Sunshine Beach (20 page)

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Authors: Wendy Wax

BOOK: Sunshine Beach
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Chapter Twenty-five

It was impossible to be blasé about boarding a private plane. Especially one sent by a record company specifically for you. Maddie had no idea what model the plane was, how much it cost, or which Aquarian Records megastars might have sat in its oversized leather seats or stretched out on its sofas as she stepped into the main cabin with Nikki behind her that mid-June afternoon. They found Bitsy Baynard, for whom this was not a first and possibly only experience, already sipping champagne and shimmering with excitement.

The steward was male and looked as if he'd stepped off the cover of a romance novel. The pilot and copilot were a comforting blend of military precision and casual courtesy. Their eyes were sharp and their crew cuts were shot through with silver, which Maddie assumed represented many decades of experience.

“May I pour you ladies a glass of champagne?” The steward held an open bottle and two champagne flutes.

“Thank you.” Maddie accepted the glass while Nikki opted for sparkling water.

“I'll have hers.” Bitsy held her glass up for a refill.

The three of them clinked glasses.

“Are you all right, Nikki?” Maddie asked after she'd taken her first heady sip. “You look a little . . . green.”

“I'm fine. My stomach's just a bit . . . off.”

“Well, mine feels like there are a million butterflies doing aerobics in it.” Maddie took another bubbly sip. “In fact I feel like a little girl going to Disney World for the first time.”

“This is the big-girl version of Disney,” Bitsy said. “We are going to have a complete and utter blast.”

The plane gathered speed, barreled down the runway, then lifted gently into the air. They rose above the sparkling turquoise bay and flew over the northern tip of St. Petersburg, climbing high into the bright blue sky.

Soft music played in the background as hors d'oeuvres were served and glasses refilled.

“I'd almost forgotten how lovely this can be,” Nikki said as they banked to the left and watched puffy white clouds fall away beneath them. There'd been a time when she'd jetted around the world on clients' planes, sailed on their yachts, stayed in their villas.

“It is heavenly, isn't it?” Bitsy agreed.

“I don't know, it all feels so surreal. I told you before, I have to pinch myself every time I even think about Will. And this . . .” Maddie looked around the cabin filled with gleaming wood and luxurious leather. The Aquarian Records logo woven into the carpet. “Well, I'm black and blue so I guess it must be real.”

“It's real, darlin',” Bitsy said. “And tonight is your night.”

“Yes, what did you bring to wear?” Nikki asked, nibbling on a mini quiche.

“Oh, you know. A nice pair of black pants and a top.”

Bitsy and Nikki stopped drinking and nibbling.

“And some, um, nice earrings.”

“Oh, hell no,” Bitsy said. “You are dating a rock star. You're not wearing any ‘nice' black pants and top. Nice just isn't going to cut it.”

“I totally agree,” Nikki said, gesturing with the mini quiche.

“Well, it's a little late to do anything about it now,” Maddie said, not liking the determined look in either of their eyes. “We're not going to have more than an hour and a half tops to get ready.” Lord knew she'd been quivering with an odd combination of fear and excitement since the whole concert thing had come up. She didn't own “rock 'n' roll” clothes and would feel ridiculous in them if she did. She hadn't come here to make a splash or get attention; she'd come to support Will. “Besides, Will knows what I look like. It's not as if dressing up is going to change how old I am or the way I'm built.”

“I know you did not just say that,” Nikki said.

“Me, neither,” Bitsy added.

“I am what I am. And I'm okay with it.” Maddie said it with as much conviction as she could muster.

“‘Okay' isn't going to cut it tonight, either,” Nikki said. “Not on my watch.”

“Or mine,” Bitsy said. “You're not going to embarrass Will or us by looking as if this doesn't matter to you.”

“That's not what I meant,” Maddie said. “And . . .”

“I have to agree with Bitsy on this,” Nikki said. “You don't have to be age inappropriate. But you do have to look great.”

