Surprise Mating (11 page)

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Authors: Jana Leigh

BOOK: Surprise Mating
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Demanding little thing, aren’t you?  Okay, baby.  Hang on to me, and tell me if it hurts too much,” Thomas whispered.

Fuck me already!” she screamed and arched her back up, pushing his head into her opening a little.

’s grin flashed, and then he lowered his face to hers and brushed his lips gently against hers.

She stretched up and gave him her mouth.  The flavor of the three of them together swirled in her mouth, affected her in a way she
’d never have guessed could be possible.
These were her mates, the ones who were made for her, and only her
, the thought made her want to cry out in joy.

His tongue touched hers, and she wound her arms around him, loving the freedom to run her hands down his back, then up and into his hair to hold him close.  She
felt wanton and sexy.

Thomas moved just slightly, and his cock, which he
’d been rubbing so teasingly, began to enter her.

She felt her flesh stretching to admit him, felt the way he trembled above her as he kept his penetration slow and gradual.  He was be
ing careful with her, and she appreciated it, but she’d rather he just take her and wondered if she could get him to do just that. So Syd wrapped her legs around his waist and tilted her hips, trying to force his cock deeper.

Thomas slipped one hand under
her bottom, and bore down on her in one solid, smooth thrust, trying to make the pain go fast so he could make her feel good.  Once he was inside her, he paused. “I won’t move until you tell me to, sweetheart.  I don’t want to hurt you.”

The pain is already fading, Thomas, I promise.  You won’t hurt me!” Syd yelled.

He bent down and kissed her, a gentle kiss.  And then slowly, gently, he withdrew almost all the way out, and then surged into her again.

Syd hadn’t lied.  The pain vanished almost immediately.  As Thomas began to thrust, she shivered in delight at the sensation of fullness within her.  On each inward thrust, his cock made her entire body tingle.

Beads of sweat appeared in the crook of his shoulder.  The sight drew her, and she stretched up an
d licked him.  The salty, feline flavor thrilled her, and she did it again.

Syd, you make it hard for a man to hold on to his control.”  Thomas moaned.

Syd moved her hips against his thrusts, rubbing the top of her slit and her clit against the hair that
nested Thomas’s cock.  “Then don’t and make me yours.”

Fuck!” Thomas growled as his control snapped, and kicked her arousal so high she thought she’d come before he did.  His thrusts became fast and deep. Thomas encompassed her, stole her breath and claimed her without a bite.  So she held on to him, thrust up, and gave him all that she was.

She felt him tremble in her arms as he raced for his orgasm.  When his cock began to thicken, she turned her head in a submissive way, knowing it would drive him wil
d.  He made a noise she could only describe as a roar and surged into her as he bit her neck and she held on as she came with a scream.

The spasms shivered through her and reminded her of a roller coaster, one twist and turn after another.  Thomas collapse
d on her as he struggled for breath.  She was his.

Syd, I think you have killed him.”  Kiki’s words brushed her ear.  She felt her grin grow huge then turned her head to look at him.

You’re next,” she promised and licked his lips.

Thomas raised himself o
n his arms and gazed down at her.  “First time, and already you’re cocky.  I think I can fuck that right out of you.”

She squeezed her pelvic muscles again.  “
You can try.”

Thomas looked over at Kiki.  “
Did I mention that she’s a smartass?”

Not just me, then,” Kiki laughed.

You stay still for a moment, sweetheart, and let me take care of you,” Thomas said.  He bent down and kissed her.

Syd responded, her tongue dancing with his, his flavor drenching her, relaxing her.  She felt loved and like she belonge
d finally.  When he drew back, he smiled and looked at Kiki and nodded.  Thomas rose and walked into the bathroom.

Kiki ran a finger from her breasts to her bellybutton.  She met his gaze and smiled at his teasing.

“Are you sore, sweetheart?” Kiki asked.

Maybe a little.”  She couldn’t see the sense in lying about it, Thomas was fucking huge.  But if Kiki thought that was going to prevent her from having him, he could think again.

Thomas returned.  He
’d disposed of the condom and carried a washcloth and towel.  She felt herself blush when he tended her and saw the sight of the pink on the cloth as mute testimony to her lost virginity.

We’ll give you a hot bath later, it will help ease your discomfort,” Thomas whispered and cleaned her pussy gently.

I’m not
sore,” Syd put every bit of conviction she could muster into that statement, but a hot bath sounded wonderful.

I’m very glad to hear that.”  Kiki’s voice tickled her ear.

She turned toward him, and he captured her lips with his.  He tasted different
from Thomas, yet just as good.  Her heart sped from the reality of having his mouth on hers, and her pussy clenched in response to the sensation of his hands stroking her breasts.

