Summer Nights (15 page)

Read Summer Nights Online

Authors: Christin Lovell

Tags: #bbw, #beach book, #romance adventure, #plus size, #romance adult, #vacation fling, #bbw erotic romance

BOOK: Summer Nights
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Chapter 14

It was nearly midnight by the time we
returned to Cruz’s condo. He locked the door, flicked the light
switch and immediately led me towards the large couch. He sat down,
grabbing my hips and forcing me to straddle him, my knees biting
into the sofa cushions on either side of his legs.

He captured my lips with an unexpected
urgency in his kiss. Even though I’d experienced the passion behind
our connections this entire weekend, my body still reacted to his
touch like it was the first time.

Despite his upper lip being slightly
fuller than mine, our mouths aligned perfectly. The taste of him on
my lips was exhilarating. My hips bore down as his tongue swiped
along the soft, sensitive flesh of my lips.

His hands traveled up, frantically
pulling my shrug off my arms. He leaned back, the sheer desire
stared me in the face, slicking my folds with anticipation. He
kissed my cheek, removing my glasses and setting them on the coffee
table. “I don’t want anything to happen to those. Otherwise, how
will you see how sexy I am?”

I laughed. Running my hands along his
chest, I pressed into him. “I don’t need my glasses to see

He growled.

No necesito gafas con tu tambien, mi gato

I snorted. “Did you just call me a

“No. I called you a sexy cat.” His
words had a growl about them; the undertone hit me low. He promptly
removed my shirt, tossing it aside.

“Oh.” I groaned.

He ran his hands over my bra, my
nipples straining towards his palm. He yanked my bra cup down and
away, exposing my breasts. Locking eyes with me, he suckled my
breasts; pleasure tickled my areola as my womb

He placed a few kisses on the swell of
my chest before he pulled away. “Do you trust me?”

I hesitated. He’d done nothing to hurt
me, nothing to give me a reason to doubt him, but fear still
rattled me. I knew I had to make a choice. I could continue to live
in the past under the fear of my father or I could move into the
future under the powerful protection of Cruz.

Not trusting myself to speak, I nodded
my head. I swallowed past the lump in my throat, trying to guess
what he had planned.

He kissed my lips, reassuring me that I
was in good hands.

Without a word, he stood, turned off
the overhead light and led me to the bedroom. He released my hand,
walked over to the nightstand and turned on the bedside lamp.
Moments later the hum of the air conditioner echoed throughout the
space. Nerves and excitement had my heart racing as I watched his
every move.

“I want you to strip. Then get on the
bed and lie on your back in the center,” he ordered. He stood
staring at me, his arms folded over his chest; his muscles both
intimidating me and enticing me.

I licked my lips, my body quivering
with expectation. Ordinarily, having an audience as I got naked
would have had me frozen in place, but there was only pure
indulgence in his expression. He was enjoying every second of this,
which gave me courage.

I climbed onto the bed, my ass bent in
the air as I teasingly crawled into place. I lied back with my head
on his lush cloud of pillows.

He picked up my shoes off the floor and
sat on the edge of the bed. One by one he held out the heels,
urging me to put them on again.

He broke away, walking into the closet
and coming back out with a black scarf. My pulse sped up. I knew he
was either going to blindfold me or restrain me, or possibly

“Sit up,” he directed. He quickly
wrapped the piece around my head, enclosing my eyes in darkness as
he tied it snuggly. My nerves picked up again as blackness cut off
one of my senses. “Can you see?” he asked as I lied back


“Is it too tight?”

“No.” I took a deep breath, trying to
calm myself.

His lips briefly caressed
mine. “Don’t worry,
. I’ll take good care of you.” His
voice was soothing. It told me where he was. It was my safe

The bed lifted and he was gone. The
room felt cold; my skin broke out in goose pimples. I tucked my
arms beneath my back, trying to keep myself from fidgeting.
Anticipation rose inside me, but worry had my body

The mattress moved at the base of the
bed. Suddenly, I felt his whiskers grazing my legs. He kissed my
knees before he bent them upwards, adjusting them as he made his
way closer to my pussy.