“Exactly.” Bitsy whipped out her phone.” It's a good thing we have cell service. I'm going to make some calls and have a few things sent over to the hotel.”

“I really don't see any reason to go through all this,” Maddie said. They'd been whisked from the small airport on the
outskirts of Raleigh-Durham and delivered to their hotel in a shiny black town car. A rack of clothing had been waiting in the master bedroom of the presidential suite. The door had barely closed behind the bellman before Nikki and Bitsy were demanding she undress so that the personal styling could commence.

“It's a very good thing I had them send over lingerie,” Bitsy said as Maddie reluctantly disrobed. “You are not going to be wearing BMWs when you undress for William Hightower.”

“BMWs,” she said tentatively.

“That's Big Mama Whites,” Nikki explained, opening a glossy black shopping bag with bright pink lettering that formed a pair of lips and pulling out handfuls of lingerie.

“Will has seen my . . .”

“It doesn't matter what he has and hasn't seen,” Bitsy interrupted. “You'll move better and feel sexier if you're wearing something ‘spicier.'” She plucked a nude-colored pair of panties from Nikki and handed them to Maddie.

Maddie held up the V-shaped satin, flashing back to the lace thong some woman had stuffed in Will's pocket. “I'm more likely to be hobbling with this . . . whatever it is . . . cutting into me.” She dangled the undergarment from one finger.

“It's more comfortable than it looks. And it's really flattering. Trust me.” Bitsy's horsey face flushed as she winked. “And while you're at it, try this on.” Bitsy handed her a low-cut bra in the same silky nude color.

“This is not going to . . .” Maddie's voice trailed off as she slid her arms through the openings. Ignoring Maddie's reticence, Nikki hooked the back and then tightened the straps. “Oh.” She looked down at her breasts, which now swelled above the satin cups. A glance in the mirror revealed that rather than binding, the high-cut underwear made her legs look longer and hit her just below the waist. She turned to consider herself from the back. “Not bad.”

“Not bad? It's a shame you have to put anything on over
it,” Bitsy said. She retrieved the bottle of champagne that had been awaiting them along with a massive basket of fruit and chocolates. “Try on the black jumpsuit with the polka-dot pumps first.”

“I thought you had a thing against black pants,” Maddie said, but she was already stepping into the jumpsuit and pulling it up over her body.

“I only object to ‘nice' black pants,” Bitsy said, motioning Maddie to turn so she could zip her up.

Maddie contemplated her reflection in the mirror. The jumpsuit was smooth and slinky with a low V neckline and a blouson waist. The pant legs tapered at the ankle. The black and cream heels shouted “look at me.”

“Ooh, that's perfect,” Nikki said with an approving smile. “And it would look great with this triple strand of gold and silver.” She held up a sparkly necklace and fastened it around Maddie's neck.

“Where on earth did all this come from?” Maddie protested. “How did you . . . ?”

“The concierge had them sent over for our consideration,” Bitsy said with a shrug.

“I didn't know things like this actually happened,” Maddie said as Bitsy poured her a glass of champagne and Nikki perused the other outfits. “This would look great on you, too.” She held up a fuchsia pencil skirt and a gauzy white blouse.

“Here, let's take a look.” They turned Maddie as if she were a mannequin, helping her out of the black and into the fuchsia. Which was startlingly spectacular.

Maddie tilted her head, moved her body. Even without makeup and her hair all awry, the color lit her face and the fabric skimmed perfectly over her body, clinging lightly to her curves. Unable to speak she looked to Nikki and Bitsy, who were beaming.

“Definitely the pink,” Nikki said. “You look outrageously gorgeous.”

“Absolutely gorgeous.” Bitsy nodded happily. “Now, hand them to me and pop into the shower. The hair and makeup people will be here at six thirty.”

“Hair and makeup?” Maddie asked, not even wanting to think how much all of this must cost. “Now I really am dreaming.”

