Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries (10 page)

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Hahn et. al. "Whole-body Imaging of the Distribution of Mercury Released from Dental Fillings in Monkey Tissues," University of Calgary, Alberta Canada, August 3, 1990, 2641-2646.

Markesbery, W.R. "Trace Elements in Isolated Subcellular Fractions of Alzheimer's Disease Brains," Brain Research 533, 1990, 125-131.

Wenstrup et. al. "Trace Element Imbalances in Isolated Subcellular Fractions of Alzheimer's Disease Brains," Brain Research 533, August 28, 1989, 123-189.
Zamm, A. "Dental Mercury: A Xenobiotic Intolerance," Journal Quarter, 1991, Vol. 6, No. 2. Factor that Aggravates and Induces of Orthomolecular Medicine Second


Washington, D.C., 2 March 1994—The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) operated by Dissatisfied Parents Together (DPT) says that a new Institute of Medicine (IOM) report on the association between DPT vaccine and permanent brain damage confirms that the vaccine can cause children to suffer acute brain inflammation which sometimes leads to death or permanent neurological damage. The parent-consumer activist group also charges that they have obtained evidence through the Freedom of Information Act that the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) is failing to properly monitor reports of death and injuries following vaccination and that doctors around the country are failing to report to DHHS deaths and injuries which occur after vaccination.

In a year-long investigation of the Vaccine Adverse Reaction Reporting System (VAERS) operated by the Food and Drug Administration, NVIC/DPT analyzed VAERS computer discs used by the FDA to store data on reports of deaths and injuries following DPT vaccination. A total of 54,072 reports of adverse events following vaccination were listed in a 39-month period from July 1990 to November 1993 with 12,504 reports being associated with DPT vaccine, including 471 deaths.

A wide variation in the numbers of reports associated with different lots of DPT vaccine were discovered, with some lots listing many more deaths and injuries than others. In one DPT vaccine lot, there were 129 adverse events and nine deaths reported between September 1992 and September 1993. Most adverse events occurred within a few days of vaccination and many reports also contained descriptions of classic pertussis [whooping cough] vaccine reaction symptoms. This particular lot met the FDA's criteria for triggering an "investigation" (i.e., report of one death or two serious injuries within a seven-day period) 11 times within a 12-month period.

"There are some lots of vaccine which are associated with many more From the Campaign Against Fradulent Medical Research Newsletter, 1994

deaths and injuries than other lots. These lots are often referred to as 'hot lots'. Even though the FDA's criteria for an investigation were triggered 11 times within a 12-month period on just one of the many lots we looked at, we know for a fact the lot was never recalled. The FDA has not recalled a suspicious lot of DPT vaccine because of high numbers of deaths and injuries associated with it for at least 15 years," said Kathi Williams, NVIC/DPT Cofounder and Acting Director. "That is because the position of those who operate VAERS is that the DPT vaccine does not cause death or injury. So the death and injury reports are ignored. It is a shocking example of how little we know about the true extent of vaccine-associated injuries and deaths."

The NVIC/DPT investigation was featured on the 2nd March 1994 NBC News "Now with Tom Brokaw and Katie Couric" show. At the end of February 1994, NVIC/DPT also conducted a survey of 159 doctors' offices in seven states, including Arkansas, California, Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, New York, and Texas. When asked the question, "In case of an adverse event after vaccination, does the doctor report it and, if yes, to whom?" only 28 out of 159, or 18 percent said they make a report to the FDA, CDC or state health department. In New York, only one out of 40 doctors' offices confirmed that they report a death or injury following vaccination.

"This shameful record of gross underreporting of adverse events following vaccination by doctors around the country coupled with the shameful cover-up of vaccine-associated deaths and injuries by the federal government is an example of why more and more parents are losing faith in the mass vaccination system. Many times our organization must help parents report their children's vaccine-associated death or injury because their doctor refuses to make a report," said Barbara Loe Fisher, NVIC/DPT Co-founder and President. "Parents are legally required to vaccinate their children. Doctors should be forced to live up to their legal duty to report, and DHHS should be forced to live up to its responsibility to seriously investigate every vaccine-associated death and injury and, especially, to identify and recall lots of DPT vaccine associated with high numbers of deaths and injuries."

