Read Suppressed (Suppressed Saga) Online

Authors: Elliett Earhart

Suppressed (Suppressed Saga) (27 page)

BOOK: Suppressed (Suppressed Saga)
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There was so much noise that it was invading my dreams and I felt like I was at a rock concert. My eyes slowly came open but kept falling shut wanting me to go back to sleep. After about ten more minutes I sat up and looked behind the couch and to see Eric, Amy, and Lance sitting at the table playing cards.


Seriously? I thought this was supposed to be a silent game. I got up and ran my fingers through my hair as I made my way to the table.


Lance looked up at me with a smile. “There you are. Sleep well?”


No,” I sat down and leaned my head on my arm. “What are you all doing, starting a heavy metal rock band?”


He held up his hand which was full of cards, “Texas hold em. Want me to deal you in?”


Eric started laughing, “Oh no, her expertise don’t go past Go Fish, trust me, I played about fifty times yesterday.”


Yeah well I beat you almost every time.” I mumbled.


They continued their game and I felt like I was going to fall asleep again but Eric nudged my arm causing me to come back to reality.


You okay?”


My head still hurts.”


You want to eat?” he asked a little worried.


Amy looked up from her cards with wild eyes, “You can’t eat now. We’re getting ready to go out to dinner soon.”


We are?” I looked back at Eric who didn’t look worried anymore; his face was quite blank actually.


Yeah, we’re going to eat and then we’re going out.” There was a cheery smile on his face that I could do without.


Isn’t out to eat considered out?”


Oh come on Cam, don’t be so grouchy. It’ll be fun, it’s my last night.” She pouted her lip and leaned forward on the table. Oh lord, just shoot me now.


Fine, but I’m not staying out late.”


Amy started clapping excitedly as I leaned my head back down and shut my eyes. I was tired of going out every weekend. Couldn’t there just be one weekend where we stayed home in silence and no one tried to kill us?


I opened my eyes back up and Eric was staring down at me. He looked away as soon as I saw him and went back to his hand of cards.


Hours went by and eventually I took a shower and slowly got ready. I didn’t want to be out late but at the same time I didn’t know what we were going to do about staying here tonight.


I guess I was really slow because when I got to the living room they were all out there, ready and waiting for me. I made my way over to Eric, “When is Seth going to be back?”


Probably around five in the morning, something like that,” He placed his hand on my lower back and got closer to my ear. “Do you feel any better?”


Not really. Why is it taking him so long?”


He shrugged and went to follow Amy and Lance out the door. We agreed to drive separately; Eric and I went in his car and Amy and Lance when in Lance’s Yukon.


You seem to be taking Lance and Amy getting close a little better.” Eric said.


My head was leaned on the cool window and I had my eyes shut. “I have bigger things to worry about, like my head exploding.”


If my head wasn’t hurting so bad then yeah I might be a little irritated by their closeness, but right now I was more focused on my head.


Eventually we made it to the restaurant. My head hurt so bad I could barely eat anything and all I drank was water. When it was time to leave I was very thankful. Unfortunately the night wasn’t over and we had to go to some bar afterwards. There were a ton of people here and I could barely even think. I tried hard to make it look like I was having a good time and when people were talking to me I struggled to listen.


I was standing at the bar holding onto the same drink I had ordered when I first got here. Eric was beside me talking to someone but I wasn’t paying attention to whom or what they were talking about.


There was a huge bright light by the small stage and my eyes caught it. For some reason it seemed to be getting dimmer and then brighter simultaneously. A small buzzing sound started in my head and it felt like my headache was getting more intense. I grabbed Eric’s arm as my head started to sway and he turned around to look at me.


Eric, I think something’s wrong.” My eyes were still focused on the stage light and the buzzing sound in my head made my voice sound very far away.


What do you mean?”


My head, it hurts really bad.” I blinked and it caused a shooting pain through my skull. My hand tightened on Eric arm and I dropped my drink as I went to clutch my head with my other hand. The glass shattered on the floor and I cringed at the horrible noise it made. It sounded like nails running down a chalkboard in my head.


Eric grabbed my shoulder and brought his other hand up to the side of my face making me flush. “Cam, look at me.”


I opened my eyes and his face started to go in and out of my vision. Everything got blurry and then I blacked out.




Chapter 15








My eyes hurt and I was really hot. I felt sweat all over my body and it was like I was suffocating. When I opened my eyes I turned my head to the side and looked straight ahead to see a big screen TV in an entertainment center. I was in the living room at Seth and Eric’s house.


I tried to get up and as I pushed my hand underneath me I realized there was a leg beneath me. When I looked up I saw Eric passed out. He was sitting on the couch and my head had been lying in his lap with his arm draped across my back. This must have been why I was sweating, his overheated body.


My mind was completely confused. I was getting ready to poke him in the side but then remembered what happened the last time I abruptly woke him up.


As I stood up I grabbed the remote and took a few steps back so I wouldn’t be close enough for him to hit. I threw the remote in his lap and he shot up.


