for...”

She groaned.


“My mother.” Nanci knew about the book offer, but this was more her mother’s style.

“What about Melinda?” he asked, anger still etched into his face.

She held up the paper and pointed to the write-up. “My mother did this. I know she did. I told her about the book offer yesterday when she came by my apartment. She has a friend at the paper. I’ll bet you anything she called him and asked him put it in.” It was the only explanation that made sense. Damn her meddling mother. She’d wanted to tell Cole her exciting news herself.

“Whether or not your mother spilled the news to the paper isn’t really the issue, now is it?” The tenderness she’d seen in his eyes that last night they’d made love was nowhere to be seen. The icy stare that had replaced it was shredding her heart to pieces.

“Cole...” She reached out to touch his arm only to have him pull away from her. “Please, believe me. I intended to tell you about it.”

“When?” he demanded. “After I became the laughingstock of my department. Oh, wait, too late for that.”

“I don’t understand. What does my book have to do with you?”

He raked a hand back through his dark hair with a hiss. “Damn it, Kelsie, it has everything to do with me. With us. I thought you and I had something special together. What a fool I was.”

“We do,” she cried out.

He shook his head with a frown. “I’m not buying it. I know better. The proof is right here.” Taking the paper from her hand, he held it up for her to see. “Admit it. I was nothing more than another research project for your date escape book.”

“That’s not true,” she said in a choked voice as she fought to hold back the tears. It hurt to have him think so badly of her. “I didn’t run out on you to fill up some chapter in my book. I did it because you weren’t the only one who realized they were falling in love.”

didn’t run out on you.”

“You made me feel,” she admitted with a sob. “That wasn’t supposed to happen.”

“Sorry to put a kink in your plans.”

“Falling in love with you terrified me.”

His angry expression eased. “Loving someone isn’t supposed to be a bad thing.”

She nodded. “I know that. And it’s not. When I’m with you it’s the most wonderful feeling I’ve ever known. And I’m not just talking about in bed. Though you’re really, really good there, too.”

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