In November 1991, while Fisher was a member of the National Vaccine Advisory Committee operated by the DHHS, she presented the Committee with a detailed summary of the stories of 90 families who had reported vaccine-associated deaths and injuries to NVIC/DPT. Most of the 90 families with children or grandchildren who had suffered deaths and injuries following DPT vaccination, said that their doctors refused to make a vaccine adverse event report to the DHHS. NVIC/DPT had to help the families make the report to DHHS.

Upon analysis of the VAERS computer dises, NVIC/DPT discovered that some of the deaths and injuries which NVIC/DPT had helped families report to DHHS were either (1) never recorded in the VAERS computer system, or (2) recorded but the information was inaccurate, or (3) not adequately followed up.

The IOM recently released a report that stated: "The committee concludes that the balance of evidence is consistent with a causal relation between DPT and the forms of chronic nervous system dysfunction described in the NCES in those children who experience a serious, acute neurologic illness within seven days after receiving DPT vaccine." NVIC/DPT has maintained for more than a decade that children can suffer permanent damage and die after suffering a neurological complication following DPT vaccination, and has always cited the validity of the data from the British National Childhood Encephalopathy Study (NCES) which was published in the early 1980s and upheld by IOM in their newest report.

The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) operated by Dissatisfied Parents Together (DPT) is a national, nonprofit organization located in Vienna, Virginia, USA. Founded in 1982, NVIC/DPT represents parents and health care professionals concerned about childhood diseases and vaccines and is dedicated to preventing vaccine deaths and injuries through education, and working to obtain the right of all citizens to make informed, independent vaccination decisions.

In the mid-1980s DPT worked with Congress, physician organizations, DHHS and vaccine manufacturers to create the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, which set up the nation's first vaccine injury compensation program and also mandated that doctors give parents information on vaccine benefits and risks, record vaccine lot numbers, and record and report to DHHS deaths and injuries following vaccinations.

AIDS and Ebola:
Where Did They Really
Come From?

Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz

During the 1960s and early 1970s the World Health Organization functioned as the omnipotent supplier and standardizing authority of the world's experimental pharmaceuticals. In the field of virology, the United States Public Health Service (USPHS) and National Institutes of Health (NIH) directed the National Cancer Institute (NCI) to become, along with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) the WHO's chief distributor of viruses and antiviral vaccines. The WHO Chronicle noted by 1968—ten years into the WHO's viral research program—"WHO virus reference centres" had served as authorized technical advisors and suppliers of "prototype virus strains, diagnostic and reference reagents (e.g., antibodies), antigens, and cell cultures" for more than "120 laboratories in 35 different countries." Within a year of this announcement, this number increased to "592 virus laboratories . . . [and] only 137 were outside Europe and North America." Over these 12 months, the NCI and CDC helped the WHO distribute 2,514 strains of viruses, 1,888 ampoules of antisera mainly for reference purposes, 1,274 ampoules of antigens, and about 100 samples of cell cultures. More than 70,000 individual reports of virus isolations or related serological tests had been transmitted through the WHO-NCI network.

At the NCI in Bethesda, Maryland, from the late 1960s to the present, the chief retrovirus research laboratory was associated with the Department of Cell Tumor Biology, and chaired by Dr. Robert Gallo—an esteemed member of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) who was hailed by the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Margaret Heckler in 1984 as the discoverer of the AIDS virus, HTLV-III. LAV, identical to HTLV-III had been isolated by Montagnier's French team and allegedly forwarded to Gallo in 1983.


