Summon Dorn (Archangels Creed) (34 page)

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Authors: Azure Boone,Kenra Daniels

BOOK: Summon Dorn (Archangels Creed)
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God then have it, please have it.


Dorn tried to recall at any point in his existence where he
'd ever wanted something so badly. He couldn't. Stopping at her breast, he teased the perfect tip with his teeth before sliding his tongue all over it, loving and learning the various texture with every turn of his head and lick. He opened wide and filled his mouth with her soft perfection, having to feel her breast all at once and entirely. He groaned and pulled up, sliding his lips back and forth over the nipple, especially loving the feel of it that way.

Needing her touch, he released her hands. With the most beautiful gasp, she sank her fingers into his hair and raked her nails along his scalp. Dorn
's frame shuddered with the urge to tear into her. Another growl forced its way out of him and he captured her waist in his hands, squeezing the softness, loving the way her muscles contracted under his touch. The reactions and sounds he elicited from her with such small gestures made him feel more powerful than anything. It was only the need to taste that scent between her beautiful legs that gave him the strength to leave her breasts.

Taking both
perfect mounds gently into his hands, he kneaded them softly as he kissed his way down the very center of her stomach. "You want it so terribly," he whispered at her navel, thrilled with how she pushed his head and moved her hips in an effort to get him to that paradise he made his way to.

He was finally there. He placed his hands at the very top of her inner thighs, l
iking immensely how she writhed under his touch. "Oh God, please, please Dorn."

Sally," he groaned, sliding his tongue along her silky folds, marveling that she smelled and tasted better than anything in

Yes, yes!" She did what he loved and pulled his hair. Heaven help her. With the perfect pressure, he pressed his lips against her softness and moved them up and down, side to side, lost in the feel, scent, and taste of her, his tongue dancing expertly up to her pleasure gem and swirling strokes exactly where it built her fire. She was already near breaking. But he'd promised to do it perfectly to her and he had every intention of doing that. He stroked her soft petals with his first two fingers, using his tongue to keep up his slow torment. Gently, he worked his fingers inside her, amazed with how extremely tight she was around him, amazed that she was able to accommodate his size.

She pulled his hair and cried out when his fingers found the doorway to her spirit. He stroked along the entrance, groaning at her desperate reaction. If he flicked at just the right speed and pressure, she
'd break right then. But he'd said perfect. He would build her much higher, take her to a pleasure pinnacle she'd never experienced. He kept his touch beckoning as he licked with a barely there pressure. He released her legs, wanting to feel her inner thighs against his face.

She gasped at the sudden
freedom and as he expected she pressed those soft muscles against his face. Then she placed her legs on his back and dug her heels, pumping her hips into his evasive lips and tongue. God he should have left her loose from the beginning, what was he thinking? When he saw she was reaching the point of no return, he pulled his mouth away and knelt between her legs. Before he could take hold of her waist she sat up and held on to his waist, her lips and tongue on the ridges of his abs.

I need to taste you," she gasped.

The growl that erupted from Dorn at her words stunned both of them. She gazed up at him as she carefully took his painfully swollen member into her hands as though to make sure it was okay. Dorn threw his head back when her fingers slid along his sensitive erection. He grabbed hold of her head with both hands, holding her still. He was nearly snarling with the opposing needs in him. One to stop her, and another to make her do it all at once until he released. So close to doing the latter, he could only hold her still. But that didn
't stop her hands from helping her get what she wanted. And she wanted to taste him. Lifting him to her mouth, she slid the extremely sensitive tip over her lips. He gasped, clenching his eyes and fingers tight.

She made a sound that pushed him to the edge. It was a demanding, uncompromising passion he couldn
't say no to and she made it while swirling her pretty pink tongue over him. "Father!" he gasped.

His body took over and pushed her mouth open with a thrust. She took him with a satisfied moan and before he realized what he was doing, his hips were thrusting faster and it only fueled her desire. She buried her nails in his sides, encouraging every stroke. Her name came as a fervent chant on his tongue.

Dorn was at the point of breaking and things suddenly went insane. His power took over when his mind could no longer function and he was vaguely not surprised to see her strapped to the bed with her hands above her head. Yes, he
like her that way. Holy Universes, very much. The potency of his angelic desires became reckless and thankfully his power lassoed his limbs, keeping him from hurting her. "I'm so sorry," he barely managed between breaths as he knelt between her legs and grabbed her hips.

She shook her head, unable to speak, but her body said
don't be sorry
now, please!
Dorn could only growl in answer. As he lifted her body easily and placed her entrance on his shaft, the restraints on his hands become rigid and extended all the way to his shoulders until he felt like a harnessed war horse.

'm scared!

The sudden cry in his mind
was like a tidal wave of ice water on his burning body. His power melted away and slid from his limbs as another sensation rushed in. Cherish and protect. Her restraints disappeared as he eased his body onto hers and kissed her with tenderness. He let the emotion pass into her. "I love you," he whispered between kisses. "And could never, ever hurt you."

She wrapped her limbs around him and kissed him back. He groaned when her fingers stroked over his butt then dug in to the muscle. He wanted to try again but would wait.

"I'm ready," she whispered.

He was almost ashamed at how quickly he wanted to oblige her. He reached between them and she shook her head.

"Like before. That's how I want it. I have to see you that way, you were beautiful."

