Sun Signs (2 page)

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Authors: Shelley Hrdlitschka

Tags: #Juvenile Fiction, #General, #JUV000000

BOOK: Sun Signs
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So, who wants to play?


From: 2good4u
To: cosmicgirl
Subject: Re: calling all leos!
Kaleigh, has selenski really given u the green light on this topic? He must be getting soft in his old age. i was actually kidding about the whole thing. Anyway, u r not going 2 believe it but i’m a lion, and i’m in if u want me, though i don’t know about that best english shit. R u serious?


From: starlight
To: cosmicgirl
Subject: Re: calling all leos!
Hey Kaleigh, can you believe it? I’m a leo and i love stargazing! Count me in.


From: blondeshavemorefun
To: cosmicgirl
Subject: Re: calling all leos!
i’m a leo and i’m all yours.


From: cosmicgirl
To: distantstudybuddies
Subject: Re: calling all leos!
U guys Rock! And u must all luv science! In less than 1 hour I have 3 leo subjects and at least 6 others who want me to change the astrological sign I’m studying to a different one so they can play. I wish I could include u all, I really do, but I’m thinking there’d be way too much data to handle. Who’d have guessed there’d be so much interest in astrology? Not Mr. Selenski, that’s for sure.

Thanks thanks thanks!!! i luv u all!


From: cosmicgirl
To: 2good4u
Cc: starlight; blondeshavemorefun
Subject: Leo team
It’s official. You are IN!!

A few introductions are in order.

First, we have 2good4u, commonly known as 2good.

Then we have starlight, alias Shari.

Last, but not least, there’s blondeshavemorefun (blondie).

Say hello. Shake hands. Maybe even a polite little cyber hug would be appropriate, for you are now the LEO TEAM. Is that RAD or what? Maybe my finished project will be so amazing, so mind altering, so so so … okay, so startling, that some scientific journal will pay me for it, publish it, and u (and i) will become famous.

Just imagine.

Cuz that’s the only way something like that would ever happen!!!

Seriously, thanks to each of u leos for volunteering to be guinea pigs (my all-time favorite little rodent). I’ll be in touch again soon.

May today’s planetary positions bring you all heaps of positive energy!

With her head in the stars,


From: blondeshavemorefun
To: cosmicgirl
Cc: 2good4u; starlight
Subject: Re: Leo team
hi hi. shake shake. hug hug.


From: 2good4u
To: cosmicgirl
Cc: blondeshavemorefun; starlight
party on fellow leos!


From: starlight
To: cosmicgirl
Cc: 2good4u; blondeshavemorefun
i’m partying, 2good! hugs and shakes back to you, blondie.


From: cosmicgirl
To: jselenski

By studying the position and movement of the celestial bodies, can astrologers accurately predict events?

I will use the library and the internet to research the history of astrology, how it works and the ways in which astrologers determine horoscopes using the cosmos. Then, using three Leo subjects, I will gather data indicating whether the forecasts (previously supplied to them) are coming true. I predict that the results will demonstrate that the forecasts are accurate. This is based on my own personal experience.

Yours in science,

Kaleigh Wyse

P.S. Do you happen to be a Leo?

From: jselenski
To: cosmicgirl
Dear Kaleigh,

This is a very sketchy proposal at best, but I am glad to see you have addressed the first step in the Scientific Method, and that is, stating a problem. My concern with your project is that so many variables could impact your research and data collection, making the results questionable. For example, one variable could be the attitude of your subjects towards astrology. If they are firm believers in the “science”—like you—might this affect the results? Could this not potentially skew their data collection? Then there’s the reverse. If your subjects are skeptics—like me—this too could affect the way they collect data. Just something to think about.

In the meantime, you may proceed with your research and data collection. And no, I am not a Leo. Guess again.

Mr. J. Selenski

P.S. I received a note from your mother indicating that you will be receiving radiation treatment soon. I am willing to give you an extension on this project if need be.


From: cosmicgirl
To: 2good4u
Cc: starlight; blondeshavemorefun
Subject: just checking
Dear (loyal) Subjects, (I feel like Royalty)
Do you believe in astrology (horoscopes and all that) or are you what Mr. Selenski calls a skeptic (non-believer)?


Please start using “proper” spelling and punctuation in our letters re astrology. I am now officially collecting data. Thanks.

From: 2good4u
To: cosmicgirl
Subject: Re: just checking
I believe in you, cosmicgirl, and if you’re a child of the stars, so am I.


From: starlight
To: cosmicgirl
Subject: Re: just checking
Hey Kaleigh. I’m a total believer. What’s not to believe?


From: blondeshavemorefun
To: cosmicgirl
Subject: Re: just checking
I believe in Truth. (How’s that for good English?)

Truthfully yours,


From: cosmicgirl
To: jelenski
Subject: One less variable
Dear Mr. Selenski,

Just thought you’d like to know that all my subjects are believers (I think—although I don’t really understand the response from the one who calls herself (himself?) blondie. What’s her/his real name, anyway?).


Kaleigh Wyse

P.S. I don’t need an extension, thanks anyway.

P.P.S. Are you an Aquarius, whose traits include intelligence and honesty as well as unpredictability and contrariness? (No disrespect intended!)

From: jelenski
To: cosmicgirl
Subject: Re: One less variable
Nope, not an aquarius either!


Jan. 21

Dear Immortal Gemini Twin,

The cosmos is unfolding as it should, the last week hasn’t been bad, and us mortal Geminis are counting our blessings.


Let’s see. What were those blessings? Hmmm.