As early as 1970, the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) appropriated at least $10 million to "initiate an adequate program through the National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council (NAS-NRC)" to make a new infective microorganism which could differ in certain important aspects from any known disease-causing organisms. Most important of these [aspects] is that it might be refractory to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon which we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious disease. Members of the NAS-NRC had instructed scientific leaders in the DOD this work might be accomplished "within 5 years."
This research was then carried out by American defense contractors despite the authorization and signing of the Geneva accord by Dr. Henry Kissinger and President Nixon outlawing the production and testing of such biological weapons.

Also in 1970 Gallo and his co-workers presented research describing the experimental entry of bacterial ribonucleic acid (RNA) into human white blood cells (WBCs) before a special symposium sponsored by NATO.
The paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences discussed several possible mechanisms prompting the "entry of foreign nucleic acids" into lymphocytes—the cells principally attacked by HIV. Prior to this, Gallo et al. had published studies identifying:

1. mechanisms responsible for reduced amino acid and protein synthesis by T-lymphocytes required for immunosuppression;
2. specific enzymes required to produce such effects along with a "base pair switch mutation" in the genes of WBCs to create immune system dysfunction;
3. methods by which WBC "DNA degradation" and immune system decay may be prompted by the "pooling" of purine bases and/or the addition of specific reagents.

Subsequent studies published in 1970 by Gallo and co-workers identified "RNA dependent DNA polymerase" (i.e., the unique AIDS-linked enzyme, reverse transcriptase) responsible for "gene amplification . . . biochemical cytodifferentiation," (i.e., the development of unique WBC characteristics including cancer cell production) and "leukaemogenesis";
and identified L-Asparaginase synthetase—a key enzyme that, if repressed, will induce treatment resistant leukemias and other cancers.

The year following the $10 million appropriation by the DOD for AIDS-like biological weapons research, the NCI acquired the lion's share of the facilities at America's premier biological weapons testing center, Fort Detrick in Frederick, Maryland.
Perhaps not coincidentally, the Cell Tumor Biology Laboratory's output increased in 1971 as measured by the publication of eight scientific articles by Gallo and co-workers compared to at most four in previous years. These reports included Gallo's discovery that by adding a synthetic RNA and feline (i.e., cat) leukemia virus (FELV) "template" to "human type C" viruses (associated with cancers of the lymph nodes), the rate of DNA production (and subsequent provirus synthesis) increased as much as thirty times. The NCI researchers reported that such a virus may cause many cancers besides leukemias and lymphomas including sarcomas.

In this 1971 report Gallo et al. also reported modifying simian (i.e., monkey) viruses by infusing them with cat leukemia RNA to make them cause cancers as seen in AIDS patients.

Furthermore, Fujioka and Gallo concluded from studies conducted in late 1969 or early 1970 that they would need to further "evaluate the functional significance of tRNA changes in tumor cells," by designing an experiment in which "specific tumor cell tRNAs" would be "added directly to normal cells." They explained that one way of doing this was to use viruses to deliver the foreign cancer producing tRNA to normal cells. The viruses which were then employed to do this, the researchers noted, were the simian virus (SV40) and the mouse parotid tumor (polyoma) virus.

Such experiments clearly advanced immunodeficiency virus technology and even provided a model for the development of HIV, the AIDS virus—allegedly of simian virus descent—which similarly delivered unique enzymes and a foreign RNA to normal cells necessary to cause an acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in animals and humans.


In 1972, Gallo, his superiors and inferiors studied portions of simian viruses to determine differences in RNA activity between infected versus uninfected cancer cells, and whether the differences could be ascribed to the infection and related DNA alterations.
They stated that "by studying viral or cellular mutants or cell segregants . . . which have conditional variations in virus-specific cellular alterations, it should be possible to more precisely determine the biological significance of the RNA variation reported here."
Clearly, the group was working to determine the relevance of various viral genes on the development of human cancers and immune system collapse. They reported their desire to use this information to find a cure for cancer, but at this time their activity was more focused on creating various cancers as well as new carcinogenic viruses which could infect humans. For example, Smith and Gallo published another National Academy of

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