Rather than stop at my apex, he
bypassed it, moving toward my stomach. He pressed his lips across
my puffy midriff. He took his time, ensuring that I felt every
connection he had with my skin. Slowly, my stress began to subside
as he caressed me into a sensual relaxation.

He moved up my body, loving every
curve, admiring every imperfection. By the time he reached my lips,
I was ready to touch him and stroke his flesh the same way he’d
done mine. He held me at bay though. As his mouth continued its
exploration, he lifted my arms over my head. In a split second, my
wrists were handcuffed, the icy metal shocking my skin in the wake
of his warm embrace.


I felt her stiffen beneath me the
moment I chained her hands to the bed. She didn’t fight me though;
she didn’t demand that I undo her. She showed me that she did
indeed trust me.

“I promise I won’t abandon you. I’m not
going anywhere,” I cooed, kissing her temple. She relaxed slightly
at hearing my words.

I focused on her breasts, their swollen
peaks enticing me. I covered them with my mouth, savoring the taste
of her flesh on my tongue. She moaned, forcing her body against me.
I immediately pulled away.

“Don’t move. That’s the

She nodded her head once and laid back
on the mattress.

I took my time loving her luscious
body. My fingers skimmed every succulent curve; my lips kissed
every inch of her until her folds were drenched and a whimper
escaped every time she exhaled. She’d done well. She hadn’t spoken
or fought her way deeper into my touch.

“I think you deserve a reward for
listening.” I kissed the inside of her knees. She shook from the
anticipation; she was right where I wanted her: super


My body quivered. I’d never been pushed
so far by someone’s touch. His lips had explored every inch of my
flesh, except my pussy, twisting my core, driving me close to a
dangerous addiction. My heart pounded in my chest, my gut coiled
with tension as I waited, with bated breath, for my

I shuddered, a cold wave rolling down
my spine and reaching around to my pulsating sex as a vibration
sounded in the air. I swallowed hard as his fingers spread me open.
The cold air wafted over my center. I knew what was coming; I just
didn’t know when.

His cool breath added to my anxiety as
my womb further tightened. My muscles were nearly cramping, my mind
and body overwrought as fear and anticipation tangoed once again. I
tugged on my handcuffs, the metal biting into my wrists. I fought
my desire, forcing myself not to slide into where I knew he

He kissed my mound. “Good

I wept when the cold toy hit my clit,
the vibration throwing my hypersensitive body overboard
immediately. Pleasure shot through me; every nerve ending burst
into flames, flickering with intense heat and shocking electricity
beneath his assault. My stomach fluttered, my pussy quaked as tears
streamed down my cheeks. I gasped for air between each cry, my
limbs unable to hold me steady under his attack. I was too weak to
fight the onslaught of my orgasm. He knew me too well, and my body
was too eager to submit to him.

I choked on my emotions. Everything
that’d happened the last few months caught up with me. The dam
broke inside me. I couldn’t pin point exactly what I felt. I was
overwhelmed; my mind everywhere as my heart reached out to Cruz. I
didn’t understand everything, but I knew my breakthrough centered
on him. The same fear and anticipation that he elicited, I’d felt
every night my father drank. I’d buried my strength in that stress,
but Cruz pulled it out of me. He forced me to face what he knew I
could handle, and assured me he’d be there to help me deal with the

This wasn’t a BDSM relationship, but he
wasn’t afraid to take me there if he thought that’s what I needed.
I loved him for it. Cruz knew me better than I knew myself after
three days. He inspired me to be a stronger woman; he helped me
embrace who I was, excess sexiness and all.