Kiki?” Syd sensed that Kiki was going to be overly gentle with her.  She wanted him as she’d wanted Thomas—completely and without reservation.

What?”  Kiki kissed her ear as his hand continued to caress her.

Fuck me.”  She moaned into his neck and then looked up at him.

It’s my first time.”  Kiki’s grin twitched at the corner of his mouth.

I can pop your cherry?” she teased.

Syd reached up and caressed his mouth then stroked the side of his face.  Beside them, Thomas stretched out and snuggled into her back.  “
That is a fact,” Thomas whispered into her ear.  “Now it’s your turn to take someone’s virginity.”

Kiki reached for her, picked her up easily, and rolled her on top of his body.  His cock brushed against her belly.

“It’s what you’re going to do.  You’re in control.”  Kiki smiled and waited.

Syd understood the mechanic
s of being on top.  She just never would have guessed how much the position would turn her on.

Kiki put his hands on her waist and lifted her.  She used her right hand to grasp, caress, and then place his cock at the opening of her body.

Syd sank onto him, closing her eyes to better relish the sensation of his cock sliding deeply into her.  He was just that much thicker than Thomas, and the feel of his cock stretching her made her gasp.

You look sexy as hell fucking him,” Thomas said.

’d inched closer, and took turns touching them both. 
  Syd felt it then, and even though she’d wanted it so badly, the idea that they could be so totally connected, this soon, humbled her.

They were all she
’d dreamt of having and more.  She was no longer lonely, no longer alone.

Kiki kept his hands on her waist, helping her ride him.  Bracing her palms on his chest, she focused on the pleasure
—giving and taking, noting how when she squeezed his cock with her inner muscles, his nostrils flared and his eyes widened.

sexy as hell fucking me,” Kiki said.  “I don’t know how long I can hold off, sweetheart.  Those are some fucking wonderful muscles you have there.  Squeeze me again.  Shit, it has never felt like this before.”

Syd did as he asked, loving that she
could give him so much pleasure.  She wanted to ride him faster, take him deeper, but although she was on top, and despite what he’d said, Kiki controlled the pace of their mating.

Kiki inhaled sharply.  “
Syd.  Give me your mouth.”

Leaning over, she laid
her lips on his, opening her mouth over his, determined to take the kiss deep.  Her tongue delved and danced, tangling with his, slick with passion.

Syd thought she might be able to come from kissing alone.  A shiver wracked her, and she felt the warning t
ingles begin to run along all of her nerve endings.  She lifted her head and smiled at him.

I’m close,” she said, brushing her clit against him.

Then come, baby.”  Kiki’s whisper thrilled her.  “Come on my cock.”

Not without you, cat.”  She grinned.

She opened her mouth to tell him she
’d wait for him, but Thomas reached down between them.  He caressed, back and forth, where they were joined.  Syd knew his fingers alternated between Kiki’s shaft and her slit.

Thomas found her clit and te
ased it.  It was Syd’s turn to gasp as the sudden added stimulation shot her arousal high and fast.

Now!”  Kiki finally increased the speed of their ride, and Thomas pinched her clit.

Shit!” she screamed when Kiki leaned up and bit her neck, on the opposite side as Thomas's bite, and then released her and roared. 

’s last thought was of completeness as they fell into a heap on the bed together, tangled in their love.

Chapter Thirteen



“You want her to do what?!” Thomas yelled.  They had slept through the night, only waking and making love twice before falling back to sleep.  When they rose this morning, Syd had been wonderfully sore and the men had taken care of her.

Her only complaint, Kiki took more time in the bathroom t
han she did and he looked a lot better.  They teased each other as they went to the meeting room where apparently, they had been awake all night trying to figure out what to do.  The plan they came up with was not one Thomas and Kiki were thrilled with.

It makes sense,” Kade argued and looked at the three of them.  “She can take one of the computer geek's form, go in, download, and get out without them ever knowing.  It would be brilliant.” 

I will go in with her, they have a hard time detecting vampires, and most of them think we are in Europe, I don’t think they will know what I am,” Giovanni said quietly.

They know about vampires, duh.  Plus, if you are caught with her, they will kill her without question!” Kiki yelled.

Listen, guys, we have to find out what the hell is going on.  We have been sitting here in the dark for the last few months.  We are settled, they don’t know where we are, we don’t have to worry about running, the place is warded.  Now is the time we fight back.  We either take back the Drekinn, or we have to take down the Prentiss and find out what the fuck is really going on.  I am pretty sure the Drekinn is out, that leaves us with one thing.  We fight back,” Calli said, standing next to Kade.