His eyes slowly rolled shut with ecstasy and he nuzzled her neck before gladly moving back into position. He looked into her eyes when he once again held her up by the waist and placed her on the end of his painful length.

She bit her lower lip, her gaze slowly lowering over his body until they locked on what he was about to do. "Yes." She raised her gaze back to his. "Do it."

Dorn entered her slowly, keeping his gaze locked on her face. His determination to be careful was quickly dissolving with every inch he entered until his power lassoed him again.
"I have no control with you," he gasped, clenching his eyes shut.

Oh God, I like that," she said back, her words breathless. "I like that you tie me down this way." She gave a sultry moan and arched her back, making her beautiful peaks surge up.

He dug his fingers into her waist and thrust all the way in. The clash of their
cries was a harmony unlike anything he'd ever felt. He held absolutely still while his savage orgasm slowly teetered at the edge of his control. Sally's hot muscles contracted relentlessly around his shaft and he could only half way breathe through the onslaught of pleasure.

Do it, do it," she begged, "let me feel you, fuck me please."

It was the
word that did it. His mind interpreted her understanding of the word and his orgasm roared forward like an insane beast. To her the term wasn't foul, it meant drive his shaft into her hard and fast, make her crazy with pleasure until she orgasmed all over him,
what fuck meant to her. It was officially his favorite human word now.

Needing to feel her, he fell on her body and pressed her into the bed while he began moving inside her. She wrapped her legs around him, moving with him in perfect time. Their sounds of pleasure grew louder until he stared into her gaze, drunk with desire
. No more stopping or waiting. There were no words, no thoughts, only the feeling of her tight heat along his shaft, the fire in his torso and butt reaching out of body proportions.

He picked up speed at feeling the drop off point coming.

"Dorn!" She screamed his name and erupted with her orgasm and for two whole seconds he saw it in her face before his own took him.

Slipping his hand behind her, he pressed her chest to his and buried himself deep as the crossroad of body and spirit came within his grasp. At reaching it, light erupted all around and shot them like stars into an alternate dimension. Dorn wrapped his limbs tightly around her, and she returned the fierce embrace. Awe flooded his angelic mind as their spirits became one between the timeless worlds. But it was his wife
's cry of
I love you, I love you
that stole his breath, and bound his heart to hers. Eternally.

Chapter Thirty One

Dorn fought to hide the extreme range of emotions roiling through him. And why did he feel the need to hide them? Because everything Dorn did was to perfection and he’d been the perfect ass during Kassern's interrogation, thereby sealing his date with humiliation.  Dorn had happily volunteered to go to Earth and make a fool of the eternally cocky angel, because Dorn would have bet his entire existence that finally, after ages of fierce rivalry, he'd found the angel's weakness.

A human woman.

Just at the thought of the word
, Sally's presence in his archangel mind required him to consciously adjust his body, including his breathing, to accommodate his irrational desire for her.

Pure insanity. If Dorn were not experiencing the feeling for himself, he
'd believe it the most absurd magnification of lies. That an elite warrior archangel who had existed for uncountable millennia could be at all impacted by a human female whose normal lifespan was comparable to a blink of the angel's eye…The very idea was preposterous. That had once been Dorn's very thought.


moved only his eyes to see who Uriel addressed. Hopefully Kassern. But no, his emerald gaze rested squarely on Dorn.

Dorn detested wasting time and he didn
't understand why the normally intelligent leader stooped to such a sloppy form of deduction as nonspecific questions.
Well, what?
seemed a fitting reply, but so openly insubordinate that it refused to leave his tongue. "Could you be more specific, Sir?" Dorn kept his tone respectful, all too aware of every colorful eye boring down on him.

Perhaps he needs a little tea time to focus." The onyx warrior's voice boomed like a gong being struck. He had an annoying habit of blending into the chamber's onyx background and right then Dorn wished the bastard would disappear into it.

Now, now." Meron held up a yellow topaz nail in Dorn's defense. "Perhaps he prefers sugar lumps and creameries."

ake that mock defense.

Laughter filled the chamber followed by a
thunderous blast of fury. "Shut! Up!"

The last time Dorn had seen
their commander so irate was exactly one month ago. "One more stupid remark from any of you and I will have you demoted to demon fodder duty for the next century."

The angels went quiet.
They had all taken their turns as demon fodder and the dangerous tedium of putting down the constant incursions the demons at the Gates Of Hell were forever mounting was one job none of them relished.

Now," Uriel said, no less irate. "What is the status of our operation, Commandant Dorn?" If anybody should have known what he was inquiring about, it should be Dorn, a clear message in his tone

Excuse me Sir…" Salem's green hiddenite eyes sparkled under furrowed brows. "But
we speak in this ridiculous tongue? I feel like I've regressed a few million years. It's degrading."

You need the practice." Uriel surveyed the entire chamber, pausing to stare each archangel in the eyes. "What is wrong with you angels? You. Are. Elite. Soldiers. When in all the Universes have you ever double guessed my command?"

Second guessed," Toren offered.

's emerald eyes flared at the mercury angel.

Sorry, I been studyin'."

gestured to the mercury angel, clearly baffled. "Why is he speaking this way?"

Uriel sighed and shook his head like
a substitute teacher who realizes he's lost total control of the classroom.

I'm studyin' to be a cowboy." Toren cracked his knuckles.

All eyes turned to him before
Lyght cleared his throat. "A cow what?"

Cowboy. They have 'em on Earth. I like 'em."

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