Bitsy laughed as she hung up the garments, clearly enjoying Maddie's delight. “If it helps you can think of me as your fairy godmother. My way of thanking you for inviting me to the concert.” She refilled Maddie's glass and sent her off to the bathroom.

“Right,” Maddie said, beaming back at Bitsy and Nikki. “Clearly I need to give up and enjoy this. I just want you to promise that I won't be wearing glass slippers and the car isn't going to turn back into a pumpkin at midnight.”

“You do look beautiful,” Bitsy said later as they were handed out of the car, all of them buffed, polished, made up, and dressed within an inch of their lives.

“Thank you.” Maddie did in fact feel like Cinderella trotting off to the ball to try to catch the eye of her rock 'n' roll prince. The last time she'd looked half this glamorous was the day she had to cook on camera with William during the renovation of Mermaid Point. “Will won't even recognize me.”

“He will definitely recognize you,” Nikki said. “And he'll love what he's seeing.”

Maddie smoothed the sides of the skirt and commanded herself not to wobble in the heels. She peeked down to make sure nothing was peeking out from the V of the white blouse and was shocked at the cleavage that looked back at her.

“Don't slouch,” Nikki directed, barely moving her lips, which were locked into a smile.

“I'm not slouching. I'm just . . .” Maddie straightened her shoulders as directed. And caught a glimpse of the nude satin bra that was nothing short of miraculous.

She smiled at Aaron Mann, who greeted them on behalf
of Aquarian and then ushered them through the stage entrance of the Durham Performing Arts Center to the greenroom where Will and his bandmates were milling about. There were women in the room. All of them were very young and beautiful with miles of exposed skin that was both smoother and firmer than Maddie's had ever been. A few of them looked up briefly before sniffing dismissively and turning their attention back to Will and the others, clearly seeing no threat to their plans for male domination.

Will's shiny dark hair with its threads of gray stood a head above the rest. His white button-down shirt showed off his golden skin and had been tucked into a pair of black jeans that hung low on his slim hips.

Maddie halted in the doorway, dragged back to reality by the women's dismissal, the way they hung on Will. She was nothing but a middle-aged housewife imposter.

“Oh no, you don't,” Nikki whispered in her ear as she stepped up next to Maddie and linked an arm through hers.

“No way in hell.” Bitsy took her other arm. With a decisive nod she propelled their threesome in William's direction.

Fear and uncertainty clogged Maddie's throat. If she could have halted their progress without causing a scene she would have. What if she reached Will's side and he realized once and for all just how ordinary she was. What if . . .

Will looked up and spotted her. His face creased into a smile. His brown eyes glittered with warmth. He moved toward them, shedding the young women who'd been hanging on to him. She could feel an answering smile light her face. Her panic fled and her heart, which had been thudding with dread just moments ago, did a distinct about-face and began to do its own little happy dance.

“I was starting to think you weren't going to make it.” He took her into his arms and pressed her tight against him. So that she could feel the movement of his muscled body and inhale his warm spicy scent.

“It took us a little longer than expected to get to the hotel and freshen up,” she replied.

“It was worth every minute,” he said, looking her up and down approvingly. “You look gorgeous.” He turned to hug Nikki. “And you must be Bitsy.”

“Yes, I m-m-must,” Bitsy stammered. “I'm a huge f-fan.”

Maddie laughed as Bitsy's polish evaporated. Kyle, Dean, and Robert came over and hugged Maddie, too, much to the young women's shock.

“Thanks,” Will said to the blushing Bitsy. “I'm glad you were able to make it. I know it will be more fun for Maddie with both of you here.”

“Five minutes!” A young man wearing a headset leaned into the doorway.

“Give me one more kiss for luck, Maddie-fan.” Will pulled her into his arms again and she buried her face in his neck, no longer caring about the young girls or their skin. “Aaron will take you down to your seats then bring you backstage. We'll all go out and get a bite afterward if that's okay?”

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