We have to help those they have captured,” Kade said firmly.  “Look at that wolf laying in the med ward.  Cherri said he endured a month of torture, his wolf is buried, refusing to come out, he is still not responding.  Do we really want our people to end up like that?  I get this is a chance, but all of it is.”

Kiki looked at Thomas and then at Syd who was already looking ready for battle.  Shit, they were going to do this.  “
Then I am going, too,” Kiki said.

Me, too,” Thomas said firmly.

Dudes, you have wanted posters with your pictures on them. We are trying to be stealth,” Declan said.

Like I can’t come up with something,” Kiki drawled and rolled his eyes.

Kade shook his head.  “
Ris, find someone we can replace Syd with in the agency, make it someone with access to the information.  We will start sending people in to secure the platforms and entrances, and look for an escape route.  We have to do this fast.”

Then let’s move our asses,” Calli said and grinned.  “I am going, too.”

Oh shit,” Kade muttered.


“You have got to be kidding me?!” Thomas yelled and stared at his mate.  They had gone to Kiki’s domain and began to brainstorm.  Rissa called on the link and said they had found an operator that would work.  They had a team going to get her now so Syd could take her form.

We have to look like we belong there,” Kiki argued.

Yeah, a nice suit and haircut would fit in, it is the business district you know.  The Prentiss is smack dab in the middle of town,” Thomas argued.

Duh, but it is also the mecca of clothing design also.  Remember the huge shopping mall across the street? They found a tunnel underneath that we can use to get into the Prentiss, we have to fit into both worlds.”  Kiki sighed and shook his head at his mate sadly.

I think it is brilliant,” Cherri said, lifting up different outfits.  “Can I borrow this?”

Of course, but first we have to figure out what we are going to wear,” Kiki said, rubbing his hands together and dove into his huge ass closet.  Thomas decided they would have to leave most of the clothes in this room because there was no way they would ever be able to fit it into their suite, it would look like a department store threw up in the rooms.

Vivi stepped into the room and called, “
I have the wigs and the color ready, who’s first?”

Thomas!” Kiki yelled from the closet and Vivi looked at Thomas who had a deer in the headlights look.

Fuck a duck,” he said and put his hands up to his face and moaned.

Come on, it won't be too bad.”  Vivi laughed and pulled him to the chair in front of the mirror.

Man, even a beauty chair, don’t you at least have a television with a game on it? This is too much,” Thomas grumbled.

Nope, chicks room, sorry,” Kiki sung and stepped out of the closet with an armful of clothes and dumped them on the chair, then walked to where Thomas was sitting.  He ran a hand through his mate's hair and sighed.  “No cutting this, we will cover it.”

Thank the Gods.”  Thomas sighed and then leaned back and closed his eyes, maybe if his pretended like he was sleeping when he opened his eyes this would all be a dream.


“Fuck you all,” Thomas gritted out of his teeth when all of the Drekinn men whistled and called out suggestive things to him as he walked down the hallway to the meeting room.

You should feel flattered, not everyone can make them impressed like that,” Kiki said and wiggled his ass a little getting the men to clap louder.

You are gonna be tied to the bed for a month if you do that again,” Thomas growled.

Promises, promises,” Kiki said and laughed.  They reached the doorway of the meeting room and Kiki paused.  “Ready?”

Let the humiliation begin,” Thomas said sadly and nodded.

Kiki opened the door with a flourish and floated into the room.  He heard all of his friends clapping when he entered.  Why wouldn
’t they? Kiki looked amazing in a beautiful red dress that clung to his artificial features wonderfully.  It had thin straps and was cut just low enough that you couldn’t tell she was a he.  And his legs, damn, his dress stopped just before the knee, and it showed off his wonderfully sexy legs.  But the most amazing part was the change in his face.  If Thomas didn’t know it was Kiki under there, he would have walked by him.  He was a magician with make-up and putty.  He changed his narrow face to a fuller one with soft and creamy skin, hell, he looked like the girl next door, with her long, blonde, curly hair, and blue eyes.  No one would ever guess it was a man.

Thomas took a deep breath and walked into the room.  There was silence and he wanted to cringe.  Kiki was standi
ng there grinning and everyone stared at him with open mouths.

Dude, I would totally fuck you,” Simon said wondrously and Rissa slapped him in the back of the head.

Holy shit, you make an awesome chick,” Declan laughed.  “I would add you to my fuckable list.” 

Thomas flipped them off, walked over to a chair, and sat down.

“Uh…I would until you walked,” Kade laughed.  “Dude, you have to get the walk down, you can tell you have a cock between your legs.”

I refused to let Kiki strap it to my thigh like he did his, it looked painful,” Thomas muttered.