Why was my head in your lap?” I said eying him suspiciously.


He blinked a few times and shrugged. “I didn’t put it there. I was just sitting next to you making sure you were alright. You must have moved it there while you were sleeping.”


I let it go and started on a more pressing matter. “What happened?”


I don’t know. When I told you to look at me your pupils started dilating and then you fainted.”


My eyes were still a little sore so I shut them for a second.


You must be really stressed out or something.” He said with a yawn.




I really was stressed out a lot lately. Between all the new drama in my life and school, I had a lot on my mind.


What time is it?”


He pulled out his phone and lit it up. “A little after three.” His eyes came slowly up to mine, “So do you feel better now?”


Yeah, have you talked to Seth?”


He nodded, “He’ll be home in about an hour.”


What about Amy and Lance?”


The second I asked this question the front door opened and both Amy and Lance stumbled in. Her brown eyes were glassy and Lance looked like he could barely stand up. Thankfully they made it home in one piece. I was going to have to have a talk with Lance about drinking and driving when he sobered up.


Amy came unsteadily forward and touched my hair lightly, “Are you okay?”


Yeah, just stressed out. I’m all good now.” I brushed it off like it was nothing and looked over at Lance who was now in the kitchen holding his self up by the fridge.


What’s up Lance, you feeling okay?”


He looked up slowly, “Oh, yeah. Awesome. Do you think I can stay here tonight?”


Yeah.” I looked back at Eric who had a questionable expression on his face. I couldn’t read it and didn’t know if I should have told Lance he could stay here or not. Even if it wasn’t okay, I didn’t care, I wasn’t going to let him drive. I’d rather him be here with me and maybe get attacked, rather than attempt to drive home and kill himself in a car accident.


The next hour was hilarious. Amy and Lance were so drunk they could barely hold a real conversation. Lance ended up getting sick in the sink and passing out on the kitchen table while Amy passed out on the couch.


After making sure they were both still breathing I started to the bedroom. When I was almost to the hall the front door swung open and Seth stepped through. I was suddenly wide awake and let out a squeal as I ran up to him. I almost jumped on him as I wrapped my arms around him and squeezed his warm, buff body.


Before I let go of him I opened my eyes to see a very tall, skinny older man standing on the steps.


Seth? Who is that?” I pulled away from him and he turned around to look at the man.


Cam, this is Stephan. Stephan, this is Cam.” He introduced us both and then looked at me hesitantly.


My heart started to race but not in a good way. Stephan? The Stephan he was supposed to take back to Graham? I so didn’t need another headache right now.


And he’s here because…?” I braced myself for the answer to my question. I had a very strong feeling I wasn’t going to like it.


Seth, what’s going on?” Eric had walked in from the kitchen and looked at Seth like he was just as confused as I was.


Seth looked between the two of us and then his eyes landed back on me. “Stephan is going to stay with us for a little while.”


My eyes widened and I felt my pulse jump. “Um, no he’s not. I have a friend visiting and a wasted brother to deal with. I don’t have the stress level right now to play house with an Amethyst.”


Alchemist.” Stephan corrected.


I looked back at him, “Oh whatever. Besides, you’re supposed to go back to Graham.”


My attention went to Seth who was now looking away from me.


going back to Graham… isn’t he?” I asked wearily.


He doesn’t want to.”


What the hell does that mean?” Eric yelled from behind me.


Seth snapped his head towards him and his eyes went brilliantly blue. “Exactly what I said, he doesn’t want to go back.”


Eric made his way beside me and crossed his arms, “Why the hell not?”


Apparently he knew what was going to happen and let me kidnap him. When I went back to get him he was there with Xander, they had both planned it.”


My attention went to Stephan, “Are you serious? Do you have any idea the amount of trouble you’re causing me just because you wanted to switch sides?”


I felt Seth’s hand squeeze on my arm, “How do you know about that?”


Eric told me what was going on, somewhat.” I looked back at Stephan and pointed my finger at him, “You are going to fix this right now. I mean it, go to Graham and tell him to leave me alone. He’s your assistant, or your secretary or something, he’ll listen to you.”


Seth squeezed on me again, “Cam, are you okay?”


Something in me was going off. My rage was building up and I couldn’t take what was going on in my life anymore. I turned back to Seth and started shouting at him, “You were supposed to make my life easier not harder!”


I didn’t stop there as I turned to Eric next, “And you, you’re the reason I’m even dealing with this to begin with!”


What the hell did I do?” he said pointing at himself.


Everything!” I shouted.


I didn’t give any of them a chance to respond as I turned and made my way down the hall. When I got to the room I slammed the door shut and threw myself on the bed. I regretted everything I had just said. There was so much going on it was causing me to go insane and say things I shouldn’t.


Seth came in like I knew he would and eyed me warily. I slid up the bed and sat up with my back against the head board. If he was mad at me he had every right to be. What I said was wrong and he didn’t deserve the way I was being towards him.

BOOK: Suppressed (Suppressed Saga)
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