Sun and Shadow

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Authors: Ake Edwardson

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Åke Edwardson is one of Scandinavia’s most successful crime writers. He has won numerous awards, including the Swedish Academy of Crime Writers’ Award three times. His Erik Winter series has been published in twelve countries.
Praise for
Sun and Shadow
by Ake Edwardson
“Åke Edwardson is a three-time winner of the Swedish Academy of Crime Writers’ Award and it’s easy to see why. He weaves a rich, psychologically satisfying tale. His writing is nuanced and literary, and his characters are deep and fascinating. The recurring themes of sun and shadow, light and dark, good and evil, are elegantly interwoven within the narrative.... Readers looking for a gritty, well-paced, thoughtful thriller will appreciate Edwardson’s masterful novel.”
—I Love A Mystery
“Edwardson, winner of three Crime Writers’ awards from the Swedish Academy, has penned a solid procedural neatly balancing the professional and personal lives of Winter and co.”

Kirkus Reviews
“Mystery fans on this side of the Atlantic can be grateful that the travails of Erik Winter, the youngest chief inspector in Sweden, are now available in English.... This dark police procedural is a top-notch work, suspenseful to the very end, with appealing characters.”

Library Journal
(starred review)
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First published in the United States of America by Viking Penguin.
a member of Penguin Group (USA) Inc. 2005
Published in Penguin Books 2006
Copyright © Åke Edwardson. 1999
Translation copyright © Laurie Thompson, 2005
All rights reserved
Uriginally published in Swedish as
Sol och skugga
by Norstedts Forlag, Stockholm.
Grateful acknowledgment is made for permission to reprint excerpts from the following copyrighted works: “Lime Tree Arbour” by Nick Cave. “Back in Your Arms” by Bruce Springsteen. Copyright © 1998 Bruce Springsteen. mission. Intemational copyright secured. All rights reserved. “Happy” by Bruce Springsteen. Copyright © 1998 Bruce Springsteen. International copyright secured. All rights reserved. “The Price You Pay” by Bruce Springsteen. Copyright © 1980 Bruce Springsteen. International copyright secured. All rights reserved.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
Edwardson, Åke,—
[Sol och skugga. English]
Sun and shadow / Åke Edwardson.
p. cm.
eISBN : 978-1-101-14181-6
I. Title.
PT9876.15.D93S6513 2005
839.73’74—dc22 200
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For Rita
It had started raining. Simon Morelius adjusted the radio. No instructions from HQ for five minutes. It was nearly ten, and everything was quiet. Two women crossed the road and one turned to look at the police car and smiled. Greger Bartram raised his hand in greeting.
“Twenty-seven and good-looking,” he said. “And she thinks the same about me.”
“She was smiling at me, not you,” Morelius said.
“She looked me straight in the eye,” Bartram said.
The lights changed and Bartram drove on to the roundabout at Korsvägen.
“Yeah, and found there was nobody home,” Morelius said.
“Ha, ha.”
“She looked you in the eye and found nobody home. Just a middle-aged cop at the wheel of a squad car and then—”
A woman’s voice on the radio. “Nine-one-twenty. Nine-one-twenty come.” A mumbled response from somewhere or other. Then the woman’s voice again. “There’s somebody lying outside Focus at the Liseberg amusement park, drunk or ill, with a crowd of kids standing around.”
They heard the patrol who’d responded to the call.
“Roger. We’re in Prinsgatan and will head for Focus.”

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