Super (28 page)

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Authors: Matthew Cody

BOOK: Super
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“You threatened him?” asked Daniel. “That’s it? You could’ve figured out a way to destroy the stone without actually touching it!”

Johnny held up a hand to quiet him. It was an unexpected gesture and had just a tinge of anger behind it. Daniel shut up at once.

him, Daniel. I threatened his life. Do you understand what that means? Herman was just a young boy when I first met him. When we fought, he was fully grown, but all I saw was that scared little kid. And I threatened to kill him. That was no small thing for me to do.

“And he did as he was told. For a few years, at least, he stopped being the Shroud. But then World War Two broke out and I … thought I needed to be elsewhere.

“I saw things in that war, Daniel. I saw men die in horrible ways, while I couldn’t even be scratched. I kept my powers secret, used them only when no one else would see. I witnessed what men are truly capable of, and I learned a valuable lesson.”

“Which was?” asked Daniel.

“Man has never invented a weapon he didn’t use. Nothing so terrible that he couldn’t resist trying it out. And this town is just full of weapons unlike anything the world has ever seen. Herman was afraid of what these super-kids would do to the world; I became afraid of what the world would do to these kids. In the end, Herman’s way was kinder than what was waiting for them out there. No powers, no memories of powers, but they still had their lives to live. They could grow up, have families, live in peace.”

“He terrorized them!” said Daniel.

“Yes,” said Johnny. “And as the years went on, he got darker and more frightening. By the time you came along, he was teetering on the edge. That’s why I helped you in your final fight with him at the quarry. He’d crossed the line, threatening to kill you all. That was too much.”

“You helped us?” asked Daniel. “Rose. Rose said she saw you in the Shroud-Cave.”

Johnny nodded. “I shared a little of my power with Eric while he was unconscious. The way I just did with you, to get him back into the fight. I knew you’d need his help to defeat the Shroud. Rose saw me do it, though. That girl’s sneaky.”

“So what’s different now?” asked Daniel. “Why show yourself now?”

“Everything’s different now, Daniel,” said Johnny. “You’ve changed the world, and there’s no going back.”

Johnny walked over to the window and gestured outside.

“You’ve either saved Noble’s Green or doomed us all,” said Johnny. “I’m not sure which yet.”

“Either way, with no help from you,” said Daniel.

Johnny smiled and shook his head. “You’re right. I’m sure I’m not the first adult to disappoint you. I wish I could say I’d be the last.” He held up his hands. “It might be that none of this really matters. Herman told you about the Witch Fire Comet, yes?”

Daniel nodded.

“It’s still up there,” said Johnny. “And if it follows the same path it’s been following for thousands of years, it’ll return this year. Then, who knows?

“Of course, that’s assuming that it really is a comet. That it’s not something else entirely.”

“What do you mean?” asked Daniel.

Johnny laughed. “I don’t really know. Isn’t that a terrible answer? But I’ve long suspected that there’s more to that comet than any of us know. Guess we’ll find out soon enough.”

Johnny gazed out the window for a moment, lost in his thoughts. After a minute he glanced over at Herman’s closed door.

“So are you going in to say hi? Match wits with him for old times’ sake?”

Daniel shook his head. “No. I’ve changed my mind. I don’t think I want to see him at all. In fact, I’m done with both of you. I’ve got friends, people who aren’t afraid of the future. I’ll stick with them.”

Johnny raised an eyebrow. “So you don’t even want to know whose side I’m on now?”

“Don’t know,” said Daniel. “Don’t care. We’ve done fine without you so far. We’ll manage. And if you try to hurt me or any of my friends, we’ll beat you just like we beat the Shroud.”

With that, Daniel turned and walked away from Johnny Noble. He was shaken by the encounter, a mix of emotions tugging and twisting in his heart, but as he emerged from the Mountain View Home into the sunshine, he glanced up at the sky; and if he squinted, he could just barely make out shapes soaring and sailing above the town. Perhaps it was Mollie or Michael. Perhaps Mr. Madison was up there with them, laughing as he rolled and spun through the air like an out-of-control balloon. Daniel knew the feeling. He’d known it for a heartbreakingly brief few minutes, but he’d never forget it.

No one would take it away from them now. And they were in for a real surprise if they tried.

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