She was sobbing, her body still shaking
when I released her. I turned off the vibrator and tossed it aside.
Pride surged inside me. I knew she’d wanted to touch me, but she
resisted. She trusted me to take care of her. Without her realizing
it, her submission took our relationship to an untouchable

My hands soothed her skin everywhere.
She fought back more tears. This was about more than us. She’d
broken new ground. She proved something to herself; she’d faced her
inner demons. Submission wasn’t meant to weaken; it was meant to
empower, and I was in awe of her strength in this

I gathered her in my arms, kissing her
cheeks, her nose, her head, her jaw and her chin. “I love you.” I
kissed her lips, savoring their softness; enjoying the way they
melded to mine perfectly.

I reigned myself in and removed her
blindfold. She squinted in reflex to the brightness of the lamp
after being shut in darkness, locked in with her inner self. Her
eyelids fluttered as she adjusted to the light. Her makeup was
streaked with tears, her eyes red rimmed and her lips swollen from
my caress, and yet somehow, she never looked more

I stared at her. I couldn’t believe she
was mine. I never imagined love feeling like this. I was never able
to fathom the depth you could share with one person, until she came

“Can you undo these?” Her voice was
hoarse. She jerked on the handcuffs.

I snagged the key off the nightstand
and released her.

She immediately cupped my face and
captured my lips, demanding my surrender. She plunged her tongue
deep and tasted me as pleasure pulled at my groin. I pressed my
body to hers, enjoying the feel of her softness against me even as
her lips were rough.

Our breaths mingled as she pulled back,
gazing into my eyes. The depths of her irises showed such raw
emotion. Her eyes glossed over. “I love you too. I don’t know how
it happened so fast. It’s scary and exciting, but definitely

“Promise me you’ll never run from

She gave me a small smile. “Never


I gasped as he planted himself deep
inside me. His cock filled me as he rocked into me at a steady
pace. I clutched his biceps as new pleasure singed my nerve
endings, delightful heat spread through my womb.

Gazing at him, I was caught up in his
beauty. As he moved over me, his muscles flexed, his brow perspired
and his carotid pulsated. He was fighting for control, and it was
breathtaking to watch.

“You’ve forced me to let go,” I stated.
I kissed his chest. “Now it’s your turn. Give me the reigns, Mr.
Cruz.” My voice was soft but persuasive.

“What if I don’t want to?” he
countered, straining beneath his own hypnotic rhythm.

“Don’t make me get nasty.” I nipped his

“You win.” He chuckled, but I could
tell he was nervous.

He connected with my cervix, wrapped
his arms around me tight and rolled us over. My legs dropped around
his sides, my knees squeezing his hips; his cock never slipping. I
sat back, the new angle elicited a groan from each of

“Give me your hands.” I held out my
palms until he reluctantly placed his hands in mine. I wrapped his
hands around my hips. “You can squeeze, pinch, slap… anything along
those lines, but you cannot control the pace. I like feeling you
which is the only reason they’re allowed there.”

He smirked. I could tell he was amused
but also proud.

I tightened my pussy around his cock
and all amusement left him. His eyes filled with anticipation, his
fingers already digging into my sides.

I leaned over him, my hands landing
just above his shoulders in the pillows. I slid my pelvis up and
down, his hairs pressing into my clit, creating an enjoyable
friction. I settled into a steady pace, but the moment he became
complacent, I switched it up and began gyrating vertically rather
than horizontally. He released a deep groan and bent his knees to
push deeper into me.

I immediately halted. I pinched his
nipple. “Stop.” His eyes narrowed at the challenge. I was poking
his inner caveman, forcing him to defy his instincts, which I knew
was dangerous. I nearly leaped for joy when he complied.

I sat back, using my legs to ride his
cock as I rested my hands on his chest for support. Pleasure curled
around my core as tension tightened my muscles. His fingers dug
into my hips; his nostrils flared, his jaw clenched as I picked up
my pace. The way his ab muscles rippled fascinated me. I could tell
he was still fighting for control though.

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