Well you can’t shift like that all the time,” Phillip said.  “Like this, you need to walk smoothly.”

Phillip walked across the room swaying his hips.  “
No man, like this,” Kade said and tried to walk sexy, even moving his shoulders, too. 

Dude, you look like a prostitute.  Like this,” Simon said.

People, can we focus?” Calli barked.  “But, Kade, can you do that when we get back to our room? It was kinda sexy.”

Everyone laughed and then turned back to the board and began to go over the plan.  Syd still had not made an appearance, which made both Kiki and Thomas nervous, they knew the woman had been captured and brought back here. 

Giovanni was dressed in a suit, which pissed Thomas the fuck off, and he pointed it out to Kiki who smiled and rolled his eyes then whispered to him, “But you look better, honey.”

So you will go in here, they have the platform secured.”  Rissa pointed as she pointed to the spot on the map.

What about the woman’s credentials?” Calli asked.

Right here,” Simon waved.  “I checked them out, they are legit, she has access to the major data base, but not the executive one, we don’t have time to get that.  For now we will have to be happy with this.”

For now,” Calli grinned and turned back and pointed to the map of the courtyard of where the Prentiss was located.  “They still have the street blocked, no one in or out unless you are on foot and they do random checks.  We have been watching them, they send out some guards to do a sweep on exactly the twenty-third minute of every hour.  In between times, they monitor with cameras, those special kind they had before.  So basically we have to avoid all of that shit, and make sure that Syd and Gio make it through the check point.  Thomas and Kiki will be with Simon and Phillip, they have to go to the street through this store, and take it to the lower level.  Once there, Declan and Nik will be on the coms directing the way through the vents.  Cherri and I will be here, watching in case Syd and Gio need help.”

And where will I be?” Kade growled.

Here of course, I don’t want you to miss any of the fun.  You have to be the diversion.  Pilar and Brooks will help,” Calli said pointing to the entrance of the plaza.

Oh boy, I get to play hide and seek.”  Kade laughed and the others smiled.  They knew their Alpha loved a challenge.

Syd walked into the room and Kiki sucked in a breath, he only knew because she was the only one not there, which meant it had t
o be her.  Well that and the fact she was wearing the clothes he had put out for her.

Oh, honey, you are not small anymore,” Kiki crooned.

Syd was a fucking Amazon compared to what she looked like before.  She was tall, full
-figured, and damn it, she was a Troll.  They could see the look in her eyes.

Small, she is a fucking Troll!,” Thomas roared.

Yeah, thought that would be a nice surprise.  The Prentiss have the Trolls working for them.”  Rissa smirked.

Sydney sniffed.  “
I am horrid.”

No…never,” Thomas said and then walked to her and almost gagged.  “Well from over there you aren’t,” he protested and moved back.

Kiki smothered a laugh and then stood.  “
Look, we have two drag queens and a Troll, all we need is a killer mouse and we are good.” 

Let’s move,” Calli said and stood.  “If it goes bad, we meet back here.”

Everyone nodded and then moved to the tunnels where the old subway cars were.


Syd walked next to Gio as they entered the plaza, she didn
’t want to look around, but after standing on the platform waiting forever, she was curious if she could pick out her friends.  She couldn’t but she did see the travesty the Prentiss Agency had turned NYC.  It was like a fuckin' war zone, barriers, and soldiers with guns, people walking with their heads down and not smiling. 
What the hell

Just keep walking,” Gio said and Syd nodded.

They approached the line to get into the building
. Just as Rissa described, there was a scanner, and men checking each persona and their IDs, then they had to go through another checkpoint.  Whoever was in charge of the Prentiss was certainly paranoid.  Although, since they were breaking in, Syd figured they should have been.

ID,” the huge man said to Syd and she slipped out her badge and handed it to him.  He took it to the desk, checked it on a computer, and then motioned her to move forward and to be scanned.  Gio had moved into another line, having made an appointment with some man about joining the agency so he had to go through another line.  They were to meet on the floor where Syd’s supposed office was.

It seemed to take forever, but Syd forced herself to look bored.  She was certain they would never be able to tell she was an imposter, her gift would never allow it.  Slowly she made her way through the line until
she was waved into the building.  One step down—one to go.

As she opened the door she turned and looked up at the railing above the plaza where there was a walkway, she saw Calli standing there grinning giving her the thumbs up and she turned without acknowledging her at all.  As she entered the building
, she hoped her mates were on their way.  Once she got the information, she needed to get out of there fast.  They would know someone downloaded it.  That is what happened to Rissa before, they knew their system told them when something was copied.  But she had the access to a lot more documents than Rissa had when she came here.

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