1. I’m alive.
2. I’m not dead.
3. I can still count.

I did start the science project, just like my weekly ’scope said to. It might be okay. My Leo team seems cool. More than cool, really. Maybe life can be fun again. For a while, anyway.

I can hope and have faith. After all, I am a Gemini. And we know what that means.

That’s it for this week,

Your mortal (for now) twin sister

Gather Information

Forecast For the Week of
Jan. 22 – Jan. 28
by B.A. Stargazer

Gemini (May 22 – June 21)

You may feel you’ve entered limbo
land this week, Gemini. Waiting is the
worst. Get active. Build an interesting
life outside of the main event.

From: 2good4u
To: cosmicgirl
Subject: hey girl!
how goes the research on astrology? i’m dying 2 get started as a guinea pig. i’ve even practiced up on my pig squeals. 2 bad u can’t hear them.

and i was wondering, are you a fellow leo, one of the chosen ones?


ps. did you know guinea pigs eat their own poop?

From: cosmicgirl
To: 2good4u
Subject: Re: hey girl!
It’s not going well AT ALL! There’s all this stuff I had no idea about!! Ascendants. Transits. Rectification. Progressions. Aspects. Nodes. Who would have guessed? It’s all complete mumbo-jumbo. I never thought astology could be so complicated.

Here’s an example. There’s a “transit” that is currently taking place. I quote: “Saturn will be making a passage through Cancer from June 4 (this year) to July 15 (in 2 years! Talk about a slow passage!). Though we may complain about what we don’t have under the influence of Saturn, we will learn some valuable lessons from it. Saturn also sits right on the ruling planet—the moon—for the next year. This will bring many changes. Our political rulers will change. We will have to make sacrifices.” Blah, blah, blah. Like, who cares!!

What have you gotten me into, 2good?! (And how can u get me out?!) How do I write a report about something that makes absolutely no sense! AHHHHH!!!!!


P.S. Are you telling me YOU eat your own poop (because u are my guinea pig)?
P.P.S. No, I’m not a Leo. I’m a Gemini—flexible, logical, quick-witted and mentally ambitious.

From: 2good4u
To: cosmicgirl
Subject: Re: hey girl!
if you’re so logical and mentally ambitious, how come you’re having so much trouble with this science report? why don’t you go straight to the source and ask the horse—i mean an astrologer— for help?

and what can you tell me about leos—other than we are party animals—which i already know?


From: cosmicgirl
To: 2good4u
Subject: Re: hey girl!
u are SO smart, 2good! i can’t believe i didn’t think of that myself, especially as i’m so ingenious (another gemini attribute).

The horoscopes that i like to read are written by someone named b.a. stargazer. i checked, and her email address is listed on her webpage! i’ll email her right away. She’s unbelievable, as i’m sure you’ll find out when i get to the experiment part of this project. Her forecasts are always so accurate, and she’s right on when it comes to geminis. She says we have a lightness of spirit and a faith that a happier world is a possibility.


She says geminis are kind, considerate and creative. We are also lively, versatile and communicative.

uh huh.

Gemini is the sign of the twins. One twin is mortal and the other dwells with the gods. (I’m in weekly communication with my immortal twin! lol)

She also says we’re talkative. moi? never! :) Okay, just the mortal one.

Anyhow, once again u are a lifesaver, and not the kind that comes in 100 flavors. (i wonder if being a lifesaver is a leo trait?) Other leo traits include being ambitious, a lover of the limelight, extroverted, confident, exuberant, dramatic and charismatic. Do you see yourself in that description? i suspect you’re confident, (and maybe just a little overconfident?) judging by the name you’ve given yourself in your e-address!

i hope all the planets are lined up in perfect harmony for you today.

From: cosmicgirl
To: B.A. Stargazer
Subject: Science Report
Dear Ms. Stargazer,

I think you are an amazing astrologer. Everything you say about my sign is true of me—the good stuff, anyway — and your weekly horoscopes are brilliant. Thanks to you, I’m even thinking of becoming an astrologer someday.

I am a distant learner, which means I don’t attend school but do all my work through correspondence. Right now I’m writing a report on astrology for my science class. At first my teacher didn’t want me to choose this subject because he doesn’t think astrology is really a science. I am out to prove him wrong!

I have 3 distant-learning buddies who are Leos and who are going to track whether your predictions come true for them. I already know your predictions are always dead on for me. It should be fun! I also have to Gather Information on astrology (my science teacher is big on the Scientific Method). I’m wondering if you could help me with my report. If so, my first question to you is, how exactly do you determine what is going to happen for each of the signs on any given day, month or year?

Your loyal Gemini,

Kaleigh Wyse

From: cosmicgirl
To: 2good4u
Cc: starlight; blondeshavemorefun
Subject: Data collection
Hey Leos. Good news for me! I found my favorite astrologer’s website and on it are our daily, weekly, monthly and even yearly horoscopes. This saves me from having to cut and paste and send them to each of you.

Check it out at

Even though I haven’t done all my Information Gathering yet, you might as well get started with your data collection. Here is what I suggest you do:

1. Right now (okay, after you’re finished reading this) print out the monthly and year-long horoscope for the sign of Leo. Memorize them. (just kidding!)
2. Print out the Leo weekly horoscope on the Sunday of each week.
3. Check out the daily horoscope each morning.
4. After you put your jammies on each night, spend a few minutes thinking about your day and decide whether the daily horoscope was accurate. Then reflect on whether the weekly one is coming true. The monthly? The yearly?
5. Keep an online journal with your reflections and thoughts that you can attach to an email and send to me upon request. (Don’t you just love my teacher-speak?)

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